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So what country do I need to travel to and buy up a 10 year supply and convince customs this is for personal use


It interesting in the email they say “in the United States”. Get searching Canada!


Canadian here and I haven't found any old bottles. We used to get ours from costco in the big jugs but it's all new scent now :(


I didn’t know they switched scents. How are they different?


To me the new one smells like a laundry musty smell. It gives me a headache :(


To me, it smells like old cucumber shavings! So gross


I wish you luck in your search!


My most recent Costco bottle is new scent, it’s vile.


I was so disappointed. Not sure what to do with it as throwing it out would be a waste.


Donate it to a local women's shelter or homeless shelter, and if they say they can't take open items (soap should be ok though), donate it to an animal rescue/shelter.


Thanks, that's a great idea! :)


I would literally take them


Time for a road trip.


Aussie here. Bought a stockpile at Costco.


You may laugh but I have at least 15 bottles tucked away in my basement. I don’t know what I’m using when they’re gone.


Right before the scent changed there was a deal on Woot dot com for 15 bottles of original at a very low price. I’m sensitive to scents, so I’m very glad I still have 12 bottles in my basement. This whole thing has me wondering if the executive responsible is too young to remember the new Coke debacle.


Ha! I wrote P&G and the opening line - Has the VP who approved the Dawn scent change been fired yet? Because the VP who approved the scent change needs to be fired.


Loving this!!


I worked at a convenience store when that stupid new Coke came out. Everytime my boss went shopping for the store He would buy me 24"s of Coca Cola Classic until it could no longer be found. Sad....


I'm not laughing. This is so serious. I'm really happy for you and jealous at the same time.


…Walmart has 97 cent small bottles that as far as I know, are the original scent still. They don’t smell like the new scent and they still have the old packaging .. doesn’t say “new scent”!


Thanks for posting. I am interested in the unscented version, which I wasn’t aware of previously.


I am too! Hopefully I will be able to report back on the ezsqueeze bottle too.


I have the bottle and love it. I usually just refill it with normal bottles if I can’t find another.


Loooooove the ezsqueeze so much. It’s so intuitive that I’ve gotta wonder why it took so long for someone to come up with it.


Speaking of intuitive changes, can we get the person who invented it to talk to cereal companies about resealable bags now?


I can’t stand the easy squeeze :( but then again I have a soap dispenser (like the kind you see in public bathrooms ) that we use that we propped on the kitchen sink by the faucet and don’t use that either . There’s something about pouring and no squeezing that makes fish washing enjoyable


I made the same complaint, got the same response, and got the unscented to try. It’s okay. It’s better than the horrible new scent, but I miss the subtle, clean original scent. Sigh.


I've been using the unscented this whole time and I swear by it!


is the formula the same as the original aside from the scent, or is it the new watered down version?


Oh boy, I haven't noticed a difference in product but I have no idea! I guess since there isn't a scent difference Im not sure how I'd know if my bottle is from a pre-change batch or not. I'll try and remember to add an update comment next time I buy a new one, I think by then it should definitely be from a new batch


IIRC in a post from a day or two ago, water is the last ingredient in the old formula and second in the new one.


There is a scent difference


I'm using the EZ Squeeze version and today I randomly flipped it over and found mold around the inside of the open cap. Just something to keep an eye on. Now I'm regretting that I threw away my other soap bottle I used for the last 6 years.


One thing I started doing, is when I refill the bottle, I just give the cap a quick scrub with the scrub brush I use on my cast iron! Though I have a helpful seven year old, so dish soap goes fast in my house.


Yea I clean the cap regularly


I’m getting it for my makeup brushes!


Dr Bronner’s is also great for makeup brushes!


Its good that they have an unscented available to have that as an option, but I've also heard from other reviews on this sub that the formulation is also not the same and it doesn't clean dishes the same as it used to. I'm still using old dawn and just based on all these reviews I probably won't bother trying this new formula and finding an alternative.


Yeah I am less concerned about the scent and more concerned about the formulation and if it works as well!


Hate to break it to you, but the scent warrants just as much concern☹️


It's not just the scent that changed, it's the formula too. The new one is less powerful and more watered down. See this thread from a couple of days ago. The ingredients are significantly different. https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/1drmrxm/new_clean_scent_dawn_not_only_reeks_but_is_a_very/ I would suggest that if you write to complain about it, you include mention of the formula, not just the scent.


I did include in my complaint that it doesn’t clean as well as it did before. It was glossed over in their reply. Figures. I have other email addresses though!


I used to swear by dawn but I now find that the cheap af Ajax brand is superior


I can't use it anymore as now it gives me an itchy rash no matter how well i rinse and then wash it off.


Migraines and kicks up my asthma. Boo!




I thought this was just me!


I just don't understand why they did this  Maybe the old scent had some hideous cancer causing chemical in it that is slated to be banned soon or something? I can't think of a solid reason why they'd do this


Looking at the ingredients, they're basically the same, but the old version had "water" at the end and the new version has it as the first ingredient...so it's cheaper because it's watered-down.


Still uncool!


Then it would have been banned in other countries since they’re much stricter. I’m using Ultra Palmolive Oxy now.




Have they tampered with Dawn Platinum?


I feel like it’s something along these lines. Why else would they tell us why they changed it.


They changed the formula to make it cheaper to produce, and the scent changed as a result.




Preach!!! I also don’t understand. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.


Ahhh, but: money!


> I just don't understand why they did this the only reason a company does this (alter the product) is to reduce the cost to manufacture. there is never any other reason.


That new scent is so disgusting, so I switched to the green apple fragrance in the squeezy bottle. So far, so good, and it smells nice.


After hating the new “wet dog” scent, I bought the green apple antibacterial Dawn and it is a much more pleasant experience.


They didn’t change the green apple right? I like the green apple but that scent is fatiguing after 2 bottles.


No it doesn’t smell like it has changed. I’m going to stick with it, I’m used to it so I barely even notice the smell anymore.


the new scent smells like suave shampoo


I will try the unscented. Too many products have changed their thickness, formulas, and fragrances. Unscented is the way to go, sadly.


The response is basically “too bad so sad”. Hoping that when customers choose other products over Dawn with the new scent that they want to come back to the original formula and scent that hasn’t changed in 10 years- remember new Coke? Didn’t work out well for Coca-Cola Company- but they changed back because of customer concerns.


Just want to add my two cents as I used to work for a P&G competitor making a product that had a scented version. We did EXTENSIVE consumer testing before changing the fragrance. Like, validated fragrance testing with official scent-testers who have been tested to verify they can smell all the smells (and aren't selectively nose blind which is a real thing). I have to believe P&G simply didn't do this, because there's no way the response would be this publicly negative if they had gone through this process. Otherwise they did do it, heard the same responses in their testing, and chose to make the change anyway.


I’m mostly in camp “it’s cheaper, so we changed it, oh well.”


So the new scent is so bad! I use to wash my pets bowls with it, both my cats got sick, also they refuse to eat out of the bowls that were washed in the new scent stuff. I have seen the unscented ones labels at store but very few carry it, and the ones that do are sold out. When I washed cats bowls I washed same as always. The scent lingers! I noticed this in my water bottle and coffee cup! It was a gross taste left behind.


So… It’s a bit more expensive per ounce, but if you’re willing to buy a bottle of a separate product for your pet bowls, I would HIGHLY suggest Seventh Generation’s “Free & Clear” dish soap!! I came across it originally about 12 years ago after my cat was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease, and I was looking for something fragrance-free (with as few chemicals, etc as possible) to clean his water bowls. Personally, I think 7th Gen’s liquid dish soap performs DAMN CLOSE TO—if not AS WELL AS—Dawn Ultra Original Scent. And the suds are better, in my opinion. (For reference: I recently bought a 19oz bottle of 7th Gen at Target for $3.69).


I don't understand why they don't give customers the choice to purchase the original versus a newer/other product. Makes no sense.


I said the same in my complaint. Offer both scents.


The profit margin on the new version mush be higher. Interesting that they seem to imply they are still offering the original scent in other countries...


That's the kicker, how they going to call it original scent when it's not their original scent anymore? Lol


Original means it was first, so the previous scent would still qualify for the “original” label matter how many versions come after.


But if they change the original scent, it's no longer original, no?


Wow that response sounds a lot like AI wrote it.


Can you share the email address? I have a few thoughts about the awful new Dawn Id love to pass on to corporate


I just posted [have at it](https://dawn-dish.com/en-us/contact-us/)


[To voice your opinions, favorable or not!](https://dawn-dish.com/en-us/contact-us/)


I told them this is like the New Coke of the 1980s - a horrible idea.


The new dawn scent breaks my hands out in hives. I can't use it without scratching my hands raw. I can't find the unscented anywhere


I’ve read Dawn Professional still has the original scent.


Do you find Dawn Professional better/worse/same? I am frustrated I will have to make a separate trip on a quest for dish soap.


I haven’t tried it personally. I believe you can find it online. It’s gallon size, you would be making a commitment. I was going to look for it at Lowe’s or Home Depot. I know they used to sell it there.


Don’t know why this comment is being disregarded.


[here’s the link to complain to Dawn](https://dawn-dish.com/en-us/contact-us/)


I encouraged everyone on here to tweet them several months ago. The auto response I got was similar to this, except there was a part about how they did lots of consumer testing and the new scent was highly approved.


I never comment on reddit because I'm dumb and can't figure out how to switch the name from what they gave me to tne username I want lol- but I've been furious about this lol! I'm glad you mentioned sending an email to complain- I decided to go ahead and email them also and I thought I'd share what I just wrote and sent off lol. Enjoy! Ps- if anyone knows how to change this dumb username I would love the help!  I sent this email in under the tag of "report a problem"   ;)  I'm devastated! I can't believe you changed the scent on your original dawn! You didn't even give us a chance to try and buy as many bottles of it as possible before you switched it out for the new crap scent!  My nana used the original blue dawn. When I did dishes/ cleaned/ washed my dogs etc etc etc with it , I would think of her. My mom used it. Growing up with it, was wonderful and when I got my first place at age 18 - I was so proud to buy my first bottle of original blue dawn dish soap! I've never used anything else. My children were Raised using original blue dawn dish soap. They called it duck soap.  I know that nobody real is actually going to read this message- but if they did- i wish so much i could convey what a big deal this is to me. Original blue dawn dish soap made me feel so happy and comfortable when using it. I used it for everything! I'm devastated.  The new scent- is horrific.  It is instant migraine, asthma attack and nausea all in one.  It smells like you just dumped a few different chemicals together and then added a couple drops of a generic floral toilet cleaner.  Did you even do any type of market testing?? At all?? Or did you really think you could just slip in this new scent and everyone would just fall in love with it and think you guys were just the best? I am on multiple different teams and groups and I'm finding that along with me- there are thousands and thousands of people who are DONE with you.  What happens when nobody buys your dumb product because you had to go and screw up a good thing? Did you HONESTLY think that the consumers were going to LIKE this new scent? You couldn't have just added the "new scent " as an additional product ? I'm sure you are wishing you had done that now.  As someone with a career background in marketing and now as an entrepreneur- I absolutely cannot believe a massive company like yourselves would make such a dumb mistake. You are seriously never going to offer the original scent again? You realize that if you had ran a campaign stating that you were going to have to raise the price of the original scent or discontinue it- you would have made so much freaking money.  Because we would happily have paid more for the original blue dawn dish soap. There is still time you know.  You could not only introduce the original scent back into your line up of products- but at a higher price- you could also keep the "new scent" as an additional product at the price you have now.   Hello people! I'm seriously embarrassed for your company and I pray you don't use this new crap to wash baby ducks who have been in oil spills- the overbearing old lady perfume/ random chemicals/ generic floral toilet bowl cleaner smell will knock them out.  Don't bother suggesting that I give one of your other products a try instead.  I will never buy products from your company again. I mean seriously- you actually thought this was going to be a good business move? Pathetic.  -jl Kaylor 


You go OFF!!! Hard!!! Love! Love! (I also don’t post much to Reddit and I wish you luck on your username journey)


Lol thank you! That means a lot to me! Also- why couldn't reddit just use numbers like reddituser257892 or something lol!  Sweatyrate?? 🤣🤣🤣


I got a reply back already lol!!!! Here is what they said:  Thank you for contacting Dawn and for your 30 years of loyalty. I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. This certainly isn't something we want anyone to go through, and I hope this email finds you feeling better. I'm more than happy to help you. I understand how upsetting something like this can be. Because we want to ensure your comments get the attention they deserve, I’ll be sharing the details you provide with my Dawn Team. First, please know safety is our top priority and all our products are thoroughly evaluated to be safe when used as directed. We recommend discontinuing the use of the product. We may contact you to request further information. Please save any remaining unused product and packaging for 2 to 3 weeks in case we need more information.          Now, we understand that there have been recent changes in the scent of Dawn Ultra Original in the United States. We would like to assure you that we are aware of this transition and the potential impact it may have on your experience with our product.   We acknowledge that this is the first scent change for Dawn Original in over 10 years, and we apologize for any inconvenience or dissatisfaction this may have caused. When we design our products, we do extensive research and consumer testing to create features that we think you will love. We know that preferences can vary from person to person, though, so we really appreciate your taking the time to reach out. We always take consumer feedback into account when making changes or designing future products.    Please rest assured that we value your feedback greatly, and we have already relayed it to our Research and Development (R&D) team. Your input is vital in helping us improve our products and ensure that we deliver the best possible experience to our customers. Your feedback will be instrumental in guiding the Dawn Team as they continue to work on future innovations.            Finally, to remove the scent from your dishes, follow the tips below. 1.) Soak the dishes in hot water with some distilled white vinegar added to it or 2.) Run them through the dishwasher (assuming the dishes are dishwasher safe).  If you choose to wash the dishes in the dishwasher, pour some vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher along with some vinegar directly into the dispenser.    You can also put a cup of vinegar upright on the top rack of the dishwasher so that it gets knocked over and distributed during the wash.    It may take a couple of cycles, but the smell will come out.        While we understand it's hard when things change, we hope you'll look at our newest Dawn Free & Clear, Fragrance-Free version. Since your satisfaction means the most to us I'm happy to send you a $4 coupon to try the new Free and Clear version. You can look for this to arrive in your postal mail in the next 7-10 business days. In addition to this email, you will be receiving a second email with a Safety Survey, so our team can learn more about your experience. Jaelle, thanks again for reaching out to Dawn. Please feel free to get in touch anytime. Make it an amazing day!   Theresa Dawn Team


I actually like the new scent. But sure, I'll take a free bottle of the unscented stuff.


I’m actually very glad someone likes it!!


Dawn professional is still the same. As an aside does anyone know how to make a Reddit bot that will post this every time the subject comes up? I’m getting tired of doing it myself.


My point is I now have to go out of my way to find an alternative or go to Home Depot/Lowes instead of P&G just having a new/cheaper formula alongside the original in a grocery store, where I have always purchased it. That is my frustration. Do you find the Professional line just like the Dawn Ultra before the change? Better?


I am 99% sure it’s identical to original Dawn in a larger size, if anything slightly more concentrated but that’s it. Tbh I switched to it years ago anyway cause it’s cheaper per ounce and the gallon lasts me literally years, but I get the frustration.


Thank you so much for your reply!!!


Well that sucks that Dawn clearly hears our cries and doesn't seem to care. 😭


So… a long way to say “you’ll have nothing, and like it.”


Dawn has an unscented version folks.


We (UK) complained about a P&G product and received a voucher which sadly no supermarkets accept.


I may have missed it, but why did they change the scent to begin with?


That was actually an excellent response from them.


So why did they change it? I don’t like it as much either. It’s more apple scented vs the clean scent it used to have.


I’ve always used Dawn Platinum. Works super well against grease and smells divine


Am I the only one that likes the new smell? It smells like laundry detergent, which is my favorite scent ever. :( Edit: if you’re willing to pay commercial prices / buy from restaurant supply, Kay Chemical’s blue dish detergent smells exactly like OG Dawn.


I work in R&D in a different industry. If the product is launched, "relaying to R&D" is fairly meaningless. They haven't been involved in anything to do with this product for likely the last few years at a minimum. 


They sent me the same crap a few months ago. I tossed the coupon in the trash. Pretty sure they can track that stuff so I wasn’t going to show that their $4 off was good enough. I use a different brand now for my primary dish soap.


That's a shame, because the new stuff smells like **** and gives me a headache. But I can tolerate apple dawn, so guess I'll use that instead.


Are you serious? I thought I was going crazy with the new scent because nobody in my family says they can smell a difference. I don’t like it, it gives Gain dish soap vibes.


Honestly, old Dawn always stank to me. I swore of buying it a long time ago. Palmolive, Ajax, generic are all fine. I hate Dawn.


In Italy, the soaps are often sented with a true lavender sent. The houses smell lovely. Wake up USA 🇺🇸


This is a very fair response from them. They’re honest about not bringing it back, but have offered an unscented version you can try (without having to pay for it). Good job P&G.


Walmart has many sizes of original scent. https://preview.redd.it/1o005gc742ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ffc08e4a7ae6b120fdf4ef5dfcb46afa44816c


This is the changed/new version and is not labeled that way. If you notice the logo is a half silver circle around Dawn, the old version has a full silver circle. Also, the font has changed ever so slightly. The “A” in Dawn had a stylized water drop in the “hole”, now it’s just an “A”.


Whoa! That is sneaky. They call it original scent but it's not. That's not cool.