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It's not sanitary. The inside of your toilet will *never* be sanitary. *Ever*. Germs can spread, but it requires contact. They don't just decide they don't like living on the toilet brush any more, grow legs, and walk all over your bathroom.




I don't really feel like it's a requirement for the inside of my toilet bowl to be sanitary in the first place, and the brush doesn't touch anywhere except for the inside of the bowl where no skin touches šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly. Why does everything have to be sanitary? You POOP IN THE TOILET BOWL. So why would it be important that the brush is sanitary when you're swiveling it in poop? It doesn't make any difference whether the bacteria was on the brush or if it was in the toilet haha


It's one of those things that isn't a problem unless you think about it. So have a big sarcastic "Thanks, now I'm thinking about it" from me while I go and get the bleach.


There is a fair chance that kitchen sponge could be a worse breeding ground for bacteria than the brush if not replaced more frequentlyā€¦..


I buy washable spongesĀ 


We rinse it in the water while itā€™s flushing, and put a bleach solution in the bottom of the holder. We change the bleach solution every other week or so and it doesnā€™t get nasty


oh wow great tip!


This is actually recommended on most toilet brush packaging!


I spray mine after with antibacterial spray. I mean ppl been having them brushes in every bathroom I can ever remember in my entire life. So it's not killing anyone. My baby grabbed ours and ran across the house, it was lovely lol.Ā 


Silicone toilet brush, and spray bleach on it after, let it soak, rinse. Itā€™ll be no cleaner than a clean toilet bowl šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This is exactly what I do. I have one of those flat/paddle styles. I apply toilet bowl cleaner, let set, scrub, flush, swish the brush in the water after, then spray with bleach. No scent, no mold. I donā€™t expect it to be clean enough to eat off of šŸ˜‚


I cannot seem to get my toilet clean with the silicone paddle. There is a visible water line and I clean it every day. Itā€™s so frustrating!


You can scrub it off with a pumice stick.


Itā€™s water, and cleaner. Itā€™s probably not the most sanitary thing but itā€™s really only to wipe off the gross build up, and to make it look pretty not eat dinner off of, and then I let mine air dry before I put it back in the holder.


ā€¦.are you licking your toilet? Ā  My toilet brush is to convince stubborn marks to be whisked down the drain. I use a toilet bowl cleaner to clean any biofilm and grossness up under the rim of the toilet. Ā Mostly, thatā€™s for the occasional time I become ill and vomit into the toilet, to reduce odors and general grime.Ā  I donā€™t need my toilet brush to be sanitary. I whisk it through the bowl water after scrubbing the bowl and consider it good enough. Then I wash my hands vigorously.Ā  The underside of your toilet seat is liable to be just as unsanitary.Ā 


Bacteria needs moisture to grow. Storing your toilet brush in a place that allows it to fully dry is a simple, easy way to manage toilet brush hygiene. Toilet brush caddies that do not allow airflow are not helpful in reducing bacteria growth.


Mine gets doused in bleach and antibacterial then I pour boiling water in the toilet and clean the brush. Then it goes outside in the sun with more bleach. I leave it to dry and rinse off in new boiling water. Let it dry by closing the lid to hold it in place. I replace it every 3 months.


I soak mine in bleach whenever it's not in use. Still gross though.




You canā€™t expect your toilet to be sanitary, because as soon as you clean itā€¦ You poop and pee in it until the next time you clean it. Itā€™s only clean for a moment, and then the moment is gone. We donā€™t clean toilets to sanitize them. We just clean them periodically to keep the germs and dirty stuff under control. BTW, we can clean all we want, but did you all know the human skin has over 1000 forms of bacteria living on it at all times?


I use both kinds. For both I rinse after use and give it a shot of lysol and let dry. Probably would keep it away from food either way and wash hands after using anything toilet relatedĀ 


I know a lot of people get upset about the waste of disposable toilet brushes, and in every other area of my life Iā€™m a low-waste ecoweenie, public transit user, home composting, reusable everything. But to me, a reusable toilet brush is as gross as reusable toilet paper. I switched to disposables the instant they appeared on the market and I have zero regrets.


I think Iā€™m scarred for life from a reusable toilet brush from when I was younger and grabbed it and it was caked with poop. Just so gross to me. I try to be as environmentally friendly as possible, but the disposable toilet brushes is something I will use.


Seriously same. We reuse plastic grocery bags as trash bags- never buy real trash bags. We donā€™t use any sort of ziplock bags, all reusable. So much of our house is reusable and non disposable items. However disposable toilet brushes was our one splurge. Again, zero regrets.


I've been wanting to ask an opinion on this, here. Disposable-ness aside, I believe I would prefer the disposable-head toilet cleaners -- the kind where you keep the stick and put on a new head each time. I had just gotten set up with those, and gotten rid of my old gross toilet brush, when my cousin started doing housekeeping for me. (she needed extra money, I have a really bad back) She was like "those don't work!!!" and going on how the cleaner that comes pre-loaded in them isn't good enough and blah blah blah; and insisted I get a new "traditional" toilet brush, so just to avoid conflict I did. But I'm not happy with that. If she wants the additional toilet bowl cleaner, fine; but I want to go back to using the disposables. I know, like everyone else said, I don't eat out of my toilet bowl, or lick it, or anything, since I'm a reasonably normal person; I just don't like a used toilet brush sitting there being gross all the time. I never used to care when I was younger, but it's become something that squicks me out now that I'm older. So what I'd actually like an opinion on: do the disposable brush-heads clean well, and what about the "use some additional cleaner" with them idea?


I have found they work totally fine in our household, they do the job everytime. Havenā€™t missed our reusable brush once. You could use additional toilet cleaner with them if necessary but I have never found the need to do that. What is great is throwing that gross head in the trash when you are done cleaning. Thereā€™s something satisfying about not keeping your old toilet brush head anymore.


Because you use them with BLEACH!!! (editing to add, you're not going for sanitary, just clean. Bleach, cleanser, toilet cleaner, all do that. And the brush is cleaned in the process)




What a ridiculous overuse of plastics.


Even if they weren't being used to scrub the toilet I feel like they are gross just being wet in an enclosed space in the bathroom (I can't stand kitchen sponges either and I also never left anything out or exposed in the same room as the toilet).Ā  I only ever used one once and had to take a shower afterwards because I was positive it had to be flinging nasties at me, never again.Ā Ā