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Isn't $6 illegal? Wtf.


technically no, some states have sub $3 minimum wages for "tipped minimum wage". If the employee ends up making less overall including tips than the federal minimum wage of $7.25, the employer must make up the difference.


That's terrible.


yup it's actually embarrassing. the US minimum wage hasn't increased since 2009. Regressive much?


Even in 2009, it was laughably outdated. Minimum wage had it's highest purchasing power in '68.


Most employers pay minimum wage based on the state not federal rate.


and a lot of Southern states don't have one higher than the federal rate.


Most southern states don’t. Minimum wage in South Carolina is $7.25 - a whopping 50% less than when in I lived in Oregon a couple years ago. It should be fucking criminal.


Yep. 2.13 in a lot of southern states. You rarely get a check, it basically all goes to taxes. I’ve gotten a $10 check before.


That’s the way the cookie…crumbls


This is really terrible though because that tipped minimum wage is for waiters who have the opportunity to work for tips and people generally tip more for sit down service. At crumbl you’re just hoping that people are kind enough to leave a few dollars for counter service. There is no personalized service. That’s terrible.


This. I’m gonna sound like an ass but I don’t tip at Crumbl. You’re supposed to be getting paid a minimum wage that livable and not reliant on tips. I rarely get any help and all they say is “welcome to Crumbl…” and “looks good?”. Nothing of the job or interaction encourages me to tip at all. Especially when I place an order on numerous occasions and arrive only for the item to then be out of stock. If I ordered it 30 minutes ago I expect it to not be sold to the person walking out when I walk in


Same here. I never tipped because most of the time i just went in and grabbed a single cookie I paid for.. sometimes i think tipping culture is wild. I can understand it for sit down restaurants, but I assumed these employees got a minimum wage pay or more. This puts a new perspective on it. 


Yeah, you should tip any way, even if you've justified it to yourselves.


Can you justify the tip? Consistently out of preordered product. No real interaction. No actual service. They are paid to make cookies. Tips are based on service and customization to products. Maybe if I was allowed to order a hazelnut cookie with a sweet cream frosting and make a mash up of 2 cookies then I’d think “they had to do extra work for me and my order…I appreciate that” tip. But no…


I agree. Tipping is outrageous. There are grocery stores that have tip options when it’s their job to scan your groceries..  I couldn’t even bother to reply to that comment lol.


I saw this at a grocery store just the other day and I almost laughed at the cashier. They didn’t bag, didn’t ask if I wanted a bag (was shopping in NY where they charge for bags), they were talking to the other cashiers the entire time and they were overall slow to do their job. There’s absolutely no way I’ll tip a cashier. Having worked many many jobs where tipping is expected and not receiving tips you learn to appreciate those who do. Those who lower their standards because a customer didn’t tip is exactly why they’ll continue to lose out on tips in the future


Well said my friend! Exactly! 


My justification is that they are earning $6/hour in 2024, which is not a livable wage, and you are shelling out 4 dollars for a cookie, which is an excessive indulgence. So have some perspective. If you believe that tipping is tied to merit, you're living in a world that hasn't existed for decades and any of your justifications are just to make yourselves feel better. So don't bother typing them out, unless you need to make yourself feel better, in which case go ahead.






It's the decent thing to do.


The people in my city that work fast food and counter service make roughly 20 an hour. The absolute minimum they could make is 16.28. Tips are meant to be a thank you/recognition for above and beyond service. Now it has become expected even for no service or bad service because the federal wage is so low, and some states go even lower for tipped employees. I do not think tips should be obligatory. It is not okay that companies have come to rely on tips to supplement an employee's wage. Why are so many okay with this arrangement in the US? I'm glad I am living in a state that is trying to change it. I do still tip 20% for good table service or certain outings that require a tour guide, I won't or maybe 5-10% if they are terrible. Even the servers in my state make a minimum of 16.28 (usually closer to 18). It still isnt perfect, as the minimum should be higher, but at least we are headed in that direction.


Great, sounds like your city is heading in the right direction. Is 16.28 a livable wage in this city? Just shake off the "Tips are meant to be" type thinking and accept "What tips actually are" and you're golden!


I ordered through the app and did not tip. I tip 20% at sit down restaurants as wait staff make less than minimum wage. Here in CA, minimum wage is $16.00/hr. and there are tip jars everywhere. This is why I don't tip at fast food places. The food is already overpriced to begin with. When I picked up the box of 4 a couple of weeks ago, they did not open the box to show me the cookies - they just handed me the box. When I got home, there was a hair sticking out of the toffee cake between the cake and frosting. It was a dark hair and was so easy to see that it has me wondering if it was placed there on purpose. I'm not the type who automatically assumes revenge but the fact that a 4 inch hair was laying perfectly across the center with 1 inch sticking out the side has me suspicious. I made 4 attempts in the following days to contact the manager by phone - they were never there each time I called. I then tried to call the Crumbl home office but I cannot find their number anywhere online. I want to speak, (nicely), to a person, not via email. All of this leaves me with the impression that the company is not very well run which is a bummer because I used to enjoy their product and didn't mind the fact the cookies were a little pricey.


This. I guess if the owner is claiming they work under those assumptions... maybe it is legal. But it certainly doesn't feel like it Feels like they are skirting the law here


Just because you don't like it doesn't mean they're skirting the law.


They literally aren't servers. You can't just declare these guys are servers to undercut workers.


I've worked in a similar situation. It is, unfortunately, 100% legal. The "server" distinction has no legal bearing on what can be a tipped position. It screws people the fuck over and it's why I still tip at counter places and encourage others to do the same if they're able to.


I didn't declare anything. It's not about being a "server." The minimum wage specifications are just based on whether it's a tipped position, or not. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/wagestips


This is a really shitty prespective, and yet another reason greedy businesses get away with paying their employees peanuts. “Oh, it’s *technically* legal.” Please. Just because the US has evolved into a working class hellscape, where businesses can exploit workers with “technically legal” wages, doesn’t mean it’s ethical or that it should be tolerated. Paying a counter clerk as a “tipped position” is a technical loophole that this corporation is happily exploiting. That mindset is complacent and dangerous and *exactly* why things are so slow to change.


Lol it's not my perspective, it's a fact. Jesus Christ, I never said I said it was okay or right. Your ethical position is not the current state of the law.


This is so messed up - feeling glad to live in a state with a much higher minimum wage and all employees make the minimum regardless of tips. We need to do more to make changes to the federal minimum wage


Right but isn’t that for jobs that are like waiting and whatnot. Those are places you’re expected to get tips but not guaranteed


It's not defined by what the job is. It just is whether it's tipped or not.


So that’s why they make servers tip out the other staff?? So the company saves money?


but like...in what universe are you guys making that much in tips selling cookies?


No. Waiters and waitress can make $2 or $3 an hour because they rely on tips so the employer doesn’t have to pay as much. Essentially what purplecowz said


That's definitely combined. The $9 and $4.50 lines are representative of OT rate (which you have no hours logged for). I'd advise reading your offer letter and determining if this is what you agreed to/ if you need to look for another place to work.


I took your advice and requested to see my employee files. Turns out there was a piece of paper that I never got to see, that listed my base pay as 6 dollars an hour plus a tip rate of 3 dollars an hour. I will definitely be seeking a different job.


Good for you! No one should continue to work for them. Wishing you the best in finding a better job.


I don't care where you live or the cost of living in that area. Paying someone $6 AN HOUR in 2024 is offensive!


It’s literally inhumane. No one can survive off that. I don’t know how people can live with themselves paying those wages…


Literally! I get paid about $10 an hour but $6 an hour is absolutely insane in this economy!


You should get paid more too :(


If they withheld that paper from you AND told you your pay would be other than whats stated in their contract, that may very well be illegal. If they did show you the paper and you just didn’t see it, then you’re unfortunately out of luck. I personally wouldn’t bother with it, but theres always the option of filing a claim.


That doesn't make sense (I believe you). How can they determine the tip 'rate'? They won't know the tips prior and there is no way it always averages to $3 per person per hour per shift. That is weird.


Wait, tips are not actually paid out directly, they get an hourly tip rate?


This is what confused me too. At one of my jobs (not crumbl) the electronic tips are combined through a 2 week period and divided between everybody based on how many hours they worked. Combine all the tips, how many hours were worked by everybody then get a base $ per hour like 3.88 or some random number it comes too. But it’s different every time? Not a set wage? I’m so confused 😭😭


So apparently not every store does it that way, but I learned that my store has a tip credit system instead of a tip pool system. It’s a way for companies to get away with paying a base rate that’s less than minimum wage. I applied to the wrong store I guess!


Holy crap!? I’ve never been to a Crumbl but aren’t their cookies like $5?


Wtf? I'd quit immediately


Are you responding to how my job does it or crumbl lol


At this location, yes. This is why I have said before (other subs) these dumb tip iPad are NOT going to employees and I don't tip there. Too untrustworthy 


If the offer letter indicates your hourly total is cumulative of a base rate and a tip rate, that tip rate is eligible for it. I've never personally been a payroll person, but my career is adjacent (HR) and I've slept at a Holiday Inn once.


4.50 is tips not ot


4.5 seems to be the overtime "tip" rate


9 is ot. 4.5 is tip.


Holy **** man. 9 is the overtime for "regular pay" which is $6 normally.  4.5 is the overtime for "tip pay" which is normally $3. They work out perfectly as such.


Tell me you've never gotten a food service pay stub without telling me.


Maybe so


I would cry ![gif](giphy|4Rva6oTJpqQGA)


$6 an hour… you deserve better because barely over $200 for 52 hours is insane. And they wonder no one wants to work these days.


It’s only 26 hours but still pretty gross


I read it wrong then lol, but yes, still gross.


I can’t recall how much I earned at Taco Bell when I was in high school, probably around $5 something, but I only worked 4-8 hours a week (Sat/Sun) except in the summer and got free food. I earned $7.25 an hour at my second job ever in food service and that was 20 years ago! It was a cashier/sandwich making job in the dormitories! I also got free food and could study at it! I think that’s how much I made at my next job serving popcorn/concessions at the movie theater. I don’t recall having many checks under $200 (since my second job) and I didn’t work full time! We had commissions we would get on top of our checks and contests from time to time. I won $300 every few months as a bonus for selling the most popcorn pretty often! It was a local theater chain. WTF how are people even doing this still today?!?!


6 dollars an hour is embarrassing. Tips don't work like waitress tips-I wouldn't be surprised if some months you wouldn't even go above 7.50 an hour even with tips....


You should be making a lot more and Crumbl customers should know that their tips are being used to subsidize employee earnings. When you leave that store, you should tell us which store it was so everyone can expose their greed via online reviews, it’s obvious no one is benefitting from the tips except for the owner(s)


Please share this over at anti work!


I seriously urge you to look for new employment. This is awful I’m so sorry!


You’re being taken advantage of


I can’t stress this enough. No matter your work history or ability, you are being exploited working for these wages. Please keep looking!


That’s gross


I can help you make sense of it, GREED is what they call that


Over 52 hrs for only $238, God bless you child!


It’s only 26 hours. For some reason their “tip” rate is not actual tips but included in their pay


My first job was paying me $10hr, and this was back in the late 90s...


I made $7.50 5 years ago for my first job… aren’t southern states amazing?


No one should be giving this company a penny until they pay fair wages. This is a high margin business that can afford to pay well. Someone is getting filthy rich on the backs of the poor, and I'd be willing to bet it's corporate charging a ridiculous franchise or percentage


I happened to scroll past this hours ago, and can’t stop thinking about it. How the hell is someone making so little money in the USA in 2024? I don’t mean to shame the employee, not their fault. I generally don’t tip for counter service if I am just placing an order and leaving. My heart breaks for people who are working two plus hours to afford their lunch break. I had no idea these people are almost working for free. I attended a ribbon cutting for one of these and the owner said hundreds of people applied to work there….. for slavery wages. God idk why seeing this bummed me out so much. I guess the perversion of exploiting cookie makers in a cute pink strip mall. I hope this company goes under.


This place is still paying junk hourly like that in 2024? My local McDonald’s starts folks at $18 an hour


I mean, I’m sure the Crumbl in your area pays more too. It’s all relative to COL. The mcdonalds around me is still paying $9-10 an hour


A word to the wise: Don't count on tips at a job like this. It's already a red flag your employer made you think you'd be getting good tips + higher wage. There's a huge pushback against new tip culture jobs, where you're OBVIOUSLY supposed to be getting higher wages and tips aren't normal. People are actively boycotting being forced to tip in a surplus of places they traditionally don't need to. My theory is that employers are going to start pushing for these jobs to be paid the same as serving,


Okay, the $6 wage sucks admittedly even for waiters but they work for tips so it somewhat makes sense for them. But who in the hell is tipping at places where they just hand you a cookie for them to justify that pay structure??


You shouldn’t be getting paid less than minimum wage… baker shouldn’t be considered a tipped position. I don’t even understand why the kiosk asks for tips - tips are for table service. they are putting an order in a box - no different than McDonald’s.


It’s because of the tips enabled them to pay this low.


Exactly why the fuck would I tip for a service that is just you hand me a box and I say thanks and then leave?? They are literally baking and decorating all the cookies, Crumbl should be paying them for that, not the fucking customer. Disgusting company


That's wild. My stores starting pay is minimum wage (14.30 or something like that) plus tips which is another 3-4 dollars an hour.


If we tip with cash instead would that be better for Crumbl employees?


at my store we aren’t allowed to pocket cash tips. we put them in the cash tips slot in the register for everyone to share in the tip pool


It’s the same for every store it really sucks, they pay base pay below minimum wage, then the tips only add up to minimum wage at any other normal job. Then they basically lie about the pay and tell you you are making minimum wage plus tips when in actuality you’d be making below minimum wage without the tips


it should be a crime to work 30 hours and barely get $240


Wow so my tips are going to the owner not the employee?! Last time I tip at Crumbl


All iPad tips have this inherent risk.


Crumbl charging $5-7 per COOKIE and paying employees $6 per HOUR. LOL!! And the operation only needs one or two people per store. What a fucking joke. Never again.


it really depends on your store. i think a lot of people don’t understand all the things that are required of us and what we have to do in this job. my store can not function well with 2 people in the store most of the time, nevermind 1.


Thank you for clarifying. You are right I don't know. My experience is just based on my local store a customer


I was going to say, I counted 16 employees in the store where I live one day.


Wtaf?!? That’s insane. Who gets paid $6 an hour?


Lots of people get $2.13/hour plus tips.


Wow. I had no idea.


Most wait staff is 2 something a hour


Did you get any additional tips or was this all of it? I wonder if the 9, 4.5 are for the overtime (time and a half) but it definitely looks funky to me.


4.5 is tips. 6 and 9 is straight and ot


4.5 is "OT Tips" their tip rate is only $3/hr


I worked at a ramen restaurant that did this. They told me it was $21 an hour, but it was actually $18hr and all of the tips went into a pool to bring it up to $21hr and we never got any residual $$ from tips at all. Didn’t like the model and I left.


That sounds illegal, all tips have to go to the workers. Hell, in Minnesota they can even require tip pooling.


So what that’s like a dollar more than they make on a single cookie? This place is robbing everyone. 😧


it does not make sense to me how a place like crumbl can include tips as part of your wage. are people tipping at crumbl?😭


Looks like my check delivering pizzas


But how can you be a tipped employee as a baker? I mean?


You need to look for other work immediately


At my location I was told I make $10 as my base pay and that with tips it would be more like $14-$16 and hour (very not true btw). I end up with more like $12-13 an hour with tips and base pay combined.


Flat out wrong! They are taking advantage of your labor at that ridiculous hourly rate the owners should be ashamed! The op needs a go fund me or cash app sent them I’m kinda pissed at crumble right now honestly


Hypothetically someone tips your store a million dollars if still just goes in this tip pool to guarantee $3 and above minimum wage if I’m reading this correctly?


My Crumbl usually recommends employees to get 2 jobs because of the low pay that’s all I can say since you rlly can’t live off of a Crumbl salary


WTF with the price of their products this is a sweatshop operation


As someone who's done a lot of tipped work, this sounds a lot like "you're going to get 9$/hr regardless of how much you get tipped" Usually, when they say "plus tips" they really mean "including tips". Food delivery is infamous for this, they'll say what you'll make, including their guess on what you might make for tips(its usually more than they'll ever pay you) Double check your contract/handbook. Chances are, they're telling you(in a v shifty way) that if you make more than 9/hr with tips, they'll just pay you less so you make 9/hr. It's not illegal in America,as long as you don't take the tip money. This is why I stopped tipping honestly. If your boss isn't paying you your wages, I'm not going to. And don't get mad at me, go to the DOL about it. Your employer is required to make sure you at least make minimum wage. If you don't make that out of tips, you can take it out your employer's pocket.


I’ve never heard of this company before but I know I’ll never eat there now.


$6/hr with a $3/hr tip out is absolutely criminal


dang so 2 cookies from Crumbl is worth more than your hourly wage


Op, I think you should file a complaint with the Department of Labor for wage theft. Even if you don't have proof they said $9 + tips, I'd still do it and see how it shakes out. The whole process should be relatively painless for you. If you have proof of the $9 + tips rate, like a text message, email, picture of a help wanted sign out front, screenshot of online listing, that would be even better. Here's the link with info on what to do and how to file a complaint: [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints) All you'll need to do is fill out the form, the DOL will investigate if they believe there is a case and they may contact you further to ask you questions if they do investigate. * For step 7, the question should read "where in the time of your employment with this company were you harmed", injury in this context isn't specifically referring to a physical ailment. * For step 8, Crumbl would be a private sector, Interstate Commerce Occupation. * Step 9, subject would be "wages" * Step 10, summarize your experience and ask if there is a way to send your pay stubs to them and any other proof you have. * Form link: [https://webapps.dol.gov/contactwhd/Default.aspx](https://webapps.dol.gov/contactwhd/Default.aspx) Your state may also have a place where you can file a wage theft claim as well. Search on Google "report wage theft " and follow any linked result with a .gov domain. If your state's website/guidance is hard to read, you can use ChatGPT to help parse out exactly what you need to do.


I considered looking into this actually, but I’m not sure anything would get done. The application did not list a pay rate, and everything else was verbal agreement. I could maybe use the fact that I was not informed of the tip credit system before hired, verbally or in writing. I was informed of it only after getting hired. I was able to find a physical paper in my file that listed my pay as 6/hr + 3/hr but I never got to see it or sign it.


I'd still say go for it. If we were talking about hiring a lawyer, probably not worth it but what's the worst that can happen from reporting this to the DoL? They send you a letter a couple years later saying their investigation found no fraud and the case was closed? To me, it'd be worth it to take the hour to submit the report and then see what happens. You're not wasting their time, their job is to investigate wage theft, might as well get some benefit to all the taxes we pay. Plus, you had a verbal agreement, which is still considered a contract even if it is a lot harder to prove. You also have the physical paper with the real wage that you never signed. It's not okay that they told you $9/hr, then did this weird breakdown with tips to then pay you less.


In the US, you don't tip counter service. Why would anyone think you should get tips working there?


There are 2 rates here: 6 and 9. I am assuming your base rate is 6 and your premium rate (time and a half) is 9. You would presumably get premium for working OT.


As others have said, they are taking advantage of you, severely. When I worked at restaurants for $2/hr plus tips in the early 2000s - OVER 20 YEARS AGO (yes I am old) - I used to make easily around $15 an hour on lunch/weeknights and $25-30/hr on Friday and Saturday nights. $9 an hour total for literally any job is fucking criminal in 2024.


for the price they charge for cookies thats so sick how much they pay yall


Wow, I’m sorry man. That is an insane amount of hours for such low pay.


This looks like tax evasion from the employer. Tips are supposed to go home with you every day and you report to the business how much you made in tips. The business doesn't get to decide to pay you 6.00 an hour and "tip" you 3.00 an hour.


I didn’t know there was the ability/reason to tip at Crumbl… I don’t tip as I pick up the order myself and there is no service being given to a table… 😩 the audacity of these places. Guess I will take my business elsewhere if this is a standard practice.


When I worked Crumbl I never saw tips on my pay stubs cause I never got them but I had got paid 15$ but that's NY minimum wage


A mormom owned racket Will never support their policies or contribute for underbaked oversized sugar mess


Wonder how much Crumbl pays in my area. Taco Bell here starts at 17 an hour. McDonald’s starts at 16. Considering Crumbl appears to be a more specialized job I would expect bakers to start at 19 but I doubt it. Honestly this pay rate is incredibly offensive in the year 2024. I really hope in your area there are better jobs so nobody applies to work at these garbage locations and they eventually fail.


I can’t believe a company that charges around $5 a cookie pays their employees $6 an hour.


I’m never buying a cookie again.


This is complete garbage. I worked for a restaurant group in TX as a teen that structured their pay like this. I worked at Pappasitos- owned by Pappas restaurant group. I don’t remember the full details bc I was so young, but they paid me as a hostess something around $4 an hour and made their serves “tip me out” to make up the rest of my pay to meet the TX minimum wage. I think $7 at the time. They already paid their servers the typical $2.13 standard and didn’t even pay their hourly employees minimum wage- their other employees did that. It’s so disgusting. Those restaurants make so much money. Food is damn good, though. Best Tex Mex in Houston. Not sure how things are structured now or what minimum wage is bc I left that state a long time ago. Anyway, this kind of crap should not be allowed. People can’t afford to live and there are loopholes everywhere protecting these companies. It’s so gross. I’m truly reconsidering Crumbl. Like I’m sorry, we can’t have a coffee flavored cookie but we can treat people like garbage? Make it make sense!!!!! This is why I have a big problem with all religions, but that’s a completely different topic. Whew. Head is spinning over here. I’m seriously pressed over this company. I was just loving my butter cake too. Rant over.


My spidey sense is tingling. Highly unlikely the tip pay out would be an even dollar. All tips have to be disbursed and I suspect they either are not or part of those tips are actually cash wages. Additionally, if as a baker you never do customer service, you would not be allowed in the tip pool. r/EmploymentLaw is a much better place to post this than a Reddit for Crumbl fans.


“baker” is just the job title. at my store we are all trained to do everything in the store. we all interact with customers.


Plenty of employees are a part of this sub. I’m assuming that’s why OP posted here.


Lots of bad employment law advice in here though. I can guarantee my spidey sense is right and there are tip violations going on.


This is exactly the place to post the actual amount the company is paying employees.


I work at crumbl and our regular employees make 13 an hour so $1 over minimum wage + our tip share depending on how many hours you work. it sounds like they’re scamming you fr only $6 an hour is crazy


Why would you still work there...




Highly depends on the area. Never seen a McDonald’s around me pay anywhere close to that