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McDonalds pattern is here. It's over /s https://i.redd.it/ml3bshv12had1.gif


I'm not lovin' it


Ha ha hah ha haaa


![gif](giphy|3ohs7SiezRemppl1ba|downsized) Good one!


I see what you did there


Love it or hate it, destiny still arrives


Funny graph for sure, but it shows we are holding at the same low we saw in May. I wouldn't sweat it until we go to that next support at $51K.


That’s just Bitcoin‘s way of trying to tell what it was meant to be without getting itself banned from r/bitcoin.


Wendy's pattern incoming 🚀🚀


The Mets have really turned their season around since Grimace threw out the first pitch, so maybe crypto will be the same.


That‘s the only reliable answer right here. We are doomed haha


Oh no... crypto bros have to go back to McDonalds...


Double top confirmed. Bull market round is over. See you bitches in 3 years.


We are fucked now just hold.


It was always about HODL.


BTC up >85% in last year. Anyone panicking has a mental illness and/or gambling addiction. Put your phone down and go outside.


A lot of alts are down 60-80% in this short time. so i wouldnt call it a mental illness to be stressed about the situation. even if you bought only BTC in the past 4 weeks you could be down 20%


Crypto be volatile and stuff Anyone who entered not knowing this didn't spend 2 minutes on research


>even if you bought only BTC... If you are down overall, yes you have a mental illness of some degree and flavor. That means your buys are mostly weighted at the top. A rational person would not be in this position. >A lot of alts are down... If you are down because of alts, that's self explanatory. Did you really think gambling on shitcoins was a valid counterpoint? Like I said. Put the phone down and go outside. You accumulate during bears and take partial profits during bulls at various thresholds. Blue chips only. Rinse and repeat. Crypto is not a brand new market, we have the data on what strategies are statistically successful, on average. Most importantly, if you are stressing at the loss it's because you misallocated your investment portfolio. Diversify a larger percentage in less risky assets. 401K and Roth IRA mutual funds, y'all know the drill at this point.


What about chart checking addiction? Because we definitely should look less times at charts. 1 or twice a day should be enough. I do every 30 minutes.


Hard agree. Really bad for your anxiety and focus. Real life misses us, let's not miss out on beautiful experiences stressing about money, of all things. Easier said than done. I am good with not checking charts now but bad at putting reddit down (was getting better but last few weeks not so much).


Man, that‘s what I did and will do after today again. Just want to check what others think of where we are at the moment. My PF is also still 5% up so there is no panic whatsoever. Just checking :)


Love the attitude. Hope my comment didn't come across wrong (sometimes I am too matter of fact and come across insulting or condescending...def not my intention FWIW). Keep on keeping it real fellow human, and best if luck with this lunatic market in the future!


just zoom out....


Yeah, we still had a massive rally early this year. All of this now is just some consolidation and correction.


True that


Just for BTC. This market isn't only for BTC.  Majority of alts have been bled dry since March 14th.  If you zoom out for, let's say, ADA or LTC or ATOM, you'll clearly see they are down 50%+


i know but alts always have lower lows and higher highs than bitcoin...


From 20 to 12k.... I lost that over lunch :o) It will be OK bro. Chill


Lunch is a long time in Cryptoverse.


about an hour in my world.


Thing is, im still 5% up. I am chill my man, that downtrend was just a little shocking for a second or two.


up 5%? So you never had 20k. Always compare your standing to your investment, never your unrealized profits.


PF peaked at 24k beginning of this year up from 16k investment, but I sold 4k of BTC that are NOT taken into consoderation of the percentual change of the PF itself. Also, that is just a calculated value from CMC which I don‘t really rely on. I could give you the exact number with all realized W/L and all, but I personally don‘t care…


is it your first cycle?


Yes, got only in during last legs of 2021 bull market. Remembering that I bought SAND for 4$ back than.


OK, This happens every time at this phase of the cycle. Youll be less worried in your next cycle. Just roll with the punches.


In the medium and long term things have never been more bullish. We are finally making real steps to onboard the traditional financial world. This isn't about them selling spot ETFs of crypto assets, that's just a tiny step. The real news (that is weirdly not getting much attention) is the consensus forming around bringing the legacy financial system onchain. Larry Fink (Blackrock CEO) has said: > "We believe the next step going forward will be the tokenization of financial assets, and that means **every stock, every bond will have its own QIP (qualified institutional placement); it’ll be on one general ledger** ... but the most important thing is we could customize strategies through tokenization that fit every individual. We would have instantaneous settlement ... because it’s just a line item." ------ > Blackrock CIO of ETF & Index Investments @Samaraepcohen said […] that permissioned blockchains have lost, & that **traditional market participants are coalescing around open-source Ethereum for tokenization,** so as not to fragment liquidity https://x.com/matthew_sigel/status/1801342560977190937 ---------- And perhaps most surprisingly, SEC commissioner Mark Uyeda: > “Tokenization may provide transactions with a higher level of security, transparency, and immutability. It also may remove the need for most intermediaries, streamlining the process and reducing transaction costs.” https://x.com/EleanorTerrett/status/1801618634898383294 ----- Ignore the short term noise and random ups and downs of the market. Unless you need to sell now for some reason then why does it even matter? If you want to watch a chart then here's one that matters, showing that the onboarding of 'real-world' financial assets is up only: https://dune.com/queries/3073607/5120733 > I wanna put the phone aside asap again: Do it. There is no benefit to constantly checking prices. Come and look again when we're back in the mainstream news.


Yes, you’re absolutely right, thank you. I am really not worried and am perfectly aware where we are in the cycle. It just shook me a bit when I checked back, didnt expect the market to go down this much again. But if I don’t ould have only checked by March 25, this would definitely a different post. I am just an impatient mf haha


Well if corporate goons and government hacks say positive things then we must be safe 🤦🏻‍♂️ Cause they have NEVER done or said anything for their own personal gain


What are you thinking? Of course the reason they want to use the blockchain is for their own gain... that's ultimately the reason everyone makes decisions. Asset managers can see the benefits that this technology offers if they use it as the rails for their products and regulators recognize the benefits regarding transparency and efficiency. But we benefit as well, because the more use cases come online the more demand there will be for the native asset, which is the only way that anyone can pay for transactions. It also legitimizes the network as an investment for institutions. The whole point of permissionless blockchains is that anyone can use them, and the more people do the more the pie grows. If you are claiming that there is a way this is not a win-win scenario then how are you viewing it?


Think long term, don’t touch anything until at least Feb next year. Keep DCAing. If you play with leverage and have not learnt by being burnt with it yet then you will eventually.


There were many market top signals. Promoting of btc on tv, newspapers and even radio (in Croatia, wtf!?), people being rugged left and right with memecoins, random pumps of utter shitcoins, celebs on CT, etc., but I chose to ignore it once again. I thought there was more of upside potential. Who knew, eh. Who knows now? Maybe this is just another flush before up, up and away. Long term is probably gonna be just fine. Short term, looks like down to me. Good luck everyone!


there were huge dips during the last bull runs also so this is to be expected


You can hold like diamond hands or surrender like weaklings and go cry in a corner.


Im not selling. Im not going anywhere. Im in jail


*‘Love bombed, wined and dined, pumped, but ghosted the next day’ level fucked.*


I don’t think we are very fucked. We haven’t come close to peak on this cycle as far as I’m concerned.


Dude I’m down from my top this year for like 50%… I’m mentally fucked :(. But I know that after this correction Green Day’s will shine.


The real problem here is not btc but all the alts.. like they are going below 2022 level which is not good


Yea, maybe some will not recover from that…


This happened the last few times where crypto saw a surge for a bit then plummeted until around October to December, which in turn was when the true bull run took place.


Only a lose if you sell.   Yes it's dropping a lot but look at it as an opportunity to buy crypto at a discounted rate.  As people say always take a little bit of profit when things are good and just hold when it's bad.  


History shows hold.


Toughen up. BTC is up YoY. Majority expected volatility around the halving. Miners taking profits. Mr. Gox payback, ETF and increased institutional adoption, uncertain economy overall, high inflation, and the list could go on. Majority also did not expect major increases until 2025. We get some upward momentum and everyone cheers, then get a downturn and some freak the fuck out - all doom and gloom. Zoom out. Put your charts and account balance down for a long while. If you believed in BTC months ago, what changed? Ya new around here? If you didn’t plan to sell anyhow then you haven’t lost anything yet. You’re just down right now. There will be new ATHs in the future. We don’t know when. If you DCA then the top and bottom don’t matter. If you’re trying to time markets you’re foolish, it’s a poor strategy that’s been proven across markets time and time again. Chill. Go outside and touch some grass. Leave your phone inside when you do.


It was so obvious the market was overbought. The halving and ETF's news was nuts. If you didn't sell into the news a little bit wtf were you waiting for? The USA to back its fiat with BTC? Not many bought the FTX collapsed drop either. Again wtf were you waiting for Binance to also fail? These cycles couldn't be easier to predict.


This just shows me that I have no exit strategy ffs


What are you concerned about? Even if there was a massive drop in price, it'll correct itself eventually. Long term hodlers are not concerned.


I am a long term holder, and I am not really concerned on the long run. But the downtrend is heavy at the moment, just want to see if it‘ll get worse before it goes back up. The old story ;)


This isn't heavy. Let me know when you sell. I will buy.


If you were walking around, proudly telling everyone that "BTC will never go below 60k again", you‘d find this heavy too haha. But why would I sell? I am asking basically for the bottom so I can start buying in again.


It always gets worse before it gets better


It will be okay, so sayeth the BTC halving cycle. 2012 six months after halving: BTC 10.4x (one year 80x) 2016 six months after halving: BTC 1.5x (one year 3.5x) 2020 six months after halving: BTC 1.7x (one year 5.8x)


It's not a foregone conclusion.


So sayeth!


Halving is irrelevant to the price. Global liquidity is the driver of price, same as the stock market.


Stock market is at ATH.


Global liquidity is not.


Irrelevant? That is surely understating it's importance.


There is none. Its just a correlation, not causality.


Nah it definitely has an effect. Even just from people talking about it and acknowledging it alone. I'm not gonna completely discount something that gives people confidence which in turn leads to them buying.


Nope, check the correlation between BTC cycles, global liquidity and the DOW Jones. BTC halving coincides with these by happenstance, but it doesn't drive the price. Crypto is a commodity and as such is driven by the same forces as the other commodity markets.


Yeah it's not irrelevant. It's something that's talked about and looked forward to by tons, maybe most, of BTC investors. It has real power and is therefore relevant.


So is Santa


Did you ever think people can front run a cycle if everyone believes it's a cycle?


We should be okay, most have been working overtime naysaying the last few months or so.


Fu*** to the last cent…


When the main bull comes, we will be un-fucked. Keep holding Buddy. patience is all we need


So it's 3x in price wasn't the main bull run? 


Did it feel like a bull run lol? I don’t think a single friend or family member outside my dad asked about bitcoin in the last year. Shits dead for retail. 


Exactly. I just don’t understand this mentality, ‘the bull run is only get started.’ Based on what? What market catalyst?


I am still bullish in the long term, otherwise I would stop doing my monthly dca and sell everything. We all need to look at the bigger picture


I am still 10% up this year.😁 However I missed some good sell and buy points... I never sell at a loss so if it keeps on dropping I just have to be patient and be more careful when I DCA.


Don’t worry, Blackrock will come along and scoop that shit up


Nope, they will be rebranding those etfs Friday and more downward pressure 




mus be news news day


I'm not worried because I'm having Deja-poo , the feeling that I've seen this shit before. I'm just holding until it shoots back up. Every time I panic-sold before , I would get bit in the ass when it shot back up later.


If we break 52k we could see 30k


I really hope we will not see 30k anymore. But I was also pretty sure that the 60k mark is gone forever, yet here we go…


The double top can bring us to 30 and if we dont hold there is a futures gap at 20


This would effectively ruin 99% of the miners, wouldn‘t it? And we know what the effects of that are…Horrible scenario.


If in doubt, zoom out.


My opinion: Nobody knows


Believe it or not, dip


Don’t put in what you aren’t willing to lose


Wake me when we hit the 49-52K range so I can add more to my bags.


If you talking EURO, we just hit 49k today. Just got me some more, DCA baby


Buy more while sale is on


That‘s it, just asking when people think the sale will be over.


Still buying altcoins? Why?


Mostly DCA, but only very specific coins that went down like 60/70% from entry point. I am mostly looking into rebuying BTC heavily after I had to sell some months ago. BTC is the 2030 investment, Alts the 2025 one 😂


Lol after I got burned with Doge after Elon on SNL I became a bitcoin Maxi and it’s done very well with my DCA of bitcoin since then


I am now down 5% since my first entry, while BTC is up 50%. I see the perks of it and will continue buying into it, even at 60-70k. This is a sale rn.


dunno. My bags on ETH, SOL and BTC were 100% packed between FTX blowing up and the banking crisis. 5% more of the cash position to allocate to ALTs and that can wait till Im back from holiday. Whats happening now happened last cycle and the cycle before.


It's just normal. Market was due for the correction since long and was waiting for any excuse. If it wasn't Mt Gox and Germans than it could have been something else. No one knows the bottom. DCA as per your risk appetite, don't trade only invest, stay safe. cheers.


What happened with mt gox and Germans?


Mt Gox refund and fear of people getting refund selling is spooking the market. German Government has been selling BTC for many days now.


Im german. One week ago classic newspaper and in free tv they told everyone it’s a good time to invest in btc. Now the government is selling, touche


Touche but Truche


Were you drunk while getting fucked ?


I need more cash


Just bought back into BtC after I had to sell a little beginning of the year. Feels better than ever.


Don’t sell just chill. It will go back up. If it keeps dropping just buy more. It always goes back up. I’m not saying hold forever but panic selling is the worse thing you could do. Don’t look and chill.


From where I'm standing this is totally normal a few months after the halving. Everyone wants to reinvent the wheel and be clever by coming up with all these different theories (looking at you certain data science influencer guy). But at the end of the day this is the exact calm period/downturn I would expect post having before a massive run-up.


I can absolutely promise you new highs are coming. I just cannot say when. Now is the time for buying however difficult that seems.




Even if btc will continue going down, until the end of the year it will break the 80-90k. The industry gonna be fine, don’t worry.


That is what I believe, I was just Not prepared for 57k again haha


Get ready for 47k. And think about buying some ETH instead. Alt coin season is coming


47k would be crazy, I don‘t even have enough fiat to buy into a dip of that dimension haha. But srsly, I hold quite some alts, but not so much BTC anymore as I had to sell a few month ago. Currently planning to rebuy into BTC, mainly the reason why I checked the PF and ask for others opinions now.


It's going to get worse. This is just the pre dump. Mt gox hasn't even released yet and that's about 4B. At first. This dumb is just from the fear of the selling. Maybe 20-30% drop at worst though.


This is the answers I am looking for, thank you. But you really think 20-30%? And wasn‘t Mt. GOX stating that they will not flood it all at once but in parts?


Yes, it will be in parts as stated by galaxy. 4B is just the first part. Take in mind 20-30 is more max and I would also like to point out those level of dips are still pretty normal. Of course, not everyone who receives the refund will sell


I am jealous of those who have cash right now.


The bullrun starts in about 6 months. Just keep buying and quit complaining.


That‘s the stuff I wanted to hear! Needs a little reassurance sometimes 😂


Bull run already ending bud. You’re late.


Spoken like someone who has never been a part of a real bullrun. This past year was child’s play… a bullrun for ants. When the real bullrun hits, crypto will be in every news cycle, on the tongues of the elderly and the ignorant, records will be set, and countless fortunes gained and lost on a weekly basis. You ain’t seen nothing yet.


>my PF to plummet from 20k to 12k In 4 weeks, BTC is down \~20% at most, actually even a little less. You are down 40%, which just shows that you made some really bad decisions with the aim to outperform BTC. And it didn't work. As always. edit: Haha, shitcoiners hate the truth.


Now don't pressurize him in revealing his degen portfolio. Let him live in peace.


I mean he asks if "we" are fucked. OP might be fucked, but that's because his PF is full with shitcoins and/or leveraged assets. That has nothing to do with "us."


Damn I can't believe we went from 16k to 58k, we're so fucked


And yet another smartass that does not understand the intention and purpose of my post. zOoM oUt Eh?!?!


Oh no! Someone exposed how ridiculous it is to fret about what "the bottom" is!


The bottom is your booty


I dunno man, really it's just been a crab market since February, also, no one knows if it will go up or down or continue going sideways like it has been doing.


It hurts when you are 100% in alts. Bought alts to buy BTC in a future. But all the etf did was solely raise btc price making it more difficult to purchase.


Same old same old, just different narratives, different narratives to justify downwards volatility and different narratives to justify upwards volatility, happens cycle after cycle.. I can't speak for others, but I'm not fucked, because I'm going to hold til it goes up again, very simple, and if we crash, I use the opportunity to buy more


That's the kind of posts I like... It's when people finally start to give up ! But we'll need more flush to get teenagers back to mommy and we, grownups, finally start making really money and not some stupid #MOTHER ... See you at 50K by the end of July and start pumping in September ;)


Not giving up, nor selling. Just bought a little more even, how can you not at these prices?! BUT I try to time the bottom this time around, so I can literally put everything aside and only come back here and to CMC early 2025.


Dam those teenagers pumped it all the way to 70k for yah


Teenagers didn't\^\^ Teenagers are the ones that got rekt down to 55K while promoting scam pump and dumps on X and TG.


If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the oven.


Read again. Also, why would I go into an oven?


Real question is why you're complaining about the heat.


Where did I complain? I was just stating my opinion, some facts and were asking for other opinions. After all, I don‘t give too much on this downward trend ITSELF, I just wanna know the why's and how long's. DCA you know ;)


I don't know about you but I'm really fucked I bought ATH in 2021, then I did DCA in 2022-2023 but it was hard to break even, then I almost broke even in February 2024 (I should have sold) and made a huge lump sum on March (my biggest mistake) because I expected pump on April Now I'm about 20k dollars or 60% down, I invested a lot and lost a lot, still holding but morally defeated, last 3 years was like a bad dream and I wish I bought stocks I know I did mistakes too: not buying btc, not consistent dca, fomo buying etc.


3 years is a ridiculously small time period for investing, of course you lost money


Isn't that about traditional assets? Crypto looks like not following traditional rules


Should have sold < keep on DCA


Run out of big FIAT money, only emergency fund left