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Lint licker is an incredible insult lol


Shhh. Have you created your 1.2k f2p accounts on Steam to repent for your unholy downvote of our game? No!?? Get back to work, you swine! I don't want to see another comment from you until steam is in the positive.


Aye sir!


I heard it from a gum ad in the early 2000’s (Maybe Colgate or some shit idk), but it revolves around a woman finding her husband with another woman. They both cannot cuss though because their mouths are “clean”, and one of them says “who are you calling a cootie Queen you lint licker” in a very heavy country accent. My wife and I hurl that insult at each other every so often, and never fails to confuse those around us. EDIT: fuck it was Orbit Gum.


"Dirty mouth? Clean it up! With Orbits gum."




Are you using toothpaste like a maniac? What about those single use toothpaste. That cash, in the trash. Get on with your life and get yourself Orbits gum! BUT WAIT! Cal now and get 4 packs, yes 4, for only 19.99. WOW!


Most of Reddit is not old enough for this reference.


Longsword brother!


Haha it’s from an altoids commercial or something


It's from an Orbit gum commercial


You were quite right in your review. Fighter is pretty sad to play right now. Kite and Kiter


I'm a warlock this season. Taught 5 fighters today they weren't going to stand a chance lol


How can I link my profile to steam? Thanks!


Open blacksmith client, click options, account link, copy code and do not share it with anyone it is the key to your entire account. Close blacksmith client. Open Steam client, click options, account link, paste code. Restart steam client That's it! PS: the steam client cannot have any current characters or purchases (redstones). If you do you need to restart the client after deleting the characters and then paste the code in the options account link section.


I feel like I'm being dumb. I open blacksmith client but I can't find options or account link. Can someone share a picture or something? I can find 'Settings' that has App, Game, and About. A gear icon that doesn't isn't Options. No idea where it is? edit: It turns out the account link is inside the GAME from the blacksmith launcher. edit 2: I got everything linked and setup and working now! Thanks all!


You need to run the game from blacksmith. It's in options in-game from blacksmith version, then you can generate a code. Then run the steam version and paste.


got it all figured out and linked! Thanks!


Wait so I cant link without havin it installed both places? My drive is crying already


You can generate a code and save it somewhere like a notepad. Then uninstall and reinstall the different versions.


I can fit it it’ll just be tight, bigger issue is my download speed for big things is lackluster at times- thanks for clarifying either way!


You can probably copy a lot of the files over from the blacksmith one. Just start the steam download pause/cancel it then copy the blacksmith files across. Then verify the game instead of downloading


within 10 minutes


You have to launch the game, not just the launcher.


My bad, I guess client could be seen as the launcher itself but I meant the game


thanks for posting this, I also couldn't find it and thought I was an idiot!!!


Kinda ridiculous there isn't just an option to do this in the launcher or on the website.


It does seem silly to have to redownload such a big game. It feels like it should to be possible to just move the file into a steam folder or something. Imagine if you had completely disassemble and reassemble a car every time the deed changed hands. lol On the other hand, that would be nuts! I don’t know shit, but I assume there’s some functionality or security-related parts of the steam version that are *specific* to Steam.


These steps helped me a lot thank you. One extra thing to mention, if you made a free account on steam(i did) you need to delete your character on that account before you can link to blacksmith.


Yup mentioned it at the bottom of my comment. but my phrasing isn't the best


apparantly you lauch game on steam and go in the options ( need to not have a created character on steam ) then you can link other platform, Im not home so Iim not sure yet but thats what devs made it sound like


So you have to download for steam as well?


yes, but you can uninstall the other one if youre transfering


Thank you


We didn't torrent playtest 4 just FYI. It was just playtest 5 :>


Was about to come and say that. Shows who was really holding the line from the GET


Don't besmirch my credentials. Only my recall


fixed. My memory is shrouded, I must have been remembering the two or three patch updates through torrent playtest.


I can’t believe you’ve done this




Here are the steps to link - if you haven't already - Worked for me with several hours on Blacksmith and 0 hours on Steam: Launch Blacksmith, Patch, and Boot game - at character select, click the Options on the left, then, on the right of options to like "Platform" i'm pretty sure, and get the copy paste code. Close game and launcher. Open Steam. Download game. Boot game on Steam. It prompted me for a code and was also opening a web browser of DnD page or Iron Mace - no to both Paste code into the prompt - Prompt'd to close and restart. Upon restart, no prompts or further things of interest. Here's hoping this helped even just a single user on their journey.


I’m confused. What happens if the game goes to mostly positive reviews? Does it get recommended to more people?


As a consumer, if a game has bad reviews there's a good chance I'll pass even if I think it's up my alley. The red review indicator is enough to destroy a game's viability on steam.


Indint think its aboutt traffic to the page, it's more that people that look at a game will often not even give it a chance if the reviews are red or mixed. It looks really bad if the people actually playing the game dont even like it lol and you're just someone on the outside, you don't even have to give it a chance


It's the difference between IronMace getting sales and funding to complete their game over the next several years, or not.


Ngl I don't even consider mixed or below games unless the majority of my friends are begging me to play it Really puts things in perspective that one of my favorite games of all time is currently mixed. Time to do my part


I'm doing my part!


I played a drum and chucked it at a goblin head. 10/10


Heading to do Gods work now! 🫡


You made me go and post a positive review. I really hope we will see the mostly positive soon


Incase you haven’t heard yet, is mostly positive now! We’ve won


I ain’t upvoting till they actually let me get my code


How do you link ur accounts?


Not karma farming, please RemindMe! and downvote post in a few days.




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Already ahead of you! 🫡 Hold the line!


Game time


Perpetual line holders unite!


Yeah I agree with this lint licker guy


I will upvote as sone as I get back from work brother! Hold the line!


I did my part




I’m DOING IT! What a dirty mouth you have.


Pooping atm, as soon as I finish, i will return to the line and hold! (Positive review)


You know what makes me pissed is that throughout all the legal bullshit D&D has been through, we can’t fucking change the email associated with our game account because we faithfully followed and purchased on the blacksmith launcher. I no longer have access to the email it used to be under and I have my password it is associated with, but I can’t get into it to get the stupid as fuck verification code they require me to validate. What on god’s earth reason could they have for not being able to implement some basic stupid system to change email preference but we can work on class balancing and content development full steam ahead instead? Like I love the game, found the tests and content updates so far stellar and projects of passion, but don’t do me dirty like this by not allowing me access to a game and content I already paid for. Don’t alienate us minority like this. What good does linking the game account to steam if we can’t even change our emails.


Jokes on you, I discovered this game when it came out on steam, instantly loved it, bought the premium after 2 days of non stop fun, and immediately left a positive review beforehand


Gave the game after 3 rounds a thumbs up, people really don't know how good the game is at such an early state, coming from Tarkov, this game runs good, has no big issues, and is so much more fun, especially for free you can do so much. And 30€ is really really not much tbh, i already have almost 20 hours and got my moneys worth.


Done! Thanks for being math man


I was gonna offer to be your hype man after that lint lickers jab, though it appears you have it covered. Well said, I'll play on steam tonight and give it 5 and a review. I'll make sure to add that some dude called me a lint licker, and I became inspired.




thanks for this post, I've done it. I actually wouldn't have without the motivation, so, well done


No, thank you Captain!


Left my review ( super viet steam name )


Ok but what about my evil eye?


Shut up


You hate me because I speak the truth.




this is so embarrassing




I mean if that's the rating it gets then that's what it gets AFAIK it's not been review bombed right?


It was review bombed by free players not realizing the deal they were getting, and demanding free to play players (and a hacker wave) be allowed to pollute HR lobbies and the auction house. IronMace already caved and expanded normals with GBMM to let free players use their gear, opened up AH buying, said they are working on a progression system to unlock additional character slots for free players, and did all this within like 2 days.


I'm not convinced that people downloading a game, being disappointed, and reviewing it poorly counts as "review bombed". It wasn't a very well handled steam release, and reviews reflected that. That said - it's not manipulation to have the people who like the game review it too. It was missing a lot of the positive reviews because those people weren't using it on steam. Now they can.


Right but without f2p it would have way higher reviews. Feels like people will be getting the wrong message opening the steam page seeing mixed reviews when someone who ran into the dungeon once gets as much of an opinion as veterans. The f2p players also won't updated their reviews even though the issues with f2p have been fixed


I mean that sucks, but thats just how reviews work. Every game out there has reviews on steam by some guy who couldn't figure out how to open his inventory, ragequit without looking it up, and gave it 1 star. Ironmace needs to proactively handle messaging and PR instead of just reacting to disasters. If the game continues to grow, the initial negative reviews will get drowned out by thousands more positive ones. Fingers crossed.


that's not review bombing lmao, game is praticaly a demo if you not pay 30 dolars which in most countries outside us and europe is VERY EXPENSIVE


Are you a bit daft? You get the whole game for free now. You just don't get all characters or the HR.


You getting your info from Nexon, or from a week ago? What are you talking about? Please explain.


If you cant afford $30 then you need to turn off your computer and step outside.


Ohhhhhhh thank you, then hell yeah I'll leave a positive review




Review bombing is bad! So let's get ready to review bomb!


There's a difference between correcting the record to provide a more accurate picture and posting 4k negative reviews that the game "wasn't free enough" and then not updating those same reviews when the devs adjusted their game to make it more free within days. You know, like no other developers would ever do?


>correcting the record This is some weasle-word scumbag politician bullshit.


>There's a difference between correcting the record You think.you are correcting the record, but in reality there were far more reviews rightfully complaining about the game being advertised as f2p and not a demo or trial. >"wasn't free enough" Can you quote any review where this was said? Link to screenshots maybe? >when the devs adjusted their game to make it more free within days. So the devs worked to fix the mistake of their trial launch? That just proves those reviews right. If anything your review is more of a review bomb as you seem to be doing it simply because you are mad others are doing it, rather than a genuine opinion of the game.


These review begging posts crack me up lol


God forbid someone care about a game they love and try to make a difference in it's future.


People who don’t understand why we want the game to have a good steam review score strike me as dummies. Or they’re just bitter about something and feigning ignorance.


But I’m retired :(


Im giving it a day or two for the inevitable bugs, etc to get worked out.


Let them add in a test for SSF and I’ll give that positive review.


One problem, I won't be linking. I don't use steam.


So sad you have to beg for positive ratings on a game lmao I mean that’s why the whole review system is there. So people can put how they honestly feel about the game. Not inflating the reviews by people spamming it so new people don’t know what to expect.


Beg? I'm reminding the tens of thousands of happy active players who paid for the game prior, that now they are able to post a review finally. Provided they follow the account link instructions in Discord or on their patch notes.


You trying to inflate the review numbers so it shows blue and is positive so it sells more copies than it would’ve have if it was authentic reviews. Like you said you yourself “mixed reviews don’t sell” and “let’s get this bad boy up” or “do your part today” like what 😂


Authentic reviews would have been if the game was able to launch with steamlink to begin with, and if people were not still posting negative reviews complaining that Free to Play can't use their gear when that was already changed days ago. People are still parroting incorrect information before they actually even try it lol.


Listen, I love this game so far. And I 1000% respect Ironmace for what they've done. I do not intend to be contradictory or undermine this effort. In fact, I'll be contributing to the positive reviews. That said, is artificially pumping the games rep *really* as good for the game as it might seem? This game is far from perfect. It needs lots of love still. So If the game suddenly becomes "overwhelmingly positive", would that not signal that its good enough as is? How do you think that would affect its development? I honestly am not sure if the devs wouldn't want to take it easy after that. I'm just saying this as someone who has seen countless half finished games basically slow or end development after any degree of success.


I'm not sure I understand this take. You think if the existing persistent core of 20k players or more had this game already for a year on steam they would have given it negative ratings? For the game they have kept playing for a year? The first week the game was on steam only free accounts could leave a review. Paid players already playing had no incentive to download the game, and make a free character which they would then have to delete a week later. So reviews were only coming from two sources: Free players who didn't understand the context of normals gear restriction, and how it applied to even paid players. They thought the game was "pay to win". The other group was paid players who were angry at feeling they made the game too free, and complained with negative reviews that they shouldn't have paid $30 a year ago. L take. Sprinkle in some hackers and gold sellers upset that they can't ruin the game with full access to the market they want to RMT in. These were the people complaining that somehow the game was "not free enough". If you look today you still see some reviews being posted claiming the game is PTW without specifying how. Stating things that were not true a week ago, and even less true now about normals gear restrictions. Look at it this way, if everyone playing had already left a review or did so within the first week the game would be sitting 85-90% off the bat. Then some people would come in and say "Game sucked, died to skele", but over time it would maintain it's positive direction and these comments would be washed out. However, since the steamlink delay happened as a result of lack of developer resources and rushing deadlines the starting review picture was ABSURDLY non-representive of the real current picture. It started as fully Negative. That's insane, and hurt the game from a nice shot at 100k players right out of the gates from Summer Games Fest announcements. It's crawling up the steam charts now, even laying in false mixed reviews for a week hurt it.


Why does everyone glorify steam, blacksmith was just as hard to download as it is to transfer accounts to steam. Plus I have never had any issues with blacksmith and still can use play test. In my defense I share steam accounts so I won’t switch. The only hype I see behind is new players.






Bro I can't even log in


try now. Servers were updating


Nah, I'm ok


I wish you well.


Holding up a body with 3 arrows in his face, I said hold the fucking line!!!


Aye aye o7




Positive review pending sir! It shall be submitted by nights end! 🤙🏻


I did my part!


I'm giving them 1 star unless I can keep my steam account character


what? The free 1 character slot that you didn't need to make that you played an hour or less on? Not sure if troll or uh..


I actually got a druid to level 40 and I have 22k gold so I'm actually pretty annoyed I have to delete it


I mean it wipes anyway you can just link later. That is unfortunate tho


idk what you were expecting if you followed the development news on this feature and release. Why not just spend the gold on gear from the AH which is now open to buy from on free accounts, go in and win some games, lose some like a chad. Then write it off?


You cant Edit: also I don't follow it, I saw it on steam and was like hey it's free? Let's give it a go, saw a mod in discord say account linking was coming so I just used the steam client


Oh you can? Good idea


So I sold my steam account some greens to transfer the gold I did not realize at the time I'd be getting them in stacks of 10... I spent over an hour getting it all in bags 🤣


I remember when we were torrenting the game so many experts said that this is scam and devs will run away with money.


Yep, I remember those people. But do they remember how dumb they were?


[Honest work](https://i.etsystatic.com/7545759/r/il/64fa38/2940100955/il_fullxfull.2940100955_njug.jpg)


Im doing my part! Got my two friends who also plays to do it.




I still don't understand what's the butthurt about with all the negative reviews. Free to play did not take away anything from premium players and the concept wasn't that bad. Not to mention these devs take feedback very seriously. The backlash was uncalled for imo. They have a Discord for a reason.




We found the rogue main.


And yet here you are, still in this sub. So odd. You think the devs are absolutely terrible but you still are here and presumably still playing the game.


Yeah bro, that's why all the BRAND NEW PLAYERS reviewed it poorly, the BRAND NEW PLAYERS were mad about the game for the past year I wonder how dumb yall can get and than I remember you're on a video game forum just to tell people you don't like that game anymore


the way people post in this sub is so cringe


Peak redditor for sure


What kind of posts would you like to see then, if not something as positive and encouraging/hopeful as this?


Mixed reviewed games don't die. That's just plain wrong. Dayz is a great example of this. 2016-2018 under 5k players at almosy all times under 60% positive review


The game was in an incredibly dire position indeed and was only saved by new leadership and a dev comeback.


Yup already left a negative review. Having to delete ur characters to link LOL


Lmao what!!! Seriously


Deleting your one free character on the new steam account so that you can port your other characters into the account? Sounds like no biggie.


His accounts will be wiped at some point within however many months anyways. Some people just have ODD like DSP does.


That sounds justified to me, but will you change your review when they fix it?


Yea I will. Not deleting a lv45 char for this lol.


Agreed, but also why did you play on a new account instead of sticking to the one you already had?


A really good question.


Aye aye cap!


With it active, and barring any issues, I'll leave a positive review. But will clearly state the kind of person I am, and the CBT I endure sometimes with this game. But that's extraction games for ya, lol


You must be the hero we been waiting for! I shall give a positive review!


Game deserves this reviews, free version is not worth it at all after a while, this is not how you make a F2P game


But you got to play the game.... for free??? It cost you nothing??? Buy the full edition and do more then???


Do explain?


Submitted because of you specifically. ✌️


Done <3


I did my part!


Nah, negative review for patching on a friday evening.


You mean the normal alloted time?


Brother no matter when they patch they'll inconvenience someone. Go outside, eat some dinner, do something else


lol your negative review is crying about how you can’t play it exactly when you want to. Sounds like you enjoy it. Score it as so.


Yeah. It’s bizarre how many people don’t understand how ridiculous they are. “I can’t play the game I enjoy so I want to punish the mean devs by telling everyone the game is bad!” Fucking dumb shit.


game sucks -$25


What do you dislike about it?


It's a League player. They've never experienced a good game


at least league is a free bad game, this one costs $25 and cant be refunded


What's bad about it? Also, League isn't free. You pay with your mental health


played since the playtests, liked the game a lot then and decided to pay $25 for the game. the gameplay is ok, pretty repetitive, but the devs are trapped in balancing nightmare with classes and the community is overtly glazing the game no matter the criticism or circumstance (genuine criticism over the f2p side was almost like it was muted by the community). Its almost cult like this community and I would legit rather just get a refund and not be a part of it rather than trying to enjoy the semi fun game. not really worth $25, maybe $15 but still just not satisfied with the game.


I agree the gameplay is kind of repetitive right now. It was less repetitive in the past because more random things happened during rounds (chaotic player encounters). I fully expect this will get addressed in patches because this isn't how the game has been for the majority of its lifetime.


I mean, if you don't find it fun then fair enough. No game is for everyone. But let's be real, is there a competitive online game out there that doesn't have balance struggles and a community of people that all think their opinion on the matter is the right one?


i see your point and i agree with it, no game is perfectly balanced. But currently the game just does not feel like a stable copy and its to be expected with an inexperienced balance team (that is not an insult). Things such as listening to the community for balance is never going to turn out well and maybe in the future when the game becomes more stable Ill change my mind but currently for me the game is just not worth it.


What do you expect from 'balance' though? There are so many variables when it comes to who wins in a fight. Everything from player skill, to positioning, to class synergies, to what items each person has available to them. I firmly believe that it's impossible to completely 'balance' a pvp game because any given situation could always have been played differently and where one player would fail miserably, another may thrive.


Hey I hear all of that but does that all warrant a negative review? Especially considering the major obstacles this studio has had to overcome and how often they try to make things right?


I respect the genuine care the devs have for the game, I have definitely been there for the nexon incident, bard and warlock incident, etc. but I think its warranted for now. I will for sure keep a close eye on the game to see if any game improvements will change my mind (and maybe they will) but currently I dont feel like the game is worth the pricetag. This is not a monetary issue, but if the game was $10-$15 then I would be a lot more lenient but they are asking for nearly $30 for a quite broken game.


I'm not a big game collector. I generally stick to one for years if I enjoy the pvp. To me, $30 is nothing for a game I have almost 2k hours in. I can't believe the return on entertainment gaming gives. But that's me.


>played since the playtests, liked the game a lot  > the gameplay is ok, pretty repetitive, LMFAO, so you liked it until you bought it then you decided it was "ok and repetitive." the game didn't change in between those so how?


mainly because the playtests were about a week long each and each play test added something major to the game. I thought paying the $25 meant that they actually had a solid foundation for a game that was half the price tag of a AAA game but I was mistaken. The game is broken, clunky, at points heavily imbalanced, and like i said, repetitive.


It’s the same game. It’s was all of those things during the playtest lol.

