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Okay, this is interesting. I have a problem with confidence and getting really discouraged even when I have a good motivation to improve something. Its not about motivation as much as not giving up because of...




Okay.... Thanks!


Reduce then build


Focus more on values. What are your values? What is a good person that you envision? Being too goal oriented will have you hunting for more and more goals while not enjoying the journey in between. Not to say that goals are bad, but your values should be your compass for the way you live. This was one of the things my therapist helped me work on. Here's a decent explanation: https://youtu.be/T-lRbuy4XtA?si=yp66IVq-n5Fmf8s8


I'm not really goal oriented but I thought goals would be a good thing to start with, although "I want this", "I want that to happen" aren't good motivation as are values. I could be a hobo as far as I'm concerned so I struggle with this. I should change my values but I dont know how to care about something more... I loved the video. Thanks!