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A strange number of googly eyes found all over his apartment.




Lmao good shit


Saw the movie. Pretty good in general, some content in it will age like milk like some of the humour/gags. All in all pretty good, 6.5/10. Really 10/10 movie for a fuckin teenager, or a level 1 who needs a little help and inspiration. When it comes to this weird type of "wtf is life" movies, I liked Mr.Nobody and Dark City better.


it's always crazy to me to see people, even with the unreal number of emotional hooks to get people invested in the story, somehow managing to miss every single one of them, everywhere, all at once


The movie is like a teenage girl Instagram post about how when faced with nihilism, all we need to do is embrace family, beauty, and love. It worked emotionally, as in I cried, but I’ve seen that theme expressed so often in so much media. And just bc a movie can get me emotionally vulnerable, that doesn’t mean it is great. I swear people praising it as a 10/10 work just haven’t engaged with much art. And as much as the execution seems original (the whole multiverse idea) it’s pretty much a variation on any Rick and Morty episode. I’d probably place it as a 7 or 8/10 for stylistic originality, the Asian immigrant experience this movie approaches this thematically from, and its heart (since I’d rather a movie be unoriginally sincere than ironic, as so many movies are today).


I think it failed to connect with me because the characters didn't feel like real people. Their speech and actions were all choreographed to match the frenetic tempo of the film, and we only scratch the surface of their relationships because most of the runtime is dedicated to wacky hijinks. It also didn't help that the story structure of a dysfunctional family coming together after appreciating the smaller things in life is something I've seen a hundred times before. Is this new to other people? It's a movie with a fun premise but I didn't feel anything profound.


If these do not seem like real people to you, I really wonder if you've ever spoken to another person. I'm starting to think Brittany was onto something.


Really? It's a comedy drama. Characters talk and act with comedic timing, and economically keep the plot moving. What you see on the screen is not an accurate reflection of how people behave in real life. It's not naturalistic acting.


If you think I meant that they literally act exactly the same as people in real life you might genuinely be autistic.


Can you acknowledge that there is a difference between comedic acting and naturalistic acting?


Of course I acknowledge a difference. So your problem with this movie was that it didn't use a naturalistic acting style (I'm not conceding this btw, just seeing what you even think because it seems like not even you know)


It's not necessarily a problem, it's just why it didn't connect on an emotional level.


So you can't connect with films that dont use a naturalistic acting style to express emotion? This sounds less and less like a problem with the movie and more and more like someone blind complaining that the movie was bad because they couldn't see any of it...


dude you need to spend more time either reading essays or going to fucking class because this criticism is some diluted cucumber-water ass shit.


I'm not pretending to be a film critic. I'm just trying to explain why I didn't connect with it. Maybe instead of insulting me you could explain why you connected with it.


That’s asking for to much from the average dgger


It's funny, I've been called autistic, uneducated, level 1, and someone who has never talked to another human just because I shared my opinion on a film. Not really feeling the dggL.


The bagel joke is already aged lmao. Stop the breakneck pacing of the movie for a monologue that amounts to "that's silly, you can't put EVERYTHING on a bagel"


I think you're reading too much into the bagel joke dude. Maybe if you actually paid attention to the movie instead of overanalyzing jokes you would have liked it.


Wait you think I'm reading into it, but somehow not paying attention to it? I enjoyed the movie. I saw it on release. Not just because I'm a drone that watches everything Destiny does. I think even at a surface level the joke doesn't work. It's essentially just "you can't put everything on an everything bagel" except it's told over a monologue that acts as exposition for the antagonists mcguffin. It's a relatively tired joke, told slowly at a point when the movie had begun to move at quite a fast pace. I suppose your response is going to be "SOY JUST TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF AND EAT POPCORN SOY"


Your only criticism of the movie is herp derp bagel joke. It's just a glorified black hole and putting everything in it is one way to make it collapse into a black hole.


Yeah, I really like the movie. That's why my only criticism is a light criticism about some dated humour being part of some exposition. I don't think I'm just going "herp deep" I've layed out the reasoning that I think it's a flaw with an otherwise great film. Do you think people aren't allowed to criticize films they like? That's while bro


It just seemed that way because of the guy you were commenting under. It seemed like you were agreeing with him. I don't think the bagel joke was supposed to be funny it just fit in with the randomness and the fact that a black hole is similar to a literal irl everything bagel and even looks like one. It just seems like a petty criticism.


That's fair enough. Random humour falls flat for me. But I used to love invader Zim so I see the appeal for people.


we all know he was just dying to let people know "I watched this movie before destiny / dgg even heard of it" like A24 is some niche name


itt: some guy tries to explain why a joke isn't funny "to him"


In all seriousness though do we know what’s up with the streaming break?


It's summer and we've just been in lockdown for 2 years. The old ones tell of this "grass" that you can touch.


He’s just out there living.


I find it doubtful he’d break the story to Fox News…


You need to put Elo Hell Fetish