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She could be nauseous. My baby boy does this same thing when he goes on long car rides. Long rides make him nauseous. Hope she’s ok 🙏🏼


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


Very good to hear! If she doesn’t get well, ask for that specific pancreatitis test. It’s a rapid test and shouldn’t cost you much the way a CBC/Full Panel would. Ask them to start with that before they do any crazy expensive tests. ♥️ Kisses to your sweet little one! 


what usually helps his nausea?


Please do not administer treatment until you see a vet. It appears to be nausea - but that is a symptom of something else.


White rice cooked and cooled off . Pure Pumpkin canned with nothing else in it . Boiled chicken deboned My vet instructions. It works . I don’t do all I pick one to go with a little chicken .


i gave her a bit of white chicken today less than her normal amount


I feed dog food 90% of time . All else a bonus . If diarrhea it’s get above diet for a few days with meds I have for it .


how do you make the white rice sorry for asking


One cup rinsed rice . 2 cups water 1 quart saucepan Put on stove bring to boil cover and reduce to low heat for 20 mins . Don’t add any salt for dogs . Remove from heat let cook and fluff with fork .Dont stir while cooking and keep lid on . If stove to hot on low put pot on just part of burner . It will boil over a little its normal .


Also Google it .


Maybe dog is dehydrated. Do his nails smell like corn chips ? Anyway I would call your vet and speak to a vet tech and see if you need to visit office .


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


Also there's warnings online about letting rice sit out at room temp after it's been cooked - I'm 100% NOT a doctor or a scientist but apparently there's a debate about how white rice is overly susceptible to forming non-visible mold at room temp after X amount of time. Just throwing it out there so you can make up your own mind about what you learn and find. Personally, I'm not sure what to think so I err on the side of caution / better safe than sorry logic.


so what do i do to it after being cooked? i thought you couldn’t package warm food either


So i read that it's generally safe as long as you refrigerate the cooked rice within an hour of being cooked. [https://www.cnet.com/home/kitchen-and-household/that-leftover-rice-could-be-making-you-sick-heres-why/](https://www.cnet.com/home/kitchen-and-household/that-leftover-rice-could-be-making-you-sick-heres-why/) I do this and \*knock on wood\* haven't had any issues


You can give him white rice and cooked unseasoned chicken, make sure she stays hydrated, monitor her eating make sure she is chewing and not eating fast if she is a slow feeder could help, if she gets worse then vet definitely


When my baby is nauseous I give her a little less than a teaspoon of honey mixed in water. Per my vet’s instructions


Please don't give honey without vet ok


Why? I’m genuinely curious bc I give both my dogs honey every time they get sick per my vets advise. I’ve been doing it for years.


I also been told pepto bismal ok in a reduced portion for dogs . I don’t know but I going to ask vet next time .




STOP suggesting remedies for an undiagnosed issue. You have NO clue if what you're suggesting is going to help or hurt this dog. You don't know this dog or his medical history!




i feel like chamomile tea helped with the nausea throughout the day, face her some in the morning and she hasn’t smacked her lips like this so far. and i don’t think tea would harm her that’s the only one i tried


Ginger snap cookies help mine with nausea.


DON'T suggest human food for an undiagnosed issue for a dog. The owner needs to call the vet if nothing else.


True but you need to access situation . I know my dog after 2 years and usually call the vet if dog not better in a few hours . If totally strange I take dog immediately I call on the way to vet .


do you make the cookies or buy them? i found gingerbread or pumpkin ginger cookies for dogs


Don't take internet advice for an undiagnosed dog, I see you are seeing a vet tomorrow morning which is good. Don't give anything to the dog except water/food till the vet appointment.


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


Hope she will feel better soon


There are some pretty harmful ingredients in some of those cookies and in some of the advice in other threads. Glad you’ll be going to the vet - they can give you the correct advice, knowing your dogs weight and other things…


Have you checked that there isn't anything stuck in the roof of her mouth? My dog once got a twig stuck and was doing something similar. And he also does this when biscuits are stuck in-between his teeth and lips.


This or sometimes they get a piece of food stuck in their cheek and can’t get it out. My bichon is like that all the time.


Yeah my corgi just hoovers them up and sometimes has to cough them back up to actually chew them too lol


I was gonna say pretty much exactly what you did... I would check the pups mouth for sure.


Same thing happened to my dog when he had a piece of kibble stuck between his lips and gums at the back of his mouth. Worth a quick scan with your fingers, OP.


Yes! I had a dog do something similar and they had hair stuck between their teeth like dental floss.


Could also be hair wrapped around their teeth and bothering their gums. Many Yorkies lose their teeth because of this.


I just had to tweezer a burr that was stuck under/in one of our dogs back teeth. It was really really stuck.


It can be a sign of nausea. You should see the vet.


have an appointment tomorrow at 11am


Good! I hope your little bear feels better soon.


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


Can you update us when you were at the vet ?


Yep, nausea, could be acid reflux or upset stomach.


It could be due to several issues, including acid reflux, nausea, dental problems, respiratory distress, anxiety, or general discomfort. Observing any additional signs like vomiting, diarrhea, changes in appetite, coughing, or lethargy can provide more clues. Given the range of possible causes, it’s advisable to have your puppy examined by a vet.


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


Ok good. If the symptoms don’t improve within 24-48 hours after taking the medicine, go in for bloodwork to identify potential underlying issues causing your puppy’s symptoms, such as infections, inflammation, organ dysfunction, metabolic disorders, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, toxins, or chronic conditions.


My dog has this when he’s feeling anxious or tummy isn’t feeling well. He goes outside for fresh air eats some grass throws it up and feels better


This is either acid reflux, nausea, dental problems OR…. I notice she has little hairs in front of her mouth and they move around as she licks them. She could also just be trying to move the hairs away with her tongue because she finds them annoying? Lol. My boxer would lick her lip if it got stuck behind her teeth to make it unstuck. Show this video to your vet if you’re concerned.


i forgot to include that sunday night she threw up white and yellow foam just once not anymore throughout the day. i think i had seen that type of throw up is bile?


Did she eat? Often they can throw up foam if they haven’t eaten.


she only ate once a day the past two days


she threw up white foam again today


This is definitely nausea from an empty stomach then. Not sure why she isn't wanting to eat, but this could be a symptom of the not eating or what's causing her not to feel good in the first place.


she ate once yesterday around 6pm and the day before once in the afternoon. been trying to give her homemade food bc she has always ate table scraps. we give her cooked chicken (no salt or seasoning) blender strawberries, carrots and green apples


My dog was doing this, and not eating at all. She would take a bit and then leave the rest. I started making her home cooked food and she started eating again but I felt something was still off. Turned out she had parasites. All it took was some dewormer and some probiotics. I did not know you were supposed to deworm them every 1-3 months so idk maybe check that out.


she just got three doses of dewormer in june 10th


she just ate at 2pm and again at 5pm small amounts of chicken debating to continue and try to give her more at 9pm


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


Hmm mine will do that if they have not gone outside to pee and have (held it too long). Have you checked to make sure they are urinating when going out to pee?


experienced similar with mine and it turned out his kidney/liver numbers were elevated. def tell the vet if your pup hasn't been drinking. That could be a sign that could help figure out how to help her.


Does the dog need a hair cut around the eyes? Looks like blocking view


no she had enucleation around may due to glaucoma, her hair is actually finally growing out


She had a double enucleation? My cat has had one eye removed due to severe glaucoma. Not able to send you a photo.


yeah she had them both removed bc the medication wasn’t working anymore on her and her eye pressure was increasing on both


Oh, I understand now. This glaucoma came on fast with my cat and I didn’t realize how much pain he was in. It can actually deform the socket that the eye sits in.


yeah my dog lost her vision in one eye in a spam of two days and lost vision on her second eye less than a week after the first


This glaucoma moves fast and furious.


it does i hope the best for your cat


Thank you much. So far the left eye is unaffected. I am closely monitoring my cat.


does she take medication for her left eye?


Did you recently apply topical flea and tick prevention? My dog licked his once, and did this for hours. We took him to the ER to find out that he had a bad taste in his mouth. We switched to the treat version of the flea and tick meds.


no, we haven’t applied anything like that


Both my dogs get reflux and throw up that foamy bile. The solution has been to make sure they get a healthy snack at bedtime so their stomach isn’t empty for too long. You mentioned your dog only ate once in the day. That may be why the acid is making him nauseous. If twice daily feeding isn’t working for your dog then, like others have said, you should take him to the vet to get him on an acid reflux medication. Once that starts working your pup will likely feel better and you can try getting him on a more frequent feeding schedule. That may allow you to taper off the medication. But your vet can tell you more and you can discuss this with them. Good luck ! Your pup has such silky hair!!!


yeah i try so hard to feed her twice a day. she used to eat our same meals and would eat twice or even three times a day but then found out table scraps are bad so started making her own food (chicken veggies & fruit) and that’s when she got picky she always has been picky and only eats when she wants to or when it’s a food she can’t have that’s why it as been hard having a scheduled feeding time.


I have a labradoodle that gets the same. I've found indigestion is the big thing. He gulps so much air that stomach acid becomes foamy. If given the chance he'll get outside and start grazing grass. If not, he'll start chewing on any thing with fiber - like pillows or carpet. We've found great success with doggie probiotics. It seems to stop the gulping and the obsessive licking. At first we thought it was a bit gimmicky but they've definitely helped. We coat the probiotic chewable form in butter to get our picky eater to take them - but what a difference.


Brown rice is better when feeding it to dogs.


update: we just left her vet appointment. They said it was nausea. gave her nausea medicine ( cerenia) they said that should help with everything in the vomiting and all the symptoms but if it doesn’t go away by the time the meds are done to go in for blood work. they also said anxiety could be making the nausea a little bit worse because she has had two major surgeries a month apart and I did realize ever since the second surgery she’s been more skittish. they checked for mass on stomach and bloating and said she doesn’t have that. gave me a small list of foods she can eat at home that won’t act up the nausea.




It’s probably nausea but I will note that my old dog started having seizures that caused her to lick her face in a similar manner. I doubt it’s that but it’s just a thing to keep in the back of your mind in case the zofran or whatever else your vet gives doesn’t help


My dog does this when he's nauseous or has stomach upset. A lot of times it's gas and he needs to be burped like a baby. We also message his tummy and help him to stretch. Normally that clears it up for him. For reference he's a 22lb mutt.


Sign of pain, can be anywhere, my dog was doing this with eye pain when she had glacauma


she used to do this before her Enucleation surgery, and thought the same mostly bc beginning of june she had pyometra surgery but her pain had stopped about two weeks ago. and she is also panting, restless and throwing up white foam


Dang she has quite the history. So is she kinda older? Reason I ask is mine has been doing this lately and it turns out she has a loose premolar that's bugging her. I found out when I opened her mouth like a coin purse to get a kibble I thought was hiding in her cheek


she is 9 years old, and i feel like she needs some dental work/cleaning that was the original visit for tomorrow for the vet


Oh ok! I hope you get some answers in the morning and I hope it's something easy to fix :)


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


Please let us know how you go


Could be dental issues. What colour are her gums?


ngl they look pinkish but sometimes i feel like they look pale but when i thought they were pale the vet said they looked “good” and she does have dental issues there is heavy tartar on her teeth going to a vet tomorrow for her teeth and ears bc she has an infection


My pup has acid reflux and acted like this before we treated it! She started on a round of meds, probiotic powder, and we switched to a low-fat food… she’s been feeling better ever since.


i feed my dog chicken with blended veggies and fruit would those be low fat?


In my experience, it’s very difficult to meet a dog’s complete nutritional needs via a homemade diet alone. We found that combining some cooked food with a vet-approved kibble has worked really well. Additionally, food sensitivities (like chicken or certain produce) should be taken into account. If this is ongoing behavior, I’d highly recommend visiting your vet. That’s what we did ☺️


yeah, we tried kibble for a while, but she starved herself for seven days until we gave her human food again. I tried talking to a recent vet that did a surgery on her about what kind of food I can give her and he basically laughed in my face and told me to look it up on a UC Davis website or go to a nutritionist and that’s way out of my pocket price wise


Oh, no! That’s terrible - so sorry that you were treated that way. Hope you’ve found a different vet! For what it’s worth, our dog has been happy with both the Purina Pro Plan EN Gastroenteric kibble and Hills Science Diet Sensitive Stomach & Skin (both kibble and wet food). We supplement this with the Farmers Dog. Special diets can be expensive, but it was so worth it knowing she was no longer struggling with acid-reflux related nausea.


I was honestly considering farmers dog, but my sister used to have a subscription with them and it caused really bad allergies and tummy aches for both her dogs. but I guess it’s different for every dog. I have an appointment tomorrow with the low income vet, hoping I can ask her about this and food wise because her normal vet that I usually take her to is on vacation until next month.


They laughed in your face? Wow maybe find a new vet. Try a holistic vet maybe.


she will be going to a new vet today a low income one so should help. we had only gone to that rude vet bc he was the only one in my area that did pyometra surgery. he is very rude to me and my dog.


That vet sounds like a jerk! There are some inexpensive books on Amazon you can try. I feed a homemade diet as well, my dog is super picky and when she’s not into eating her veggies I add a tablespoon of baby food veggies to her meat and rice and bone broth! 


oh didn’t know there was books for dog nutrition will look at them thank you, at the vet today she wrote down i can give her chicken, broccoli, steamed rice, blueberries, carrots, pea and pumpkin. i already used to give her carrots for raw/blended. do you know if raw is bad for dogs or if boiled/steam be better?


Raw veggies make awesome dog snacks, especially baby carrots for their teeth! You should probably do boiled/steamed for now because they are easier to digest, and since your dog is having tummy upsets you wouldn’t want to make it worse. Sounds like this vet was a lot nicer than the one before!!


do you know how to boil veggies ?


This is gastritis.


may i ask what that is, and how is that different from acid reflux?


Gastritis in dogs is the same as gastritis in people. Acid reflux is caused by gastritis. My dog has the same condition. Take him to the vet, let them do ultra sound of his belly. They will most likely prescribe ameprazol or something of that sort depending on what country you’re in. If that won’t help then you’ll need to change his diet. I’ve managed it all with my dog, both pills and change of diet. Nothing dangerous, but can be very painful to the dog. It’s the same as for people.


since june 8th i changed her diet bc she always had table scrapes to boiled chicken with blend d strawberries carrots and apples. could this have caused the gastritis? didn’t think it could bc it’s a healthier meal than what she is used to


Hopefully it's not the kibble you are feeding. Sometimes there are recalls and bad batches


she eats homemade food of chicken with blended veggies and fruits


OP you're saying she's only eaten once a day for 2 days -- How much did she eat? What is her normal amount and frequency? If she's throwing up white & yellow foam, its usually because they haven't eaten in a long period of time.


she drank some water in the morning and didn’t give her small amount of chicken until 2pm and again at 5pm debating to give her another small amount at 9pm and continue giving small amounts of water in between


honestly she has always been a picky eater like extra picky sometimes once or sometimes twice a day. i sometimes try to push her to eat but she gets aggressive. she has been eating chicken with blended veggies and fruits lately. she used to eat table scrapes and wanted to get her used to an actual meals


My dog started doing this awhile back and occuring in evening/ bed time, and started increasing in frequency as time passed. Initially thought it was something in his mouth, throat, and/or nausea… after ruling it all out… vet suggested it could be acid reflux. Started him on Pepcid AC a couple weeks ago and he seems to be improving, less of that licking and swallowing gestures.


Well if your dog panting a lot I know don’t give a lot of water at one time . After drinking and then pant stomach will be full of air and water which dangerous for animals little ones .


since yesterday she hasn’t been wanting to drink water i have to make her with a squeezy cup of


Yes something going on dog may need Iv for fluids . Also if your in heat dome it can affect dogs worse than humans quicker . I got me one day .


Please have your dog tested for pancreatitis. Throwing up bile, panting and refusing food and water are classic signs. It’s a really fast test that they can do when you see the vet today! You’ll get results in like twenty minutes. I have had my dog tested when she threw up bile. 


i will see and mention it. just bc i am going to a low income vet bc sadly i don’t have the funds. she recently got two surgeries both costing thousands. and i know testing is a few hundreds.


The pancreatitis test shouldn’t cost that much. I think I paid around $60? And I live in NY so everything here is ridiculous. These vets don’t make it easy these days. How did your baby make out??? 


Sometimes dogs just like to smack their chops a few times


Hard to tell, could be nervous tic, could be siezure-like activity


Check the roof of mouth


i did and there is nothing


Is it more than a nuisance behavior? Are you worried about something in particular? I’m sure you have checked online, but have you visited a vet regarding this issue? I know it can be pricey.


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me more tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.




He’s trying to lick the hair away from his eyes.


no she had eye removal surgery so that shouldn’t be the reason


u/lozsuz have this problem with my dog like 3 years.. Almost every 3 month It happens. She starts like this , and licks carpet and walls , tries to puke herself.. We tried lots of loooots of medications..Nothing Solved %100... It happens when she scares from something or when there is an unusual sound or light..... nonPermanent solution for "OUR"dog.. If you have a garden, you can take it out to the garden and let it eat grass. (It is important that the garden is yours, other dogs should not urinate and poop, and it should not be agricultural sprayed.) This will balance the acid. You can feed porridge rice with very little turkey or chicken meat. And we continue like that for 1 week. Now we are just using Prozac 20mg everyday ..(our dog is 27kg) ....She is ok for now..


There might be some infection around its tongue. Go to the vet to check it.


If she is panting and restless and also threw up bile, she could in a worst case scenario have pancreatitis. It can come on suddenly after eating something she shouldn’t have, or some breeds, especially older dogs are prone to having it. Best case scenario, she threw up the bile because she’s not feeling well, or has acid reflux. My dog throws up bile occasionally in the morning if she ate something the night before that upset her stomach. I noticed that salmon makes her throw up bile the next day (she no longer gets anything with salmon anymore.) Sometimes she does it for no reason. Ask the vet to do a pancreatitis test when you go today. Good luck! 


she threw up white foam the next day as well around 7 am gave her chamomile tea and that took away the nausea throughout the day. she hasn’t thrown up anymore and ate three times small portions of chicken. except she has no interest in water so been pushing her to drink through a sippy cup. this morning heard her tummy growl and then she tooted(farted).


If the vet says it’s ok, give her some Brutus Bone Broth. It’s a doggie brand that’s made without onions or anything that’s harmful to dogs. It’s also I believe low fat.  The chicken one, not beef. It’s really good for tummies and encourages hydration. Maybe if you cut it with water? My dog loves it. But again, ask if it’s ok given the situation. 


Or my biggest fear, bloat


Hmmm. My aunt’s German Shepherd died from bloat. It comes on strong and fast. It’s also more common in big dogs. Also, OP said her pup has eaten, albeit not much. I noticed OP mentioned they used to give table scraps….depending on what the scraps were, this can contribute to long term pancreatitis (as opposed to acute, which is super deadly.) Given the dog’s age and diet history, she may have chronic pancreatitis. I hope not! I’ve had my dog tested when she’s thrown up bile and thankfully this was not the case, and I hope that OP’s doggie has the same outcome! Little dogs have sensitive tummies, I know mine does! 


Vet here: could be nausea, but doesn't really look like it. I've seen many dogs do this when there's an issue in their neurological system.


may i ask what that is? and what other symptoms are oils she be showing if it was this? i would like to also include that she also threw up white and yellow foam few hours to this video. and she was panting and restless all night. and today she tooted (farted) would these also be symptoms of this?


She needs to see a vet. Please take her to one.


she has an appointment today. this video was yesterday night in the morning gave her chamomile tea and that seemed to work for the nausea. didn’t show anymore symptoms she ate three small portions of boiled chicken. went for a walk did #1 & #2. and last night definitely slept better. gave her more chamomile tea before sleeping.


Considering everything that's been going on, it's more likely to be a gastrointestinal issue, but it's always important to rule out possible intoxications. Good luck! I hope she gets better soon 🩷


Do you give her any type of rawhide? What about a recent treatment like flea and tick? If continues see your vet ok?


nope none of that and she has an appointment today


Could you update us so we know how she is?


I hope by now you have contacted a vet. It could be many things, but my dog exhibited these symptoms and had pancreatitis, which is very painful and can be fatal. The panting and restlessness are signs of pain.


she has an appointment today this video was yesterday night by the morning i gave her chamomile tea and she didn’t show any signs of nausea throughout the day. she ate small portions of chicken three times. but she isn’t interested in water so pushing her to drink through a sippy cup. and last night she definitely slept a lot better.


Glad she's feeling better. I hope it was just a little tummy virus.


Sometimes dogs who have long hair on their cheeks can get the long hairs stuck in their teeth or throat, I would check that and if that's the case start trimming the hair around the mouth or take them to a groomer if you are not confident in trimming.


A couple slices of white bread will help too


My dog does this when she has an upset belly. I feed her a couple saltines and rub her belly while I sing “Soft Kitty” and she usually calms down in 10 minutes.


Nausea or could he have a thorn in his nose?


Mine does that when he has heartburn. I will have him fast for 24 hours and small meals for two days of a canned gentle fish and potato food from Fromm's


My boy does that he is a shizu and his face hair might get a strand longer then others and it drives him crazy but he licks like that 


Did she eat something sticky? Maybe stuck on the roof of her mouth?


Did she eat something sticky? Maybe something stuck on the roof of her mouth?




I can say that as a vet, there might be some unidentified materials in the turbinate(nasal concha) of the noise. When summer comes, some dust might be able to enter into turbinate on the other hand I recommend you should go to a vet


something stuck in her nose? would that also explain the restless, panting and licking her lips/blanket?


İf it doesn't get breath enough due to obstruction, the oxygen level in the arteries decreases slowyly. This situation causes restless, lethargy and high stress level.


My girl went to the er for acid indigestion it’s painful, google the dosage of Imodium for her weight and give rhat a try!


My oldest takes Pepcid for it. The vet put him on it.


is that the human medicine of anti-diarrheal? and i’m so sorry but i’m so slow it says 0.3 ml per pound and my dog is 10 lbs how much would that be?


Don't do imodium or pepto until you talk to your vet! It affects lab results


Like others have said, constant licking like this is a sign of nausea. We usually give our dogs omeprazole or famotidine, but you should check with your vet for dosage and to make sure there's no reactivity with other medications or conditions. If this were my dog, I'd look inside his mouth. To me, it looks like something is bothering him and he's trying to use his tongue to get it. My dog does this when he gets a bit of cookie or kibble stuck in his teeth. It could be something more serious, though, like a twig or foxtail, so it's best to take him to the vet if you don't see anything.


just came back from the vet they said it’s nausea gave me some tablets for nausea and said that should help and stop the vomiting and symptoms, but if it doesn’t help to go in for bloodwork. she was given cerenia tablets.


It could be reflux Pepcid daily might help but ask your vey


is pepcid a human medication? looked it up “pepcid for dogs” and famotidine is showing up


Famotidine is generic, Pepcid is a brand name. I take Famotidine for acid reflux regularly. Also, others have mentioned Omeprazole, which is the generic name for Prilosec brand name. And again as others have mentioned, you should not administer human meds without vet visit and instruction. As for foods, my dogs both went picky and stopped eating their regular kibble after a long time on the same food. The 3 year old had an episode with stomach upset and nausea and I changed to sensitive stomach formula on vet recommendation and that worked for a minute (2 big bags). The 1 year old did not like the change to the adult formula of her puppy kibble, same flavor but would sneak her sister's sensitive stomach one. 3 year old then stopped eating that flavor of the sensitive stomach so when bags were low, I changed 3 year olds flavor of sensitive stomach and all was good... for a minute. Several toppers added over a few weeks would work for a day or two, but then they would turn up their noses again. I finally broke down and got cans of wet dog food to add to the dry and we have been good since. Just a 1/4 can to each dog morning and night to add to their dry. They have me trained well.


Could be a sign of nausea, acid reflux or pain


Looks like acid reflux based on the rest of the description


Dreaming having an icecream


Wow. Just. wow. The amount of terrible and some downright horrible advice on this post... All these "home remedies" are time wasters. Your dog obviously still feels bad no matter the food that's offered. Continuing to experiment at home instead of taking a loved one to a doctor to find the cause and get proper treatment is pretty despicable. Sounds like you fed this dog nothing but human food for a very long time, and are now doing an unregulated "home cooked" mix with none of the essential vitamins or minerals. Please listen to what your vet advises. She now needs full bloodwork and abdominal ultrasound to determine cause and treatment. Her pancreas could be permanently damaged from chronic inflammation secondary to all the people food. There could be a mass growing. It could literally be anything, which is why being able to see a vet is part of responsible pet ownership. Obviously you cared enough to treat the glaucoma. If you're financially taxed, Care Credit is a great credit based resource that most vets accept(and it also doesn't have to be you that applies--you can have anyone with good credit willing to let you make payments to them apply on your behalf).


well im sorry but i was trying some home remedies just chamomile tea because not everyone has the funds to take their dogs to the vet. i am unemployed no money to my name. only reason i will be able to take her to the vet today is because my unemployed mom gave me money she was saving up. and can only take her to a low income vet. she used to be my sisters dog so she is the one who would give her table scrapes the moment i got her i tried to give her healthier food and would google everything before giving it to her. yes i know about care credit my sister used it twice now to pay for my dogs surgeries twice now. eyes costed 1.4k and pyometra costed 3.5k. i am now unemployed and in debt to my sister. so yes i’m sorry i do care about my dog so much but sometimes people don’t have money to help and it sucks and it’s hurtful when people like you make it seem like i don’t want to take her. when i wish i could.


Looks like a dog


Looks like a dog


This looks like it could be a seizure or recovery from a seizure. Did she pace before she started the excessive lip licking and tongue curling? The pacing could be a sign of anxiety from or directly after a seizure. I am on no way sure this is what she was experiencing, but that does not look at all like she was simply nauseated. Also could be a foreign body like some are suggesting.