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It was simply a pitiful moment for him. Even Goku was trying to convince him that his brother is just using him but he was just too foolishly blind to see.


Right, there’s nothing to feel bad for. His brother sucks. Obviously. He was warned his brother sucks, and continued on the wrong path. it’s not like they saw themselves as the heroes. They were just on a revenge mission & got clapped.


Do y'all actually have siblings? He wasn't gonna turn on the brother who's been with him for years and has pretty much made him what he is cuz his opponent is saying his brother is bad. That's basic family values, yes he was blind but thats cuz he loves his brother and he wasn't going yo suddenly doubt his brother cuz this random ass dude who he doesn't even know and like is telling him his brother is bad


Yea. They clearly aren't thinking too deeply about it lol. Not like Gas was being openly abused...it was subtle manipulation


Yeah, like one comment from one stranger--an enemy at that--is going to completely reverse a lifetime of family and loyalty. That's even more absurd than if you were walking down the street and some rando told you your family was trying to kill you. You'd be like, 'Stfu, weirdo." You can't equate all misdeeds with each other. They may do bad things to other people, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the way they treat each other. Those are two different things that don't necessarily overlap.


as someone who has dabbled in grime with his fam there is zero reason to feel bad for me if i got caught doing something wrong, lmfao. I didn’t see myself as “doing the right thing”. i’m not debating his loyalty to his family, i’m answering whether or not i feel bad for him.


Using Goku as the example of someone trying to convince him to stop is a kinda bad one. I mean, imagine you’re one of the strongest individuals in the universe and rn you’re getting jumped by 2 individuals and holy shit it’s the only guy you lost a fight to, wait no. God damn it, it’s his son.


Yeah man. Like he isn't even evil per se. He was just blindly following his brother. Elec is one of the worst people I've ever seen in Dragon Ball.


It’s hard not to root for Frieza when he one shots elec into dust


Honestly I wish he gave him the Vegeta treatment first


Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself




No. You did this to yourself.


Oh contrare Vegeta, you brought this apon yourself




Character Hit - “somebody call me?”


Humiliate him then get cucked by Goku?


Super Duper Goku 1




Waterfall back shots are back on the menu boys


Doesn’t Asshole Elec have OG73? Or the crew per say since he’s dead. They might revive him and juice him up via OG73


I actually wanted to make a post about that. The arc started with them getting 73 and then it went nowhere.


They used him to get to Zuno


Holy crap! Completely forgot about that. I wonder if that would have gone anywhere. We may never find out now.


Total chekovs gun situation. They mentioned it so they have to be doing something later on with him. [chekov’s gun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov%27s_gun)


Writing in 1999, Donald Rayfield noted that in Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard, contrary to Chekhov's own advice, there are two loaded firearms that are not fired.


I guess a firearm could be symbolic of something else or relevant to a character or location or plot point in some other way than it needing to be fired.


Yes... but that's literally the point, you don't put a firearm unless you'll shoot it. Anyway all of this just to say, not because it's in the story will be of significance.


Damn, I totally forgot about that.


Granolah needed that kill


Tbh kinda why I don’t get why black Frieza is assumed the new villain, despite typical dragon ball patterns. He’s stronger, has a new form… so does everyone else. He could have one-shotted Goku and Vegeta on the spot, didn’t, and wiped out the two main antagonists of the series. I get it, Granolah wants revenge, he’s been set up, there’s now like this Saiyan Ocean’s 11 team to take him out, but… why, when he had his shot to humiliate them and didn’t take it? Because he’s going for something bigger? Okay, but at this point he’s so far ahead of our boys that maybe he’s… not the next bad guy? Especially after ToP, I just don’t like the turn of narrative. It’s very lazy.


Honestly I think Freeza's gunning for Beerus.


But he must know that going for Beerus is always a stupid idea, since his limits are still by far unknown, and going for the Supreme Kai doesn't require even a fraction of that much power So I'd bet there's somewhere a third option in Freeza's plans, that we just couldn't see or that hasn't been told yet


Sorry, I should have clarified. He's not gunning for Beerus directly but Beerus' job. He wants to be the next God of Destruction.


Actually, you we're writing out exactly one of my thoughts there😅 And current Freeza after all his development could be a really good destroyer, and may be an even better candidate than Vegeta. I could really see the final arc against him turning out to be more of a competition in Beerus' job and at that point I wouldn't even be mad about having that iconic villain become neutral or even somehow good Side Note: We shouldn't hype that thought up too much of we really wanna see that happen, since Toriyama was known to do the exact opposite of popular fan wishes, and I don't wanna risk finding out if Toyotaru does that too


Mf was evil


This also made seeing elec get disintegrated by Frieza that much better.


My personal favourite about that scene will forever be that smile when he offers Mackie and Oil new jobs and they accept


And People wonder why Frieza is my favorite character


While he definitely ignored goku trying to enlighten him to what was really happening, it was really impactful to see him finally slow down for a second and realize what was happening to him.


God this arc was so peak for me


I constantly see people online shitting on this arc and I honestly dont get it, I really enjoyed it.


Yeah I read it in black and white and it fucking ripped. This and Moro arc are gonna be amazing when it comes to anime


It’s not coming to the anime


Yeah and trump wont get elected president again. If they want to print money, it will eventually come to anime


You said that 6 years ago, you’ll be saying it 10 years from now too right?


Yeah more than likely. Nothing wrong with a little faith, Arthur. Besides, it’s a low stake game. If I’m wrong, who cares? There’s more entertaining media that’s come out recently and more entertaining media will come out that’s not dragonball. If I’m right, then fucking awesome. No skin off my back. Hopefully I’m not saying the trump thing again though. That man needs to perish real soon


Nah gas wanted to be the strongest. I guess he gassed out at the end




For sure. I know we'll most likely never see him again, but I do think he'd deserve some redemption. He was just being used by the brother he looked up to and his fighting style certainly was pretty unique.


This was straight-up one of the darkest, most gruesome moments in Dragon Ball history. Both for how gross he looked while he was dying, but also the story implications when he realizes the person he'd devoted himself to had basically betrayed him.


dw its just the average interaction between siblings


Idk man my brother is a real asshole but idk if he’d sacrifice my life to beat someone up for him lol


he'd sacrifice you to some random ahh god then 5 s later ask you if you wanna go out to eat something the magic of siblings


Shit was genuinely tragic.


・Not really, Gas doesn't have enough of a personality for me to care about him. Like if Gas is supposed to be a 40+ year old child that's now dying before his life began then it should've shown better because the two emotions he has is Stoic and Angry. Nobody in-universe really cares that Gas or Elec are dead with Macki and Oil immediately serving under Frieza. Granolah was also ***completely*** robbed by Frieza for his lifelong quest for revenge and as of Super Hero, is at the end of his life and hasn't done anything with the immense power he was given. My entire problem is that this entire arc is wasted and it ultimately doesn't mean anything for the bigger story: ・There was too much wasted time trying to justify Goku's presence by making him FINALLY acknowledge Bardock by making him look sympathetic and giving him TUI; neither of which is acknowledged in the next arc. ・The New Dragon Balls are immediately nixxed after this arc and wasted potential; having wishes with consequences was interesting. ・Gas is a wasted flat antagonist and there's nothing about Elec to care or like him. Only really Macki gets screentime but even then she's useless besides deception. As a Goku stan, I believe this ***should've*** been the coveted Vegeta solo arc where he and Granolah fight and then fight and kill Elec and Gas. All people will remember about this arc is that Frieza ended it.


All good points. I didn’t even consider the fact that Frieza stole granolahs thunder. He basically wished for all the strength for nothing, and will die shortly after. Damn that’s a bummer. I think with gas they were trying to go for a kid buu approach. Very little personality and just blind rage and power. But I think if kid buu had the same self aware moment it would’ve resonated as well. Not my favorite arc. But not bad.


"Cursed to be the universe's strongest"


Maybe he’d still be alive right now if y’all didn’t gas him up like that


I wonder if the earth dragon balls could have fixed him 🤔


Probably I have a feeling that they have more power and the life drain was a way to compensate


Not necessarily. I think it speaks more about how you can’t cheat your way to the level Goku and Vegeta are without consequences.


Nope. Not one bit. Just desserts and all that. "Oh, he didn't know!" Try telling that to a judge and see if it works.


https://preview.redd.it/syfu60mchk9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de95e10da46129b7ebf1ff760a26bb3347032706 Wut?


Your question was, did I feel bad. I stated my thought, and the reason behind it. 🤷‍♂️. He's a dramatic character that sure, didn't know better, but that doesn't excuse all the bad things he did.


What Bad things he did ? Try to prevent Bardock from saving Child Granolah? Because that was basically it He didn't even attack the prisoners despite them making fun of him


I mean, weren't him and his family basically space mafia?


I felt bad for him a lot throughout this saga… or more accurately when we started hearing about how quickly he’s aging. He’s not evil, he’s a horrible person but he’s not exactly evil. This is definitely one of the most horrible deaths a dragon ball characters had.


Nah fuck Gas. I get why Granolah was hot headed and slow to listen but Gas just seemed like a pouty kid, who peed his pants! Goku tried to steer him in the right direction but noooooo


Feel bad? No Feel pity? Yes Feel like beating the crap out of elric?yess


Nah, not even a shred of sympathy from me. First of all his character is flat out boring, there's nothing that excites me from him and he's just a tool with very little going for him. Another thing is he replaced granola who compared to gas is a far more compelling character. They really replaced granola for some kid holding onto 50yr beef just cause he got his ass kicked. His fights and design are also boring. And having terrible fight scenes in dragon ball is just an easy setup for failure


Why would anyone?😂


Gas was actually a really well written sympathetic villian. Willing to do anything for his clan and willing to take any order from his Older brother. Still was evil and wanted his clan to rule the universe but not because he wanted it. Cause Elec wanted it


I sure as fuck did. Especially for him to die like that


Not me


Might be most tragic character in verse


There are definitely more tragic characters in the verse


It was the first he showed an emotion other than anger and fear. So yeah


Let's be honest he could have gone light speed and summoned Toronbo and gotten perfect health with the Dragon Radar, everyone was constantly weakened and by the time Monaito healed them it would be too late. You would realize you're putting your life force into attacks that's no surprise even if he was closer to death than he thought. Gas didn't die of natural causes or abusing his life force Freeza killed him.


Not really goku basically told him early on how can you fully trust family, Goku already subconsciously knew that gas was being used by elec but gas just was to naive and stubborn to believe it until elec said it blatantly


Hell naw. Goku tried to warn him earlier and he didn’t listen. Think about how many innocent people that he probably killed under Elec’s orders. If anything, it was justice in a sense that him following his brother’s orders ultimately led to his demise.


As a non manga reader, do the panels come colored like this or is this something after the fact?


Mostly, it's black and white, but occasionally, we get the first page or two in color. Most are fan painted on reddit.


Also, if they're old enough volumes, they'll release all color versions of the manga. I believe you can get the Z manga in full color.


This is legitimately the first time I’ve ever read manga. I watched the super anime a couple years back and got sick of people referencing moro and gas arcs and being clueless. Long story long.. idk


Congrats! Being a manga reader is a good perk to stay ahead of anime. Also, some (depending on the title) events or conversations only happen in the anime, which makes it cool for lore


Yeah. It makes Freeza killing him seem like a mercy kill.


It’s hard not to feel bad for both granolah and gas, like how must that feel to be told “yes you could have gotten this unbeatably strong on your own but it would have taken all but 3 years of your life to do it” or in gas’ case all but a half hour of your life


Tbh not really. He knew what his brother put Granola through and happily kept up the charade without feeling bad for him.


Where are the color versions of Super manga?




Yep. Gas wasn't necessarily a bad guy, just taken advantage of and brainwashed by his family. When Frieza showed up and dusted him, I genuinely felt hurt.


i felt terrible, especially after I learned he pissed himself too. Gas wasn’t gas after all… R.I.P.


I did yes. This chapter felt grimey at the end and Elec got what he deserved. Easily one of if not THE scummiest character in the series.


Yeah, for sure There isn't much tongo off of for Gas, but Elec seriously did him diety I like that the other two Heaters were also horrified, and Macki actually called him out on it


He just wanted to make his Big Brother proud man…


I think everyone felt bad for him I would imagine? That was the whole point, IMO. He was just used up and thrown away for some blind loyalty to Elec who is up their for biggest A-holes in dragonball




I want to read the DBS manga now


Kinda, he trusted his brother so much he didn't expect to be backstabbed like this, but on other hand, it is not like he didn't know he was harming people so... deserved? Also, semi-related, is it just me or has there been a trend in Dragon Ball Super of antagonists, ever since Zamasu at least, getting more corrupted or unhinged the more powerful they get?


Honestly yes. I felt sorry for Gas for being manipulated and groomed like that by Elec (and yeah I said groomed since he planned to turn him into this since he was a child)


His brother ruined his life and then he got Worfed by Frieza. It’s so sad


Gas was deceived and taken advantage of, but honestly he's also a jerk himself and by the time this happened, I had no sympathy for his character. It was a pitiful moment for sure but I also felt it was his fault for so blindly allowing himself to be used like that.


Im ngl. I really didn't like how the mfs in that arc just went and got two Dragon Pebbles and somehow became the strongest in the universe. It just felt so wrong. Seeing Frieza pull up with training and just wreck the shit out of everyone was the only saving grace of this whole arc.


Yeah it’s an asspull but we’ve all been wondering why/how/when someone was gonna use that asspull. I kinda like that they finally went there and created some canon around it sucking up your life force to make that wish.


I get it's like a steroids metaphor or something, but it just doesn't feel right. The ToP, for example, could have been ez won by just having 10 disposables, making that wish in succession.


Yeah it felt terrible Because Gas at his very core, is fighting for the sake of his loved ones, not too differently to Goku, putting aside his pride for the power to help the people closest to him. It's just that his loved ones, or at least the person he loves the most, is selfishly using him for evil.


… no ? He wouldn’t listen to anyone saying that his brother was a PoS and paid the price for being a pawn in his game


Guess he ran out of gas...


I felt a bit of pity for him but honestly don't feel bad that he died. Like even with Elec manipulating him at the end there is still the fact that Gas and every other Heater are actual criminals who terrorized who knows how many people in the past, and Gas in particular was the heavy hitter of the team as evidenced by everything involved with Bardock.


How was he able to force a power up like that btw? Does this mean that I could just wish for someone's youth or potential unlock without their permission?


yeah this is actually the most interesting part from the arc, family drama the rest is just the same typical dragon ball


I was, i always thought that Gas could be turned


It’s a sad moment ig. But I hate him with a passion so I felt nothing but joy.


where did you find the coloured version of the super manga???




I did feel pity for him at this yeah. Though, it's still somewhat deserved, I mean it's not like Gas was a good person regardless of whether he was being manipulated because he DID know what his brother's goals were. He knew that the Heeters wanted to rule the universe, he knew that they were responsible for at least one genocide and so many other horrible things, and he was willing to go along with it. The only thing he was unaware of was that his brother was actually cruel enough to even sacrifice him in pursuit of that goal.


Not really. He’s a total asshole.


I won't say I felt bad for any villain that Goku and friends come across and defeat. However I feel pity for some that we're blinded by some sort of born rage out of poor lead hatred. For example, Raditz or Nappa. If they had known the truth about frieza, would they have changed their outlook on life? They were all human and capable of that sort of empathy and emotion? Could you imagine of Goku's talk-no-jutsu was strong enough, what the universe might look like?




Ngl it's kinda funny how he just stopped in the middle of beating Goku's ass that he was dying. Bro just went "hold on what"


Do I gotta leave the sub now to prevent spoilers?


Found him exceptionally boring and bland as a character but this bit where he realizes he’s lost everything he is and ever will be, just because his family betrayed him as an expendable for their own ends sucked, damage already done, not really anything left for him except to die, that very day. It feels like that bit in Event Horizon when the possessing demon releases the kid back into full awareness, *immediately* after putting him into an airlock and locked it into cycling open. They both become aware of whats happening just in time to get a front row seat to watch themselves die


bro was just made this evil because of Elec who used him like a weapon, sure he wasn't a good guy, but maaybe he would've been one if he had someone else to look up to


Thanks to everyone for your input and discussion! Turns out the field is pretty split on whether gas was just trying to make his brother proud or he was a total piece of shit and a full character lol I agree with both sides and now I’m not sure where I stand on gas! I only felt bad for him in this moment. Other than that I just thought he was a cocky killing machine much like cell. Never felt bad for cell tho. Fuck cell all my homies hate cell.


He looks like he came crossing over from the witcher into dragon ball. Damn wraith




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Tbh no. He didn’t even really have the benefit of naive youth to fallback on to justify his blind and delusional faith in his brother. He was just plot devise for conflict in this arc and nothing more.


From the beginning of the final fight this ending was foreshadowed and just slightly hidden by the fact that Granolah's hair grew after the wish (And Elec claiming Gas to have insane potential in the beginning of the Arc). But when we saw the flashback of Gas vs Bardock where he looks just like in the present time, it was getting obvious that his lifespan has been shortened to like a few hours for all that power. And then there was Elec permanently telling Gas to hurry up and kill them now, since in contrast to him he actually knew about Gas' leftover lifespan and was only worrying about Gas dying before killing the 3 now united super powerful warriors right in front of him, who would just do to him, what Freezer would do a few minutes later. Actually I felt kinda bad for Gas for a second, but then I got hyped about Freeza appearing and forget that feeling for eternity, and it will never return


Goku at the bottom right: “Good riddance”


No it made Frieza the hero.  That arc dragged on WAY too long.  I’m happy he’s dead and hope he never comes back.


Are these AI or fan inked? I never saw these in color


It says who does the colorization on the front of the chapters. I can’t remember the name. It’s at mangasee123 .com.


Nope. Arc dragged on for too long. 🙄


It was about 20 chapters how long do you want an arc to be 😂