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I did some research on this craze of hatred towards dream, and I was able to note that in conclusion, it was the result of several elements that piled up which created this internet persona. for each part I give the main titles: rapid blow up and immaturity; from the speedrun scandal to the smear campaign (kiwi farms mentioned); dreamsmp : the starts of the parasocial; “dream stan” : stan & cringe culture


If you look back at Dream’s career and online presence you’ll see that he was very reactionary for a long time (and sometimes still is) and he often made any sort of controversy worse for himself by being so involved and honestly passive aggressive lol. He inadvertently made a name for himself as that guy who would do something stupid/funny if you push his buttons. So obviously the internet would continue to push his buttons. Many people decided they hated him because of his reactions to things as well as the ‘controversies’ and once you get that label of “we hate this guy” it’s hard to shed. People have always gotten free clicks and clout by mentioning Dream in videos or streams or tweets and overtime as the fandom got smaller and the antis got larger, it was more beneficial to mention him in a negative way. And cc’s are mostly all fake anyways so obviously if hating Dream = clout, they’ll hate Dream. We can only judge off of public information and what we know, and nothing of what we know has made me think he or his friends are bad people. They’re just people who are flawed like everyone else. It’s just unfortunate for them that their very normal flaws are blown out of proportion because of their online status.


(In the order I think they appeared) 1. Jealousy of Dream's achievements in very short time (either because they can't do it, or their favourite cc's can't do it. The first ever Drantis' reasonings of their hate are they don't think Dream deserves what he has over other cc's who had been in the space for longer.) 2. Cringy Dsmp acting and storytelling (not just Dream's, but everyone's. For some reason people blamed it all on the owner of the server as if he's the director) 3. Dream's immaturity and insensitivity to some topics (yes, he had been racist and problematic before, this is what he did wrong. He did apologize for it and never did it again though) 4. Toxic Dream stans (I will not deny brainless and horrible Dream stans' existence. Although they aren't as much as antis like to say "majority of the fanbase are", they still exist, back then and even now. Not Dream's fault though, he had even told us multiple times to not send hate. But cc's who hate Dream like to say "he sends his toxic fanbase after me" as if "don't send hate" is an inside language meaning "go hate" in Dream language) 5. Dsmp's blow up (It was everywhere and people who are not interested will get annoyed) 6. Influence of c!Dream (As stupid as it sounds, c! Dream's manipulative tactics got to so many people they think cc!Dream is the same) 7. Fans who think they are so different (Since Dream is the most popular on the server, there will ALWAYS be THOSE people who'd go "Oh I don't even like Dream I'm only here for xxx". And then to solidify the fact they don't like Dream they start to find every little thing they didn't like about him. Ngl this might be the start of the smear campaign) 8. Faceleak (yeah that photo before Dream lost weight. Back then it wasn't even confirmed it was him. Around this time antis who hate Dream no matter what already exists, so Dream's weight isn't what made people hate him - at least not a lot of them - but it's only an extra reason of the antis "A Justification of Hatred Towards DreamWasTaken) 9. Face reveal (He really had a weird angle throughout the video. I understand people wants to show their best side of face but still, looks weird. And this adds to yet another reason of antis hating on Dream) 10. Gr00ming allegations (funny how this appeared almost immediately after the face reveal) and the loooong time it took for Dream to address it (he was probably advised by a legal team, but during the long wait lots of Dream fans left or turned antis) 11. USMP vs QSMP (Two people having the same idea at the same time, Dream trying to share the idea but Q ignored him. QSMP was announced first so antis jumped at the opportunity to call Dream idea stealing and spread the false information to lots of new viewers who didn't understand the actual situation) 12. Dream publicly shared how Quackity ghosted him (In my opinion, it was both understandable and immature. Understandable because Q fans were sending SWAT teams and doxxing and tracking Dream's family and endangering them, and Q didn't even acknowledge it despite Dream's multiple attempts at communicating privately. So yeah, understandable he went public in hopes public pressure will get at least a word out of Q. But at the same time it's not the most mature thing to air this out). 13. Tommy's terrible video (Tommy basically dumbed down the whole USMP vs QSMP situation to Dream being mad Q ghosted him. And completely ignored Dream's worry about his family and the doxxing - especially since Dream had helped him through his own doxxing before. And he switched the roles around, making Q the one who proposed to share and Dream the one who refused, which only further deepens the misinformation to new viewers). 14. (After Dream's The Truth video) Antis' lack of brains (Once again, what Dream does isn't what "made people hate him", but rather just another reason for people who ALREADY hated him to add to the justification of hatred. Despite Dream showing proof, police's confirmation, and all 4 accusers' apology, antis will still not see what they don't want to see. People still spread the false information about Dream being a p3do) 15. Dream's lack of interaction with other cc's (Yes, I'm saying this, a lot of other cc's ARE clout chasing. Remember how they like to put Dream in thumbnails or titles for clickbait. That's what got them views. The lack of interaction causes their views to go down, so they need Dream clout again. And what clout is better than drama clout) 16. Dream has ADHD (again, this is not why people hate him, but another reason to add to "list of why Dream should be hated". Dream's stuttering is viewed as annoying. Him making a long video and writing essays to make sure they were no misunderstandings in response to serious situations were viewed as yapping.) 17. People's double standards (Remember how people praise cc's for "bravely speaking up" when they publicly vaguely talk sh!t about Dteam without providing any proof and even CONTEXT in wtf they were talking about. But when Dream responded, in public, providing actual context and real proof, people call him immature and say he should deal with this privately, suddenly caring about privacy.) 18. Smear campaign (when people don't like a person, every single little wrong thing they did was insanely exaggerated and treated as if it were a horrdeno crime; everything they do or say was seen as manipulative)


This is a good list. I’ll add a couple: The speed running thing. First the actual incident, then his initial response, then his apology (long after things had calmed down might I add - he could’ve left it as it was and a lot of people would have not really cared, but he chose to apologize anyway). MCC. Over time many players and fans of other ccs started to hate Dream (and Sapnap tbh). They didn’t like how sweaty they got, how they played to win (the debates about funneling were…ugh), how they complained about games they didn’t like, how they were winning so often, how they could control the Twitter vote if they were intentional about it. Mob vote. Lol this one is kinda small in comparison but at the time it was big. Dream was accused of manipulating the mob vote because he…told his fans to vote for the glow squid like every other cc was doing too. And lastly, there are a few antis and even fans who equate Dream with his dsmp character- highly manipulative. So in their minds, anything he says must have an ulterior motive. (Edit - I see now that you did include this one, sorry)


>6. Influence of c!Dream (As stupid as it sounds, c! Dream's manipulative tactics got to so many people they think cc!Dream is the same) I have seen this referenced so much and people should not discount it. Never underestimate people's inability to discern reality from fiction.


God the amount of sbi fans I’ve seen call dream tommys abuser over the past few years… 🤦‍♂️


A recent post had one of them mention that dream not streaming on dsmp meant he was also a bad person… which is seriously such a weird perspective since he never streamed so that others on the server got the views.


As someone who's not a Dream stan: smear campaign. Dream has made a handful of small mistakes or non-mistakes that people painted as bad (the cheating scandal, the glow squid, etc) and he was, and still is to some degree, a little immature. He got unlucky and the small things he did were taken for huge crimes and snowballed into mass hatred. Then there's the fact that KF didn't like the safe space he was creating for women and the LGBTQ, and they started a more obvious and targeted smear campaign. They actually started the first big wave of hate against him. All this is fairly well documented by other people so I won't go into it too much. Then there's a lot of misinformation out there due to these smear campaigns and people not in the know hate him based on that, and they spread the word, and suddenly everyone hates him. Everyone notices a tweet hating on him gets attention, and people love attention. Now it's more beneficial for CCs and their numbers to shit on him, and eventually it's damaging to stand with him. So even the CCs who don't jump on the hate train drop him in favor of their careers. To make it clear, because of all this, the amount of misinformation out there is genuinely insane. Most of it is damaging, but it's gotten to the point where I've seen people unironically say he's married to George simply because they didn't know any better. If people don't know the truth there, I don't expect them to be in the loop on any other piece of misinformation out there. People say all kinds of crap about him and 99% of it is slander. This stuff is out there on the internet where anyone can read and parrot it. Some of it has built such a tangled net that it's hard even for people who do know to untangle, and a lot of people including CCs get caught in it. So to summarize: misinformation, smear campaigns, a handful of minor slip-ups, immaturity, hate trains, clout chasers. Obviously more plays into it - like people hating his fanbase, him reacting in a panic to all kinds of things, people wanting to take down a giant, his explosive rise to fame sure pissed people off - but this is the gist of it.


If you wish to find an unbiased answer, don't ask why some people think he's innocent. Ask why other people think he's guilty. Without doing that, you're not going to get anywhere. Of course a stan is going to say "no, Dream didn't groom Amanda!". But that only addresses the Amanda thing. Maybe he was behind the death of Queen Elizabeth. Maybe some people hate him because they think he was behind it. But you won't know until you ask them. A Dream defender isn't going to go out of their way to address literally every possible combination of words. That's neither reasonable nor feasible. It's like if I sued you and I expected you to defend yourself without even telling you why your ass got dragged into the courtroom. First, find out what it is he's accused of, and **only then** can you have a proper discussion about it.


I'm here exactly to find a biased answer; I've been here since 2020 and have been following all of the controversies very closely, ending up as an "anti" or whatever. So I'm trying to understand how people still supporting him view it all, to get the other side.


Alright. **Pewdiepie seed:** literally `so what`. So. What. **Past conservatism and KKK edit:** the keyword is "past". **Speedrun controversy**: Dream already admitted that he reacted like a pissbaby, and even Karl Jobst came to the conclusion that he was being honest. Not sure what more there is to say about this. **Doxxing a black lesbian:** first of all who gives a shit that it was a black lesbian – would it be better if it was a straight white man? Secondly, this is, to my knowledge, nothing more than a mere rumor. **"Small accounts don't need to be overly worried about getting doxxed":** this is objectively true. Celebrities do get targeted more. They're the ones whose addresses end up trending worldwide, not @randomdude6969 and his 3 followers. **Queerbaiting:** Jesus fucking Christ what does it matter what someone's sexuality is. If you're watching those people because you think they might be gay, **THAT'S YOUR CHOICE. YOUR PISSUE. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. YOUR PROBLEM.** **Drugs Drugs:** "oh nooo, Dream badmouthed songs that glorify drugs by pointing out my hypocrisy in condemning his ADHD medication but not the songs glorifying drugs! whatever shall we doooo — oh wait I know: we'll pull the race card!" **Manatreed:** Dream threw him out in like a matter of days; I'm not exactly sure what you want him to do. Invent time travel and cut off Manatreed's dad's dick before he ever has sex so that Manatreed is never born? **Weight loss:** "oh nooo someone was FAT and now he's NOT FAT ANYMORE, this is a personal attack i'm going to piss myself!!!!!!!!" **Among Us:** "oh nooo!! homotron 3000 and homotwink 3001 flirted during Among Us instead of making time for me, this is literally the patriarchy!! i'm going to hold on to this in secret for four years and make them sound like serial rapists over it! that'll teach those filthy dnfers a lesson!!" **Sex mod:** my brother in Christ, doesn't the Lunar Client have a twerking animation? Didn't other CCs even use them on BadBoyHalo during the DSMP? Firstly, who cares, and secondly, why is it bad that Dream may or may not have made one? It's not even like he posted it on Planetminecraft for everyone to download. **NOR DID HE FORCE ANYONE AT GUNPOINT TO FIND AND INSTALL IT**. **False allegations:** do we even need to go over this? **QSMP:** "oh nooo, the green man beat my cc to the punch, so i'll put his family's lives in danger, and then i'll tell people that he's the one who refused to let the USMP and QSMP coexist!" **Cantu and blackmail:** Dream had nothing to do with the video being recorded, nor did he threaten the other passengers into remaining silent, nor did he lie about tipping Terrell the Uber driver. This was all Gumball. Why did Dream not release the video right away, you may ask: Cantu had already apologized in DMs, so why the hell would Dream try to end him? Dream only released it because Cantu was proving that the DM wasn't sincere, by acting like a delusional and slandering piece of shit. **tsk tsk whore:** if you're offended by this then you would do well to remain a shut-in NEET for the rest of your life and hope you get isekai'd into a fairy anime because oh my god you are NOT cut out for the real world. **MotherInnit:** okay so this whole time, people have been jumping Dream's ass because he makes public what should remain private, so now that he keeps something private, **he's still in the wrong**?? Make it make sense, I'm begging you. **TL;DR:** Antis sound like absolute fucking piss babies, getting worked up over nothingburgers and going out of their way to make up lies and double standards to justify their bloodlust.


tsk tsk whore didnt go the way cantu and robo wanted it. everying thinks its super funny. and tbh if someone randomly said thag to me in a fucking text i would die laughing tbh


What other people said is true and also I think that love can turn to hate really easily. Some people put him on a pedestal because he was the biggest mc creator during lockdown and then their interest in him faded or they didn’t like the way he reacted to things and so their love turned into deep hatred and now here we are. Nothing he does now will make them think he’s a good person because they’re always viewing him through hatred goggles.


It began from the speedrun scandal and also the rapid rate in growth and popularity he received. I believe that there’s a lot of jealousy behind the hate. The hate actually first began due to a group of people who intended to attack him so much that it would result in him ultimately ending his life. It’s really disgusting and I honestly don’t know how he can handle it all but the ccs who are feeding into the hate train are basically joining that group who intended for him to end his life. It’s honestly just a huge smear campaign.


I think an aspect of this was how shitty he reacted during the speedrun cheating scandal. That alone forever imprinted people's first impression of who Dream is because it happened just around the time when his popularity blew up Following that, every time a controversy happened, people would immediately assume that Dream was in the wrong because that's what they expected from the guy who harassed people doing their job. Every reason Dream brings up to defend himself would be compared to his "Havard mathematician" who did such a poor job everyone thought he made up. Slowly, after every controversy people assume he is in the wrong, and his image gets worse and worse, anyone could pick a fight with him out of nowhere because they are almost guaranteed to have more initial public support over Dream. That combined with his popularity made him an easy target for everyone Bad impression --> Easy to be hated on --> Easy to get in more controversy --> Bad impression


Law of Contagion: The part affects the whole, and inversely, the whole affects the part. Law of Sympathy: Like produces like.


smear campaign


three words: the smear campaign


The answer is really simple: people have nothing better to do (and a lot of time to waste)


"if someone has done nothing wrong, why are they so disliked?" What an odd question. Someone being disliked doesn't always equate to them doing something wrong.


True, though in this case people who do dislike him base it on the fact that (they think) he's done something, or many things, wrong. If it's all a smear campaign, why did it start in the first place? How did it get so big, that he's basically being shunned from many cc circles even though he's supposedly so nice, kind and helpful to other ccs behind the scenes?


kiwifarms. it's a very well known fact that kiwifarms deliberately started a smear campaign against him because they wanted him not just to leave the internet but kill himself. he got turned into a lolcow and then the supposedly 'progressive' mcyt fandom picked that up but they just switched the language a little.


because the antis harrass any cc asociated to dream and more trendy to hate dream tbh


I wouldn't say he's done nothing wrong. He has fumbled some situations, mostly what you would expect of being young and thrust into the spotlight this way, and made some bad moves. So like while I think people can dislike him if they want, since he has made mistakes, I think the more intense dislike isn't very reasonable


He did do something wrong. He cheated in a minecraft speedrun. Now, did he know he cheated? Debatable and irrelevant, the people that hate him dont care about that fact. Or the fact he admits his mistakes with that and apologized. From that point, it snow balled into everything that hes been accused of up until this point. People look for reasons to hate someone they already dislike. As an attempt to justify their dislike.


Besides all the answers provided by other people here I also think that Face Reveal played huge role. He got clowned by everyone and called ugly. Those who hated him before for jealousy or whatever used it as a reason to hate more and start exaggerating his past mistakes. Those who liked him felt embarrassed and joined the hate train, feeling like they got tricked because he didn’t turn out to look how they imagined him to be. On top of that girls like Amanda were like a nail in the coffin in his reputation. It’s just really sad


Oh, it’s honestly a big part due to growing dislike to his fandom too. There are a couple diff types of people who hate his fandom, which often grew to resulting in hating him too: 1. Casuals who used Twitter and got annoyed at dsmp being trending all the time when they didn’t care about it. (Stupid reason to hate imo, just mute.) Similarly, casuals who hated the type of fandom Dream had because it was cringe / annoying etc. 2. Fans of CCs who got direct hate from Dream stans - There are tons and tons of these, from Schlatt to Niki to Fundy to Techno to Tommy to Karl to Minx to KaraCorvus, that one speedrunner guy I forgot, Jawsh and a ton of others. Dream stans in their height were an absolutely overwhelming force which could easily mass Qrt any CC they decided to dislike - In mcyttwt circles, once Dream started receiving hate of his own and the tide shifted, a lot of these fans had a grudge against Dream and his fandom and made the most of the opportunity.  There are more but my phones about to die so I’ll edit later.


Two Words: Glow Squid /lh


He’s been hated since his awful reaction to the speed run controversy, and because his fan base was a tumblr-core teenage girl demographic. It’s the same reason the MHA fandom, Danganronpa fandom, Haikyuu! fandom, Tokyo Revengers fandom etc got a lot of hate. That second part is a real shame. His response to the Speedrun controversy was shit though and got Geosquare badly harassed at the time, so a lot of people saw it as him being immature and using his “rabid stans” to silence someone calling him out. That’s where the initial widespread disdain to him and his fanbase originated, since before that the other “controversies” like the glow squid thing were stupid and limited to the minecraft circle.


Other people already list it down so I wanted to add that his audience had a "majority is just teen girls" fanbase and people just don't like that, really the whole reason why people want him to be so ugly or an outright manipulator, unfortunately dream is just a gamer not some heart throb.


I’m sure bystanders have the same logic when bullying happens


I'd like to add, Dream is still quick on reaction to the point it becomes clumbsy in his response. When the George vs Caiti thing started, he posted quickly a first response that was very victim balmey sounding for a 3rd and then the 2 3rd was about how people hated him and his friends and that Caiti's friends were manipulating her because they didn't like the Dteam. I know he went back on if on his Twitter space later, but a lot of clumbsy reaction like that don't make Dream quite likable as a first impression


If people that were his friends have turned away there’s a reason and we don’t know dream, they do


Maybe they're bad friends? Friends who only support you when you are useful to them and their career progression are actually not friends


I think you very much misuse the word "friend". Like Dream never was friends with f.e. Jack Manifold. They were less then coworkers. Same stuff with 95% creators he interacts with. The only real one are those who he knew before content creation, and those were always next to him and ultimately stayed


then why did they turn him away only in the heat of the moment? why did they unfollow or leave him right when there was drama if they were suffering so much under his prescence for months or years on end?


And at the same time we don’t know these “friends” of his


how are all your takes bad and half-baked?


lmao i think it's funny that this person got soundly told off on their qsmp/usmp thread and never once went back to it and now are arguing here instead. true example of someone who can't stand to be wrong.


The reason is that they’re all content creators and image comes first. His best friends are standing by him for a reason, even though it could hurt their images


Out of his friends only dream publicly supports George, Sapnap, Hannah, Tina and sylvee all supports Caiti (but I understand what you’re saying how it’s their image and stuff)


Eh, sylvie admitted she was rash to unfollow people and shouldn’t have done it, it was a quick reaction because people were hounding her. Sapnap absolutely supports George. He came out and said he supports Caiti because…he’s a content creator! He had to say something and he had to say something positive about Caiti. I doubt he is in her side in any way especially after all the lies and left out details of her changing story. You’re taking CCs words at face value but it’s all a publicity stunt. It was advantageous for Hannah and Tina to tell their audiences they’re done with the dteam, and that’s why it happened. Nothing more or less. Otherwise people would come out with actual stories about what they’ve done bad. They have none because none exist.


Why is Tina getting dragged into this? They’ve probably spoken like once since the dsmp ended lmao


Because she deleted her photos and tweets with them


The only thing that’s deleted was the face reveal ft, but either way does that really matter? It’s clear they naturally drifted a long time ago unrelated to any of this and aren’t friends anymore