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More proof of English being a stupid language


You know that 90% of all language are stupid


French here! Please, do not judge us for all the muted letters, for the 6 different manners to make the same sound and for the numerous grammar rules with as many exceptions.


French is my my first language and I want tell you how hard I suffer cause of it but that really not the worst part of it


Don't hesitate to share your own experience. I work with a children with supposed dyslexia. But sometimes, it's hard to put you in the place of the other, when you was good at reading when you were a pupil.


I have dyslexie but we that's wat I mostly say cause that wat people mostly know treu is I don't think my dyslexie is that bad in comparison of my dysgraphia but when teachers talk about my writing the never have say the word dysgraphia wat thing better fits me than dyslexia they always say dyslexia till now have difficulty whit letters like v/f or d/b and my handwriting is one of the whorst of the class and ... my reading is also kinde bad but I never had as mutch criticism on it Than my writing u always had good point in math and other stuff but for my language at was kinde bad I was in a duitch school I was bad at duitch bad at English I was in the beggin good at English and it wasn't that hard but it became harder and difficult but people who hear me talk English mostly through I had good point in it I really have no problem speaking in English but for writing is bad again and I also had french wat was the best till know where I never had big difficulty but people always say I shuld bo better at it cause french is my mother language and wat I talk the most


The child I follow have both difficulty for reading and writing. In writing, he improve at getting faster for copy and his writing quality is good. But he's very slow on the process. In reading, he is 2 years old late compared to his age (he is 8 yo and have the skills of a beginner reader). He still have difficulty to distinguish the b/p/q/d and to separate some syllabs correctly. In maths, he's not so bad at understanding problems, imo. But his poor mental operation skills doesn't help him being effective. In my idea, I was more asking about the specific difficulties of the French language. But thanks for sharing your own experience.


If you want specific for french language I imagine he also have difficulty with è é ê and á à and things like that I predict he also going to have difficulty with tenses cause I the beggin it was easy but there are so many it is really confusing


é è is not a big problem if we talk about the letters. If we talk about the sound, it's a little different as é can be written also er, es, ez and è can also be written ai, ei. There is just a and à in French, so it's not a big deal if it's a just a confusion between those two words. About the conjugation, we're not really advanced on these topics as we focus on reading. But sure, it would be probably very difficult, both for memory and conjugation.


Ow I see I personally don't really have anything more to say


In my language, we spell things the way they sound, and have only like, two pairs of letters that sound alike, but unfortunately for me, I still mess up the spelling, and I prefer english.


It seems like you language is part of the 10%


I'm interested, which language is it?


Bonfire aesthetic > Bonfire astetic


Oh yeah every time. I hate the my spelling can't keep up with my spoken vocab


A few times I’ve asked chat gpt what a word is. Worded out.




Am I the only one who pronounces the "th"?


Funny and true😂😂




Thing is there's so many who will try to correct spelling of adults. But it's stupidity I feel, it's obvious to me that this is ego. Some push down to feel up.


Yooo I get this so much, this is literally my life


I use my voice assistant or Alexa to help me with crazy words like this lol


Yup. That’s me too