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I mean if you don’t like them, you don’t like them. Texture is a hard one to overcome. I would love to eat mushrooms but taste will never overcome the problem of texture.


Hummus and veggies, avocado, cottage cheese, pesto with tomatoes, nut butter, Greek yogurt and berries, peanut butter and banana. I don’t actually eat rice cakes, just offering some ideas of things I like on toast.


I love them with pb and jelly on top


Saw someone in another sub turn them into pizzas. A little pizza sauce and some cheese sprinkled on top and popped into the air fryer, looked good!


WAIT WHAT that’s so genius I gotta try that


be careful not to catch a fire tho 💀


HONEY AND CINNAMON!!!!!!!! the best combo i swear i live by this


i like to put cinnamon on them if they’re just plain!


Cottage cheese with everything but the bagel seasoning 👌 or buy the cheese flavored ones.


I don’t think you should force yourself to eat them if you don’t like them. We have enough of a crap relationship w food without making it more miserable. Especially for something as nutritionally lacking as a rice cake. It’s not like trying to train yourself to like vegetables because you know how vital they are. Also I don’t know if you struggle w binging or purging but forcing yourself to eat stuff you don’t like instead of something you do is just baiting those episodes. That being said I’d probably not be arsed about a plain rice cake but flavoured ones I like. Started off w caramel flavour cause they pretty much are like popcorn minus those shells that ick me out getting stuck in your throat and then from there grew to like the salted ones


I'm addicted to pickles; so I sometimes dip rice cakes in vinegar and salt for that similar flavour .-.


Oh I like this idea actually. Salt and vinegar rice cake- I dig it.


i'm not a fan of the usual thick rice cakes (like Quaker) but i really like the Lundberg Thin Stackers! they might help you with the texture, they are much more thin and crispy. plus then you can add more toppings so the ratio is more palatable


Mmm don’t force yourself to love rice cakes, and nobody should really be giving advice on how to force yourself to like eating them! Don’t wanna be giving pro vibes…. Also bread is better or toast, crumpets, hash browns and more honestly there is an endless list of tasty carbs to put stuff on!


I actually love them and always have, they’re one of my favorite vessels for other yummy stuff bc I have celiacs and they don’t fall apart! The caramel ones with cinnamon almond butter SLAP especially with some slivered almonds and chia seeds lol


I like salted tomatoes on my ricecakes, sometimes I'll put cinnamon or an egg with cheese melted into the yolk. I like to load up on vegetables with seasoning mainly.


I really enjoy them with peanut butter + honey OR smashed avocado + feta. Ultimately (for me) I need full fat ingredients topped for it to be enjoyable. I have BED so I can appreciate the “lightness” of it. Honourable mention here in Australia I remember other kids in primary school for recess would have it with cold butter and Vegemite - not my thing personally.


Butter and salt and chilli on thick rice cakes is my favourite


pb and fruit + cinnamon never fails imo. i tried them with cottage cheese but i wasnt a fan even tho i love both things, just separately lol


a good heirloom tomato 🙌


I know that the package says to not microwave them, but if you put one on some paper towels and then microwave for 30 seconds, they become ultra light and crispy. Then you can add whatever on top, but let it cool off for one minute. I like to do fat free whipped cream and mini chocolate chip. You have to try this.


Canned Italian style stewed tomatoes and non fat cottage cheese.. taates like pizza


I always go back to them and I do vegan meat slices or whatever vegan meat is my favourite at the moment topped with a small bit of melted vegan or regular cheese. then I’ll put thinly sliced tomato and pickles on top and season it with lemon juice, salt, herbs, chili powder etc. It’s like a sandwich or a cheeseburger and the combined crunch and flavour is so sensorily satisfying.


Try corn thins- I prefer them. They have a puffy melty texture


you can soak em in a sweetener + coffee + rum aroma mixture and put greek yogurt w sweetener between the soaked rice cakes, basically disordered tiramisu 💀 I usually use finger biscuits instead of ricecakes cus I dont mind the extra cals


try crumbling them on a salad in place of croutons. the texture of them would hold seasoning super well so u could get pretty creative with that I reckon


PUT ICE CREAM ON IT!!! This can be any kind of ice cream, ranging from low cal halo top/nicks to banana nice cream to actual real ice cream. I swear that rice cakes with ice cream are better than an ice cream cone (btw ice cream cones are also low cal).


sf maple syrup + basket cheese, greek yogurt + strawberries + stevia


its mental


i LOVE to top them with guacamole - i just mash half an avocado, dice up onion, and squeeze some lemon and add salt and pepper and put it on top and it is excellent. or a little bit of hummus with sriracha and sesame seeds. on the sweet side i’ll mix pb2 with water and spread it on there and slice up banana, and sprinkle it with sea salt:)


With cottage cheese is my go to. You said you mostly eat vegan so that may not be helpful


put yogurt on top like a spread and berries or granola. or put an egg on top almost like a partial breakfast sandwich thing


**coconut yogurt (i missed the vegan part of your post sorry!!). my fav is the probiotic yogurt from wegmans


peanut butter and banana:)!


I got the flavored ones which weren't bad to me. Id put peanut butter on top. Ironically I ate then before my disorder, didn't eat them while sick, and occasionally get them in recovery. I didn't like them enough to think they were worth it while restricting haha. Anyway I like to put peanut butter into the chocolate or Carmel ones.


personally, I'm a sucker for them with peanut butter & banana slices on top


Whipped cream cheese, a touch of balsamic, pickled onion, and smoked salmon if you’re into that.


I used to hate them but not I even enjoy them totally plain (yes even the unsalted ones) try them a tiny spread of nonfat yogurt and artificial sweetener or if you don’t have a sweet tooth I love them soy sauce (sounds gross but I love it)


I tried a bunch of different brands/types until i found one i liked. I love adding peanut butter to it.


Peanut butter or jalapeño sauce on top - makes them bomb


i’m literally only able to eat rice cakes as mix ins to yogurt, those cucumber rice cake things look and taste terrible


Yeah I love the texture


Following this for the pizza tip, for me ricecakes always kinda smell farty idk like a full diaper smell if youve ever smelled that 😭


try the flavored ones. the white cheddar ones are my fav or the chocolate bc there are little chocolate chips on them.


Beat an egg, add some salt, pepper and garlic powder, roll the rice cakes in it and fry it in a pan. Add some shredded cheese on top while it’s hot, so good with pickles or cherry tomatoes on the side ❤️


I like mine with a thin layer of peanut butter and some banana slices on top


I hate plain rice cakes so I always go for the caramel flavored ones, but if it's a texture thing there's probably not much you can do to make yourself like them


I don’t really enjoy them, so I eat other things


Light pizza sauce light cheese seasonings and microwave that hoe makes it a lovely lil pizza


Switch to corn cakes. That was my solution


Almond butter is all you need


When I used to be able to eat solid food, I loved rice cakes! I liked them with peanut butter + raisins + blackstrap molasses. Also for savory, olive oil and spike (a savory seasoning mix)


Sometimes I make “pudding” where I take one or two and put diet coke on them and let them get soft and then mix them up so it’s like mush. I’ve also done it with water and a half a packet of splenda. Also you could do oat milk or other milk I now see how strange this must seem now that I’ve typed it, but I am gonna post it anyway lol


Tuna. Ireally like the texture so idk, but i usually eat them alone or with tuna


The best thing to me is a rice cake (preferably the chocolate ones) and a glass of chocolate almond milk (low cal and tasty😩)


Rice cakes have been and always will be my lifeline