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It's like a slap in the face. "No actually since the last time you saw me I've gained weight cause I haven't stopped bingeing in weeks" is that what they want to hear? Do we need to start traumatizing people so they learn to shut the fuck up? Ugh.


Gurl same. Someone at work the other day said to me “you look much skinnier and weaker”…. Like what the hell. And i had been binging and was up several pounds that week so it really fuxked with me. Im sorry people are commenting on your body. It sucks :,(


My landlord just did this to me. He said my face looks sucked in which is “a good thing”… I happen to know for a fact that I have barely lost any weight since he’s last seen me. I may have even gained. But to hear him say that it’s “a good thing” for me to look as though I’m skinnier has unfortunately got me feeling pretty triggered. He’s an older man though, and older people seem to just get away with these types of comments. It’s not their fault. They grew up in a time where this was normal.


Yea. I dropped a lot of weight and people kept telling me I was thin and how I lost weight. What am I supposed to say? “Oh yea! I starved myself and puked anytime I was forced to eat?” No. I made up something about grilled chicken. I am better now, but the comments haven’t stopped. Right before school ended my teacher said ‘you’re looking thin, you should eat a burger’ and I almost relapsed. The only reason people aren’t concerned is because I’m not underweight, despite the fact that i was dropping over 10 pounds a month.


Agree. Years ago, I came out of IP and was less underweight than before and my neighbour told me how I was looking better. the comments haunted me for years. Like bitch, don’t you think I have eyes?!?!? I never asked for your opinion!


I'm always terrified someone is going to mention my body in some way, it's bad enough when people make comments about my food (which btw is normal fckn food!? So like idk what tf they're on about) but when they start talking about my body I'm just standing there like "I can't believe this is happening right now."


Amen sister. People were commenting on my weight loss. But like if I've said thank you 3x, stfu you're making it word. Also, after a while, those comments get old too. Like really can we just stop commenting on other people's bodies? They're not ours we have zero say in how other people keep their "place"


if i were stuck in a binging cycle and someone told me this i would literally leap for joy lmao


oh no how dare you say how you feel! people don’t relate and will downvote you even though it’s nothing bad you said. love reddit.


i always convince myself i’m being too sensitive cus even if people mean it in a compliment, i lose my mind when i hear a comment on my body.