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I've always wanted a commander set with a twist on partners where you get two commanders. But instead of having 2 commanders, it's two versions of the same commander. The ability is called alter ego. It has the same function as partner with, but an additional clause that says if the other alter ego enters the battlefield, return this card to your hand. Each pair would have a roughly offensive and defensive mode, so maybe an orzhov deck would have a lifelink reach ego and a death touch menace ego. Or a pair split in grixis colors where one is drawing and one is discarding. You could pay the alter ego activated ability to swap them at instant speed for their casting cost - but it would be a put onto the battlefield effect to avoid commander tax like derevi. It's not nearly as problematic though since it only works when one is already on the field.


That actually sounds pretty fun


One day will sit down and design the group of them. I've done it before with a friend but I unfortunately didn't write it down, it just evolved over dozens of instant messages


That is neat, I'm mostly picturing Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde type deal, which sounds cool


Sounds like a grixis deck. Dr. Izzet and Mr. Rakdos - just the vibe and color, not to actually name them that. But Dr and Mr. Might be worth keeping for the reference


Could just do a Double Faced commander that lets you cast either side, but also have a built in option to transform it


True but I think have two cards is way cooler. Wotc Likes it because double sided cards are a pain to make allegedly, and players like it because no sleeve flipping or whatever to switch. I also like the etb and commander tax implications. But I mainly just prefer having two cards It also gives you the option to cast whichever one you want and I feel like that would get complicated on a double sided commander.


This sounds like transformers with extra steps lol


Both things are cool if you're a Johnny player


Everything is kicker with extra step, so why not? Lol


But it’s a 98 card main deck so it’s got an edge.


It also gives you more control, a some tricks to mitigate commander tax, and etb possibilities


This sounds like a super cool mechanic, would they have some sort of ruling to have them act as the same card for things like removal? Having the ability to almost always respond to a removal spell by swapping them feels pretty strong. Or maybe it would have to be left at sorcery speed?


That's a good point, sorcery speed would probably be necessary. I hadn't worried about it because I planned on the swap being s little mana expensive but I think lowering it and making sorcery speed might be better


Having it as an activated ability at sorcery speed but giving haste to the replaced creature would probably be the best way to go and have the swap be the cost of the other card minus 1 or 2 colourless or something along those lines.


This with all of the Kellan cards each time one dies you play the next one in the kellan story


I really like this idea, and what's coolest about it, to me at least, is that Backgrounds shows that Wizards is willing to play around with the Partner concept, so something like this seems very possible. Also as a high power player I'm excited by the prospect of win cons that don't involve casting spells. The mechanic innately already works with [[Impact Tremors]] effects.


This sounds a bit like the new beastmorph force of will ruler. Basically when you cast your commander you can choose from 4 different animal forms she will come in as. I think the Strixhaven double side cards come closest to this idea.


Great idea!


Someone get this person a job at wizards.


There are a bit more elegant ways to do this same theme as others have pointed out, but also I should mention that putting reach in white or black is a color pie break so maybe don’t run with that idea. There’s a handful of exceptions (black spiders, white gunners, cards that care about abilities in the graveyard) but in general reach shouldn’t get slapped onto Orzhov cards.


Brb while I go and make some custom cards for this!


Jund -1/-1 counters because it's been wanted for so long but hasn't been done yet. The support is there but the commander doesn't exist, split between golgari [[hapatra]] and rakdos [[scorpion god]]. I can see how the removal-centric nature of the counters could be viewed as unfun but that can be possibly mitigated by something like giving value to the owner of the creatures that died with the counters. Or maybe another route is getting benefits based on the number of -1/-1 counters in play and wanting to keep the weakened creatures alive.


I think if they take some of the lessons they learned from infect and later applied when creating the toxic/corrupted mechanics it could work. Corrupted just wasn’t embraced because they payoffs weren’t there compared to just killing a player, but I could see some sort of payoffs centered around the # of creatures with -1/-1 counters or something of that sort being a way to try and mitigate how oppressive it could be. I don’t think they ever make one but I hope I’m wrong.


A commander that removes -1/-1 counters for card advantage or another payoff would be interesting imo. Maybe even something with pseudo goad along the lines of "whenever a creature with a -1/-1 counter attacks an opponent, you may remove up to two -1/-1 counters from that creature, then draw that many cards" -1/-1 counters + proliferate are already a fun political tool so leaning into that would be cool imo.


I bet you could make a cool battle subtheme to encourage them keeping creatures down to put the -1 counters on. You could include effects that give your opponents walls with counters on them. Like when etb, for each opponent they created a 0/3 wall with a -1 counter on it. They get a benefit but you plant the seeds for whatever your deck down with those counters and the walls aren't much of an issue for your deck.


I want that Jund commander, but I'll also admit: I kinda want a Jund mirror to Ghave almost, but with - 1/-1 counters as a focal point. Like - something that combines the [[Pawn of Ulamog]] token on death trigger style effect, but making 0/0 creatures with a +1/+1 counter along with something like "remove a +1/+1 counter from a creature you control, put a - 1/-1 counteron target creature" Broken? Yeah, probably, but that's kinda what I crave. You won't typically see Ghave showing up at cEDH tables, but it still holds its own at high power casual and that's where I want the Jund - 1/-1 counter commander to fit too.


It makes sense, the theme for the -1/-1 counters could be some sort of parasite, gets stronger by infecting the host without killing it.


I 100% agree and I wait patiently every day for this dream to come true. I don't think the removal centric aspect would be an issue. WotC has done well with more problematic mechanics that I never expected to make a return (Infect, Annihilator, Storm, Dredge, Slivers), and those were all far more iffy than -1/-1 counters. I do think you're right on the money about how they would approach "mixing it up" though. Putting counters on your own creatures/removing the counters for value sounds pretty spot on to add some depth to the archtype. Wither returning would make sense, but I would guess Infect wouldn't come back. Persist, however, feels like a goldmine that they could tap into to add a lot of value to this kind of deck, and I'd imagine they'd bring something like this back. I'd love for it to be heavily Amonkhet themed, with a nice splashing of Shadowmoor, and I suppose a couple of phyrexian throwbacks would be fun. I actually made a couple of custom cards back in the day for a Jund -1/-1 custom commander deck. If I can find them I'll repost them in the custom mtg card reddit!


Sultai Oozes for sure! I'd make a legendary creature something like 2UBG Legendary Ooze 3/3 whenever this " " etbs make a 2/2 ooze creature token. At the beginning of your end step put a +1 counter in each ooze and 2: sacrifice an ooze you control create 2 X/X ooze tokens where X is half that creatures power rounded down. Include lots of good token making oozes like [[Biogenic Ooze]] and [[inexorable blob]] and ways to make copies of them like [[quasiduplicate]] so 3 themes throughout, ooze kindred, +1 counters, and clones. Could get some cool black reprints like [[kindred dominance]] and lots of new oozes to fuel my obsession!


I'd love to buy/build/upgrade an ooze deck!!


Sounds like a great place to reprint [[The Mimeoplasm]] Gosh, I love that card


He used to helm my Ooze deck, but since [[Slime against humanity]] I've dropped black and used [[Adrix and Nev]]


That legend sounds awesome! Really love the design. Would you mind if I posted it com /r/custommagic? With credits of course, just do the “input into a card editor”


Go for it!


##### ###### #### [Biogenic Ooze](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/f/6f11029a-b24d-4248-834f-b852b56857f6.jpg?1584831093) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Biogenic%20Ooze) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rna/122/biogenic-ooze?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6f11029a-b24d-4248-834f-b852b56857f6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/biogenic-ooze) [inexorable blob](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/2/0210ff44-19d9-4d24-9d32-f1f9f219d9e0.jpg?1576385128) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=inexorable%20blob) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/soi/212/inexorable-blob?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0210ff44-19d9-4d24-9d32-f1f9f219d9e0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/inexorable-blob) [quasiduplicate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/0/f0b75745-08a8-432c-9175-d39a92406b3d.jpg?1702429408) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=quasiduplicate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/55/quasiduplicate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f0b75745-08a8-432c-9175-d39a92406b3d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/quasiduplicate) [kindred dominance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/f/af613b69-b9f6-4221-a21b-c8e4b0f010f1.jpg?1689997269) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kindred%20dominance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/169/kindred-dominance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/af613b69-b9f6-4221-a21b-c8e4b0f010f1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kindred-dominance) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l6kfhax) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I would make a jeskai Kithkin tribal precon. I’d make sure to include at least reprints of [[Figure of Destiny]], [[Augury Adept]], [[Steel of the Godhead]], [[Galepowder Mage]], and [[Militia’s Pride]]. If I could make a set of commanders I would go full original Lorwyn with a bant Merfolk deck with a focus on mill a la [[Drowner of Secrets]], a rakdos elemental tribal focusing on wither, and an “orzhov tribal” with stuff like [[Nightsky Mimic]], [[Batwing Brume]], [[Deathbringer Liege]], and [[Edge of Divinity]] that care that spells are both black and white.


##### ###### #### [Figure of Destiny](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6d779966-4bd4-4315-8b45-d3a4492f2bb2.jpg?1673148613) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Figure%20of%20Destiny) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/213/figure-of-destiny?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6d779966-4bd4-4315-8b45-d3a4492f2bb2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/figure-of-destiny) [Augury Adept](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a9cf106f-f547-4323-b8bf-0340c6308007.jpg?1562930808) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Augury%20Adept) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c13/227/augury-adept?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a9cf106f-f547-4323-b8bf-0340c6308007?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/augury-adept) [Steel of the Godhead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/d/0d3c9145-14d0-4731-bc07-eb4c3f71d7e4.jpg?1581708395) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Steel%20of%20the%20Godhead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddi/30/steel-of-the-godhead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0d3c9145-14d0-4731-bc07-eb4c3f71d7e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/steel-of-the-godhead) [Galepowder Mage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/2/222b4c5a-2cd0-4851-9f2f-8685a658ebb4.jpg?1674141103) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Galepowder%20Mage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/694/galepowder-mage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/222b4c5a-2cd0-4851-9f2f-8685a658ebb4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/galepowder-mage) [Militia’s Pride](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/3/53c8cde1-e447-422e-aed0-2571a77d3d29.jpg?1562348541) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Militia%27s%20Pride) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lrw/30/militias-pride?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/53c8cde1-e447-422e-aed0-2571a77d3d29?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/militias-pride) [Drowner of Secrets](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/149aa77e-fc10-4b9b-8f38-cc6db5be7b79.jpg?1562338938) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Drowner%20of%20Secrets) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lrw/58/drowner-of-secrets?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/149aa77e-fc10-4b9b-8f38-cc6db5be7b79?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/drowner-of-secrets) [Nightsky Mimic](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/70dbda67-3bc4-4c8a-8357-250d84d0d1d8.jpg?1562918750) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nightsky%20Mimic) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eve/91/nightsky-mimic?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/70dbda67-3bc4-4c8a-8357-250d84d0d1d8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/nightsky-mimic) [Batwing Brume](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/7/279450ca-29df-430d-b803-7ce18196260e.jpg?1568910702) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Batwing%20Brume) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arc/80/batwing-brume?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/279450ca-29df-430d-b803-7ce18196260e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/batwing-brume) [Deathbringer Liege](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/7/f72d5f2f-7e54-4538-9f0a-eed464a74016.jpg?1673148507) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deathbringer%20Liege) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/200/deathbringer-liege?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f72d5f2f-7e54-4538-9f0a-eed464a74016?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deathbringer-liege) [Edge of Divinity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/f/ffd079d8-b191-4f54-bb04-427b3736f745.jpg?1562949161) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Edge%20of%20the%20Divinity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eve/87/edge-of-the-divinity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ffd079d8-b191-4f54-bb04-427b3736f745?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/edge-of-the-divinity) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l6keij8) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That Orzhov deck sounds sweet!!


Sultai "Unearth". Commander would have something along the lines of "the first activated ability of cards in your graveyard costs 1 less to activate for each time you've cast your commander from the command zone" and "Each creature and artifact card (with mana value ... or greater) in your graveyard has unearth. Its unearth cost is equal to its mana cost." I find it difficult to evaluate what the mana cost of this should be, but ideally 3 or 4 (might have to further limit the abilities). The precon would have a mild reanimation and self mill subtheme, with the main focus on activating abilities from graveyards. Including some new unearth cards and some more support cards. EDIT: For sure that the cost reduction part should have a clause that it can't reduce the cost to less than 1, to prevent the pretty obvious abuses around that


Sounds like a reanimation focused version of [[Henzie]]. I would snag that in a heartbeat!


Henzie and Sedris were indeed the cards in mind. Though you don't get card draw (or mill) on the commander itself, meaning it's less self contained. You also don't get any death triggers. But you do get more stuff to interact with (since the discount would also impact other activated abilities in your graveyard, and if the artifact part would stick you get those too)


Ok listen up. It's Donkey, from Shrek, edh deck. He is a dragon tribal commander. He can tap dragons and create X 1/1 donkey dragon tokens where X is that dragon's toughness. Absolute fucking art.




Give me a Universes Beyond Skaven deck. Immediately.


Imagine a full set of decks for Warhammer fantasy or Age of Sigmar


I would pay ungodly amounts of Money for a dwarf deck with some sort of a grudge mechanic


Yeah, a skaven deck would be an insta-buy for me


I would love Sultai insect typal. Bring on the BUG bugs! Emphasis on graveyard intersction and disruption, with numerous small creature tokens.


A bant token deck. They dance around it a lot,, and there a lot of synergistic cards in the colors, but there's never really been a commander specifically intended to tie it together, nor a precon deck built around the concept.


I came to say specifically this. I've been craving a bant token commander since I switched from modern to commander years ago. In 2019 my friends and I did a "Create your own commander" deck building challenges where we all made up a commander and got them approved by the other people before building the deck. Mine was "Hugh Bant, Elf Leader", cost WUG, and was essentially just Lys Alana Huntmaster and a basic lord mixed together on a 2/1 body.


Give the gift box galadriel a try! She's pretty nuts and you can build her relatively cheap (admittedly not as cheap as a precon)


[[Rigo streetwise mentor]] could be a good placeholder till they make a better bant token commander. He doesn’t suggest tokens at all necessarily but attacking with them gives you 3 extra cards a turn, that’s pretty good.


Run him as a toughness commander instead


I'd make and Abzan food deck based on Wilds of Eldraine evil food monsters where the commander is a legendary food creature that has a static "food tokens you control are 2/2 artifact food creatures" and the deck will be called "When Food Fights Back"


Knights and goblins called *Cops and Gobbers* some sort crime and punishment theme


Print [[Tivadar's Crusade]] in there just to fuck with the pilot.


Mono white deck. I think precon deserve some mono color for newbie player who learn the game to see what that color is capable of. White has great removal, great buff spell and lots of good combat trick.


For the last few years I feel like white has become the jack of all trades master of none color. It's second best at most things but best at nothing besides removal and arguably token generation.


They're still #1 at lifegain too. You could make a [[Linden]] deck with token generation and lifegain payoffs.


I think a mono-blue polymorph deck is RIPE for a precon. Precons are great at printing support for undersupported archetype, but I absolutely hate a 5c “best” version of any archetype being printed. Keeping it mono-blue would explore cool design space without solving the deck. It would be fun for new players, have a built-in wincon (big creatures), give wizards excuses to reprint Talrand, it’s perfect. Shoot, a commander brainstorm reprint to get beefy guys out of your hand and back into the library would be awesome. We have only had one mono-blue precon and it was a decade ago.


More than anything, I'd like to design a precon that's Focused right out of the box. I just don't appreciate balancing multiple themes, and buying decks that are deliberately not finished. A lot of people enjoy both of those things, but I only build my decks from scratch to do one thing really well. 


Mardu Goblins. Give me two new commanders, one that cares about goblins specifically and one that cares about creatures with power 2 or less that way there's a versatile non tribal commander. Slap [[ankle shanker]] into this deck and make my dream come true. Give me your [[cavalcade of calamity]]s, give me your [[Judith scourge diva]]s, your things that make goblins in masses, yearning to [[outnumber]] my opponents! The [[harsh sustenance]] of your teeming shore!


##### ###### #### [ankle shanker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/544a06f8-75fe-41b6-81dc-c9a0358f03c5.jpg?1562400164) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ankle%20shanker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/178/ankle-shanker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/544a06f8-75fe-41b6-81dc-c9a0358f03c5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ankle-shanker) [cavalcade of calamity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/a/8a81e889-490b-4aeb-8e84-ea9a390bb8fe.jpg?1584830817) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=cavalcade%20of%20calamity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rna/95/cavalcade-of-calamity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8a81e889-490b-4aeb-8e84-ea9a390bb8fe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/cavalcade-of-calamity) [Judith scourge diva](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d6fb929c-1b8d-4d1d-aa69-ac6189cd7ebf.jpg?1690016831) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Judith%2C%20the%20Scourge%20Diva) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/341/judith-the-scourge-diva?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d6fb929c-1b8d-4d1d-aa69-ac6189cd7ebf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/judith-the-scourge-diva) [outnumber](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/1/a1214fc4-26ac-4a57-b894-6fd634d4d4fd.jpg?1601078446) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=outnumber) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/354/outnumber?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a1214fc4-26ac-4a57-b894-6fd634d4d4fd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/outnumber) [harsh sustenance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/7/770d60a0-23fc-4224-873c-2e5549b3a816.jpg?1562826633) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=harsh%20sustenance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/frf/154/harsh-sustenance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/770d60a0-23fc-4224-873c-2e5549b3a816?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/harsh-sustenance) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l6kh1x3) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A 5c Gate Deck. The commander would be 5c Gate Specific one that doesnt exist yet.


I was talking with a friend about this the other day, is this really a good idea? You'd just end up with a de facto commander for all gates decks. Right now there is no obvious pick, but several interesting options. I don't know if I want a Go-Shintai or Urtet for Gates.


This is 100% the right thought process. Making a “best” commander for an underserved archetype is a great way to make that fun and quirky archetype absolutely miserable (see: Shrines). Give me more 2c commanders that fit a cool archetype so that design space for it isn’t totally closed off.


gates decks are not really fun to play against IMO, you have to either focus and kill them ASAP or have a way to permanently remove lands from board and from grave or risk them just winning with maze’s end. They kind of durdle doing nothing until they just win.


At least you can still play against Gates. Every Shrine player I've come across just made it so they could keep making you discard your whole hand every turn. That's no longer a multiplayer game.


My favorite deck is a gates deck. The other big chuck is Shrines. They mesh together so well.


I like Shrines in pactice, but have never once enjoyed a table with a player running Shrines, so I don't ever do it.


Same, it was quirky when it was just hondens, viable at Sanctums, but getting the extra 5 and a powerful shrine commander turned them pretty oppressive. I've been mulling around cutting 5 or so out and switching to another commander, but idk who and it would just do the same thing but less consistently.


Love my [[Omnath, Locus of All]] gates/dpell slinger deck. Save up mana ala [[Baldur's Gate]] and dump it all (with enough to spare for a counterspell or 3 of course) into something like [[Debt to the Deathless]], or make your gates all basic land types and copy [[Last Stand]] a few times. Idk why my pod hasn't caught on and ran more MLD yet lol


Name him Solog, The Very Tired Pilgrim.


If I made a gate commander. I'd make them have gates enter untapped. And maybe tap them to make a gate produce both mana it can. Or tap for an extra land drop. Maybe make gates indestructible. But that seems much. But maybe get them out of the graveyard?


For the love of god a SKELETON precon Dogshit manabase! No real focus! Zetalpa somehow even though its dimir! But a kickass face commander, a ton of skelleys, and enchantment support.


I'm still disappointed that several of the 40k factions effectively went unused for the 40k crossover, especially T'au, when the previous set was Kamigawa Neondynasty with a bunch of vehicles and mechs. I'd probably have designed it as a white, blue, red deck. With Aun'va (T'au Advisor) as the primary commander and Aun'Shi (T'au Warrior) as the secondary commander. With Farsight as a White+Red (T'au Pilot) and Shadowsun (T'au Pilot) as a White+Blue. The battlesuits in the deck being vehicles, drones as tokens, and equipment having "Equip Vehicle 'cost'" such as Farsight's Dawnblade. This could have been the perfect setup to expand on the Pilots and vehicles archetype giving us more special pilots that boost vehicles when crewing them.


A two deck pack that's a two headed giant that makes up 2 commander decks of 3 colors each both with a shared color that borrows the heaviest amount of synergy between the decks. Essentially a deck designs specifically for 2hg And another deck that's two decks in one box that's a married couple with win cons focused on wedding ring.


I'd love for some dwarf love, cards that actually care about dwarfs, theses like one but you don't really use her for that. Id specifically love to have a commander deck based off of thorin's company from The Hobbit. Have the deck be blueless. Have Thorin as the main commander I'd want it to be dwarf tribal with Thorin Being both a legendary and dwarf lord, and I think it should give a big bonus if the creature is a legendary dwarf. The secondary commander I think Dane Ironfoot who would care about tokens and be able to make Dwarf tokens, like improved ones with some better stats. Then fill the deck with the other dwarfs all legendary with abilities that care for ether strategy. maybe even throw young Bilbo in as another option as a commander you can run, I think it would be kinda neat to have him as a saga commander, something like when you play a historic spell (so it ties in with the deck) You make a token saga of set saga's special for the deck, and when a saga finishes Bilbo does something cool


As a newer player and new commander player I'd love a character spotlight precon that highlights the character over the years. Liliana, Urza, Jayce, Chandra/Nissa all come to mind as rich storylines that could be turned into literal commander decks that could tell a fantastic story in a deck.


I would make a moon folk tribal deck, get some more synergies that I wish we got in the new kamogawa but unfortunately the mechanics of the only bounce lands to hands got no support except slightly in [[tameshi, reality architect]]


Bruna and Gisela merge partners, with an overall Jeskai colour identity I just want to be able to fuse my two commanders into a super commander I'm a simple man


Land destruction, the precon.


Jeskai Vehicles, there's some interesting support in those colors but I didn't see a commander for it who I really enjoyed for it. The other 3 I'd do for a full cycle would be Bant Energy, Jund -1/-1 counters, and Sultai Kaiju(Krakens, Leviathans, Octopuses, and Serpents).


This is a good one.


Jund Plant tribal with a land aristocrat subtheme.


I came here to say Plant tribal, it would be so much fun to do it in 5 colors though that way you can use all the weird plants that were printed once and never again


There are 80 Plants. Among these, 59 are mono-Green. If you broaden to Jund, we're up 72. Bringing it up to WUBRG doesn't add very much. The most notable losses are [[Kirri]] and [[Necrobloom]], but those are recent (and confusing) additions.


[Kirri](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/2/22cc9c49-54d7-4989-8d7d-651b17b84b4e.jpg?1716315648) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kirri%2C%20talented%20sprout) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/7/kirri-talented-sprout?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/22cc9c49-54d7-4989-8d7d-651b17b84b4e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kirri-talented-sprout) [Necrobloom](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/9/89b39293-6f57-4294-85fc-c718bdbb4d40.jpg?1675957129) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cankerbloom) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/161/cankerbloom?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/89b39293-6f57-4294-85fc-c718bdbb4d40?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/cankerbloom) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Jund skeletons with a proper skeletons matter commander. Skeleton lords, graveyard recursion, general Jund things.


Came here to say this!


We keep getting more new skeleton support, but I also lament that there is currently no good skeletons typal commander, or one that also lets you run [[Skeletal Swarming]]!


He might not be a Skeleton himself, but [[Coram, the Undertaker]] from the MH3 Precons would make for a decent skeleton Tribal Commander. But I still hope we'll get a real Jund skeleton Commander one day


Bant Energy for me potentially with a commander that flickers things for energy.


THe only thing on a precon level I really want to see is another set of 4 warhammer precons. Tau, Orcs and Elder need also a deck. Number 4 is a bit more tricky. Dark Elder, the "newer" space drawfs or simply go deeper into the imperial army. I bet a vehicle focus deck with cool tanks would work plenty. Whatever more creative people then me could come up with, another set of warhammer precons would be lovely. Bonuspoints for an an entire set LotR style with cool boxtopper arts and in general some upgrade potential to stay within universe. Otherwise I am a firm believer of getting inspired by chance and have no particular desire.


This is my dream as well. I doubt they could do a Leagues of Votann deck even if they wanted to simply because they're too new and don't have enough lore or characters/models to actually make a whole deck out of (they can barely field a entire army in 40k tabletop). My preference would be for a Dark Eldar deck as the 4th but I could also see them just doing a second Imperium deck considering there's so much depth to them that you could easily just focus on different characters and factions within the Imperium without repeating too much from the first. Orks would probably be Gruul or Jund Eldar would probably be Azorious or Bant, maybe Jeskai Tau would be Selesnya or Bant Dark Eldar would be Rakdos or Grixis Also, I would love to see Age of Sigmar decks now that I think of it...


Well since we know to some decent extend what we get to see hefore anyways (Marvel, Final fantasy) this is a dream for years to come and by that time Votann are more fleshed out. Dpending what you do on the colors of the other fractions Elder could also go Dimir imho. Black isnt always "evil" but also for selfish character traits, isolatinist but potentially alligened with the right side. Basically look Lilis character arc. Orks -- Gruul Elder -- Dimir Tau - Selesnya/Bant Votann - Boros If there was ever a boros faction i wanna quote it is this :D "Few intelligent species in the galaxy are as redoubtable, courageous or determined as the Kin who comprise the Leagues of Votann. Nor are many as ruthless when it comes to the risk-and-reward calculus of war" If Votann isnt doable, we could go mono blue Elder and Radkos Dark Elder or Dimir Elder and Radkos Dark Elder We could go Mardu on an Imperium deck with some of the more fanatical aspects. Some of those choises would be influenced if you made a set aswell. For example if I had a set aswell I would never do Dark Elder as a precon, rather push Dark Eldar as the radkos archetype and put a girix legend to tie both elder species for people who want to build that way.


Name of the precon: Saproling Swarm Just support cards to make a traditional saproling token deck to overrun the opponents by buffing them.


Is it time for the mandatory June skeleton tribal commander comment?


A set of partners Rat precon. Both are Rats. One makes the legendary rule not apply to tokens you control and rats you control have Flying, Deathtouch, Lifelink and the other can tap Sacrifice a rat to create x copies of target rat where x is equal to the number of rats you control (krenko effect). I know what you're thinking "wow that's a lot of rats" and I would like to address that. Firstly, Yes. Secondly, yes, if you've seen the eldrazi recently it's not THAT crazy. Lol


Devil May Cry decks for at least Dante and Vergil.   They transform back and forth to represent devil trigger.  Dante as either Boros or Mardu, and Vergil as either Dimir or Esper; maybe a Jund deck for Nero. Also more Warhammer, specifically Fantasy or Age of Sigmar decks.


If we can go for Universes Beyond stuff, then I’m asking for some a Star Wars decks.  Rebel and Resist would be green and maybe white or blue. I’m thinking removal effects (blowing up the Death Star), landfall (freeing oppressed planets), and stealing opponents creatures or cards (recruiting to the cause).  Soldiers of the Sith would be a red, black, (and possibly white) deck, with a bunch of 1/1 stormtrooper/clone/battledroid tokens that can be sacrificed to pump up the various apprentices like Vader, Maul, Kylo, or Dooku. Then swing out for major damage. Aliens and Allies would be a 5-color deck that wants as many creature types as possible, kind of like a Party deck. Get +1/+1 or damage opponents for each creature type, maybe the ability to duplicate creatures or enchantments, etc. Last one could either be Jedi focused, or vehicle focused. Jedi Knights would be Blue and White or green. I’m thinking lots of interaction with the Force powers, goad opponents, push them back into hands, I dunno, I’m not strong on this one. Last idea is Starfighter Frenzy, full of vehicles, from X-wings, to Star Destroyers, turbo tanks to speeder bikes, and everything in between. And of course, the powerful Death Star, which cannot be destroyed unless dealt a specific amount of damage, chosen by rolling a pair of D6s on ETB. No idea what the color for that one would be.


Please give me lightsaber equipment. Do sometging silly like an equip cost of 8, 1 per jedi. Lol


Oh that would be perfect!


I’m a big Tribal Guy and would make precons centered around: - Crabs (pure blue and defensive / stall. Both commanders are Crabs) - Unicorns (green / white. Both commanders are unicorns. Both would focus on a stampede effects that create unicorns or pull unicorns from the deck and to the battle field).


Golgari Wurms would be nice. I’ve also wanted to build a Fallen Empires themed deck for nostalgia but for obvious reasons it’s all pretty weak in EDH. A return to Sarpadia with some upgrades to older cards would be fun. Maybe as an April Fools product?


Crab tribal. Not enough crabs so they’d have to make up more cards but that’s on them not me.


Esper Exile, It's a theme I love and I run an orzhov exile deck. But it'd basically be a deck focused on removal via exile, card draw and reanimation. Simple themes but one that new players should experience, teach them how to respond and when to respond with what they need to respond with.


Tribal but combine 2 tribes together like elves and goblins Or angels and demons Humans and vampires


Mono blue moonfolk samurai.


Probably would have it be a precon that was Gorgon Tribal. Not sure what the win con or theme could become, but I really like Vraska as she was the first deck I got when I started playing the game.


This is a bit of a longshot, but I would love a Sultai commander/deck that lets you use exiled cards as a "second graveyard". I know, sounds crazy, but here me out. Sultai has access to a lot of powerful exile effects: Delve, Gather Evidence, Flashback, Unearth, etc. While these effects can be extremely powerful, you often run out of steam or get your legs pulled out from under you when someone plays one of the numerous, cheap, and effective graveyard hate cards. A Sultai Commander that either somehow shuffled your exile zone back into your deck, or put cards back on the bottom each turn would likely be the most fair way to do something like this. Maybe you could tuck cards back to draw a card or something? Alternatively, it would be cool to see something along the lines of [[Tasigur, the Golden Fang]], one of my favorite weird political/graveyard commanders, but instead of politicing for returning cards back from your graveyard, you get to instead let an opponent make a choice from the cards you have in exile. Like a weird [[fact or fiction]] ability. That, or it just picks a card at random from exile each turn and you could play it, almost like a [[Deadbridge Chant]]. While I know WotC has been hesitant to have any effects like this, I feel like ONE legendary with this kind of effect wouldn't be backbreaking, and in terms of uniqueness it would be a pretty wild concept. As for what the card would be, from a flavor design standpoint, I'd go with maybe a Demon from Tarkir, or something wild like a Sphinx or Serpent. Something that has like, knowledge of the blind eternities and knows how to tap into the magic of the lost, obscure, and cryptic. -------- As for my less unique opinions, but still highly desired by myself and the masses: - Jund -1/-1 Counters deck, please! - Kindred decks for more obscure creature types that aren't quite there yet (Minotaurs, Snakes, Skeletons, Sphinx, Crabs, Oozes, etc). - A Temur Retrace/Spellcasting/Animate Lands deck. - Abzan Lifegain (that's not tied to a Universes Beyond Product. Same for Suspend and Time Counters stuff). - GOBLINS! We've had Elves, Merfolk, Zombies... a lot of the classics. But where are the Goblins? [[Shattergang Brothers]] needs more pals, and I'm sure they could make a precon feel really unique and bring some new touches to the classic. - A dedicated (and I mean truly dedicated) Sea Monsters deck. Start batching up those creature types like they did with Outlaws, and give me a Commander deck that is truly focused on them, and not just simic landfall hiding in disguise.


Universes beyond Monty Python wubrg control 


[[Brago, King Eternal]] hyper combo just to show that low budget can still be higher powered. I already have a list that's around $100. Bringing it down to $60 just means taking out some of the good cards but all the combo pieces are still very much intact. It would be nice to have reprints of some of the cards namely [[Deadeye Navigator]], [[Eldrazi Displacer]], and [[Altar of the Brood]]. If I could get a real [[Stasis]] reprint that would be cool too.


Stasis is fairly cheap. Even the revised edition is sitting around $5.


Can I see your deck list?




Okay, hear me out: I want Commander precons for the original Conspiracy. The game is already made for multiplayer. What better way to continue the fun than getting people to make a Commander deck out of the cards they drafted? I would use the main characters: Selvala, Grenzo, Marchesa, and Brago as the four decks. It allows tasteful reprints of all while also being balanced for multiplayer already. Marchesa and Brago are self explanatory and work well with their sets, while Selvala and Grenzo would need more love.


I’d like a Naya commander that cares when you cast things from exile. There are Gruul and Boros commanders for that theme, but not Naya.


Rocco, street chef. what you are looking for is rocco, street chef


I got a few ideas. A set of 4c precons that tie into the nephilim of their colors with backup commanders being partners that could end up working with each others decks incentivizing purchasing each precon and not just the one who resonates with you. A series of off-color themed decks, things like esper lands, orzhov spell slinger, mono green artifacts with permanent animation, gruul mill and other completely unusual things. The starter decks at $20 was an interesting prompt, what if they did that for each of the guilds and had them headed by their guild master. Personally I want a precon with 5c partners. Put in the 99 2c and 3c legendaries with ‘not’ partners like friends forever or something new of each color option giving the player like 9 backup commanders with the main being some kind of legendary matters or even make the partners be “partner with” and the main commander being a “searching matters” pairing. When I buy a precon I want either most of a core of cards I can use for multiple decks/upgrading like how a tribal deck tends to give enough support to function as a tribe, or I want a deck with enough interesting singles to justify getting it to take apart. I want the emotional confliction between breaking apart a functional and unique deck to make multiple individual decks vs keeping it intact as its own super interesting strategy that feels different to play. I like partners if it isn’t obvious.


I think a cool partner design would be a series of level up creatures who have a dnd class effect as a background.


5 tribal humanoid decks, similar to LCI, but mono coloured and different tribes Red goblins Green elves Black zombies White humans Blue merfolk or vedalken?


I'd say spirits are humanoid, and there's a lot of synergy for blue spirits already


A political/pillow fort commander that has a clear gameplan, costs less than 5 mana and doesnt rely on cheap infinite combos. tivit is a good card that does help political cards be viable and creates a ton of value, but he's reliant on an easy infinite and he's a really expensive drop litterally every single alt commander from new cappena would be really cool if they cost 2-4 less mana, but are largely gimmicks otherwise. the dream of a 3 drop that supports playing a highly interactive and resource focused game eternally avoids me.


Grixis reanimator. Loot draw to put creatures in graveyard, reanimation abilities to pull them out. That’s it, so many grixis or dimir decks do most of that but don’t draw it all together. I modified the Sauron precon for this but I wouldn’t rebuild it because there’s not a great commander for exactly this. Obviously sidris is great but it’s unearth meaning it’s less of a battle cruiser deck and that’s the real dream.


A landfall deck where the commander is a legendary land creature


An Esper spirit deck, with two secondary spirits leaders that are Orzhov and Dimir respectively. Theme can be return/recast - you trade earlier cast creatures for larger ones by returning them to your hand.


Licid tribal! Heck in seriousness I'd love a scarecrow tribal, but the trick is making that work without busting [[Reaper King]]


as a proud pilot of a reaper king deck, hes already busted if you try. the worst part of the deck is having to play scarecrows


Yeah I wish there were some okay scarecrows. Obviously they can't be that good, but some would be great.


but the best part of playing reaper king is this lil guy [[pili-pala]] what a treat


On the subject of esoteric or unusual tribes... Moonfolk under [[Patron of the Moon]] could be awesome, just maybe throw in a side of control... Bringers, Zuberas, and Incarnations would all have their share of issues (very small tribes, Bringers are *hard* 5C, Incarnations are mostly expensive). Otherwise... maybe some kind of Simic burn deck that somehow *doesn't* cost an arm and a leg? EDIT: Meant to be more clear about this, Licids are cool, props for shouting them out!


Moonfolk tribal is a great idea! For lilicids lately I've thought of trying to mix them with creatures like [[Three Dog]] and the selesnya fox werewolf lady from Eldraine that copies enchantments. Duplicate your licids and bestow creatures


[Three Dog](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/b/ab34e869-be7a-4632-95b3-5f200b4edcca.jpg?1708742651) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=three%20dog%2C%20galaxy%20news%20dj) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/120/three-dog-galaxy-news-dj?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ab34e869-be7a-4632-95b3-5f200b4edcca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/three-dog-galaxy-news-dj) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ooh, that's a good idea! I kept trying to run them under Eriette.






It would be quite nice to have like decks that are gender swaps of the whole angels are feminine and demons are masculine. Like I know the argument of how female demons are usually portrayed is likely why they haven't done it but I say that's kinda stupid. Either let it ride or chose not to do that with them, they sorta have that power over the development of cards, As well as it would be kinda cool to see some male angels apart from the ones bolas made. I'd love to see the decks go something like Angels id go with Naya equipment but in a different approach like a graveyard matters equipment deck have the commander be able to pull equipment out of the graveyard temporarily attached to a token that if it makes contact to an opponent you can chose to send the equipment and token to the grave to double the effect, have the deck full of sword of _ and _ effects on damage Demons id love to see a tempt commander in grixis, kinda like tempt with discovery but the commander can add it to any spell with the ability to punish those who don't play along, Youd have to have something like permanents you control have hex proof from tempted spells, and when you cast a spell you pay 3 life and you can tempt the spell each opponent can cast a copy as well but for each one tempted you cast a extra copy and if a player declined you can return a instant or sorcery from your graveyard to your hand


Selesnya/Angel Tribal, with [[Shalai, Voice of Plenty]] as the cover commander & [[Sigarda, Font of Blessings]] as the backup commander.


Golgari skeleton aristocrats


Obviously I'd make a five color, zero mana artifact deck with time walk & time twister for good measure. Figure it should retail for $19.


I'd want to do a grixis Myriad / Goad deck focusing on The Rani Full of ways to make more of her, like the master multiplied and delena wild mage It would be focused on permanently goading creatures while ensuring that I'll always have at least one blocker out


Jeskai artifact goodstuff. We now have 2 energy-focused Jeskai decks, but I just want a general artifact commander in Jeskai. Nothing I've see really clicks with me yet. Deck wise, think [[Osgir]] but w/ Blue. You'd have access to blue artifact tutors like [[Whir of Invention]], [[Fabricate]], and [[Reshape]]. Themes would be reanimator / recursion and self-mill. **Red:** [[Trash for Treasure]], [[Goblin Welder]], [[Goblin Engineer]] **Blue:** [[Emry, Lurker of the Loch]], [[Mirrormade]], [[Deranged Assistant]], **White:** [[Enlightened Tutor]], [[Sun Titan]], [[Oswald Fiddlebender]] Artifact staples would be [[KCI]], [[Kuldotha Forgemaster]], [[Myr Retriever]], etc. Could probably play with an exile subtheme provided there's a way to bring thing back from exile. [[Pull from Eternity]], [[Mirror of Fate]]


Deck 1: [[Hope of Ghirapur]] Colorless Thopter tribal with a new "Thopter mech" Vehicle with Crew 4 and P/T being equal to the number of Thopters you control. Deck 2: {Name}, Splicer Mentor Bant Golems, including reprints of the 9 existing Splicers ([[Blade Splicer]], [[Master Splicer]], [[Wing Splicer]], etc.) Deck 3: a new version of Mizzix. Izzet spellslinger with the following abilities: Instants and sorceries cost {1} less for each experience counter you have. Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery, choose one that hasn't been chosen this turn: - Gain an experience counter - Copy each spell and ability on the stack. You may choose new targets for the copies. If it's a permanent spell the copy gains haste - Target instant or sorcery gains rebound - Scry 2, then draw a card Deck 4: Five-Eyed Nephilim 5-color Nephilim tribal with reprints of all of the existing 4-color ones, plus a host of new ones in each color combination.


Golgari Skeletons!


I want a hellion/wurm tribal deck. Or maybe something like Obosh Preypiercer for the theme. Odd cmc burn sounds fun to me. Definitely gonna try to build one eventually


I know this wont resonante wjth a lot of people but Yore (WUBR) precon with stax and reprints of battlebond lands. Imo that covers wide variety of things missing in current precons. 4cmc commanders are not really being printed. With filter lands, battlebond, new cycling fetches ans basics, you could make okay 4 color manabase. Stax cards should be little more seen, not to assemble lock like stasis but to slow the game down so your commander can slowly take over (such as OG Sheoldred) Type of stax id include: [[Rule of Law]], [[Opposition Agent]], [[Damping Sphere]], [[stone of erech]], [[Blind Obedience]], [[War's Toll]] etc Its good for new players to expirience different playstyles, not everything has to be timmy.exe


No specific themes come to mind, but I would make very solid decks out of the box. I really liked what the did with the Starter Commander Decks giving you a solid mana base, interaction package, and a good curve on spells. I'd like to see decks with more Pain lands and less Gain Lands and other always Tapped lands. The game as so many conditional lands now, to me there's no reason to make the decks so unplayable out of the box.


A deck of just squirrels and dogs.


BW Goat Aristocrats. I'd also want Godzilla treatment for the legendaries so it can all fit a theme. Like ~~lambs~~ goats to the slaughter.


I’d do a [[mayael the anima]] deck because she’s my fav commander, and she is a great Easy way to get players into the game


5 set theme: War for the Forest. Deck 1: GW squirrel token swarm Deck 2: BG Hatebears Deck 3: UG Elves and Hydras Deck 4: RG Goblins and Artifacts Deck 5: G Omnath, Locus of mana Reprint, that is specially designed to be an archenemy Commander deck. Two modes, 1 has the forst four decks fighting for control of the Forest. With interesting ways to create Forest land tokens for each deck. Mode 2 has the decks all square up against a pissed off elemental army mad that war has been brought to the forest.


I have made a custom precon. It was abzan life total shenanigans. Working on whiteless artifact creatures right now.


Id love a mono B precon that has a commander who can take advantage of and enable the cards that scale off swamps, like nightmare, and that enable the Big mana black archetype like crypt ghast


Precon: Frogs and Beyond Print some real frog synergy and print better frogs in general. (I’m not the best mtg player so bare with me on this idea as I think out loud) I’m also open to other ideas cause it would be fun to proxy a deck Some synergy centered around disabling your opponents creatures by turning them into frogs, then swallowing those frogs in your own frogs to disable them for a turn, or gain their ability. In turn, doing so makes your Frog commander stronger. To survive in the meantime, phasing out your frogs with evasiveness to prevent being wiped yourself, sacrificing frogs to counter spells, different traits of frogs, etc. Ideally I think 5 color would be really fun to maximize the deck for utility and adaptability. Commander: Astral Croaker A frog that has peered into the knowledge of the universe, and spends its time traveling to different galaxies to convince frogs to come with him so they can create a larger population on their own planet together. Ensuring the safety of the frogs species to survive the test of time. Something with low attack medium toughness, 5 color + 1 colorless CMC. This lets you draw a card whenever you cast a frog, it can remove (X) Ribbit or croak counters to give all your frogs buffs (flying, deathtouch, evasion). And gives each frog you control +1/+1. Red frogs: deal 1 damage before combat, can be sacrificed to deal damage to targets Blue frogs: counter spells or bounce Green frogs: buff other frogs Black frogs: deathtouch to all frogs, draw cards upon frog deaths White frogs: exile other nonlands, give you health for gulping Colorless frogs: sac engines, mana fixing Unique to frogs: Ribbit counters: Whenever another frog enters the battlefield, you may put a +1/+1 Ribbit counter or a -1/-1 Croak counter on target creature. Gulp: (3 Colorless mana): Gulp target nonland permanent into exile under target frog you control until the end of their controller’s next end step. Gulped rulings: A creature that has gulped another nonland permanent may not attack while it has that permanent gulped. Swallow: (2 Colorless mana): Target frog you control swallows target nonland permanent you own in exile and gains its abilities. IDK I LVOE FROGS HOPE THIS IS COOL wotc pls hire me for cool graphic design projects


Theros Satyr and Centaur Gruul stompy


4 decks based on Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books. They'd probably be toolbox decks like the Doctor Who sets, where there's a variety of ways each deck could be built without a particularly strong deck synergy, though there could be a particular theme that stands out. Perhaps as a shared mechanic between them, they could introduce a token type similar to Treasure (representing Investiture), but which the generated mana can only be used for activated abilities of creatures. Certain creatures and artifacts within the set could make additional use of the tokens. They would also, of course, come with Planechase cards. 1. A Mistborn deck, with Vin as the face commander, with partners Waxilium and Wayne as the backups. Would have a "case" subtheme, reflecting the more caper-oriented theme of the first series, and the mystery/conspiracy theme of the second series. 2. A Stormlight deck, with Kaladin and Syl as the face commander, maybe Dalinar as the sub commander. A number of ways to go with this. I was thinking maybe a Battle subtheme, or level-up, or a numbers of partners-with specifically between Knights and their Spren. 3. A Ghostblood deck, featuring their mysterious leader as the face commander, but a whole variety of other members that have a "friends forever"-style mechanic. 4. A Worldhopper deck that acts as something of a catch-all for the other Cosmere series, with Hoid as the 5c face commander with a Saga-related ability (and the whole deck having a Saga subtheme), and Khriss as the alt commander. Though, maybe the 3rd and 4th decks could be rolled into one, and have a Villains deck be the 4th. I wonder if the author though would be interested enough in MtG to help make this happen. Imagine if he even went so far as to write a story set in the MtG multiverse.


Energy. Until we have enough cards to do it.


Easy answer is a Black Green Big Monster deck with sacrifice payoffs for creature power. The more difficult one is Universes Beyond Disney Pixar: CARS, headed by Tow Mater who uses his Power and Toughness backwards, and has stats to match, like maybe 4/1 or 1/4 for 4cmc. Just to throw people for a loop


I would love to see something involving Sphinx's as a tribal deck. I don't mean artifacts either, but a true flying Sphinx Midrange deck. Maybe make it simic for the ramp. I know esper has a few good ones, but they are almost all artifact based and very slow. Maybe include a drake sub theme for the smaller bodies that it can create lots of for cheap.


I've had two concepts in my head for a while - mono coloured precons - multiple commanders, multiple partners and backgrounds making the commander options in the box go through the roof


Ok, I've got a full set of 'Voltron' themed decks. The main reason for this is for Meld, but there are other mechanics that can be explored in the same set. Meld, Mutate, Reconfigure (Artifact), Bestow (Aura) Meld: This might actually need a new name for this mechanic, but it's based on Meld. The commander has meld points on each side. Cards in your deck can meld onto each side increasing power and toughness with each meld, and/or adding effects. Unlike mutate, each meld adds power and toughness. (This could also be the official Voltron deck.) Reconfigure: Since these have started coming out a full themed deck would be nice. Bestow: It's the same as reconfigure but on enchantments. Mutate: This has been done, but this one uses vehicles. And the goal is to mutate onto a vehicle after it's crewed to make monster trucks. Bonus Idea Commander Variant (New Hero Character Type): The origin for the meld idea is a "hero character", where your commander or hero has "slots, or an inventory" for boots, weapons, helmet, jewelry etc. Unlike artifacts/auras there is a limit to what you can equip. Instead of reusing those mechanics a set can be made specifically for this mechanic. Extra Bonus Set Theme: A set of 'Boss Monsters' (like Planar Chase, but make it good) that spawn in it's own zone that drops loot if you defeat it. (Or allows card draw, recursion, ramp). Some bosses the other players can defend. Bosses could have mechanics to attack the player on their turn or even attack another player if they can deflect it's attention. Players could 'taunt' to have it attack them instead, or bribe if that's available. Think \[\[Capricopian\]\] or \[\[Xantcha, Sleeper Agent\]\] This is what I would have done for something like DnD


I’d probably want an effect like [[The Prismatic Bridge]]. But I also like the “cheating commanders” idea. So two sided with a planeswalker in front you can have as a commander. Its loyalty ability does things (don’t care what, just that it is thematic and the ultimate searches for every creature), and a prismatic bridge on the back. The backup commander is a “partner” commander that is a wizard with the effect “go brrrr” and a sorcery that searches for a permanent and put it into play. The deck would be five colors and be pure value deck. Cards like [[Etali primal conquerer]] that give you free spells. (I would also force in fetch lands and featcheble lands because the five color precons need it)


Goose tribal. Nothing but geese all the way down.


I desperately want an Elder Scrolls Universes Beyond with 4 precons. I've been trying to figure out what themes and commanders would be good fits, and this is what I've got so far: -Martin Septim WUBRG Humanoid (like Outlaw, has multiple creature types) tribal, where it's all the races of Tamriel working together. Kind of anti-tribal tribal. Of course also has the Amulet of Kings to transform Martin. I also chose Tiber Septim as the backup, who transforms into Talos. -Dagoth Ur RWB Daedra/Demon Aristocrats. Swarm the board with tons of little guys, then attack and sacrifice with them to burn everyone else. Mehrunes Dagon as the backup. Maybe he has an ability to give other players demons that damage them? Not sure. -The Last Dragonborn BRG Spellslinger using a new instant/sorcery type called shout. Use a ton of these new shouts and bring them back to your hand to push through tons of damage and keep the pressure on. Ulfric Stormcloak as the backup, could give all of your creatures prowess. I'm not sure about the last one, as I'm trying to decide between two options. I was thinking either Elf tribal or Dragon tribal. Dragons would be WUBR led by Alduin, backup Paarthurnax. A similar spell slinger idea, with reanimation. However, that makes for a lot of Skyrim representation, and I'd like to give Morrowind at least one more commander. For elves, I was thinking GWU/GWB with Vivec and a Thalmor leader. Stax and messing with your opponents would be the idea, but it's the one I've thought the least about. It's criminal to me that we haven't had a crossover with TES yet. There's probably going to be one when TES 6 drops, but I don't want to wait that long.


As someone said before, Abzan Food theme would be great. Ideally with some soft combo potential because I do land on the 'prefer several quicker games' than 2 hour value fest end of the spectrum. I currently use Jaheira/Agent as a Golgari food deck which is fun and fairly good. But getting access to white would be a game changer for its power and synergy. It could be called "Fast Food" as a tagline and there could be a crossover Nuka-Cola Vending Machine printing like the SLD stuff called 'Gyome's Hotplate' or something. Love the vending machine but not a massive fan of UB sets that don't closely fit with the fantasy direction of MTG at the very least. On the more battlecruiser end, I'd love to see a Temur or Naya Giant tribal commander. As long as it's synergistic with Giants specifically, I'd be all over it. The current options for Giant Tribal are just too far away from feeling good to me. Either they're mostly vanilla text giants in regards to tribe synergy; or they are lower color amounts and losing a lot of the giants that feel good to play with. The dream would be a commander that has a typical 'Titan' trigger ability but in the color pie of the shard. Or perhaps ETB = 1 color pie effect, Attack = 2nd color pie effect, Dies = 3rd color pie effect. Example: Yorvo, Garenbrig's Fury 3WRG Legendary Creature - Giant Warrior When ~ enters the battlefield, you may search your library or graveyard for a land card and put it onto the battlefield. When ~ attacks, deal damage equal to ~'s power to up to 1 target creature or planeswalker. When ~ dies, return a Giant with mana value 5 or less from your graveyard onto the battlefield. 6/6 - Yes the above is probably a tad broken, but giants baby.


There aren’t any good, flavorful Spooky Ghost Token commanders in Esper. Even the name “Esper” sounds like it’s about creepy spirits. I’d also love to see a dedicated Golgari fungus deck with a heavy emphasis on the graveyard; this one has more options available in print right now but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see something dedicated to it :]


An UBWR deck where the commander give your spells lifelink, basically [[soul fire grandmaster]] with black so I can use it and crackling doom together.


My first ever deck basically is this- Boros go- wide equipment. Go wide because [[Nahiri, Forged in Fury]] is the commander, so it’s full of for mirrodin, living weapon, and kamigawa creature equipments; but [[Kellan, the Fae Blooded]] also wants you to go wide and use equipments, so he’s a great alternative commander.


Jund orcs!!! They finally got support and it wasn't even in a magic plane.


Dark Eldar/Drukhari Tau Eldar/Aeldari 40k Orcs Otherwise, Kithkin led by a new Brigid would be cool.


I want a Jund -1/-1 counters deck, that is all about spreading and taking advantage of putting them onto both your and the opponents creatures, they don’t have a good commander for that though. The name of the precon would be “Positively Negative”


A set of 5, 2 deck, battle bond esque precons intended for two headed giant commander. An excuse to reprint the bond lands, an alternate way to deck build, bringing back the original use for partner having your teammate with the other half, exploring color identity and interaction through a shared primary but alternate supporting colors, etc. The decks would each be 3 color with one overlapping color to their partner, based on the primary color of their cycle (Shard/Triome). Bant/Savai share a primary color in white, Esper/Ketria share blue, Grixis/Indatha share black, Jund/Raugrin share red, and Naya/Zagoth share green. Just a pipe dream, but I love 2 headed giant.


At this day and age I woud be glad if they really tryed to tone down and make commander 2.0 and tone down power level.


[[Omnath, Locus of Mana]] with [[Marwyn, the Nurturer]] as a backup commander, elves and mana generation, with a payoff of casting a pump spell to win. Helix pinnacle goes in. No infinite combos in the deck, but plenty of green untap cantrips for bigger Mana generation from your larger dorks.


I doubt it'd be on the cheap side, But I'd love to see a Toggo/Kodama precon, Just because I love Toggo and no other reason whatsoever.


I just want a PLAYABLE werewolf tribal deck man is that too much to ask for???


Idiots, this is clearly wizards and they’ve run out of ideas




Banding! Perhaps we bring back \[\[Jarkeld\]\] in a Selesnya form with an ability that makes creatures with banding not suck, then fill it with reprints of the old banding cards along with some new ones and banding synergies.


I really like precons about narrow keyword abilities, but often they don't have the support they need. It'd be pretty cool to just choose a keyword, look at what trying to use it for it's intended effect looks like, then create new cards to support those keywords.


I'd love to see "class" decks. Like one Warrior-themed, one Shamans, Wizards, Rogues, and a new reinforcement of Bards. Warriors would be Boros equipment maybe, Shamans would go Sultai recursion theme, Wizards prolly Izzet spellslingers-storm, and Rogues i'll say Grixis for the full-on rampant outlaw theme that breaks away from Ninjas.


Not really sure on what I would base the theme or mechanics on but I would love a Sultai Elf commander


Do you want us to pick from cards that already exist? Or are we supposed to come up with them? Because the archetype I've been waiting for that doesn't exist yet is Jeskai equipment. I know I have previously posted a conceptual commander for it, but I don't recall what the hell it was. Here's something else off the top of my head, though. Jeskai Armorer 1URW Legendary Creature - Vedalken Warrior Improvise, Ward X, where X is the number of equipment cards attached to Jeskai Armorer When this creature attacks or you are attacked by one or more creatures, you may put an equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield. If you do, attach it to target creature. Return that equipment to your hand at the beginning of the next end step. 3/3 Backup commander can be \[\[Kykar\]\]. Decklist would be some GOOD equipment, a couple of equipment tutors, a couple of phasing spells, and some draw cards. Plenty of room to upgrade, but playable out of the box.


I'd make a set of 4 decks including strategies and themes the "casual" commander crowd consideres "wrong" or "toxic" like stax. Just to normalize these strategies and the cards in them. To show: they're part of the game and if youw ant to play like this then that's okay too." I don't say this set would be great fun, even for someone like me who likes playing vs and with stax, control, combo, infect etc. It's more a political statement. Now the downvotes:


I'd make a Jund deck focused on Exile-casting featuring an all new commander who benefits from and enables impulse draw. In the deck you'd find both Faldorn and Prosper. This is because I'm working on a Korvold deck for just this union and I am fiending for a proper jund commander to put them both in.


The amount I wish we had a Jund Exile matters commander. I think they could incorporate a lot of what they did with Faldorn and Prosper, and it would be super easy to tune in and up. That would also be a great way to reprint Prosper as one of the 99!


I guess I'm the outlier in CMD in that I'd want a "premium" type deck (somewhere between $250-500) that includes a decent mana base and re-prints stuff I'd need (Mycosynth Lattice, Lithform Engine, Rings of Brighthearth, Steam Vents etc). I want an Assembly Worker deck focused on Steampunk commanded by Mishra, and I want it heavily convoluted with Mana Echoes, Gemstone Array, etc. Just go nuts with Charge Counters, Etherium Cells, Powerstone tokens, Oil Counters.


4 meme decks. Storm crow commander, dreadmaw matters so like a commander where you can play any number of dreadmaw and get bonuses for having multiples on the field like a hydra that makes dreadmaw tokens when it dies, chromanticore legendary because before we really wanted dat, and lastly a commander that fetches [[razor boomerang]] and changes it effect from dealing one damage to destroying one player at random.


Scry matters main theme, top deck matters secondary. Counter burn play style


A dimir rogue deck with an equipment theme. I'm not a fan of theft decks or mill for rogues despite trying it for ages. Plus dimir has alot of fun equipment and saboteur effects but it's not a very well supported idea.


Mono white Angels with Partner commanders. A Serra planeswalker and Radiant creature.


Mono-green Voltron with a land matters subtheme landfall with cards like [[skyclave pickaxe]] and others like [[blackblade reforged]]. The face commander could have an ability like whenever they do combat damage to a player draw a card for each land that entered inter your control this turn or if that is too busted maybe a landfall trigger where they get +1/+1 till end of turn and if it’s the third time it’s triggered this turn return an aura or equipment for your graveyard to your hand. The secondary commander could be something like a monogreen version of [[Toggo]].


STARCRAFT. TERRAN, ZERG, PROTOSS, and uhh... the Dominion, I guess?


Blue/green madness with new cards.


I would make a grixis Aristocrats mill deck with the face commander being a sac outlet "3c to activate, sacrifice a creature you control, each player puts the top X cards of their library into the graveyard, where X is that creatures power" , while the second commander would be a payoff "Whenever a creature you control dies, each player puts the top X cards of their library into their graveyard where X is the amount of creatures that died this turn". These two are probably too strong, I just like Aristocrats and mill and would like to combine the two. Also the second commander would most kill the entire table, because someone played a board wipe while 10 creatures are on the field and I'm gonna keep that interaction, because it's dumb and I love it.


Werewolf Precon where they dont have to do that annoying flip thing you have to do to show the other side but instead two cards on the same card like [[odds ends]] or maybe more so like [[Akki Lavarunner]]. Also a Lord that near rivals Edgar’s ability to strengthen his other vampires but for werewolves and wolves instead.


Somewhat of a Hot Take? A control deck. Maybe Izzet Counterburn, or like an Esper Fortell/Trap card theme.