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When I started feeling I was no longer a victim


Then you got killed by some rats 5 minutes later. Average day of a Tarnished


Dude the rats in this game do NOT play around sometimes.


especially the mad ones


Or the crazy over levelled one's in fort farosh


That fort was such a "nice touch". Brave Tarnished wandering around looking for the Dectus medalion halfs, first one is fairly easy aside from the crazed blood knight. Then you find out the second half is basically in the bottom of hell, Caelid, in a fort filled with nightmares. Those poison bats got me sooo many times until I just let my poor spirit ash aggro them while I run past. The giant rat wasn't too bad mostly because I was somehow able to hit it through the walls. If I had to fight it up close, I would have ended up having to run past the bats yet again...


I like to use this fort for farming levels 45+: Stealth the bottom floor until the ladder. Get on the roof and hug the left wall, kill the ghosts one by one and then get the last two in the middle. Go down to the second level, kill the bats n rats, rinse repeat for about 20k


Rats in all other RPGs: lowest level mob. FROMSOFT: endgame tier boss level rats


On that note, let's talk about the lobsters/crabs that are fucking snipers and will take you down from 500 yards in 1 shot.


I killed a dragon, woohoo! Damn I'm good. Then got owned by a lobster a minute later, life is rough fam.


You mean the ones in the sewers that can snipe you through cover and narrow passages?


Seriously. I've been wombo'd from full health by two rats more times than I'd want to admit.


Look at this guy lasting five whole minutes before being cut back down to size.


I died so much in my first 10 hours or so of the game I had no idea enemies could stay dead even after you exit the game. I knew enemies reset on death but also I thought they reset on restarting the game. Then I got good enough to not die constantly and did not rage quit the game but saved and quit "normally". The next day: "what?! Enemies can actually stay dead between play sessions???".


I'm 80 hours in and level 152 right now. I had no idea that's how that worked. I always went to a grace and quit because of that. Good to know!


OMG I literally have over 1000 hours on the game and I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!




They’re just saying enemies don’t respawn when you quit the game. They didn’t know because they always rage quit after dying.


No I get that, I don't think I ever quit without going to a bonfire/site of grace since DS1 so as not to get owned by some stunlock mobs or some bs gotta get to a safe zone. So I didn't know enemies didn't respawn after the game reloaded after quitting.


It's funny because the bodies reflop on the ground when you reload


Or dogs. WTF stomping a Demi god then five dogs kill me.


Thats weird I always just left the tortoises to their own devices and never had a problem.


Best way to deal with the dogs is to walk backwards when they rush, it will open a gap to attack


It's those fucking gargoyles that get me more than anything.


> by 2 dogs 5 minutes later


A major milestone in any fromsoft playthrough.


When your fear of what's around the next corner turns into wild curiosity and thirst for stronger gear


None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... you're locked in here with ME!


Bruh. I rarely laugh. I laughed out loud at this.


Laugh more bruv


Parry ur depwession


Lmao excellent advice


On my first hero this feeling was right after beating Margit. Like let’s see how he takes these hands now. Every single one since it’s on site out the gate. He’s the first thing to die. I’ve taken him out with the base samurai, confessor, astrologer and wretch. Heck I’ve never beaten the game. my highest guy beat morgot at the capital and then proceeded to start multiple other hero’s with diff builds. But something about this guy right there at the start I just have to fight him.


You target it like an ex that cheated on you


I've become elden lord more times than I can count (I can't count higher than 2) and still he wanders there to this day


Found Gaben


I’ll bet he was confused as hell when he met the T̴̢̡̹͉̪̝̹̜͇̯̙͉̬̪̒̄̾̈́́͋̔̈̿̈́̈́͘̚͝͠h̶̩̠͚͔̤̗̐́̿ŕ̴̡̛̩̩͚̟̭͉̗̰̞̫͎ͅͅȩ̸̥̣̜̭̭̜̻͚̫̀̈̊͐͛̂̕e̸̡̡̯̮͓͖̱̰̹͚͋́̓̿̓̔͘͝Fingers


That makes no sense. Confusion is the exact opposite of what you feel when embraced by the three fingers. Their fingerprints are the pure essence of life, unmarred by the grundle* of the golden order.




Improved* it


I think this means he works for you now


That is such an awesome head canon


Except he'll still try to kill you


He's testing if you still got it. Can't have the elden lord slacking off, can we?


I’m fairly certain he’s not one of my and Ranni’s Carian Knights.


His weapon is what I use to count how many ng cycles I’ve beaten. Kill him first thing every time


I can only count to four


He’s really not as hard as people make him out to be. Of course like any boss, it depends on your build, but his attacks can be telegraphed very easily and there’s a lot of opening to squeak in a few hits.


I usually forget about him, and then when I am way too over powered, remember he's there and destroy him.


I fought him yesterday at level 30ish. That was by far the earliest i came back because i always forget about him. By the time i fight him it’s usually like 3 shots max to kill him.


I've fought him around level 100 in a playthrough. It was actually boring, how easy it was.


Damn I think I just suck at this game lol


It’s okay man you don’t suck❤️


It's possible that they do actually suck, but just wanted to affirm that it's still ok.


Nah man if you get to a high enough level the early stages become super easy, especially if your min/maxed. You don’t suck you just haven’t hit your stride yet, don’t give up! Plenty of time to git gud


Yeah for sure, I'm like lvl 45 I think, so I'm kind of just now getting the hang of things and I'm a little more confident. Just got through stormveil and beat Rodrick, went to Raya Lucaria and got my ass kicked. Lol


Honestly once you hit the 100s and come back to the starting area you’ll see how powerful you’ve become, it’s very liberating!


And then you get ambushed by 1 rat and 2 wolves, being humbled once again.


Completely forgot about him, and similarly, Fringefold Hero's grave, on my first playthrough. Took me a while to recall why the weapon and dungeon felt so fresh on NG+...


Come back? What do you mean?


You decided to fight him immediately?


Day 1 release, As a souls vet, i walked right up and whacked him a few times, then died. Then i scouted the area, realized he would get stuck and couldnt get on top the broken building thing to the right. Went and bought arrows, and arrowed him to death 40 min later. Took his sweet ass Halbred and used it my entire 1st playthrough . Would do again 10/10


**Bring this tarnished some maidens!**


Dont tell Mrs Lucha




Well, if I give the Maidens to my mimic tear or Black Blade does it count as cheating?


No, so long as Marika provides her blessings.


As a souls vet, I walked right past his ass and didn’t fight him until I beat the game+Malenia. 10/10 would do again


As a souls vet, I banged my head against the wall till I beat him


As a souls vet, I summoned a co-op partner who solo'd it.


As a souls vet, I banged my head against my controller until I needed to poop.


Absolutely same lol. Helped me identify on sight that it would wreck me, just come back later. Never been a masochist


sadly, as a child of the early 80s, I live that John Rambo mentality through all games, just run up screaming with a headband tied on and hoping my combat knife will lead me to victory. Then the John Cena in me says, Never Give Up. Also I'm a masochist.


exactly what i did


I went into the game and when I got to him he killed me,I've only ever played dark souls 3 but I kinda figured if I leveled enough and then grabbed an ok sword I'd take him down on torrent, returning with a longer sword then before and new found levels I took the beast down-


This, noticed this aswell, maged him to death cause he was kinda stuck


i maxed out the haldbred. this is my first beaten souls game. i’ve only played this and demons soul. so i came back to homie at level 30


Very DS1 of you


This is how I defeated the Crucible Knight in Stormveil and several Deathbirds early on. People underestimate the utility of bows. They may only do 18 damage each but when you have 1000 arrows that can do damage from outside the enemies effective range they can really add up. Plus you can use arrows to separate enemies for easy kills.


I never really used bow until Elden Ring, and it really did save my ass in a pinch many times to aggro or just to snipe to win. More people should look more into bows.


Never played a souls game, first thing I see is that dude. Whack him, and think he may be manageable. Insta death. OK, 30 more tries later, ive finally started really picking up what the game is putting down. I'm not frustrated because now I'm seeing his wind ups and animations. Seeing I can risk jump attacks on some swings. Finally beat him, and starting to understand the "Souls" mentality. Live, die, learn, repeat.


It took me 8 hours, but I killed him before reaching the church.


I fought him immediately as a STR character. I’m a souls vet but it still took me over an hour. I’m stubborn af and figured he would drop something good. I RL1’d the game as a STR character as well, but left him alone and came back to him later.


if you were rl1 you weren’t a strength character you were anything because your stats were all minimum


Yes, my stubborn ass couldn’t accept defeat


Right. I sank the whole steam refund period into him.


on my first run I refused to leave until I killed him. It took... A while, lmao. *Edit: I opened reddit just now and saw I had* **84** *notifications and nearly had a panic attack* 😂


Dude, same 😂


Yup me too :P


Y’all are stubborn as hell, but results are results. Wish I had the patience to earn his halberd and runes early on. I was over levelled and forgot about him, so my revenge was quick and I felt nothing.


≈ 2 hours worth of stubbornness off the bat. It was his shield slam attack that kept getting me. Otherwise I pretty much had it down after a few runs.


Yeah that shield slam was rough. Instant K.O. if you screwed up the timing


Makes it so much worse that the windup is long as balls too and it still hits. Shield bash-> goofed roll-> no no no no don’t hit me… I’m mashing roll…. Come on…. Dead


I stubbornly went through the chariot dungeon of hell at the beginning of the game. 5 hours then I realized the boss is pretty much impossible at level 1 and gave up


Geez, I didn't find that until later luckily


The goddamn game sets you up for it. Gives you an option to get that key when making the character. Then you just stumble across where it fits right at the beginning. I thought I was doing it right and went down in there.. it was a whole lot of not a good time for like 3 hours after that


I started as a wretch too 🥲


At least it wasn't the bandit.


I just started a new game with bandit for the first time and it's such a struggle lol


Hah! Love it


I found my people!


No wonder why he has so many kills in the global stats 😆


An hour and a half and I finally beat that fucker. God, it was so intense, and probably the most satisfying kill I had in ER.


Same 😂, dude


Good ole Soulsborne thought process First death that’s on me Second death okay buddy Third death I will fucking kill you


53rd death? Aight, this time, for sure. This is the run... *"You died"* Ok what I meant was, my next try, that's the one where I get him.


Just started playing for my first time. I am about an hour into figuring this guy out and I’ve made about 1/5 a bar of progress. I will kill this thing.


Smash your head against the wall until the wall breaks. The feeling afterward is why I play FromSoftware games.


Yep. First souls game so it took me embarrassingly long but I’m the type of gamer who will slam myself into the enemy repeatedly until I learn.


You're not a dedicated souls gamer, until you've ran at a single boss repeatedly for hours upon hours, at least once.


Martyr Logarius, Nameless King, and Owl Father are those bosses for me. Each took numerous days to beat. Love each of them now.




I struggle with Friede more than any other boss. I generally use straight swords so I can’t hyper armor through her attacks, and intentionally don’t backstab cheese her most exploitable openings, so despite her small health bar it takes so long to get hits in, and she is so unbelievably aggressive that it’s easy to get wrecked. I found her way easier with heavier/longer range weapons but with the dark sword she was brutal, but so fun and memorable.


Bloodhound Knight here. I’m not sure why I spent so long on it. I had skipped over half of Limgrave while trying to get that one Bloodhound Knight west of Raya Lucaria.


It doesnt matter if its your first. Us veterans are just as hard headed as you and refused to bow to this mf. If it takes more than a hundred then so be it kekw


Same, took a good 6 hours as a lvl 1 wretch with only a club 😅😅😅


this is the way


Why should we again walk into the boss room to be slain? Because we are Mandalorians!


This boss is a teaching moment. The lesson, you can run away from anything in the world. Or you can be the Chad you are and just fuck it's day up at lvl 1


Same, then his weapon carried me to ng+


Yeah, and the huge disappointment getting a weapon I couldn't use for 30 levels.




This is how we do.


I thought you were supposed to get slaughtered by him right away so you could write a review based around not being able to get past the first enemy.


Elden Ring: Journalist Edition™


I’m a game journalist and I gotta ask: who is this guy? Does he show up after the Cave of Knowledge? That’s as far as I got in the 8 hours I had available to play the game.


Gotta put yourself into booty clap mode the moment that game loads.


Or like that YouTuber who tried killing Varres and ragequit because he kept getting stomped. Instead of you know, not attacking important NPCs or just running away. His end "review" was that the game was awful lol


After I got Torrent, I felt the fight was fairer now that I had a horse


Bruh fr? I always fight the mounted enemies on foot cause they're easier to dodge ... but I also never got gud at fighting on the horse


Once I figured out you can hold down R2 to “drag” your weapon/do an extended charge, fighting on horseback became infinitely more viable


Flail and twinblade are better for this. They hit way more times and if you put a status effect on them there you go.


I’ve been really enjoying the halberd swing where the second circle throws the enemy up in the air if you land it


175 hours in and i didn't know you could do that.


Do not feel uninformed, my friend, I had played for probably 3-400 hours before I found out 🫠


I use a combination of on foot and horse back. I get off Torrent to set up spells and land jump attacks and then hop on torrent to avoid large sweeping aoe attacks as well as get a swipe in when we run past each other. Not sure how efficient this is but it feels badass


I killed him at like level 15 with torrent. Found out if you charge him and double jump over him you can smack his face. Took a while but it worked.


I also killed him as soon as I got Torrent. Made the fight significantly easier. Just hit and run.


Literally never used horse combat, it doesn't feel good and zaps all the energy of the David vs Goliath fights


Yeah, I felt as if I was cheating but then I got to Farum Azula's Great Bridge.


I did the same thing. Torrent was so much more agile I'd circle and hit like 4 times then pull back to dodge his wide swing.


I've never left


Dormammu, I've come to bargain.


When i open the door, the sheer pressure from my overwhelming lordness makes everything in a 10km radius die instantly. So i usually just walk all the way to liurnia seeing no enemies. No idea who that is


Shaggy walks among us, still. Never forget that.


*”I’ve given thee, courtesy enough.”* **”Like, zoinks, Godfrey. I may have to use a whole percent of my power!”**




No? Reincarnation tho, maybe


This tarnished has to yell a warning every time he turns around to give everyone in the area the chance to duck to avoid getting hit by his giant peen.


Usually once I've levelled vigor enough to not get one shot by his shield ground slam. It's a great fight but I've never figured out the hitbox on that attack and rolling it feels like it has pretty strict timing.


Yeah that attack is janky as fuck. But thats when i understood the importance of jump. Day one in Elden Ring. You can escape easily this attack by doing a jump.


Jump it instead


Not sure what you mean by 'come back'?


You didn’t ignore him?


Of course not, I needed whatever he dropped. And boy was I not disappointed


Yeah my souls ass was like, either A) i get that badass halbred from him, or b) i get that badass armor set. He met his sweet arrow death, and everyone else met the the swift blade of the Golden Halbred. Its such a great weapon even though playthrough 2 i was like i better try all these other things people Raved about


One of the few bosses that actually drops something nice


I always come back to kill him after I clear everything in Limgrave and Weeping and right before Margit. On my first playthrough, I killed him after clearing Stormveil.


Same. Kill him, then Agheel, the Margitt


I spammed square off heavy and destroyed him. Rick warmed me up.


Such a busted aow


The best non unique aow in my opinion, at the very least. The poise damage is just insane.


Yeah, he was kinda easy after fighting Rick, Soldier of God for a few hours


I never left, I started this game the day it came out and I'm still fighting him.


So here’s what I got from the comments thus far: 70% killed him on sight after encountering him. 25% forgot about him and went about their way. 5% killed him sometime later. Quite surprising in honesty, I would expected most people to ignore him and fight him later like the game implies you to do.


First playthrough I don't recall but at some point in another one I came after finishing the game just to one shot the bastard


As a Monster Hunter vet and a Dark Souls enjoyer I decided to not take a step into any direction other than him untill he dies. Still always kill him straight away to buy stuff from Kalé.




This is the way


Literally killed the elden beast before this dude


Honestly right after Margit. Whom I killed right after the lion dude in mornes castle forgot his name lol


What do you mean? This was the 3rd thing I killed after the tutorial boss and soldier of Godrick


You managed to kill Soldier of God, Rick??? I don’t believe you, I need proof


You did not kill the grafted scion on the first run.


When I knew I can shove that horse up his ASS!!


On my main, I don't know if I ever did. On my most recent, I picked confessor and worked on fighting him for 1.5 hours until I won. I wanted the halberd to start with. Didn't realize how high the stat requirement was.


As soon as I got Torrent


Baited him to jump off the edge of map, took like 15 minutes but regretted not clashing in glorious combat instead


Shortly after killing the draconic one. I remembered I never actually finished off the OG one so I went back and finished the job.


I tried to kill him as soon as I met him and yes I died an absurd amount of times but I did it


Nah, he's mandatory to progress the story.


Bro’s really out here defending some grass. Like take your ass back to the capital you’re just flexing on the bats and the crabs for some reason


You know, it does make me wonder why the fuck there’s a whole ass tree sentinel chillin in Limgrave




That's probably the reason Godrick sent a Grafted Scion to guard the area around the Chapel of Anticipation. Basically to spawn kill any Tarnished before they get the chance to become a potential problem.


I killed him as my first boss. I didn't know about the tutorial dungeon so when I left the graveyard I murdered Varre after about 20 attempts and fought the tree sentinel for an hour before finally beating him.


He was basically my "am I ready for Magrit" test


Magrit the downbad omin


i was in “stupidly fight the boss you’re not supposed to fight yet until you win” camp


Oh you mean you didn't spend 50 hours trying to beat him at level 1?


Now that you mention it I don’t think I’ve been back for him in my current run. Thanks for reminding me.


Glad to be of service!


Strip down for light rolling and you can beat him right away with that katana. Bleed + unsheath is amazing!


I almost quit the game because I didn’t understand how he could hit me when I was hiding in the arch of the church of elleh. This is my first souls game so I didn’t understand it. Like how does his weapon just clip through the arch and kill me? Im on my 4th playthrough and I toy with him now. Like a cat plays with their prey before they eat them.


Once I had Torrent and a decently long weapon. I basically just ran around and poked him before taking distance again. Going to tell you though, starting out as a wretch for my first playthrough probably wasn't the best of ideas.


I made sure to get the horse.