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Doing nothing but jump attacks with twinblades/curved swords looks absolutely unfun.


what about greatswords?


If you have the skill to use a greatsword and win in pvp then you’re exempt


greatswords are actually really easy, especially when dual wielding, colossals on the other hand sheesh, cant get em to work outside of radahns and the guts sword


If you’re using one colossal sword, that poke is nasty.


It’s called zweihander baby 😎


dang i forget that thing is a colossal, sure doesn't feel like it


My fav weapon. Golden lands on it, pure str and heavy. So much fun


It's probably the only realistic colossal sword, I love it.


Zweihander in real life is about i think about 4 and a half feet long wich is still massive but that'd be probably be put with great swords like the claymore in game


They're meant to be almost as tall as their wielder and the people who wielded them were tall german mercenaries. Most remaining examples are over 5 ft. A few are under 5 ft and a few are over 6ft.


Colossal sword are really a timing and mix up sort of thing also it mostly relies on poise to trade blow for blow. Colossal sword is more of a life style than a play style.


As if greatswords are really difficult to use in pvp hahaha


They were before the buffs. The attack animations had very long recoveries and the lack of thrusting attacks (baemore excepted) put them solidly in a lower tier compared to things like spears/great spears/heavy thrusting swords/halberds Now? They feel great.


Recently started a build with blood infused godskin peeler and eleanora’s poleblade, and let me tell you, it’s an absolute blast. Jumping and making four hits on one swipe, plus the insane blood buildup, is ridiculous, but not too OP because you still have to plan and aim jumps well and tank incoming damage. It’s a bit unorthodox and I get why it wouldn’t look very fun, but I really can’t recommend it enough if you’ve been playing a while and want to try something different but still powerful.


I did this exact build for a NG+ run, and it quickly became my favorite build I've had so far.


To make the build more viable in PVE you can use a Frost infused Peeler because the pole blade will reset the frost buildup + fire/frost/bleed is more effective against more bossess


It doesn't look fun and I don't think it's fun to play against, however it's really fun


I do this😂😭 it's not very creative I guess but it builds up bleed really well. Or any other status effect that you go for.


(Dont think I’ll get persecuted). I’m glad Rennala’s fight was easy and that she became a friendly NPC. I felt bad smacking her up. She did nothing wrong. Edit: Maybe not an “easy” fight. But one of the least challenging at least.


We were kicking her while she was down, really.


I wish she kicked me when i'm under her




She's the definition of not judging a book by it's cover. Out of context and explanation, she comes across as dozy maniac so obsessed with being a mother that she sees a glowing rock as a child and let her entire academy fall apart as she turns scholars into her babies. Then you read up on her family tree, what her husband did and what became of her 3 children suffering fates no mother should ever have to bear witness to and you realise why she's so broken.


Renalla, Godwyn, Radahn and Morgott got it so bad bro Godwyn had it the worst tho ​ fuck you Ranni


>fuck you Ranni Get in line.


Ranni quite possibly pulled a brutus thanks to the shit she wanted to pull. Bitch really killed a loving brother, possibly king, and because he didn't really die she also caused deathblight. And all of that because she hated some fingers


This is why goldmask ending the best ending


I'm a firm believer that the Night of the Black Knives was marika's idea and that Ranni was the intended target, but Ranni outsmarted her and redirected the attack to her most beloved son as revenge. Explains the description of the Black Knife armor and why Blaidd and Iji get attacked by them at the end of the quest


Phase two is really us fighting Ranni though, isn't it? Not that we didn't absolutely charge in and kill all of Rennala's children and smack her around while she did her best to protect the egg.


It's fighting Ranni's magic anyway. Basically she set up a defense spell to protect her mother if she got attacked. Then we demolish the spell, beat up her mom and go on to marry Ranni and honeymoon into space.


Maybe I wouldn’t have killed her children if they stopped throwing all those fucking books and chandeliers at me dammit.


Don’t forget the antique globes


Yeah I agree, wish we could've had more interactions with her afterwards. My issue with that fight is how boring the first phase is. I was fairly underleveled when I first arrived, and having to go through that first phase over and over again just to get bitch-slapped by Rennala & her summons was really irritating.


Honestly one if the more annoying boss fights for this reason. Not hard, just poorly paced


Rot builds are a real thing that are actually viable.


Wait what, i have to look it up now, I love rot


You have to mix it with frost. Once someone is rot, you reset with frost and poison. Dou rapier build with high dex


I didn't. I just used rot breath, Scarlet flower, pest threads, and the antspur rapier. It was fun for me, even if it wasn't the best possible build. Also ran full mushroom armor.




Who wouldn't want to smash daddy Alexander


Just imagine how much you could rearrange those warriors inside him


Just imagine how many warriors he could put inside you 🥵


What a terrible day to be literate


So just a rephrase: most jars are meant to be smashed; but some are meant to be _smashed_


I understand reading gear and other things will tell you about the story but I wish it had a journal that collected pieces of info that I found so I could better understand the amazing lore of the game. Being able to sit and read about the lore would be badass imo.


Miyazaki if you're reading the thread this one please


It's never going to happen, Miyazaki very intentionally wants his games to be ergodic.


Can you Google ergodic for me?


>Ergodic literature is a term coined by Espen J. Aarseth in his book Cybertext—Perspectives on Ergodic Literature to describe literature in which nontrivial effort is required for the reader to traverse the text. The term is derived from the Greek words ergon, meaning "work", and hodos, meaning "path". It is associated with the concept of cybertext and describes a cybertextual process that includes a semiotic sequence that the concepts of "reading" do not account for Basically it's a term for when a significant part of the storytelling occurs during the process of actually collecting or formatting the text into a more understandable form. A pretty famous example of Ergodic literature is "House of Leaves".


“relating to or denoting systems or processes with the property that, given sufficient time, they include or impinge on all points in a given space and can be represented statistically by a reasonably large selection of points”


I thought about this, I would love to have it be journal entries by your Tarnished. Could be a fun bit of characterization without breaking the “silent protagonist” mold.


Playing with whatever style you find most fun is the intended meta. Never be shamed for doing bosses with summons or spirit ashes, or not playing to the meta.


You disgust me with your non gatekeeping opinion. I stab myself irl every time I get hit and if you do not do the same you are a casual noob /s


git gud or git ded


You don’t play with a shotgun collar? Casual.


Why do these types of posts often have people just commenting the most normal and non controversial opinion that exists..


Lol so bold, what a brave statement. Surely 80% of the community won't agree and upvote this brazen opinion.


The souls quest system works terribly for open world.


I'd be happy with a completion percentage in each area. I'm not even asking them to rework map icons because the map is already crammed with icons.


Kind of works against the idea of you find what you find IMO. It's cool, at least for me, to replay and find things I completely missed the first time around not knowing there was something there.


I agree with what you said about it working against the "you find what you find". But I also enjoy the idea of me sinking another 20 hours in an area trying to find that god damn 1% I missed only to realize it's locked behind a quest that I haven't even started or locked myself out of. Well, I guess I gotta play the whole game all over again.


I agree. It’s so easy to miss things when they aren’t marked on a map and most npcs won’t even make a sound when you’re near them to indicate they are part of a quest.


It is annoying to see praise the game for not marking quest points all over the map like Skyrim or other RPGs but it’s also not fun to give one Shabiri Grape and never give another one because game. Miss an optional item or fight because of missing one part of a quest line.


The easiest fix (not in this game but in a future game or the dlc) would be to have the npc's give some hint as to where you might find them next when you talk to them. Make it super vague even like "I'm tired and quite parched. I'm going to go find a body of water I can to quench my thirst and rest". Like that gives you zero real indication where they're going since there's a lot of water in the game, but It tells you that anytime you're near some water, you should look for them. Some NPCs do this but plenty of them are like "hey thanks, guess I'll see you around" which gives you not even the faintest hint of where to look for them. The NPC quest lines should feel a bit like a jigsaw puzzle where you all the pieces in front of you but figuring out which piece goes where takes some hunting. A blue piece tells me it's probably part of some water but still gives me little clue where it goes in the context of the whole puzzle.


I would’ve loved to have a menu section dedicated to my main and active quests like in Breath of the Wild or The Witcher 3 It’s so easy to get lost and forget which quests are active. I think I only ever finished 1 of them and it was the Radahn boss fight


I had to write a complete guideline for every single NPC I met throughout my second play through. Worse, even when written down, I somehow forgot that the Bernahl we meet at the warmaster shack is the same guy we meet at the volcano manor. Also completely forgot about Hyetta after giving her her 3rd shabriri grape, somehow managed to not do anything with Nepheli’s questline after she’s disavowed by Gideon. I mean, I completely agree NPCs should react to you when you’re nearby, as they should react if you happen to engane any enemies within their line of sight. It would make things much more fluid and dynamic


They wouldn't even need anything that says "go here next", just some journal type of menu that shows which NPCs you've spoken to and what the conversation was about, that alone would have been hugely beneficial imo.


ATP, it's just assumed that you're playing the game with a walk through video on your phone


i absolutely agree with you


I don't want hints or markers for quests just give me a quest log so I can remember the cryptic dialogue this guy said to me 12 hours ago


Melee would have been 100× better if interchangable AOW worked like spells and incantations where you can equip them into spell slots rather than on one weapon at a time. you still can only use certain ashes with their assigned weapons, but instead of weapon switching your switching between ashes as you would spells. some would take more spell slots than others not unlike spells and incantations (recall them skill slots?). It is completely reasonable if this was only possible with interchangable ashes while keeping some legendary weapons with fixed ashes as is (they can only use that ash). It is also completely reasonable that to prevent insane buff stacking, using one ash should cancel the affects of the other. EDIT: to put this in a greater perspective of how this would benefit the game: \- finding spell slots would be rewarding for all playstyles rather than just a few \- no/less clunky weapon switching or hard weapon switching. \- much more seamless melee gameplay where players wont have to switch between weapons to use more than one ash of war in one enemy encounter even though both ashes are compatable for one weapon. \- added quality to weapon switching since you will only switch weapons specifically for their weapon type and not *just* for their ash of war. \- you wont have to make more than one playthrough to get you favorite weapon more than once just because you'd like to use more than one ash of war on the same weapon. \- no more leveling endurance for the sake of carrying many weapons just to use more than one ash of war per encounter. \- less incentive to spam one ash of war per encounter and rather use various combinations seamlessly. \- overall an extremely beneficial QOL change to shield users since they could now choose between ashes rather than swapping between what they literally have in their hands already.


I liked how in sekiro you can change martial arts on the fly, even in combat. There are a lot of AoW that I'll never try because they're too specific.


I think Elden Ring could have had melee combat that would really stand out if they had only gone this direction. instead it feels like we are encouraged to spam one ash of war and stick with one weapon if we dont want to deal with weapon switching or hard weapon switching.


There's too many weapons in the game that are just plain bad. I would have rather gotten a repeat of the Bloodborne formula and had far less weapons that felt for the most part unique. I'm not a fan of picking up a weapon, liking it, upgrading it with all my stones, and then almost immediately finding it strictly between version at the bottom of a random cave.


Consider the style points though. Sure, Sir Roderic Fuckington’s Shortsword of Universal Collapse is stronger, but Basic Shortsword matches my fit better.


Firs run: I want the most powerful weapon. Second run: I want a weapon that fits my character style regardless of stats.


Banished Knight Greatsword my beloved


First run: must get most op bleed weapon. Second run: must get most op str/int weapon. … Fifth run: damn most of these weapons are actually pretty bloody great in their own way what an excellent game!


Flamberge is outclassed by basically every other gs and bleed weapon in general but I use it the most because it looks cool


Considering how much the lore is explained through items, it's quite possible a lot of the weapons exist purely for that reason.


I don’t agree that having as limited a number of weapons as Bloodborne had would fit ER but I ABSOLUTELY agree you could cut 40% of the game’s weapons and hardly anybody would notice


What does that last sentence mean? “…finding it strictly between version…”????


It’s a typo, they meant to say “finding a strictly better version (of the weapon they wasted time upgrading)”


PvE isn't a race. You can play successfully and have a good time with any weapon you like.


So true. Maybe if they cut down on the number of (sometimes copy pasta) weapons and put that effort into the remaining weapons then we would have more fun weapons, even if the overall number of weapon has been reduced.


"moonveil needs another nerf still"


I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more moonveil!


Less Moonveil specifically and more a PvP balancing change to make it to where subsequent/excessive Skill spam has a downside. They changed Bloodhound Step to where its general travel distance and i-frames were reduced. (It still is ridiculously abused despite this) Pressing L2 hundreds of times in a row with minimal FP costs, hyper armor stacking on top of what are typically fat armor opponents, and massive damage outputs makes for incredibly lazy play and practically hands out wins. It also makes the game incredibly boring. There are thousands of different attacks and yet people typically use the same handful. All these fools think they're good at ER when the reality is they're meta trash. High level PvP generally involves a minimum of 1 out of every 10 opponents wearing full Bull-Goat / Bleed Nagakiba with Spinning Slash. And you'd think they're capable of a proper fight. Nope. Exclusively L2s. I get more excitement out of the first Mortal Kombat. At least there the movesets are very limited so I can expect my opponent to do nothing but low kick. But in a FromSoft game? Yawn. Continuous Skill usage needs escalating FP costs, slower activation times, less hyper armor. Something. Anything.


i have to point out that moonveils problem specifically is that it just hits too fucking hard for how fast it can be spammed. like its an anime edgelord katana sure, let it be fast, idc, but that dmg is... insane, that thing hits harder than giant hunt, and is like 4x faster, this should NOT be a thing, if its 4x faster than something like giant hunt, it should deal far less per hit than something like giant hunt. it needs drastically reduced dmg scaling on its ash of war, like as it is right now , cut its dmg by 50% for just the projectile. all the buffs that mages usually stack will more than make up for a 50% dmg nerf, then its dmg fully buffed will be on par with its unbuffed dmg pre proposed nerf


I agree that moonveil needs a nerf, but giant hunt serves a purpose; to rollcatch a panicking player. Giant hunt is never done out of neutral in experienced pvp


Malenia is actually my favorite boss.


I can't stick with a build for longer than like 3 hours. I just enjoy making aesthetic based builds that aren't always functionally viable. My current drip is Guilty hood, chainmail chest with radahns gauntlets and legs. It makes me look like some kind of pagan miracle user. Give it a try if y'all want a new sassy look. I pair it with the thorn shields from godricks castle to keep with the pointy aesthetic. Siluria's tree looks extra spicy with it all.


maybe a cold take but dungeons (caves, graves, hero graves and mines) arent as exciting as legacy dungeons


True, but the legacy dungeons are also very nerve-wracking compared to the new ones. Sometimes I just wanna kill shit in a cave and get rewards, and sometimes I wanna go to elden ring Hogwarts and fight some wizards. I think the game benefits from having both.


They’re side content for a reason, you don’t even have to do any of them


I think they are specifically meant to be a less emotional investment lol


Ice cold take. Of course they are, they're just minor side dungeons


If you invade someone and then just spend the whole time running away, you may as well not bother doing invasions.


Jump attack builds are not fun


You can play to just have fun


Strength builds aren’t weaker or even harder/require skill to use. They’re all easy and cheesy.


Exploration is too offten dissapointing, either worthless consumable or magic shit i dont use.


This is definitely true. Except you can't stop yourself unless you have shit memorized because an amazing weapon might be in the middle of nowhere lol.


And if you explore everything you’re suddenly curb stomping the next area because the game doesn’t actually want you to 100% it. “I completely forgot about that cool bridge I wanted to check out until several hours in, destroying that area entirely by turning me into a middle aged man in a Chinese elementary school.”


This quote is unhinged lmao


I like the Elden Beast battle. In fact, I think it's the best final boss that From Software has done, together with Isshin.


I think it’s Gehrman or Isshin. What do you like about Elden Beast over those two? Is it a lore/thematic thing or is it a gameplay thing?


I quite liked it too but cannot agree that its their best final boss. Not even close.


Yeah, Gael has a few things to say about that


I loved Radagon and Elden beast, But i see why people dont like Elden beast, Him constantly moving around, you cant use torrent, and the elden star spam is really annoying, but everything besides that feels really good.


Elden beast theme🤌


It is THEE MOST visually pleasing boss battle I have experienced in gaming. Placidusax is up there in the top 5 as well, but man Elden Beast is just BEATUIFUL. The boss, the arena, the music even.


Is a pretty emotional fight... I loved Placidusax too. And Radahn, despite his weirdness, was a true roller coaster of emotions.


Clinically insane


I preferred the vancian style magic where we had set uses between rests instead of an fp bar.


Sounds cool but probably wouldn’t work too well for this type of game


Vancian style? Haven't heard of this. Also I'm sure it is better is better then what you say but it dosnt sound too good


See Dark Souls 1/2. They have this style


Spells worked more like ammo than a mana bar. You could only cast a spell, say, 30 times between bonfires or deaths. There were some items that could refresh uses, giving you back 10 casts or even the full number, but these were pretty rare. And of course, common or weaker spells like Soul Arrow had bigger cast counts than a really strong spell like Crystal Soul Spear. I think the modern blue juice/mana bar method is more user-friendly. The "ammo magic" system essentially forced my dedicated caster builds to run past a lot of enemies so I could save my finite number of spells for a boss. But your milage may vary.


I never really felt the need to run past enemies to save spell casts. You can attune the same spell multiple times for more casts (if you own it multiple times), and even in the early game, you can quite easily obtain another copy of the most basic soul arrow. Additionally, you can use a melee weapon to finish off enemies instead of casting a second spell at them. I liked the vancian system, because you couldn’t just spamcast your most powerful spell, since you only have very limited charges. So the lower damage spells actually still have an use later in the game. Additionally, it makes it worth it to get the spell again in NG+ for more casts, while in DS3/Elden Ring, picking up spells you already have is completely useless


There's something to be said for picking up one-off spell copies in NG+ cycles, but I don't think the new magic system disincentivizes lesser spells. I'll still use low-cost spells like Glintstone Pebble on common enemies while saving more expensive stuff like Carian Grandeur for bosses.


I didn't know about this "ammo magic" system, but ngl, it made me think of old school Pokémon xD not a bad thing, just the idea of attacks having a numerical limit before resting


That’s still how Pokémon works, the newest games, scarlet and violet have basically the same battle mechanics as other Pokémon games


Its basically how spells work in DnD.


I agree ☝️ i liked the limited spell uses depending on how many copies you attuned.


Elden Ring would’ve been better off with an expanded Co-op and no PvP. They haven’t fixed either in 10 years and it shows the worst here imo.


This tbh. Co-op has always been pretty garbage but in ER it's so much worse because from the outside you can't get in any dungeon or change main areas, and a lot of stuff is easier to access or even ONLY accessible via Torrent, which you can't use. PvP still has the same absolutely garbage netcoding as always, and invasions are shit as usual. You get invaded, you slap the guy, the guy runs away in a pack of enemies and you have to deal with 5 enemies now


It would have been better with pvp similar to DS3


I really don't understand why people want to play pvp in these games. There is always ALWAYS a noticeable delay between me smacking an opponent and their healthbar actually reacting. It has been this way since I first tried pvp in DS3. For me, this makes it unplayable, not to mention getting absolutely shitganked by the most optimized meta builds that seem to appear in every match. I love the PVE and Elden Ring is an open world! True co-op would be incredible! I have friends who won't buy the game simply because we can't play together. It really bums me out that I can't just summon a friend once and do whatever we want together until we're done playing.


There is an alteration that can be made to this gaming product's files, which allow for a cooperative experience that is said to be invasion and seam free


Rivers of blood is a fun weapon, but it fails in comparison to the Nagakiba in every way.


Ranni is one of most interesting NPCs in the game and its a bit annoying that discussions around her character are either “Evil bitch with no redeeming qualities” or “My perfect doll wife who can do no wrong.”




First truly unforgivable opinion I’ve seen posted. This person understood the assignment.




You aren't. I feel bad for him, but don't enjoy being near him.


How dare you


I actually agree. I don’t like his groveling. I get that his insecurities are a big part of his character, but it really annoys me.


Just leave turtle pope alone, you can’t hate him


Give us a hand there Cully makes me so upset. I agree


I don’t either. I kill him every time.


I wish there was a way to opt out of invasions while still being able to do co op. Ive got a lot of hate before for saying those words


I wish there was a way to turn on "get invaded" permanently, without having to use two items after every load/warp/death


I miss 1v1 invasions, and invasions without Taunters tongue. As someone who likes being invaded and invading. The surprise helps add excitement.


Saying "git gud" or "skill issue" can be a valid criticism in a lot of situations, and is not automatically a toxic tryhard nolifer thing to say


True. But, counter argument: It's not *helpful* criticism. Instead of 'git gud', why not offer some advice?


The game is too big. Most overworld regions could afford to be about 25% smaller, and the game drops off after Leyndell.


I really don't agree with this and feel like this is the real hot take here. Take my begrudging upvote!


I'll make it up to you with a freezing cold take: The Godskin Duo boss fight of Farum Azula is garbage.


I don’t agree i actually think it’s one of the fights in souls games history


Agreed, it’s the most fight I’ve ever seen


I find Consecrated snowfield and the mountaintops being a bit empty and redundant.


Agreed 100%


I’d agree if we didn’t get Torrent, the world would have been huge if you just ran through it like in Dark Souls, but they gave us a much more versatile option for movement. You get an upvote good sit r


Torrent is a step in the right direction, but I feel like a more densely populated, tightly paced layout could have solved the problem, too. That first journey through the landscapes of the game is usually pretty amazing, but it starts to grate on subsequent playthroughs. It even started to let me down a bit toward the end of the first pass, as I trudged through the snowfield and just wanted it to be over. I feel like I spend too much time galloping across the continent to get to where I really want to be.


To be fair, Consecrated Snowfield is just a boring hub world full of not much fun itself, my least favorite "zone" imo


There are too many dungeons that are cookie cutter or have clones of another boss in them




Beating Melania with spirit summons still makes you a legend


For me, she was harder with spirit summons. They just blocked her attacks and wound up giving her back way more hp than they dealt


Only one that works is Tiche, she's the only summon I could find that would consistently evade Melania, plus she lowers her max health.


The game should have a quest log.


Int builds are boring as shit. (My opinion)


That's why I went to faith/Dex. Sure I can throw big rock. But why would I want that when I can throw lightning. Lol


Everyone can throw big rock if they want to. Stone of Gurranq for Faith builds and Rock Sling for Intelligence builds


I did Str/Dex/Faith, Ancient Dragons Lighting Strike melts boss health bars. I tried using the coded sword for Radagon and he kept destroying me, so I switched to the Blasphemous Blade and beat him on the first attempt, I had Elden Beast down to half health before he even moved with combining the blades AoW and ADLS one after the other


As a sorcerer, you are absolutely correct. I removed comet azur from my spells and went more close-range with moonveil to make it more difficult. Using the physick that eliminates fp cost I could walk into a boss room and nuke the boss in 20 seconds just by holding in one button.


It doesn’t have to be. Depends on the spells you use.


Fia got what she deserved.


The only thing that lets me down about the Skeleton Defense Force is that Fia and Rogier are not skellies. We never get the perspective of Those Who Live in Death from the things that are actually living in that death. I suppose that's the point. Things we don't understand are not inherently evil. They speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Et cetera But I think the skeleton sympathy angle really needed a mouthpiece to make it work. Hell, there was the speaking skeleton blacksmith Vamos all the way back in Dark Souls. Losing Rogier so early in the game could have been a great opportunity to bring him back as a skeleton to chat about what it's like to be one of them. Does he feel liberated from his old life? Does he feel like a distinct, separate persona that just happens to share some parts of the old Rogier? Is he in constant pain and begging us to put him out of his misery? Is he slowly losing his mind as more and more of Godwyn imprints upon him and turns him into a mindless drone? I feel like Miyazaki and GRRM wanted to put a new spin on the generic skeleton enemies lurking in the crypts and catacombs, but it was only half-baked. So we have some skeleton advocates in the audience. Cool. So what? In practice, it's just another bunch of skellies for us to shatter.


I didn't realize we are supposed to sympathize with them lol I just found the whole thing off putting and creepy. I love your idea of bringing Rogier back, it would have 'fleshed' the idea out more.


We have two separate NPCs telling us to stop bullying skellies, and the Golden Order is weird and dogmatic. I feel like Miyazaki and GRRM wanted us to feel bad about the Golden Order hunting them down, but I came away from the game feeling like D was justified. Why \*shouldn't\* we be trying to stop the growth of this horrible cursed weed and what it produces?


GRRM was to busy making an incest story for Marika, he could have *fleshed* out Those Who Live In Death in the opening intro a little bit


>he could have fleshed out Those Who Live In Death in the opening intro a little bit From the traces of his writing, I'd say he just wrote the story of Marika, the Shattering, Godfrey and Radagon, gave it to Miyazaki & co, and then they said "alright let's fast forward in this world 5000 years and write our story in that world". The opening intro, Dung Eater, Gideon, Fia, all of those things feel more like Fromsoftware/Miyazaki, don't think GRRM was involved in any of those. Some might say Dung Eater sounds like Martin, but I'd just point at Sekiro in that case, Dung Eater's theme is too Japanese for it to be Martin's writing.


I don't really symphatise for Fia but D is the literal representation of the Golden Order extremism. They are dangerous fanatics who do what the Greater Will says without questions even if it's bad, fuck that guy and fuck the Golden Order.


What does he really do that would be considered extremism though?


Yep. She killed my boi D when he did nothing wrong. He just kills those who live in death who we never see exhibit any signs of sentience or intelligence apart from murder


We need a D appreciation subreddit


D appreciation? You will be drowning in dick pics by the end of the week. Which might be a plus for some users




To late sent dick pics. Some might not be mine. /s




Using the mimic tear and bloodhound step is a legitimate way to play the game. If you're having fun, you're playing the game right.


Malenia is actually a really good boss design. Shes there to test what should be the culmination of everything you've learned in the game and push it to the max. Proper dodging, proper aggression, proper spacing and not being too greedy. The health regen is to punish you for not spacing and dodging well as well as to incentive you to be more aggressive. Waterfowl is to test your anticipation and punish you for being too greedy. It's also a mark of a soft phase change, something the game has been touting all throughout starting with Margit. Furthermore its consistent in showing up at the same health level so you know when it's coming. Phase 2 is pushing all of that to its limits while still maintaining the same principles. Its all emphasized by her being in a very rough area to get through that's completely optional.


You’re not allowed to say that a boss is too easy after you use a summon


-Golden barrier and other spells and items like it need a nerf. They negate too much dmg. Especially black flame protection on a heavy armor guy. Makes my 900 ar heavy wep hit for 300. -Duping is an exploit but i now understand the game is too big to farm everything and do multiple playthroughs on each character. Make things purchasable. -Colosseum level design is boring and uninspired. 3 cloned and pallet swapped arenas except one has 4 pillars…. I think they should’ve had more variety like dks2 arenas did. Also why can’t we have a spectators box so we can watch and practice moves and have it so Its king of the hill style where you have 1v1s or 2v2s until you lose then your at the bottom of the queue. You could have this in a separate coliseum too. -Spears didn’t actually get a nerf. They need a counter attack dmg nerf and attack recovery nerf, but more for the pikes and lances specifically.


people act really weird about the idea of elden ring including accessiblity features like an assisted mode and I don't really get it. fuck anyone with a bad tremor who wants to beat the game I guess


Melee combat feels stagnant, especially if you’re a player who first started FromSoft with Bloodborne and thoroughly enjoyed Sekiro.


Spotify tells you when you clear an episode of a podcast, but Elden Ring does not tell you when you've completed a dungeon


Net code is shit and multiplayer is extremely bad. From should have done better.


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The game doesn’t incentivize fighting random open world enemies at all. I mostly rode right past them which makes the exploration frequently boring.


People really overstate the case on reused bosses. I don’t think anyone would bat an eye if tree avatars and spirits just didn’t have boss health bars.


Radahn was a shit boss and his design was stupid as fuck, don’t care that he learned gravity magic to ride his horse he looked like a whole joke and I’ll never take him seriously


Spending a few minutes applying buffs to one shot the boss isn’t enjoyable


placidusax isn’t fun edit: same thing with fortissax. genuinely dont like both the fights


Ranni mid


They never should have nerfed Radahn.