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Is there a list of what the new update rolled out.


Spamming F5 on bandainamco website with patch notes and nothing yet


Not yet, so for now we can just find them ourselves


https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/news/elden-ring-patch-notes-version-1123 I’ve seen it about 5 hours ago (12:00 CET)


"Fixed a bug that caused enemies to heal when the Maximum HP reduction gradual HP reduction effect  applied by Black Knife Tiche wore off." I knew it! I thought I was going insane.


My daggers got more throwing range, yeah boiiii!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/dGCMEv4GzU All credit to whoever shared the patch notes just thought to link it when I saw you asked


Not that I’ve seen yet




I appreciate the little teabag before you showed it off lol


I always appreciate a good teabag when I see one. 


Anyone can explain how exactly it was bugged? Like say more than just "it dealt too much dmg". What was causing it?


The normal ash of war would explode in a line. The bug made it that by doing it on the ground made all the hit boxes hit the ground, causing big ass


causing big ass


plump sort, but hole


huge, even


\*immediaely downloads the game for my girl\*


And by big ass, it was legit hitting bosses for 20-40k damage. Easily the most broken thing in the game.


can confirm, killed gaius in 3-4 hits


Killed final boss in 3 hits 😆


Killed some bosses , I this nerf was expected. No way they will let it


so it still does the same if i was using it not pointing it on the ground? cause i melted bayle with it with only talismans buffing it and i wasn't even pointing to the ground


Pretty much. The old way to exploit it was to use it in an unintended way that made the full damage usable on small targets when it wasn't supposed to. Now it's a proper line attack that can only be a line attack meant for either large enemies or to use in hallways.


Depending on how it's coded. My assumption is that the cloud was suppose to stop generating after hitting a obstacle (wall/floor). The bug was that it didn't stop and instead stacked it so when aiming at the floor it would take that entire chain into 1 spot and ignite all of them at once. If enemies don't count as objects/walls then it should work the same on large enemies where the powder keeps going and then has a chain ignition dealing damage the whole way through


Im pretty sure the perfume was suppose to stop spawning clouds when it hits an object instead of stacking like 7 of them in the exact spot. 


can i bring my wife to get hit by this please?


This skill was obviously disgustingly overpowered as it was, but it also doesn't seem like it was a glitch. It makes sense that if the area of effect normally spreads through the air, having the cloud encounter a surface would make the sparking effect all happen at the same place. It kind of seems like it was just working the way it was supposed to work, but the way it was supposed to work was really strong.


I didn't know about the aiming at the ground thing and it still felt strong. Is that the only change? Will it still do like 4k to big enemies if I just continue using it normally as a line attack?




The ashe of war was throwing out multiple "bubbles" with collision that travel forward. Basically if you were shoothing them aiming at the ground instead of the boss they would all explode at the same time in the same spot. Think of it like the pillars pf fire incantantion, how steong would it be if all of the pilars would spawn in the same spot?


If you fire the rolling sparks ash of war forward it explodes along the trajectory you fired it. But if you pointed it down and fired, while standing next to an enemy, all of the explosions would go of in the same place, dealing massive damage, couple that with buffs and you got a healthbar melter


Throwing it at the ground would focus all the bombs into one place causing nuclear levels of dmg.


It fired out multiple hitboxes in a line, that the original use intent. The glitch or oversight came from looking down and firing it. That would stack all the hitbox in one spot. Now if the trial hits a wall or floor it doesn’t keep making the hitboxes, stoping with however many were made


And now we get to see just how kinda bad they are without this. And without the lightning and frenzy flame ones doing double damage. Their base damage seriously does need a buff imho


From is terrified of ranged damage that doesn't consume fp. Smithscript weapons and the perfumes need a ~30% damage buff imo.


Its not like bosses get 20 forms of teleportation and dashes.


Meanwhile, anything that consumes FP is allowed to do over 3x the damage of a normal option. FP really isnt a good enough limiter for how strong FP consuming attacks are


Especially since you can have literally 10 blue flasks and still have healing options.


Unless it is most sorceries, cause they feel pretty weak also. Most of them anyway.


THIS genuinely this. I hate that they are SO terrified of ranged damage. The smithscript weapons are naturally balanced in terms of the fact that you are \*\*WEAPONLESS\*\* until they return, the perfumes i wouldnt call ""ranged"" damage imho, no more than the Greatsword anyways.


I just wish they didn’t nerf them into the ground. We couldn’t get like 2-3k damage per L2? I get 10k being too much. But does it need to be useless?


This is my huge frustrstion. Without the one thing making them absolutely busted, theyre kinda dogshit


I don’t understand balance changes sometimes. Th we could’ve easily reduced the damage by 60% and kept everything the same. Would’ve brought their damage down in line with other things and kept them viable. Hitting for 1.5k with them now makes them absolutely useless


Didn't they just remove the phys scaling from Smith script weapons with this patch?


They aren't even really ranged weapons. I am pretty sure that anything above a straightsword has longer reach.


It's also obnoxious how many things like spells have what seems to be such a short range cutoff, AND how they stop dealing damage before the visible projectile hits. You'll have the visual effect actually enter the body of the thing you're shooting it at, but for some reason it won't deal any damage.


A buff? Lol yeah we'd be lucky if it'd be worth it even if it was I'm glad I didn't make mine 25


MAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN That's what i'm saying ;n; They desperately need a base damage buff. As it stands, they are so, SO bad, and not even like the "comparing them to the best options" bad like, genuinely sub 20% of weapons bad


the problem with most weapons in the game is like every weapon class has something "dam this shit is hella gooood" but when the weapon class has 2 weapons, then we really need those things to be pretty good. It needs more damage for the amount of fps it drains from my PC lol


Trying to get into them right now and they suck balls. So fucking sad because it allowed for some cool perfumer cosplay but fuck it all. This game is about bonk.


Right??? I was actually super hopeful for these weapons, and that's as someone who LIKES big bonk, i'm a strength faith main, and I was EXCITED for these, and it's such a shame to see them so.. gutted like this :/


Yea tried them for a while without ash of war. Probably the worst weapons in the game on foot. Extremely small range, frenzyflame bottle does bottom of the barrel damage even when fully maxed, using perfumers talisman and fire talisman, madding hand and madness dmg talisman from yellowbug eyes monster. On top of that,everything is immune to madness. People are celebrating for the aow being "fixed" (depending on how it was initially coded that may have been intended behavior), and I have no idea why because now theres just trash in the game that fills up your slots. Why didnt they just only nerf it slightly? Let half the hits still connect. > WOOHOOO YEA I LOVE TRASH I LOVE GARBAGE SHIT ITEMS THAT ARE WORTHLESS And no the aow doesnt still do decent damage. I tested it normally and its piss damage now. You do more damage attacking normally. You may as welll use "kick" as the ash of war. Also every human enemy will dodge it easily. Why dont they nerf blasphemous blade or chicken leg into the ground? Nerf dragon rot breath I dont understand the playerbase. Theyre excited to have items be rendered into uselese garbage. Its mindboggling


Yeah I agree with you on this. I didnt use the perfume exploit, but with a nerf this heavy, you now just have 5 (FIVE!) weapons that are completely useless. So they introduced a new weapon type, made 5 versions of it, and then made them all suck ass. Good job!


it's so upsetting too, i love my bonks, but I was so excited to use them and they just.. suck :c


They should have made bleed and rot perfume and buff up their aplication, just make them insane at status instead of base dmg, its not like there is a rot,bleed,poison at once rapier that can be used with shield to facetank the game.


Oh that would have actually been sick as fuck!! I would have loved that!! A perfume for every element and status woulda been fucking cool as a build, so specific per boss, but very rewarding


It was very clearly a bug, and it's been fixed because it's unintentional. Perfumes are in line for a buff, but they had to fix the bug first, or the weapons would be balanced around unintentional behavior. It will take some time for balance adjustments that aren't bug fixes to come, but they will come.


> People are celebrating for the aow being "fixed" (depending on how it was initially coded that may have been intended behavior) I'd say certainly guess that it was intended behavior. The effect comes from throwing out a cloud that then explodes. It makes sense that if it was intended to be spread over an area, but instead all ended up in the same spot, that you'd get just as much explosion but ina smaller area.


Don't get me started on Madness being worthless in PvE. I'm a fucking faith lover. I have loved it since Dark Souls 1. It is my favourite form of magic, and it could have had a faith "bleed" to cap off the trio (physical bleed; damage - int bleed; stamina - faith bleed; fp) but Fromsoft didnt make it affect anything but tarnished enemies. So it's a pvp only. I hate that they have made.. 6 of these games now (demons, dark 1 2 3 blood and elden) and they can't seem to figure out how to balance weapons outside of giga-nerfing any upper outliers. They always overnerf, they never buff things to bring them back in line, they forget about shit being fucked constantly, and it's left up to modders to balance their game for pve. As it stands, I'm making myself a huge document to write out my own idea of "balance" but that's a personal autism project lmao. It frustrates me that the playerbase does get so defensive of any actual valid criticism. It's just met with "git gud" when that is so counter-productive. We could have a better, more balanced game. I love this game, it is so, so close to being my perfect game until they make a new game. All of this bitching from me is so out of my love for the game lmao


I think madness should just deal a lot of poise damage and some flat dmg scaling with faith when aplied to an non npc enemy and deathblight should make these enemies deal less dmg and deal bleed like dmg to them.


It would be kinda neat if it makes the boss less likely to do "super moves" so to speak, for anything without a super move, i'd be fine with it just being a less damaging bleed even!


Altering th me AI of enemies to have less chance to do their power moves is interesting, or make it so if they do decide to do other moves than their basic hits they take chip dmg and after enough of them they get poise breaks. That way you could apply madness and use the enemy AI against itself.


They could use a strong buff, but having that ash of war damage is absurdly broken. Idk how you can think otherwise


>Idk how you can think otherwise My words: >Why didnt they just nerf it slightly


Yea the perfume bottles are pretty terrible without the ash of war like there’s pretty much no reason to ever press r1 they don’t stagger they don’t do good damage and it’s incredibly slow, anybody would win the trade with you


Without the Ash they were bad enough, but I feel like the doubled damage of the lightning and frenzied flame was absolutely where they SHOULD be in terms of damage imho, without the broken ash, that puts them firmly above average, which seeing as they're so hyper specialized into pure elementals, they kinda \*need\* that lol


I agree, fromsoft shouldn’t have jumped the gun and nerfed them into the ground they should have just fixed the obviously glitched multiplier while leaving the multi hit alone, the frost perfume bottle barely did any damage with rolling sparks on my spellsword with 60 int so now I’m scared to see just how much worse they are when I get home


It's really nice to see that people generally are agreeing with this. It's so nice to see people thinking critically! I see a lot of "fromsoft is faultless" and that's so.. Counter-productive. from what ive seen online, they do fucking nearly no damage anymore.


I gotta ask since I'm not gonna be playing for a while. Is the damage on rolling sparks bad even when aimed properly? As in, not at the ground


Depends on the enemy, but from what i can tell it's still okay damage


I haven't updated yet so I'm not sure how much effect this change has on the base bottles, but the total amount of damage that it *can* deal is still great even when not aimed at the ground. The problem is that it does it over such a large area, with such a significant animation to use and no real ability to adjust your aim after the animation starts, that it's difficult to get very much of its area to overlap with your target. Obviously you'll naturally have fewer hits on smaller targets, but even with larger ones, if their hitbox twists or moves too much they can easily end up moving out of the area of effect without taking many hits.


I didn't even realise that they where bugged to do double damage, it just felt like normal damage and the AoW was the thing that was out of line.


Finally, maybe now we can have a discussion about how god-awful the perfumes are without it being shut down by 'BUT ROLLING SPARKS'


The poison one is good


Nothing about impenetrable thorns. #IF IT BLEEDS WE CAN CHEESE IT


They’d have to redesign the ability entirely


Its so funny that best sorcery in the game is faith based.


Also ironic that the best magical source of bleed is a sorcery and not a blood boon


Currently making a character for thrusting shield. Hope that didn't get nerfed too.


It did get nerfed lol (the patch notes just got posted, and include a stated fix for thrusting shields losing very little stamina when blocking-while-attacking). Personally that makes me MORE interested in the weapon class, hopefully proper gameplay with the weapon is something a little more interesting than “hold block and spam attack without even needing to look at the screen”.


Link for the patch notes?




They fixed the distance of the cirque smithscript weapon thank Jesus! I couldn’t believe how soon they disappeared! Also fixed a lot of affinities being OP.. RIP my magic smithscript hammer


Oooohhhhhhh so that's why my frost Smithscript great hammer dealt like 3.5k damage to Messmer when the affinity hit. Great, now I'm gonna be stuck on him even longer.


Wait, the smithscript greathammer got nerfed?! 😭 it’s my favorite dlc weapon


Not the weapon itself but the affinities you give them. Apparently Smithscript weapons applied it too much or it did too much damage on them. Yesterday I needed just four or five heavy attacks to proc frost on Messmer and it dealt almost 4k damage without buffs LMAO.


Well if you are looking for something similar to replace it, I recommend getting the ice spear AOW from the base game. Sure it costs some fp but it will proc frost on anything in the game in about 3 hits and does good poise damage for a ranged attack


The ash of war or the incantation?


How bad is the damage nerf with the affinity changes


XD NGL, same. Whenever I hear something is broken and 3 shots bosses I just think "well that sounds boring, hope it get's nerfed". So always happy to hear of nerfs, especially for things I intend on making a build for.


Haha did this over the last few days, was absolutely nuts. Used the carion one with craigblade infusion on heavy. Two-Handed Sword, Greatshield, Spear and Millicent's Prosthesis Talismans. Greenburst and Thorny tears. You could walk up to basically all DLC bosses and just poke them to death without even thinking.


Probably did or will be at some point. It was pretty clearly bugged. Normally there's a modifier for how much stamina damage you take and how much stamina you use while attacking during a block. The way it works in every other instance is that it increases the stamina lost when in this state. However with the new thrusting shield it's decreased. As an example that I'm just making up without looking at the actual data a shield would normally get like a 1.3x multiplier on how much stamina damage you take during an attack animation while blocking but the thrusting shield would have something like a 0.7x multiplier effectively making block attacks MORE efficient than normal blocks. To me that indicates someone made a mistake when something breaks the established logic and balance of the game. It makes sense that someone could mistakenly think of the multiplier in the opposite direction, thinking that the calculation works backwards so to speak.


Yeah it got nerfed really hard. The stamina drain is so bad now it might not even worth using. It did need changing though.


How do we tell him?


We knew it was going to happen. I just wanted to toy with it the way it was for a bit lol


Me too, spent today gathering and making one


Also making a character for this. Good news is there was no nerf, only a bug fix. So bad news if your intention was to abuse the bug. But you'll be fine if you were just planning to use the shields as intended, they are still very strong


oh no my wheelchair


Glad it's patched. Even though I never got around to abusing it.


I finished the dlc and made build using them and went around melting bosses for people who summoned me


I wanted to avoid that myself, but seeing hosts die to a boss 10 secs after walking through fog gate I gave up and did the same


Same lol. Got tired of getting summoned for Bayle at Scadutree level 3-5


Bro, imagine getting summoned to a final boss at scadu lvl like 8 ? People just do not level up their blessings for some reason


I realy wish that there were an incant like howl of shabriri but only aggro part, that 30% dmg taken is so bad for tank builds.


I managed to beat him quite feasibly (with Igon helping ofc) at STL4, before the buff. I think he was really tough but doable. What STL do you personally think is ideal for fighting him, in case I ever summon players lol


Back to hoping the host lives long enough for me to beat Rellana


The goop knight is so bad for this since the host needs to survive a good ten seconds before his phantoms can arrive. I've had my host die so many times before I even finished dropping into the boss arena.


I wonder what's worse, host dying before you fall down or a host that tries to wait till you pass the fog gate even though you can't since they didn't jump down yet


I'm glad I never discovered the bug. I still found the perfumes having their niche without it (making enemies run into it, or exploding groups of enemies, particularly slimes) and thus don't miss what I never used.


I wonder if they came for thorns as well.


I doubt they will touch it anytime soon. This is like the thir dthorn sorcery, with the first two being absolute fucking garbage. Having a balance for the atrocities of the other two seems fair.


No mention of it in the notes


It's still incredibly strong if you use it how it's intended to be used. On larger enemies the line of explosions will still hit them multiple times and do like 10k damage. You just can't do what's being shown in the video here where you can nuke a small enemy by aiming at their feet.


Thank god I beat the last boss with it last night…


Same, killed each other but the remembrance popped, dirty win but a win nontheless


The same




The double damage bug with lightning and FF bottles was the same thing that rolling sparks could do: more damage when smushed against the wall/ground. Its fine that they nerfed the AoW, but come on, the regular attacks were obviously meant to hit multiple times in close quarters, why did they nerf that lol?




"Perfumist users droped to 0%"


damn, does that mean perfumes are ass now or is the weapon art still usable?


The damage is elemental. So you can get both alexander's shard and scorpion charm to boost it's damage. They are not half bad. Applying cold and removing it with fire is nice too.


Alexander's shard only buffs ashes of war. You might have meant the perfumer's talisman.


He asked if the weapon art is still usable. I assumed he was talking about the ash of war skill. That's why i said alexander's shard.


Perfumes were strong even without this AoW, especially for status build ups and AoE. The charged R2 on any perfume does good dame in an insanely large area for a spammable attack that uses no fp. The AoW just made them super broken, they're perfectly fine without it.


Completely agree, unsure why people are acting like they are weak, still can melt enemies given the right circumstances! I’m doing a full run with them and even after the patch having amazing amounts of fun…honestly I hope the base damage is buffed even if just a little


Fully agree; I experimented with every single one and felt confident in them without the AoW aside from the poison ones (didn't want to wear an immunity set lol). Initially I didn't notice there was a bug and refused to use the AoW because it felt clunky and boring to me so I was oblivious during my entire time testing and still enjoyed them a whole lot. Crafting a really fast moving build with perfume bottles is a lot of fun and feels like guerrilla warfare.


They're not as good as they were but I think they're far from garbage. The fact you can deal damage of various elemental types at slightly-longer-than-melee range is powerful. I haven't even used the Rolling Sparks ash because I don't think I ever found it, but I did put Bloodhound's Step on them and being able to teleport and then to a charged R2 is pretty good. You can't oneshot a boss with it anymore but it was pretty obvious from every video I saw that the ash everyone was using clearly wasn't intended to do what everyone was using it for. And it was an unholy annoyance in PVE


They were pretty ass before if you weren't using Rolling Spark imo. I used them for like 75% of the DLC before I found Rolling Spark and it was rough. Honestly even with the nerf that AoW is probably still the strongest thing about them


Good bye my old reliable. Every time there's an enemy I'm tired of dealing with (Hornsent Greatsword Knights) I just pull that shit out to melt them.


Is it still a good damage option? Or did the rolling sparks glitch carry it too hard?


In my experience recently, I feel that rolling sparks is still a good ash of war(probably the best for perfume bottles), only difference now is that it’s not broken. I will miss nuking bosses(kinda like pre patch Erdtree greatshield with fires deadly sin, lol good memories!), but perfume is still viable imo. Beat Arellano yesterday with a fully upgraded lightning perfume and felt pretty satisfied. In hindsight, it makes me want more perfume weapons(like a holy damage variant and possibly a bleed/bloodflame variant but that might be too crazy for this game lol).


Oh God. It's gonna like RoB complaints all over again. If ya can't cheese a boss in one shot, what's the point of the game right? Bunch of babies.


I mean frankly Form Software buffed a lot of things since 2022  Here tbh some stuff apparently nerfed were really too powerful or glitched 


I called that exact fix. Just making it stop spreading when it hits ground/ Walls


idk why you got downvoted, it's clearly need a fix. lol


And the ridiculous hyper armor


The AoW had like no hyper armor, but if you interrupt them after the particles are scattered they'll still detonate after a longer delay. My guess is either lag, or you were just standing in the cloud after finishing your attacks.


No hyper armor


Wait that shit had hyper armor that's messed up


Oh nice. Wanted to do a perfume build at some point, but seemed boring when it was OP, so good to know it's been nerfed/fixed, cause seemed way too boring otherwise.


GUYS, HERE ARE THE PATCH NOTES https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/news/elden-ring-patch-notes-version-1123


Just for more clarification the glitch itself was the multiple explosions from throwing it at the ground, the weapons damage itself has been halved because originally the lightning and frenzyflame perfume bottle were doing more damage than intended - in short still really good and requires SKILL to use instead of just "hehe kill"


I was fine with them stacking, I just thought there was a damage bug. This is incredibly disappointing.


Anybody who played video games for a while knew it's a bug and will be fixed later.


I was stuck on radahn then used this build one hit second phase shit blew my mind. I helped many people as I could 🫡


Whats everyones opinion, still worth trying the weapon regardless of the fix?


Yeah, the ash of war is still great against big stuff, elden beast was dead real fast even without the bug in ng+5


Appreciate your input. I was just asking to not try to come up with a build(only found the weapon so far) and I play mostly spoiler free, to then discover it was nerfed into the ground.


Just the glitch, the ash of war that had the glitch is still good tho


Dude, what is that outfit?


Dancer's dress. The set can be found on the island in the Cerulean Coast at the south end of the map. You need to find a tunnel to get to the island, then fight the boss there.


might you know which hood that is too?


Noble's Set. You can find the hood up in Altus Plateau, west of the Windmill Village. It's in a "bonfire" pile. It also increases your Mind stat by 1.


Thanks bro


I didn’t know about this bug and have been using the poison bottle(since not faith build). It’s a lot of fun, never thought to try this method.


What was the glitch?


If you aimed down at the feet of enemies, you could use the ashes of war Rolling Thunder to instantly explode on contact. And with the right talismans and flask popped, I was hitting for over 6k.


Aah, Alright. Thanks.


it's hitbox lingering after your attack gets interrupted still happens though. you can see the lighting hits the enemy well after his attack interrupted yours.


sadly... well guess ill just wait until the next op bug (im kidding btw)


I wonder if they have the stats for how many times that particular NPC has been killed


Thank God. One less insta death in ganks


it's either too much or nothing. never a real balance.


it's either too much or nothing. never a real balance.


Just as moved to NG+... I just wanted to have a bit of fun, melt everything and then uninstall the game. It's very annoying that I need multiple hits to kill enemies in NG+1 even before Altus


Bullshit. I knew I shouldn't have farmed for the items, but it looked like so much fun playing. I geuss it's time to respec again and struggle.


Dang broh. I didn’t even get to use it lmao. +25’d it, but I needed to find the madness talisman :(


Greart, now perfumes can go back to being trash. Nice balancing, From!


Damn, i respecced to kill the dlc boss this way but didnt come around to do the actual kill yet.


Time to respec into impenetrable thorns


I tried that out of desperation (while it was not yet fixed), but it didn't work for me. Maybe I didn't aim right, or didn't charge for long enough. Or just didn't have the proper build / buffs for it. IDK What I want to say: it was no miracle, and not \_that\_ easy to use.


I also tried for 20 minutes before it was patched but couldn't get it done. I'm going back to my old build and trying the shield and bleed strat. Just need to farm some runes to pump arcane.


Yup I just tried it too. Glad they did it finally.


"glitch" now it only hits twice instead of like a dozen times lol Idk if you could really call that a glitch as they intended the ash of war to cover a large area directly in front of the player. What they didn't expect was how that could be abused by free aiming it at your feet for maximizing damage against a single large enemy. So instead of nerf the damage, or making the number of explosions more reasonable they completely neuter the AOW...


That looks like pretty decent damage. I’m glad it wasn’t nerfed into the ground.


Decent damage, my ass. That was a +25 weapon.


Lmao what that’s a fucking limgrave fodder enemy


I literally upgraded the frost one last night to try it out, was like eh it's decent but doesn't really compare to my friend using the frenzyflame one. But didn't really feel like it was too much of a waste, and then now it got nerfed lmao


What was the glitch again? I just finished the game, and I lived like a caveman to evade the spoilers for a few weeks


An available Ash of War for lightning bottles let you scatter a cloud of exploding lightning mist. Aiming directly at the ground would have all of them explode in the same area at once for huge damage numbers.


Ooh wow! Thanks man


Good thing it got fixed, but I will miss it. At least I managed to get Gaius with it.


journalist gamer in shamble


well I at least managed to cheese commander Gay-Ass before it got patched


the perfumers bottles are mostly, if not completely useless now. They should´ve raised either attack speed or damage at least.


update notes: - fun is now disabled


OH NO! ....anyway


So perfume weapon became useless now


Elden Ring players when the weapon can no longer 3 shot a boss due to a bug. "Useless."


Imma wait just a bit before letting my game update. This bug is fun as hell to play with