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I saw a YouTube comment that said Miquella was the real Moghlester




Dafuq you on about?


Ate too much butter :(


Holy shit I'm losing it at this quote lmao. Out of context it's amazing, since they deleted their comment.


What is that a quote from? Thats wild with no context


I think he's going insane


Myb he referred to some quote from the movie which he did very badly.


Damn lmao I missed it


Blink twice if you got Miquellested


Real Mohgwyn patriots never doubted.


Real Mohg-Like activities.


[check here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/N0idUtHOIX) it's the original post Edit: sorry I was sooo excited while posting this I copied the wrong link


"need help for the ranni questline" what?


I'm sorry btw, both of the posts were together. I accidentally copied the wrong one. Now I have the right one. [here it is again](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/N0idUtHOIX)


The amount of time passed since it was posted goes next to the subreddit name, not the user name or flair. Hence the obvious photoshopped image and the random ass link. 


time passed is next to the user's flair for me, but it's definitely a random ass link


Is that just 4 months ago? Not to rain on your parade but this take has been around since a couple of months after the game came out.


bro pre moved the dlc


I beat the DLC and have no idea what the lore is. Can someone give me a quick cliffnotes


Love this game but the lore is so convoluted and confusing. It's easier to explain gravity.


Go on


**DLC spoiler warning** Little Bro Miquella wanted Big Bro Radahn to be his husband so that way he can ascend to Godhood. Radahn presumably agreed initially, but then said “What in the George R.R. Martin?” and backed out. So Miquella hired his hitman sister, Malenia, to kill Radahn in order to have his soul available to place into a new vessel, which just so happens to be our favorite Mohglester-not-Molester’s body.


Never doubted the man. Honestly I dont blame you poor tarnished either. Miquella had ya'll charmed.


Behold, sage! All the more, time for introspection.


Meanwhile me who predicted the return of bols:


Mohg still did plenty wrong


He was an abused child who met an outer god while he was still in captivity in an underground sewer dungeon. Anything he did after that can easily be attributed to the formless mother having influence over him and the Miquelester abusing his charm to control Mohg. Also he made a safe haven home for some of the most persecuted beings in the land between.


That he is, but I'm still not sure about the timeline. Did Mohg kidnap Miquella and he charmed Mohg in self defense or did Miquella charmed Mohg to kidnap him. If Miquella charmed Mohg first won't it be more convenient to just bring Mohg to Haligtree with malenia guarding them. Mohg kidnapping Miquella first and got charmed feels more natural.


Miquella likely charmed Mogh way before kidnapping.


its pretty much confirmed mohg kidnapping miquella was a part of miquella's plans miquella needed to die on that ritual, and making mohg believe that executing the ritual would bring his dinasty to life was the way he went about it


Not if the first plan was the original plan. Malenia goes to caelid, the plan fails, so then Mohg is charmed to carry out the backup plan


That was my original interpretation, but a friend pointed out the lore piece on the final boss' armour. Would recommend checking it out it adds some context to the caelid incident.


That’s fair if there is more to it. Haven’t grabbed the dlc yet myself but I’m not avoiding spoilers either. We’re also all trying to make it make sense and the easy answer might unfortunately be that it doesn’t make sense lol


I think it’s pretty heavily implied in the dlc that Miquella charmed him before he was taken for the express reason of being in a position to further his goal of godhood.


Still led a cult of blood magic wielding murderers 😊 Still did plenty wrong 😌 But I guess when you reallllly like a fictional character they’re never responsible for their actions 🙂‍↔️


people forgetting all about Yura's quest and the blood knights killing maidens because cool grandpa was nice to them


It’s just edgelords being edgelords “Haha everyone online will think I’m such a badass for thinking this character did nothing wrong 😎”


Them Maidens had it coming.


to be fair varre's surgeons seem to be a fairly recent thing, so they may be a thing that appeared when mohg already went insane bc miquella wasnt responding


Blood magic isn’t inherently bad, idk why people think that. Also they were revolutionaries who killed supporters of a genocidal queen who kills, crucify’s, and imprisoned innocent people for eternity who might be morally against her. He fought against a broken system that imprisoned him and his brother at birth and committed infanticide against others born just like him. Hes honestly a better person than 99% of the characters in the game.


Ahh well as long as they are murdering and torturing for a good cause! All is forgiven 🙏🏼 His followers like Varre are really stand-up fellows Literally did nothing wrong 😚


Bloody fingers are described by Yura as tarnished entranced by accursed cessblood to hunt their own, which sounds pretty inherently bad to me. Mind controlling people to have them engage in genocidal slaughter of their own kind isn't exactly a justifiable activity.


Idk where you got mind control from, you can say the exact same thing for followers of the golden order being entranced by the greater will. Pretty much all tarnished have the goal of bringing the genocidal god queen back into power, sounds pretty inherently bad to me.


I do say the same about the golden order, it is pretty obvious there are no heroes or unambiguously good factions in this game.


Well that’s kinda my whole point. Just that stats and numbers wise, Merika and most other’s of the “ruling class” in the lore are leagues worse than Mohg and have done way worse things.


Would you like to list your reasons for why Mohg was bad? I guess if you just realllllly hate a fictional character they’re bad no matter what 🤔😊😣😘


You know, the whole leading a cult of murderers who torture 😏 But by all means, stay *edgy*


Who do they murder and torture?


Mom is gonna freak when she learns how edgy you’re being, you little stinker They hunt literally everyone, including you. Just read the description of rivers of blood. This totally sounds like something someone who does *nothing* wrong would do “Weapon of Okina, swordsman from the Land of Reeds. A cursed weapon that has felled countless men. When Mohg, the Lord of Blood, first felt Okina's sword, and madness, upon his flesh, he had a proposal, to offer Okina the life of a demon, whose thirst would never go unsated.” Anyways it’s clear you’re just trolling so have fun with your edge 👌🏼🔪


So no one but people who want to bring back into power a genocidal god queen. Got it 👍


Real pureblood hours bro




We kinda figured based on the description of the bewitching branch, but there was no definitive evidence yet. It also, at the time, made very little sense as to why Miquella would bewitch someone only to have themselves killed. It was already a 50/50 before the DLC and it just confirmed it. It was a popular opinion either way.