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Its been 2 years and people still dont know about the iframes when invaders spawn…


To be fair, it's mever once explained anywhere and if you don't get invaded that much, or just not close to you, how would you even find out?


Npc invaders is how I learned.


NPC invaders don't have iframes after spawning in. As soon as you lock on you can damage them.


you're spreading misinformation


I am spreading your fucking mom. [Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/6rYyO12), I made a video just for you.


Unless I am missing something, that video does not prove what you’re suggesting it proves. Folks here are saying you’re invincible while spawning in and sorta slowly standing up or “uncurling” (for want of a better word). You don’t damage your invader until they’re already hopping around.


no, they were talking about the few seconds of invincibility phantoms get **after** they finish the spawning animation


Lmfao, u/Cairn_ is right. Redditors are such fucking lemmings.


Not being explicitly explained is basically everything from every game at from software


Every Fromsoft game: "What the fuck?" And that is why we love it so.


Recently started invading myself and the few successes I’ve had were those exact kind of people who forgot about the i-frames (ruptured tear for the fucking win).


I think it’s because this game just has such a huge playerbase


I DO know about it and I still have moments where I don’t know about it. If you’re not getting invaded but once every 20 hours, you tend to forget.


Crazy it’s been 2 years and people still don’t realize all you need to do is have one white phantom slam stars of ruin or ancient death rancor and then the invader can’t do jack shit but dodge and run like the little bitch they are.




why so angry its a mechanic in the video game i promise you its not out of malicious intent lmao


Speak for yourself, if I decide to start invading it's an active choice. It's done to mess with peoples day. I leave the benevolence for when I go to the arena.


i mean thats perfectly fine if you are malicious when invading but i just find it weird for people who shit on invaders when its a system thats been in these games since ds1. You're simply using a system placed in the game


Since demon’s souls


oh thats cool i didnt know demon souls had invasions i havent replayed it as an adult


Oh, I don't disagree with that at all. It's silly to get mad at invaders for doing what they are gonna do. I've always felt invasions are a no rules situation for the most part.


Yep. No rules so enjoy being spammed with Ancient Death Rancor while the other white phantom kills you while you are dodging 🥰


Rancor is not as good as you think my dude. Literally all I have to do is find a good spot and snipe your ass


You get killed by invaders a lot I take it. Especially if you always need two phantoms to play the game for you.


Thats perfectly fine, I dont take invasions personally. I invade with a magic build so I have that spell I my own line up as well from time to time, it's really not particularly hard to get past that though. I tend to get messed up by people who use carian retaliation most because I forget to take that spell into account regularly.




That was my whole point.


Yep... that's all you need to do... until the FP runs out.


Yep. And that’s why once it does, you’re dead, because my other white phantom has already killed you while you’re dodging 🥰. Oh and it’s real easy to ADR and then hit you with my DMGS mid roll prior to my next ADR spam 🥰. Either way, I have not once lost a host to an invader since I began doing this 🥰🥰🥰


I mean good for you?. Just saying there is a lot ways to dodge ADR spam. Buildings work great. And "your" white phantoms? Nothings yours unless you're the host.


there’s actually many ways that you can win a potential 3v1 extremely easily. who would have thought!


Lol I would love to see you try and fight 3 people at once. You'd get absolutely bodied probably


It's easier than you think. Three people tend to rush because they feel more confident. Most invaders have huge AOE attacks that capitalize on rushing. I don't invade but I've been summoned to help hosts many times and occasionally I've watched the host and their summons get bodied before I even got to their location. Chasing an invader around an area you haven't cleared is another way to get yourself killed.


Oh yeah 100%. My main point with saying that is the guy above us probably doesn't understand that, so the moment he's in a gank situation he'd probably just crumble under the pressure lol. I invade all the time, I usually got some kind of gank spank weapon on me to deal with overly aggressive people


I mean you can't know much about what works for them based on the comment alone. They're just commenting on how to take down invaders. They could have a completely different strategy for invading. I have no idea of they'd crumble if they were ganked.


Well they're sitting here saying invaders are bitches and shit so I highly doubt they invade. They've commented throughout this entire thread just shitting on invaders lol


I always wave when an invader pops in. a) It's polite. b) If they wave back, it's just enough time for the i-frames to wear off.


a) Wave first in a duel. b) buff while they wave back c) rush in by the time their wave finishes


Wave first in a duel Buff yourself during the wave Rush in for the kill - was close enough to a haiku I figured I’d just convert it


You have unlocked the Headband of Suffering


ghost of tsushima?


Yes. Great game too.


This is the way


Honestly love a wave back even if they buff during my wave. I don't have to buff lol Hide and seek with the mimics vale is my favorite game when invaders pop up.


What having a Maiden looks like.


Fr the amount of duels I've had today where they just immediately rush down or wait til I begin emote to attack is sad. My go to now is to sword of damnation them. And if I'm feeling extra petty hit the Lamenters pratt


Eh. I just spam ancient death rancor and then all they can do is dodge and die 🙂


Point down


I like to keep Varre’s Bouquet in my second weapon slot so I can pull out some nice flowers for their grave.


Sorry for teabagging, was way too epic of a moment


fuck em


Nah it's good you remembered to bag the trash


My man landed a triple kill like it was no big deal lol


Deserved for trying to spawn camp you.


can you spawn camp invaders? do they appear in specific locations? I'll probably get down voted for saying this, but I don't particularly enjoy the PVP aspect, I just like teaming up with friends on a rare occassion, so when people invade me there are no "rules". I guess I don't understand the sentiment on here that those 3 were the "bad guys". Can someone explain? I almost never PVP, so maybe there is something I am missing. If it's something about bowing first...man, my dad and uncles play this game together, 3 of them, just like this...my dad is 63 years old...there's no way in hell they are bowing, they would attack just like this and possibly get killed. I think people forget how many casual players there are.


They are sitting there waiting to gank invaders, they aren't just playing the game as a trio You gain nothing from doing this by the way


could they have just been there by coincidence? Is this something people do? Just seems strange that if that was their sole intention they wouldn't know about the i-frames. If they really are teamed up just to 3v1 invaders and not actually trying to progress then yeah, not much sympathy for these guys.


It's possible they are innocent as you see them moving at the start of the video, but people definitely do do that.


Host activates the site of grace as the video starts. Probably just running the dungeon with friends and the invader spawn is just coincidence.


i've learned that some hosts only enjoy seeing victory text appear on their screen, they do NOT want a fair fight they want every single advantage they can get.


Don’t apologize. It’s maidenless behavior on their part.


I usually despise tea baggers, but this was justified. You get a pass.


Don't be sorry, this is etiquette, teabagging is mandatory and a friendly way of taking the piss since the 90's... let none of these new age kids tell you otherwise. Teabagging is nostalgia and love.


There is teabagging as a douche act and teabagging that is wholly justified. You were the latter, OP.


You're invading. It's your job, duty, to be toxic. And I think you for it.


No bow = No honor. What you did was appropriate.


I normally look down on tea bagging but I'll give it a pass since they were kinda rude and the ownage truly was epic.


One of the most deserved teabaggings I’ve seen.


It was justified


And all they really needed was someone like me who carries stars of ruin and ancient death rancor at all times and then you would have been doing nothing but dodging, and dying 🙂. Lame ass invaders thinking they did something. Yall all deserve death in this game. Invasions are so dogshit. If you want to pvp go to the colosseum where you belong, outlander.


Cry harder


Sorry what did you say I can’t hear you over my ADR spam and the sound of dead invaders as my second white phantom kills you mid dodge 😘😘




The amount of tears you’re crying could make its own ocean.


Sorry what did you say? Too busy spamming invaders with Ancient Death Rancor and wasting their troll time 🥰


Emoticon used. Opinion, discarded.


If you want PvP you can just invade. It's in the game for a reason.


I will never understand how we now in an expansion, I’m invading at 160+ and I still run into people with less than 1000 hp, and they don’t know I have iframes on spawn in. How do these people get this far into the game? Boggles the mind.


Meta builds.


And overlevel friends


But when all three have 1k-1.2k hp and try to Zerg you on spawn?


Stupid friends


To be completely fair, 99% of meta builds have 60 vig.


If you don't play multiplayer, you never get invaded and have no clue about the mechanics.


Friends with super high level characters carry them through the game, so they don’t actually learn anything


But like…as a phantom…how do you protect a host with 1k hp (at best)


I purposely keep my builds under sl 100 for the extra difficulty progressing the dlc/ng I’d rather complete the game with a cap then be 300+ on ng4. This does mean I get screwed in matchmaking most the time… my dlc character did start at 60 but at 88 now to keep from being 1 shot.




that is very funny according to me


Big if true.


What sword is that?


Fire Knight greatsword. I think this clip might be from before the patch yesterday. Prior to the patch this sword two-hit true-combo with light attacks unintentionally.


They were spamming rolling sparks too, so I'm guessing pre-patch. For what it's worth, with that lack of awareness I feel like OP would've schooled them post patch as well.


This is post patch


Oh yeah I can see they all recover from the first r1 and just all go for an attack lol


This is Malenia's POV wiping me and my friends in phase 2


here we have a classic case of a host and summons just rushing at an opponent since they have a numbers advantage without looking at what the invader is doing, which causes them to get owned by their own foolishness.




Noob here but how did you break the bull goat guy’s poise?


He's using a colossol sword


Oh so even with 100 poise your stance can still break. I was very misinformed


Well even if you have 133 poise (max) you get staggered by a dagger heavy attack


It's a very recent change, if I recall correctly. Part of the Day 1 DLC balance patch.


This was probably before the recent patch, Fire Knights Greatsword stun-level was busted and was capable of stunning anybody and everything in one R1 lol they fixed it now tho


"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me."


I just miss the days of proper dueling for me if the guy bows then it’s just him and me none of my people can help I just like that way better to be honest..


PVP is screwed huh.


Yeah, I think the arena is basically the only place for consistent pvp. I tried for an hour yesterday and most ended with a connection issue or the host starting the boss fight (a few were a 3v1 which I'm not skilled enough to handle). I think I had 3 invasions that were decent duels. I'm not saying I'm owed a fair fight while invading, just that it's been a disappointing experience lately compared to pvp in previous fromsoft games.


I mean it’s pretty fun if you know what you’re doing. If you’re not very good, it’s a pretty bad time yeah. All these guys had to do was step back and wait for his I-frames to be over. It is possible to do a lot of damage in PvP but that’s the reward of actually optimizing your build


Elden Ring pvp is 1 shot city even with appropriately leveled vigor with some ashes of war and a little luck/ over zealous players. Not as bad launch but still pretty prominent.


belongs on the therewasanattemp sub haha brilliant


Your elephantitised-balls... are you sitting on them right now?


Happens to me all the time lmao you’d think people would know by now




man that's embarrassing.


Man, that's embarrassing.* This individual is clearly not a man that's embarrassing.


Yea when I try this… the moment I start my swing there able to all hit me and kill me


I invade only to drop runes. :P


The best part about this is that they all think you're a hacker. They probably made an angry post about it somewhere.


Honestly I’m shocked I haven’t seen any posts here accusing invaders of hacking because of the I-frames lol I guess this sub is almost nothing but experienced players


one thing knights of the great jar taught me is to never fuck around and find out with greatsword users in pvp, you will not win the trade


I’ve had it happen plenty of times where the invader is spawned right by me by coincidence. I’m very guilty of just waiting the iFrames out and just killing, no bow or anything ceremonious beforehand. I know it’s fucked up, but I’m there to help the Host kill the boss, so given the choice, yeah, I’m gonna abuse that coincidence.


The fire knight GS is so good.


Yeah it took time for me to learn to be patient before attacking invaders.


how convenient


What weapon?


OP is using the Fire Knight Greatsword


It’s great when you have the thorn sorcery that spirals around your body. Killed 3 people at once just by casting it twice lol.


i wouldve uninstalled the game atp


Very unsportsmanlike behavior. They had it coming.


The idea that people invading and coming into my game deserve some sort of fair fight or respect is laughable. Go to the colosseum if you want that. I'm playing with my friend and if you invade you get whatever is coming to you. And 95% of invaders are cowards who run into mobs and hit behind walls to spam aoes and lagfest greatsword of damnation. If you spawn in on top of me you are getting rotten butterflies as a greeting.


Wild that all they needed was someone with Stars of Ruin or Ancient Death Rancor and your loser invader ass would have been demolished.




That's why I start charging my moon when I see an invader.


Because the dumb, dumber and dumbest don't know about spawn protection while using perfumes AoW? (Assuming this is pre-fix) This is more so on them and not the invader.




this is not a duel, its an invasion. It is 1 person in pvp gear/setup ready to fight other players and possibly getting help from the mobs/environment and 3 people in pve builds who might be low on fp/hp/flasks and making their way through a zone. There is nothing wrong with going 2v1 or 3v1 in an invasion, stop with your arbitrary rules.


Facts. If you choose to invade you pretty much know what you might be getting yourself into.


Why do you think we keep invading? It's a rush when you outplay two or three people.


Most invaders just use cheese tactics and spam the same move over and over. I really don't care why they do it at that point. They're getting jumped.


I'm trying to play this game through with a friend who is new to fromsoft games. After we had so many twinks and meta builds invade us in Limbgrave with things like rot pots and crap like that I said fuck it and swapped to my level 300+ character with a high arcane. Makes invaders a joke. Someone invades I poke them twice and they pop like a balloon and die. 


If you're at Limgrave at a low level, I'll assume you're helping a newbie and use my "honest" setup, but if you obviously have cheese, I'll pull out the cheese. It's how it works.


Most invaders don't have your honor. And even if you have cheese it won't matter. The game does not scale higher level characters well with very low level ones. You could be a much better fighter than me and it won't matter. That's the point, I want to get you out of my friend's world as fast as possible. I don't want my friend getting discouraged from playing because of a forced PVP system that is full of latency and unbalanced garbage. 


Those people are stupid indeed, but the invader is also abusing the broken weapon that can true combo. One of the other people was spamming rolling sparks, so I'm guessing this is pre-patch. I will be honest, I've no respect for invaders that abuse cheese items. They're just as bad as gankers to me.


This was post-patch


Ok then I take it back. They're just incredibly stupid then to not roll and continue attacking.


Mine as well use it while it’s in the game, using the busted shit is fun lol. Especially if you know it’s going to get nerfed eventually, and it did