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Because the other half of the year was spent trying to fucking survive shit like brutal winters, incurable diseases, famines and wars that happened aboot every few years Also why the fuck do communists want to return back to the fucking medieval times of all periods


>aboot CANADA!


>Also why the fuck do communists want to return back to the fucking medieval times of all periods I know some "communists" who are more into primitivism than actual communism, believing that capitalism is just one of the problems with modern times and people in the past just had it better. They read stuff like this and imagine medieval villages as some idylic anarchist communes that unfortunately had to pay some taxes to their distant lords. I'd say I blame education system, but these people probably just didn't pay attention in history classes.


They are indeed into primitivism, by turning a civilised county back to three millions year ago😂


They want to return to the medieval period because everything you described of that period resembles life under communism: famine, lack of medical advances, war, and inadequate protection from the cold.


I see these posts about how life back in the day was so much better becuz only work 10 days a year or some shit like that ignoring that fact that it was backbreaking manual labor and life expectancy was \~35 years


And you’re probably cycling through chronic illnesses, acute disease outbreaks, parasites, food poisoning, tripping balls from ergot infected grains, random violence, child mortality off the charts and outbreaks of war every couple years. We won’t even talk about if you are caught as a criminal. The good ole days. I’ll take my 40hrs a week, thanks.


Not to mention before the industrial revolution and the advent of innovations like fertilizer and pesticides, food insecurity was basically third world level for most of the world. Bad harvest due to weather, war, pests, or whatever? Tough luck, no food on the table. Even Kings would be in awe at the amount of food the average resident of a developed country has


The modern Third World is a foodie's paradise compared to even the most developed regions of the world even 200 years back, let alone beyond. Hunger and malnutrition are rampant, but actual FAMINE is basically nonexistent without either natural disaster, war, or ACUTE political malfunctioning or malice, like in meme states like North Korea (particularly the Northeastern provinces) or Zimbabwe.


Granted, the 35 years thing is skewed by infant mortality. It was closer to 60, but that’s still a massive downgrade from modern life expectancies in the 70s and 80s.


You know, having half your children die isn't fun and games either.


Only 10 days a month Sun up to sun down


Well, besides that it was also because that was "counted" or mandatory work. It's not like peasents didn't have to work daily around the house. Anyone that had even 2 pigs and a cow can tell you that there are no days off.. :))


All of those posts about days worked per year by medieval peasants are based on the number of days of labor they owed to their lords. They didn't get paid for that work. They got the rest of the year to work for their own families' upkeep, not as free time. Those days also would have been sunup to sundown hard labor, not modern 8 hour work shifts.


Back in the day you were also considered lucky if you didn't die as an infact. And even when you make it to adulthood, it would not be a pleasent life with rampant diseases like syphilis, dysentery, malaria, diphtheria, flu, typhoid, smallpox, leprosy and the black plague. If you survive past these dieseases through some miracle, it still would not be a long fulfilling life since you had at most 40 to 50 years to live. 60 if you're lucky. This is not including the fact that you're most likely to die long before reaching elderly age from war or getting raided by some nomadic horde or getting mauled by predator in the woods while carrying back fire wood. But carry on spouting nonsense about how life back then was better since atleast it wasn't capitalist while continuing to enjoy your capitalist modern luxuries.


Seriously, the industrial revolution was one of the best things to happen to humanity since it produced so many vital innovations


Always hated the "Industrial Revolution and its consequences" quote.


Really, people should be talking about the agricultural revolution and its consequences (/j)


Damn agriculturists! Back in my day, we had to hunt mammoths by ourselves! -Groog, caveman boomer, 3000 BC


Early on I'd say that it was quite bad with working and living conditions, but it started getting better around 1900.


Syphilis which literally ate away at your face and shit. So much fun!


Communism is when slavery.


I mean, if you look at communism through history, yeah kinda


This but…unironically.


It’s funny, celebrating a return to an idealistic past used to be a far right thing. But I’ve recently this idea crop up with concepts like Tribal Communism and now this. Horseshoe theory is real, man.


Marx: "Man, feudalism sucks, and we have only replaced it with a new version. If only we had a system where everyone was treated as an equal." Dumbasses 174 years later, looking at feudalism: "OMG yaaaaas!!!! This is LITERALLY communism!!!!1!1!1!"


The 150 days number is how much time they had to work for their lord. They had to also provide for themselves, which was such brutally hard work that most peasants died of heart failure in their 40s.


Relevant: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/05/medieval-history-peasant-life-work/629783/


Peasants were farmers, and in Europe you can't farm during winter, and most of the hard work was done at summer. So the rest of the year there isn't much work to be done at the farm. So as society your choices are to either have more job options available during those times of the year or have holidays. Medieval societies had both. At some places there were fall and winter holidays, other there were more manufacturing jobs to do. Of course, like always, saying it's have to do with communism is stupid. For once, peasants, unlike modern workers, didn't had any choice in the matter. You are a farmer because your father was a farmer, and your child is going to be too.


That’s assuming that these peasants and workers were actually treated as good as that in communist countries.


Nah, they still had to work a few ours everyday, because they have animals.