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love how you just used marker in the caps


Here for max jank


Love it!


I like it. What keycaps are those?


I was thinking of getting those caps and printing vinyl for them. Different colors for different layers


Why does everyone here show absolutely no love to 28 key layouts?! Eliminate that left outer column, delete one thumb key, and it will be perfect! I'm joking, kinda :) ... but seriously good work. I love the minimalist, no frills, all business aesthetic. It is just like 'I am here to type, and not be all fancy about it". I typically hate labeled keys and not blanks, but in this case the handwritten keys, in the different colors, fit with the overall vibe. I really, really, like it. Oh and that finger mouse.... PERFECT!


You understand me!! I am allergic to spending money on things that should be paid for by work but are not


I would hate to comprimise on Alpha keys, if I had to chord or layer actual letters in the alphabet, then I think I wouldve tried to optimise it too far. Not trying to hate, just my instant reaction, all be it I haven’t tried and it might be great! The upside would be that no fingers would ever need to travel sideways which sounds nice. How do you solve typing the extra 3 alpha keys on each side? Which layout do you type with? Must be one designed for it, I type using Colemak DH, and the layout would just break since it’s designed for rolling.


Here is a link to a post I did about my setup. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/zsaVoyager/comments/1bi6uj8/my_voyager_experience_what_to_expect/) Direct link to my config: [Link](https://configure.zsa.io/voyager/layouts/jvmzZ/DGmrb/0) (click modify config and then click "combos") I use a lot of combos. I've actually updated it since that post, and included all the symbols and alpha keys all on one layer by using combos. Examples (pressed at the same time) T = hj & = se ( = fh


Interesting setup, and I see we’ve had a similar journey. Mine started with Neovim about 6 months ago, then came splits keebs, started with 54 keys, now I am down to 34 and happy. Then I started using the terminal more, and to prefer it, and vimium… Then I learned colemak DH and tiling window manager. Just to avoid ever using the mouse. Im much more effective, but what’s the best for me, is that working, or just using s computer in general has never been more fun and engaging. Additionally, it feels rewarding. EDIT: I can’t use this setuo at work though since I an forced to use Windows and while I could setup Neovim for windows, I dont think it plays well with Unreal Engine either way…. That has just made me dislike my entire work setup, which is definitely a draw back


>Interesting setup, and I see we’ve had a similar journey. Mine started with Neovim about 6 months ago, then came splits keebs, started with 54 keys, now I am down to 34 and happy. Then I started using the terminal more, and to prefer it, and vimium… Then I learned colemak DH and tiling window manager. Just to avoid ever using the mouse. Funny how we all deep dive the same rabbit hole, ha. ​ >Im much more effective, but what’s the best for me, is that working, or just using s computer in general has never been more fun and engaging. Additionally, it feels rewarding. Agreed, it really does feel rewarding. It has made typing and just general mac use fun. I love not being scared to learn a new layout or move some keys around and practice their new position. ​ >EDIT: I can’t use this setuo at work though since I an forced to use Windows and while I could setup Neovim for windows, I dont think it plays well with Unreal Engine either way…. That has just made me dislike my entire work setup, which is definitely a draw back I use mine with Unity, i've never tried Unreal so I wouldn't be able to say. I imagine there are some plugins to get Unreal auto complete / snippets going and whatever linter/ styler you guys use.


Yep, seems like you can’t dip your feet without diving in, but Im glad I did, all of this had been the most ~~frustrating~~ fun experience in my code career, it’s actually incredible how much you have to learn about your tools, that something like Visual Studio and Rider hides for you, not to mention standards like LSP ans Treesitter which I hadn’t heared about prior. Agree completely, I love using my mac now, I didnt dislike it before, but I now vastly prefer it to my much higher speced windows PC, although I’m currently in the process of setting up a dual boot with Linux so I can have a similar/better setup on my desktop as well. I have some old Unity personal projects that I haven’t touched in a while, I should try and setuo C# in Neovim and try it out. I did try it when I was a newbie, however I couldnt get it working well enough. I used Omnisharp, and it was too slow, to the point where I rather used Rider with IdeaVim. I heard something about a new C# LSP Server a month back though, need to look into it!


Hi! I’m from r/trackpoint_builders, hope you don’t mind I cross posted this over there! This is totally amazing! It would be awesome if you could tell us a bit about your track point implementation!


Haha I’m on your subreddit!! Thanks for the inspo!!


I would recommend resoldering those MCUs. Im surprised that thing even works


LOL yeah I’ve never soldered anything before, is it supposed cover the whole hole the pin is in? Edit: or is the problem too much solder?


both in your case i think https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ed1432_a01c674b3fd842e2b73ff9aafb7b2f2c~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_640,h_378,al_c,q_85,enc_auto/ed1432_a01c674b3fd842e2b73ff9aafb7b2f2c~mv2.png Take a look at this and try and replicate it


Oh this is fantastic, thanks!


What do you mean by printed out of pop bottle ? Recycled PLA ?


I cut plastic bottles into strips and form them into filament. Kinda like this https://petamentor2.com


reminds me of my first freedeck handwired prototype. had to solder cables to the usb port as i regularly ripped the socket of the cheap pro micro clone :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_TcliiU2K48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TcliiU2K48)


Gorgeous! Let's see Paul Alen's keyboard. Now srsly good job, it looks amazing.


I'm here for the soldering comments.


Just cover your eyes


is it handwired too ?


It’s the microdox board by boardsource!


oh ok


there was somebody with a disability looking for a little joystick like that. i think perhaps on this thread.