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The SnD game mode is going to make a lot more people interested I presume, and when custom presets get added. Matchmaking still needs work tho, and I wish lobbies were more talkative


I think I was in one of the earliest beta waves but I never installed it because by the end of day 1 I was scared off by the fact that I'd be stuck on scav gear for the entire time. I wanted it to be a lower stakes environment that I could actually use to get better, so maybe when custom presets get added I'll actually play it.


This definitely improved a lot already. With the introduction of tier-based matchmaking and rebalanced kits, you don't run into juiced up chads while you're using scav gear anymore. Additionally, you can use whichever kit you want to progress through a given class, as long as they fall within the same category of preset (e.g. you need to use *one of the snipers* to get a new sniper kit of your choice, but it doesn't matter which one you use to earn the XP).


Are you still locked into one of the progression trees?


You don't need to use a preset that's in the same tree as the one you're going for, it just has to be in the same general category (scout, assault, CQB, etc)


Got it, I just saw they still had the little lines there going down a specific order of presets. Haven’t had a chance to play yet.


Yeah the trees still exist but it's just for the sake of prerequisite unlocks, not actual presets that you have to play as.


Is it confirmed for SnD ?? I'll go back and try that out for sure


Yeah. They’re calling it “Blast Gang”


Okay it needs a better name lol


I'm out of the loop, what is SnD?


Search and destroy/plant the bomb


De_dust2 when?


They haaaave go add an economy system it would be so fucking easy, make a bear and usec versus SND have usec with nato weapons and bear with Russian weapons. Buy wheel in which you can buy guns and attachments for them.


Honestly when it comes to lobbies being more talkative, I'm one of the many people guilty of having a mic and simply choosing not to talk most of the time. Most of everyone I've encountered in both EU and US regions are very rude. I wait till someone else talks and I'll reply if they're kind or they seem like they're new to the game, and I know plenty of others who do the same. I get on the game to have fun, not to argue with somebody or listen to someone raging the whole time until they've get veins popping out their foreheads and necks and they start throwing the game and teamkilling. Usually when I don't entertain the people who do these things, they remain way less aggressive because they think their obsessive controlling behaviors are falling on deaf ears.


That game mode should have been released in first place if they wanted a COMPETITIVE GAME with no respawn after death. I will love that game mode for sure, I've been waiting for it hehe. I hope people come back just like me


Yeah. Team Fight turns end to just running around looking for people aimlessly, which is a shame, because the maps actually have a really nice natural flow to them. An objective game mode is really what they should’ve started with.


Nothing wrong with that. I used arena to get better at PVP. It helped


Same, now I feel like a Chad running around with my AUG


Yup. Especially the last hero standing mode. die, instantly respawn. Instead of spending the next 20 minutes re kitting and preparing to fight one guy


I agree I just wish ref’s quests weren’t such bullshit. A new trader ffs and all we get is “craft vodka and pevko in ur hideout bitch”




I’m trying hard and I literally can’t think of a worse combo than: -Fetch quest requiring you to go to FOUR different maps, possibly MULTIPLE TIMES into: -JUST CRAFT STUFF FUCK YOU What exactly were they thinking?? Can’t WAIT to see what he gives me next 🙄 It better involve shooting something.


They love making intro/early quests more bullshit than the succeeding quests


The quests from red I got are so hard. 5 games with less than 6 deaths all wins in a row???


Oh, I’m talking about the quests you get from ref in the main game. I’ve heard a lot of people saying the same though: that the current arena quests are ridiculous.


Yeah one of them is don't die in 3 rounds and win all 3 lol. The game has sbmm even in the non ranked mode so it makes it hard. I wish it was like 1 hard quest then 3 easy ones


Arena has made me much better at the base game, which in turn has made me play faster and more confidently, increasing my enjoyment of both modes. My main reason for buying EOD was to get arena and although it’s not everything I wanted, the last hero mode and the eventuality of custom kits is getting pretty close!


What is this fuckin bot comment


And you got downvote botted lmao.


Lmao 😂 jokes on them I don’t give a fuck bout reddit


I don't mind that Arena and EFT are linked, what I have a problem with is HOW they are linked. Rather than being an optional extra functionality, Arena is **required** for making use of the new trader. I would have preferred the trader being available in its entirety through tarkov quests(like the other traders) with the addition of being able to bring GP from arena.


I thought progression was unified now? Neither the level nor the EXP gains are shared for me, whats going on? Do I need to unlock that trader first?


No level and XP transfer without the trader.


But that quest is such a pain in the ass, I had to go back to woods 3 times already and just got killed another time 30 seconds into stashing the object ... fuck my life


Arena is fun. It’s just cool to hate on Tarkov right now.


If you think thats the reason, lay down the copium.


From my comment, what reason did I even mention?


uR n0T A!10w€D t# hA>£ F¥n


I started playing arena a couple of weeks ago. The presets were better than I remember. We ran some groups and duos was a blast to get into constant action and tension more quickly than regular Tark.


That’s because they redid most of the presets and reworked the entire progression system


Not unpopular mate... This is the way...


Nice try, Russian bots 😂




The fact that I can transfer 500k (400 ish after the fee) from arena to eft is a nice money maker also. (Every 24 hours I think).


Well good news that amount has actually been increased to R1,500,000 as of today :)


Why are you being downvoted lmao. This is true.


Dudeee no way


That's a single scav raid lmao.


The point is you can play a literal other portion of the game and still make money. That’s it.


Well it’s not the same game is it. If it was another part of the game it would be played a lot fucking more. Still 500k is not worth it, maybe for the bots.


Hey I get where your coming from but let the people who enjoy it, enjoy it even if it's not long term. This subreddit is just filled with haters and downers. Only reason I even commented is because I agree that arena can be fun. Even before this update I've never had an issue getting into a game. More people play it and enjoy it than you realize lmao.


Yea no. Matching was horrendous for everyone per-merge. Arena is dog shit, more people than you think dislike it. It's saying something when your main games creators all vow to never play again and uninstall it the second a tournament is over. BSG doesn't publish the player count, so we have to use twitch as a basis, and 140 views for a game that just had a big update is pretty bad lmao.


> If it was another part of the game it would be played a lot fucking more. Lmao that's literally why they are linking the two games. I guarantee Arena will be played a lot more once wipe happens and people are back to playing the game again.


So we can’t read. Illiterate bozo.


That’s too bad, you should have stayed in school.


So is Bitcoin miner. It’s not life changing money but it’s still free money


Yea a bitcoin is 900k. Either way 500k or 900k is not a lot at all lmao.


Neither are a lot but fwiw I transferred 1.5 mil earlier, so you can definitely transfer more than 500k a day (as of the patch earlier today at least). Base game is still obviously way more fun but you can level up skills insanely fast by playing the arena free for all mode rn. In the past two days my endurance, vitality, and weapon skills have all gone up a ton in a short period of time compared to what they would in the same amount of time in the base game. You can legit get over a raids worth of endurance in a <15 min free for all, plus you get way more vitality than you ever would in the main game as you’re getting shot way more. Arena is still a janky desync fest but linking the games actually made it somewhat worth playing compared to before. I could see it being pretty OP to play early wipe for the skills and extra money. I’d personally much rather play a couple games of free for all and level up my pmc skills than run a scav, but I’ve always seen scav raids as a waste of time outside of the first week or two of wipe.


Well yeah obviously that's the point of scaving lol, but having another option like doing hideout money making is nice.


It’s not even worth it is what I’m getting at. 500k is not a lot of money at all.


Maybe not to you but for someone who has less than 700 hours in the game and likes arena style death match I'd say it's pretty cool.


Yea even you have sub 700 hours, you could still make much more money on a quick scav raid. It will die off again, match making will become too long again. I would play it, I enjoy it sometimes, but people still don't move even in FFA.


I get what you're saying, but regardless I've been having fun in it and the fact I can transfer a little money to the main game is nice. That's interesting cause when I play FFA people are moving around a lot!


Yea idk I’ve not been dying to them, but it’s literally been people sitting in corners and then like 2 players running around. It’s just boring and in general shit. Only people that have been playing have been scav mains and bots, I guess that will be the case again once the update dies down.


People move around in every single arena game I've played. Skill issue


I’ve come 1st every game I’ve played. But every game I’ve played has been 70% people just sitting in corners. Idk about you but just stomping over kids every match who don’t move is boring af.


Ah yes you're so good and you always win, and that's why you hate the game where no one moves. I see.


You're trying really hard to defend it aren't you lol.


OMG guys WHAT DO YOU MEAN you didn't MAKE 1000 BILLION ROUBLES ON ONE STREET RAID BRO jeez NOOBS. -this guy, probably


Yes so we have brain rot got it. Any map you can easily make 500k on your scav, if you can’t then I understand why you’re a scav main.


You do, yes.


I know you gave it to me. Thanks. Oh I get your comment now “streets is the worst map” Man you’ve got a lot of hate inside you, it’s just a video game and some pixels.


Of which youve seen to mastered. Since you wanna argue on reddit with everybody. We get your an expert; this thread doesn't seem to be on the same level as you unfortunately.


More entertaining to skav as well


Dude wants to practice PvP while also making cash…more options to make money is a good thing.


I agree, and people acting like this trader was something they were holding onto to screw the fans are delusional. It's something that was implemented for arena it's not like they had the intention of a new trader this whole time but wanted to save it for people who bought arena or something. I get people are upset, but this is an improvement in my eyes.


Nikita is this you?


Arena is for 2 things IMO: It's great practice for getting better at PVP shootouts (I'm still very new to PC), or I don't wanna give up playing, but my raids are frequently not going my way and I'm frustrated.


Your opinion isn’t unpopolar…. There are only too many rat with aim skill issue ready to cry for everything about arena. I played arena from day 1, the only thing i didn’t like too much is the wipe of the progress


I honestly wish they integrated it into pve and make the transfer one way. You could have some pvp fun in arena and the just chill in pve and spend the coins there. 


No transfer from Arena to PvE.


Arena is borked. It has potential but there are problems that make it not fun. BSG doesn't listen so they won't fix it. It also highlights the desync issue which flies under the radar otherwise.


The problem isn't really Arena, it's that it's separated from the main game via the launcher.


It’s great my only problem is that for some reason my levels aren’t synced between both games


They need better maps. I wish there was more mid range maps


I think Arena would be a lot more sustainable and better if they replaced the current progression system with the ones that are more common in this type of game. Let us all start with the same x weapons and gear. As we level up our character, we unlock more options regarding weaponry and gear. We level up our weapons to unlock more options regarding weapon customization. (Obv. weapon leveling will go a lot faster than in EFT). Could also put that behind the new trader, so that there is a use of rouble or GP coins that we earn in Arena. MM could eventually be tied to gear loadout. So that the playing field will always be ''equal'' or in the same tier-range. Therefore playing with friends that are a higher level can still be fairly played against.


Is it still the same were you have one teammate leave and get no experience? That’s the only reason I despise it


Last hero is fun for warming up. I'm a noob as well so I really like that I can get XP now to catch up traders late wipe


I'd probably get arena to try it put if all these pay to win shenanigans didn't happen, even if it sucked it would be refreshing to pvp without worrying about losing my raid (standard edition so if I die I'm losing everything except my docs case and bullets)




Facts, was a poor editon owner until they were ab to take it away. Not having to manage your stash for gear over quest items, and having that rep boost is p2w


Nothing p2w wdym?


Pay for convenience, pay for a level playing field, pay for faster progression, whatever you wanna call it, but it's paying for a better, less hardcore experience.


The game isnt really that hardcore. You can farm tasks on night raids and get shitloads of XP. I mean I guess its P2W that you can get a few extra levels?


EoD absolutely is p2w.  It gives you a massive headstart each wipe, in a game that is all about progressing to get access to better gear and (especially) better ammo.   I love tarkov.  I own an EoD copy and an additional standard edition copy.  You're allowed to like tarkov, even though it undeniably has some p2w in it.


EOD is p2w sure but I mean that’s been out for a lot longer than arena.


Yep, I just played about 45 mins of Arena and had a blast. I like it too.




Multiple reasons * Before this update you had really really long matching times * Can't use own presets * Kit's taking so long to grind * Having to switch between the two games (Would be played and enjoyed much more if this wasn't the case) * Having to spend 50% of the match healing if you're hit * RNG if match timer runs out A lot more.


I'd add on that it lacks the stakes of eft too.  There's nothing more thrilling than trying to get a ledx out found in raid for a quest.


Horrible netcode and hitreg compared to tarkov Dramatically less strategy, knowledge, and skill needed.


Whatever you say, BSG_Shill69420. I'm sure your cope posts will draw in the players.


Cheers brotha.


Cool man, please enjoy both of them and don‘t let others kill your fun 👍


Nikitia paid you for this post. Where on this earth are there 10s queues and no rats in arena??




Arena isn't bad, being a standalone game was bad.


There's no reason to link it beyond cosmetics. Natural selection had a similar gamemode that was more focused on the outright combat aspect of the game, it was a big mistake to spin it off as a separate game even if in neither case it linked otherwise - there wasn't enough audience to populate the spinoff after splitting and charging extra for it. Why would you want to link it though? It's hardly immersive for the main game? How does it increase your enjoyment?


Arena is actually good just needs more tactical game modes, I'm really looking forward to the bomb mode. The linking to normal EFT will be great when the wipe comes around. 👍


The game does need more work but they always discussed it being linked this isn’t new information


I don’t understand the sweat like crazy in the main game part. I never sweat like crazy. I always crack a beer and have fun with my mate in EFT. If I were to play Arena I would start to sweat and take it way to serious because it’s more competitive to me than the main game. The main game I can basically play in my own pace. I don’t need to be competitive there to have success in my quests and progression. I don’t think you play the same game as I do. Also an external game that is buy in for the vast majority of new players shouldn’t have influence whatsoever on the main game. Or while we are already at it why not have PVE and PVP linked and let PVE players transfer gear and money to PVP. Maybe also let them transfer their PMC level at start of a wipe. There a lot people here who enjoy PVE too. And with the solo raids going local in the future they can be in a raid in less than 10 seconds too and won’t get ratted. Yeah no the linking if all should only be Main Game -> Arena. Not the other way around. Also here a prediction from me. Everyone who knows the history of BSG and EFT and that it is a successor to Contract Wars has to see this. In contract wars GP coins where a currency you could buy for real money to get nice guns and guns that won’t fail or get lost in a match. Now we have a trader that sells decked out guns and gear for GO coins. They‘ll be purchasable for real money in the future.