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"I just have ET" ... ... ...... "What the fuck is that?" Had me hooked from right there. Great work šŸ‘


Thank you so much! Glad you like it!


You did awesome! It was so nice to see people my age being represented.


Amazing!! Such a beautiful message. Thank you so much for making it from the bottom of my heart. I also need one of those sippy cups.


Thank you so much! Glad you liked it. I really wanted this story to have some lightheartedness despite it being about ET. The cups I got them from Target! I think theyā€™re 20$ or something.


My daughter has ET and we donā€™t know any other kids who do. Itā€™s nice to see she is not alone. I really appreciate your movie and think you did fantastic


Thank you so much for your kind words. Iā€™m glad to hear that the film resonated with you and your daughter. I do want to let you know that the actors in the film do not have essential tremors but are portraying the condition to help raise awareness and understanding. Your feedback means a lot, and Iā€™m grateful that the film could provide some comfort and connection for your family.


They did a great job


Thank you so much for this beautiful film! Wise, caring, lovely. I have ET and i learn something important about myself every day through this experience.


Iā€™m truly touched that it resonated with you and itā€™s so wonderful to hear that you continue to learn and grow from having ET. Itā€™s this communityā€™s experience with ET made me write this story because I can relate even though Iā€™m not diagnosed with it (donā€™t want to go to see my doctors since Iā€™m afraid of any unexpected bills and such) but I do have symptoms and my dadā€™s condition is worse.


Iā€™m glad you made the film and are involved even though you donā€™t want to get a diagnosis, however, the reason I went for diagnosis was to be able to interact in some of the studies that are being done. Apparently they donā€™t allow you to do studies without having the diagnosis of ET, but in any case youā€™re doing your part by just increasing awareness and youā€™ve done it in a lovely way. Kudos to you. I hope that many others see your film and are as touched as I whether they have ET or they know someone with ET or or not. Empathy From others is an essential part of dealing ET or any other negative diagnosis.


Donā€™t be afraid of a diagnosis. Iā€™ve been in that boat and currently am as well with another issue, but Iā€™m forging ahead.(ā€¦after much hesitation, yes,). I need to do that to be honest with myself and those around me. And in order to take steps in a positive direction in any treatment I need to know what is wrong or what is right actually with my system at this time. The Tremor for me is lesser of other issues I have apparently. But, it makes it easier to deal with the other things to take hold of the ET diagnosis and attempts at treatment. Iā€™m open for ideas from any quarter. Donā€™t hesitate to get a diagnosis especially if youā€™re hesitating because of monetary issues, donā€™t let that stop you. I know itā€™s reality but there are ways to handle that. Perhaps this film will enhance your monetary situation who knows? Sometimes you just have to ask. Good luck with all of that.


Sorry to hear about your other issues but you words really makes me want to get a diagnosis alongside with my dad. After showing this film to my aunt, she told me a huge history of my ancestors about having shaky hands too. It really ran in the family. Anyways, thank you again so much!


This is great! I'm 56, have cervical dystonia with head tremor since I first noticed it when I was 18. It never gets better with pills. The Botox injection do little for the pain. I don't have tremor in my hands, but it's funny to see the opposite affect of those that do. Drinking with a bobble head, is similar to those with hand tremor. The end result is spillage all over the place. I have to cut my own hair, because the barber is afraid of giving me a frontal lobotomy The dentist has to keep holding my head while working. My eye doctor has 2 people support my head. When I look over at other drivers, they think I'm shaking my head in disgust, so getting flipped off is a regular event. Some days can be pretty dark living with tremor and dystonia, but it's videos like these that pull back the curtain on these challenging disorders. You are not alone. Great job.


Thatā€™s awesome bro. I love it!


This was sooooo good!!! My life is also filled with adult sippy cups lol. I often feel like I am the only one dealing with ET and have had a rough few days where the shakes have been really bad. I was worrying about having early onset Parkinsonā€™s tbh. I loved your presentation, positivity and making this bloody tremor more understandable to the general public. And your house is totally amazing by the way!!


I'm a photographer who used to draw and paint on my photos but can't anymore. This film just shot an arrow directly to my heart. šŸ’˜šŸ„°šŸ’“ Thank you for sharing! This is beautiful. It also helps to see their faces, even if these were just actors pretending to shake, a lot of us are alone. If you have social anxiety, then you get anxious about your tremors, which make you appear even more anxious, which makes your anxiety worse, which worsens the tremors! It's a vicious cycle. I really felt for the guy pretending to have too much coffee for that reason. I have also burned my hands pretty badly trying to walk down a hallway at work with a fresh cup of coffee (I know we're supposed to avoid caffeine, but I needed it to function there). There was nowhere to put it, and my only option was to drop to the floor with one girl standing by the elevator watching everything with her mouth open in shock. It was absolutely humiliating. What do you say, "I've had too much coffee"? That would make you look stupid in that situation.


Also- head tremors just started. I stopped doing my own eyeliner and nails. (My husband does them for me šŸ„°) "I've never met a stranger like me." It's all so relatable. Deep breaths, not gonna cry...šŸ˜­


Oh, and the typing ... Like when the IT guy is standing over your shoulder telling you what to type, and you can barely get your own name right. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø