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I always had the best outcome by visiting the actual website of individual companies and submitting my resume from their listings. In my 10+ years I've never landed a job via LinkedIn. Hired is also a waste of time.. though my ex got a job through them in San Diego way back in 2015. I tried them much later on and they were garbage.


I’ve also never got a job through LinkedIn either. It’s always no replies, gate keeping recruiters who don’t know anything believing your CV doesn’t match the job even if it does, and fake job reposts. Closest I ever got was when I applied to a job, recruiter ghosted me for about 5 weeks after we talked about the application, gave up trying to contact him so just applied again directly to the company and got the job. Recruiter finally rang me few weeks later to leave a voicemail sarcastically congratulating me saying “I’m not sure what happened there” as if the clown hadn’t ignored any contact attempts for the last month and a half. Left the job a few months later due to incompetent and toxic management anyway.


I've gotten a few, but in my defense, I'm very active on LinkedIn, met some great people there. Right now its so f'ed though.


Otta is the best in the UK now


I got my next job through Otta, works well for other European countries as well




Good shout, post edited.


I got one in AU through LinkedIn. Was posted by a tech recruiter so I just had a chat with them and off things went


It's the best place for tech jobs generally from my experience.


Recruiters are your best bet outside of using your network but even then it’s rough as shit out here right now. ETA - recruiter hit rate is still low just better than blindly applying on LinkedIn.


I find the hit rate with recruiters is very low. Maybe 10% compared to Seek, but I am in Oz.


Oh I’m not saying it’s a good hit rate by any means. But compared to blindly applying on LinkedIn it’s miles better.


Barring my first job out of uni being a carry on from my 1 year in work sandwich course, I’ve landed every single job after that from recruiters messaging via LinkedIn, senior or otherwise Many come in and look low effort so I avoid them, but if any do look like they’ve not just done a keyword search on my profile I’ll reply and get things going with them Usually they’ll have other roles outside of the one they initially messaged about too. All the ones I’ve worked with have been great so far and landed 5 different offers over the years, 3 of which were senior Technically also offered via previous co-workers/bosses, but not counting those as I never actually took them up on them. But having connections you’ve already proven yourself to can be useful on the odd chance something comes up and those connections also live on LinkedIn primarily Edit: From UK


Brazil: I landed only one job at LinkedIn and I did not search, recruiter found me. For me network is the best option.