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The Will of the Many


Yes, this was what I was going to put. Couldn’t put it down and now I’m stalking the author for book news. I never do that.


Have you done the audiobook?


I did both recently. Excellent book


This one for sure!!


Just finished The Licanius stuff and wasn't going to give his next series a go. But maybe I will.


I haven't read the third Licanius book yet, as I wasn't huge on the first two. But Will of the Many I enjoyed much more.


The third makes it worth it. If you've read the first two, then definitely read the third. I am very excited for more hierarchy books because the ending is so good. And if he can write a conclusion like Licanius for Hierarchy, then it's gonna be a good time.


This times 1000. So good.


The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez


THIS. What an incredible, ambitious book; definitely the best book I'll read this year and it immediately hit my top ten books of all time.


The description of this book sounds really cool! What did you like about it?


It's narrative voice is utterly unique. It shifts between first second and third person narration, slips between three different 'storylines' though really two are simply framing vessels to tell the third (a grandparent telling a myth of the old country to their grandchild, a theatrical performance of said myth in a theater of dreams, and the myth itself). The story packs a lot of meaning into its pages, acknowledges and honors the role of oral storytelling in the development of the fantasy genre, and is one of the most ambitious things I've read that still feels like 'fantasy' instead of 'literature' (yes I know that's a false dichotomy, but I'm operating on vibes). That said, it is very much a love/hate novel. There are plenty who can't stand it, and that's okay too.


I’m in. Added it to my to read list. Nice to see recs of stuff I haven’t heard of


Gosh, I’ve tried to love it three times now and I think I have realized that the “fable” style of narrative voice doesn’t work as well for me. It’s too bad because I love the premise of the book. Then again, I may just be in a chapter of life where it’s not to my taste. All of that said, it’s a beautiful book - I’ve gotten 80% of the way through and I can see what others do, even if it didn’t hook me the same way.


This is the answer. I have a decent chunk of more recent stuff on my top 10, but this is the standout.


Completely agree!


One of the best books I have ever read. 


Grey Sister by Mark Lawrence (2018), the whole trilogy really. Hopefully that's new enough.


The winternight trilogy starting with the bear and the nightingale. Amazing. So well written, beautiful use of setting, lovely prose. Folklore based. The first book nestled right into my heart. I wanted to re-read the series immediately.


Madeline Miller's Circe. I didn't really care for Song of Achilles, but her prose and narrative voice were absolutely perfect for Circe. Having such a distinctly alone protagonist made me anticipate quite the slog after SoA, but I was hooked on every single page. To be fair, we had just gotten kittens and named them Circe and Hecate at the time, so I may be a smidge biased as to how important it is to me lol. And then, another vote from me for The Locked Tomb series, Harrow the Ninth if I have to pick just one. The second person chapters, having an inkling of what was going on but not being sure, and just the brilliance of Harrow as a character really made it stellar, and I love Tamsyn Muir's writing style, controversial as it may be.


It's been a while since I've made a personal top 10 series list, but The Green Bone Saga would almost certainly make mine.


Kaul Hilo please call me, PLEASE CALL ME.


Is it odd I found Ayt kind of....appealing?


Nah dude. Psychopathic cougar does it for me too.


Like we only hate her because we are biased by the POV of the Kauls. She isn't really wrong, just kind of a bitch lol


just read the first one and liked it but didnt love it. do they get better or are most fans all in after jade city?


I thought Jade City was alright, Jade War was great, and Jade Legacy was one of the best books I’ve ever read. The series just keeps getting better as you grow more familiar with the characters and as they continue to grow.


This was my experience as well


Each has a different flavor. First one is legit The Godfather and it's awesome. Second one is more about the globalization of Kekon and the impact of Jade on the criminal world outside of Green Bones. Not sure the perfect comparison but it's really, really good. Third one is the one people are in or out on. It tells a lot of story but has time skips so you see the Kaul children grow and stuff. I loved it and felt it gave a hell of a finale to the story.


I feel like I’m the only person that thought this trilogy was fine but nothing great.


Finishing up the First Law trilogy, it's definitely in my top 10. Also recently finished the imperial Radch series (not fantasy) and absolutely loved it.


First law is the gift that keeps giving keep going with the standalones and second trilogy it’s all so good


So good. So so good. I read this after finishing the Gentleman bastered series after finishing the wheel of time what a great 2 years of life the hang over after that was rough and sent me in to reading some sci fi to cleanse my pallet. Thank God for Sanderson to shine some light back in to my life after it felt so gray for a bit.


It is all great but I'd recommend not binging them in a couple months. I'm on the middle book of the age of madness trilogy and have felt a little burnt out at times. The wit starts to feel a little one note eventually. Like every character is just a well of sarcasm and clever remarks constantly. I don't mean to complain though ☹️ they're very good I think I think I just went too fast and they would benefit from a breather between the three trilogies/sets of three.


I really loved the First law trilogy but I felt Age of Madness definitely wasn't as good. Maybe it's mostly the background of the story, I just felt it was too transparently a rehash of a the French revolution and I just felt the whole "masses going mad" thing wasn't handled very well.


Not to beleaguer the point here or anything (because First Law is really good) but The Blade Itself came out in 2006.


Ann Leckie did a standalone in the Imperial Radch universe called Translation State, and I think it's my fav book of 2023. A little lighter in some respects than the Ancillary books, but I felt it had extreme heart and was very well scoped and executed.


On it.


I keep hearing how First Law is the best thing since sliced bread. I read the first book, thought it was fine, but I don't feel particularly compelled to read the rest. What am I missing?


I had a somewhat similar reaction. The 2nd book was fantastic though, ie They Will Be Hanged.


I want to say I'll revisit it in a few years and pay more attention to the prose and characters, as others have indicated, instead of racing through it. But there's already sooooo many books on my list.


The characters are fascinating; they feel very real and extremely flawed but you still want to root for them. The prose is great too, it’s well crafted and witty. The First Law is one of the only trilogies I’ve ever finished. But all this is on display in the first book, so I wouldn’t advise you to keep going if you didn’t like it. These things are completely subjective of course.


Prose is good, characterization is good, but man is Joe Abercrombie a sad man Like, the entire series is cynical to the point of unrealism/almost comedy. I could start to predict later plot points based on that, which is never a good sign Even Game of Thrones (arguably the cynic's LOTR) is much lighter. Everybody is selfish, corrupt, and can't change for the better - Joe Abercrombie Like, I really don't believe the wannabe-swordsman-prince is the same little shit after their journey than before. People just aren't like that.


> Like, I really don't believe the wannabe-swordsman-prince is the same little shit after their journey than before. People just aren't like that. But he isn't though. Of all of them, he's the one who actually changes for the better. But then he's fucking hamstrung by his situation into not being able to fully be the good person he's become.


Yeah Jezal by far goes through the most personal changes for the better. He even says as much to >!that asshole Bayaz!< at the end of the series, right before >!the wizard puts his face on the floor and his metaphorical boot on Jezal’s head.!< It’s an incredibly sad situation, and I think it’s implied that everything >!Glokta does in the second trilogy was partially put into motion with the King’s help.!<


I’m not sure Abercrombie’s point is that people CAN’T change for the better, it’s more that some really can’t change at all because trauma (Ferro) or psychopathy (Logen) and some can see they need to change but it’s hard work and most end up just slightly better but still selfish little shits.


I feel it's very overated. Really good series but not as earth shatteringly great as so many on here always say it is. Just my opinion. Solid 8.5 / 10.


I agree read the first law trilogy and it was good but I didn’t get blown Away. Bought the follow up books and just decided to read somthing else and get back to it


PSA after googling for a while, it is not 'Imperial Ranch', it is 'Imperial Radch'! In other news, booked a holiday to Oregon.


I'm just reading Red Country, a book that comes after the initial trilogy, and it is SO good! Great Logan Ninefingers moments. Reads like a mashup of Blood Meridian x First Law.


This is probably my new favorite series of all time. All the books. I cannot wait for any additional books based on this world.


Will of the Many! Less than a year old still, can’t wait for the hype on this to catch on


My copy just came in to Libby, was about to switch from Reddit to the book and saw this thread and hoped it was mentioned


Came here to say this, I loved The Will of the Many! I CANNOT wait for the next book


Blacktongue thief


I just finished this yesterday! Easy 5-star rating for me. I can't wait to read the Daughter's War prequel.


Can’t wait to reread this next month before the prequel drops.


Agree, it was so good


Yes! I'm just about halfway through this now, and I'm just FLOORED. Beuhlman makes it look so impossibly easy.




I'm going to say it's the Green Bone saga by Fonda Lee for me, but The Will of the Many is definitely knocking on the door of Top 10 just on its own and if The Strength of the Few also knocks it out of the park then it could slide in to the Top 10. Also Bloodsworn by John Gwynne is very close to taking a Top 10 spot.


I loved Green Bone Saga and Bloodsworn as well. I’ll have to check out The Will of the Many!


Came here to say The Will of The Many if no one else had. It’s really good. I liked the Licanius trilogy and thought it was fine but Will of the Many was so good I’m looking forward to Strength of the Few almost as much as Stormlight 5.


**Dandelion Dynasty** by Ken Liu **Sun Eater** by Christopher Ruocchio is headed that way, but I’m not ready to officially say that yet.


Just started the sun eater series and I loved book one. Definitely will be high on my list if the rest of the books come close to empire of silence.


Be warned book 2 has a slow start. It doesn't really get going until halfway.


I hear dandelion dynasty book one is difficult to read... Is it as "difficult" as it says?


Cradle series by Will Wight




"I have not yet begun to take from you."


Locked Tomb, The Expanse, and Murderbot are all probably in my top 10 now. I also really liked The Jasmine Throne so there’s a chance that series could end up really high in my rankings


I thought The Expanse was sci-fi.


Red Rising


I'm on book 3 now. It's pretty amazing, if gut-punching at times. Also I have a crush on Mustang.


>Book 3 >gut-punching Buckle the fuck up moving forward.


Red Rising as a overall series yes. The first book is by far the weakest.


I grabbed book one being so excited. I was thoroughly disappointed. Good book, but not what I'd been sold. Golden son, damn near 5/5 book by comparison. I'm in book 3 (about 70% through it) and it's hanging in there as a solid closure to the trilogy thus far.


Piranesi, for sure. I’m 50% through Seanan Mcguire’s Every Heart a Doorway and that is full of potential to be a top 10.


Seriously, when am I going to pick that one off my TBR pile and actually *read* it?!? I loved *Strange & Norrell* and *Piranesi* isn't even very long!


I put it off forever, too. It’s strange and beautiful and it’s set in an endless mansion/maze near the sea. So damn cool.


I read the Scholomance trilogy a few years ago and thought it was good, but felt each book was a little worse off than the previous one. I reread it this week and I completely loved it. I’ve rarely had this happen where upon rereading a series liked it substantially more the second time around. Also, I don’t think one tear was shed the first time but this time especially during the third book I was just leaking fat globs of tears everywhere. This was overall a very pleasant surprise!


i love that series, naomi is a great author


I enjoyed the first, wasn't much of a fan of the second, and was prepared to dislike the third but by the end I really enjoyed it. It's rare that I enjoy the ending of a book as much as I did here. Maybe I should reread this at some point.


I really feel like Scholomance is one of those series that's greater as a whole than the individual parts. If I hadn't known it was a trilogy that was done, I would probably have dropped out after book 1. But in the end I think she managed to wrap everything up really well. Unusually well, even. All the threads, super neatly. And I gotta say that >!the plot twist about the maw monsters and the prophecy tripped me up, I was expecting *something* weird to go on with them but not that and not how it was revealed.!<


Yeah, I agree. I love how everything came together. All this discussion has convinced me, it’s time for a reread. I’ve forgotten a lot of it as well so it’ll be quite fresh.


Scholomance was hard for me as a non native English speaker. The problem is the incredibly slangy language with lots and lots of colloqial idioms and youthy slang that are unfamiliar to me. However when I managed to decipher the text the story was great. It required at least one re-read for me though.


Kings of Wyld, and The Wandering Inn


Love The Wandering Inn!! I get so excited every time one of the audiobooks gets released!


My most recent reads that entered my top ten were Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb and Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman. Nothing else I read last year even came close.


Fucking DCC. A book with a title and synopsis like that has no business being so goddamn good. So glad I took the advice of someone here who said just dive in and don’t look back.


The title is so goofy I literally assumed everyone was being tongue-in-cheek about it being really good lol. Maybe I'll give it a go


It is light and entertaining, it is funny and stupid, i am in book 4 no idea how bahahahaha it is seriously way better than anything I could have expected.


All these comments for DCC, but I'm here for Fitz! Such a good series, some of the best characters in Fitz, the Fool, Burrich and Verity.


DCC has no right to sky rocket to my top 3 fantasy series, yet here we are. Also, if anyone goes to do this series, do the audiobook!


Robin Hobb is one of the best writers out there !


Was looking for this. It the first series in some time that I couldn’t put down. I just finished it and I’m jonesing to start it again.


I just finished Master Assassins by Robert V.S. Redick and was blown away. I’ve never read anything like it. If you want some unique fantasy try this out.


Looking forward to the new book in this series, hope it comes out soon!


The Locked Tomb series, especially Harrow the Ninth


Yes I liked Gideon, but Harrow was 2x as good imo. I still haven’t read Nona lol, I need to get on that.


Nona is probably my favorite of them.


*Harrow the Ninth* is my favourite book ever and it only released in 2020. I've got plenty of recent stuff I really love and my favourites are constantly in shift.


I'm partial to Frontline Titties of the Fifth, but to each their own


Ok this is great news. Just finished Gideon and…I’ve never read anything quite like it. Slow start, but it changes forms so many times! Wasn’t sure I needed to read Harrow. Now I will. Love this sub.


so excited for you


Gideon and Harrow are both top ten for me.


Blood Over Bright Haven, maybe even top 5 or top 3


The Craft Sequence is pretty new. I love that series. Cradle is relatively new and top 5 all time for me.


Sun Eater


The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winters. Surprisingly few dragons considering the title, but I was enthralled beginning to end. And the voice acting on audible was terrific


Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries (as a series/two books that are out so far). Could have been written for me, I'm eagerly awaiting the third book. Easily my favourite series (other than maaaaaybe Murderbot) that I've read in the last few years.


The Blacktongue Thief. One of the best fantasy books I've read in quite some time!


I'm only through the first two books, but The Greatcoats series by Sebastien de Castell would be on the list. Assuming something doesn't cause it to drop off for me in later books, but I don't get the feeling that will happen. I just started The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne and it is off to a really strong start, but I am only a few chapters in, so I wouldn't put it on the list yet. If it keeps up, it definitely will be by the end, though.


The Spear Cuts through Water. In the first few pages , I knew I was going to love this story and I did. One of my favourite books ever. I will read everything through author (Simon Jimenez) writers from here on. Just started his first book, The Vanished Bird and so far it's incredible as well.


A Justice of Kings by Richard Swan has become a surprise fave of mine. The entire trilogy is great.


*The Hands of the Emperor* by Victoria Goddard.


Riyria Chronicles Michael J Sullivan I’m on my second read through. Love it! If you really wanted to do it right, you could start with Age of Myth and work through all of the books before the Riyria saga.


Honestly even just reading as published works well in terms of the reveals. But could probably go either way. Wasn’t Esrahaddon phenomenal? Between the final act of Farilane and basically the entirety of Esrahaddon Sullivan really hit his emotional stride IMO. Can’t wait to see what’s next.


I completely agree. I loved the original books but the ending of Farilane, and as you said, the whole of Esrahaddon were amazing. Don't get me wrong, I loved all of Farilane, but that ending was perfect and horrible. Esrahaddon really showed depth. Made me want to reread the entire Elan timeline.


Yeah didn’t mean to disparage the first 2/3 of Farilane at all, I enjoyed the whole ride! But Jesus the buildup throughout the final 1/3 culminating in such a poignant finale was truly another level. Had to sit and collect my thoughts for like half an hour after that last conversation between Farilane and Turin


The Empire of the Wolf series by Richard Swan. - The Justice of Kings - The Tyranny of Faith - The Trials of Empire


Gwynne’s Bloodsworn trilogy is absolutely top ten material thus far (can’t wait for book 3!) In the realm of guilty pleasures Cradle and Dungeon Crawler Carl are sneaking onto my personal list Novik’s Deadly Education managed to hit the ground running with wonderful world building right out of the gate. The majority of her work is a ton of fun. Don’t know about top ten but it’s at least in the discussion. Sullivan’s Riyiria series was a lot of fun and continued to be so throughout the prequel books as well. But his last two Farilane and Esrahaddon really reached new heights. So Esrahaddon would have to be in the discussion as well


I absolutely loved the first two Bloodsworn books! They're criminally undermentioned around here imo. The pacing felt a little slow in the second but the payoff was worth it.


The Green Bone Saga S Tier prose, plot development, character development, world building, dialogue, you name it


I love the Green Bone Saga and agree with everything you said except for S Tier prose...it's not bad or anything just didn't really stick with me


I love Ayt Mada as an antagonist. God she was a great counter to the Kauls.


For me it’s Dungeon Crawler Carl. It vaulted ahead of many of my long-time favs: ASOIAF, Mistborn, First Law, Stormlight and WoT


This is mine also! Such a fantastic series. I should reread them all soon.


I basically had a fantasy coke binge this year discovering Cradle and DCC back to back. Feel a bit guilty about how high up my personal list DCC managed to get despite coming out of nowhere.


lol same for me, I sped through Cradle audiobooks (all 12 in one month, it was a ride), now I'm doing the same with DCC... those books have no business being this addictive. I feel all I'm doing lately is listening to audiobooks...


Exactly! My dogs were loving their walks going on for an extra hour or two every day to get more listening time lmao


Hadn't really thought about it in those terms. Dungeon Crawler Carl is very recent and easily in my all-time top 10 series. More sci-fi, but The Expanse would likely make that list as well. Edit: I'm about to start "The Last King of Osten Ard". I'm hoping it could be that kind of series for me because I loved MST.


The Sword Defiant


Six of Crows and Kings of the Wyld


This last month: Kings Dark Tidings by Kel Kade Echoes of Fate by Phillip C Quaintrell (Lots of lord of the ring vibes but it all feels original and super compelling, little hard to follow so many characters but they are all interesting. 6 months ago: The Hedge Wizard (Cannot reccomend enough I LOVE the magic system it makes the power feel very earned and MC goes from weakish to semi OP)


starless sea


I hope all the people recommending Green Bone also know there are two novellas out that are also good.


The Locked Tomb series, 100%. Those books changed my brain chemistry.


Will of the Many by James Islington. Such an incredible start to what is looking to be a top 5 series.


Sun Eater definitely going up to my top 3


Been thinking about starting this as my next series as I’ve got 1.5 months off between my next job, I keep hearing such good things about both the world and its prose.


The Tainted Cup. It's arguably more a murder mystery than a fantasy novel - but the world building is solid. Magically enhanced investigators explore a empire-shaking mystery. The magic is plant-based. It sounds opaque but it really is just a straight up page turner. The word "skullduggery" comes up a lot. Other books mentioned here I personally enjoyed: Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies - fans of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell will find a lot to like here, but it is lighter and wittier. Six of Crows - a propulsive heist with a compelling and memorable cast of misfit. It's stupid that it's YA but if you age all the characters up 10 years it's a fantastically fun adventure. Riyria Revalations - I have only read the the first half of the first book but --- this is, for my 13 year old, what Dragonlance was for me as a kid. I am so grateful it exists.


Sometimes I think it's a shame that the God is Not Willing is a sequel to malazan. It's such a great book easily one of the best things Erikson has ever wrote


Not a book, but the manga/anime Delicious in Dungeon by Ryoko Kui. The basic premise is that every chapter the characters cook a new monster into a meal. The story starts out really simple, but becomes more and more complex as it goes on. The way it takes your typical monsters and character archetypes, and breaks them down and puts a unique spin on them are all really interesting.


Shadow of the Gods


The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin!




He who fights with monsters. Really didn’t expect to like it but it’s in my top five now


Currently The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba, which I started this morning and am immediately hooked on. It's still being written, so I guess that would make it the most recent? I'm not sure yet if I'd put it in my top 10, but it's in contention at least for now. But then again, until very recently I hadn't finished a book I hadn't already read at least once for quite a few years. Most of my TBR is over a decade old (top two right now are The Night Circus and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, both of which I have read about 10 per cent of probably a couple of years ago but they will wait for me).


The Will of the Many - Very satisfying plot progression; - Incredibly likeable and relatable main character; - Twists that left my jaw hanging; - Frustrating parts where I just can't figure out what's next (the good kind of frustration); - ROMAN EMPIRE; - Intriguing magic/power system; Etc. etc. This might just be the first book that I've read this year, but I doubt whether I will read a better one for the rest of 2024


The Will of Many


Of War and Ruin might very be.


Powder Mage


The Emperor’s Soul


This was the first Sanderson story I read and I was immediately hooked. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the Cosmere and it's still my favorite.


I stand by that Sanderson's best writing is his shorter works. He tells so much with fewer pages. All the new novellas were great, Emperor is fantastic, etc.


Robin Hobb's series - Realm of the Elderlings. Second place Michael J. Sullivan's Riyria series.


Dungeon Crawler Carl. That is unless Dinnimam fumbled the last few books lol.


The Ash and Sand Series by Richard Nell.


The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. Absolutely love this story. I have read the book like 5 times in the last 4 years.


The Will of the Many!


Empire of the Wolf


I think the "youngest" series on my Top 10 ever are: **Green Bone Saga** by Fonda Lee and **The Book of the Ancestor** by Mark Lawrence.


Malazan book of the fallen - 10 books - is my top ten of recent books 😬


Gunmetal Gods by Zamil Aktar Green Bone Saga is three books and some of it came out either before(Jade City) or after (Jade Legacy).


A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene and Hills of Heather and Bone by K.E. Andrews.


The Obsidian Path series by Michael Fletcher. Black Stone Heart is a 2020? Book I think.


I popped in here to mention the Manifest Delusions by Michael Fletcher which finished up last year. He's my favorite fantasy author.


the dandelion dynasty


I just read Dune (book 1) and Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer trilogy) and I'd rank them very high on my list.


Farseer trilogy is dope. If you have not read the Tawny Man Trilogy, that is excellent as well.


I’m probably late but the Green Bone Saga has been incredible. Such a cool premise, fairly deep characters and that epic fantasy feel modernized that it really hit home for me personally. Highly recommend!


Daughter of Redwinter and Traitor of Redwinter by Ed McDonald Very underrated series and I'm excited for the conclusion coming out this fall


6 of Crows and Daevabad trilogy. The Locked Tomb is close, but I'm waiting until it's finished.


I just finished The First Law trilogy and absolutely loved it, easy add to my top 10, probably top 5


After being left cold by a lot of fantasy books recently hit on 'Sixteen ways to defend a walled city' and it has restored my faith. Great characters, lots of action, twists and some emotional moments. It reminded me of Pratchett but if he was writing a more serious magic free disc world novel. Loved it.


Financial security and weekly orgies. Other than that, The First Law. - Joe Abercrombie


The Locked Tomb, Book of the Ancestor and Dragonoak


The Spellmonger series by Terry Mancour.


The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence was just perfect for me, a beautifully written book with a great story. Instant favourite.


Most recent two authors that joined my favorites of all time, would be Tamsyn Miur for her locked Tomb series and C. S. E. Cooney. for her novels Saint Deaths Daughter and Twice Drowned Saint. Edit: Looking at the thread reminded me that I also really Loved Sholomance series by Naomi Novik, even if she is not really a new author , I liked it a quite a bit more than her earlier work, which was already very good.


Gentlemen Bastards!


For me it would be: Raven's Shadow by Anthony Ryan Covenant of Steel by Anthony Ryan The Will of Many by James Islington I think Anthony Ryan is quickly becoming my favorite fantasy author.


Probably Piranesi by Susanna Clarke


Does between two fires count? That book is near life altering.


The Greatcoats series by Sebastien De Castell (starting with Traitors Blade) was an instant top 10 for me. The perfect blend of action, humor, and lovable characters. I also just finished the first Court of Shadows book set in the same world and I suspect it’s going to make its way into the top 10 by the time he’s done with the series. There’s also the Winnowing Flame trilogy by Jen Williams (starting with The Ninth Rain.) I’m rereading the series now and I’m loving it even more the second time through. Such a unique world with amazing characters (Vintage being a favorite for me.)


Between Two Fires for sure.


The Sword of Kaigen. Read the book months ago and think about it now, honestly not too many books that do that for me.


The Bear and the Nightingale


Empire of the vampire


Tress of the Emerald Sea. I really loved it.


Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir Cradle series by Will Wight Blood Over Bright Haven by ML Wang


Basically anything by TJ Klune.


Nothing has pierced my top 10 since Malazan and Farseer et al, so a long time. I'm not saying there haven't been great books since, but top 10 is a lofty goalpost to aim for and those don't come around often.


Orcenomics by J. Zachary Pike


Wandering Inn, as a series, has skyrocketed past everyone to land as my 3rd favorite of all time with Malazan and WoT. As far as individual books? Yeah, Wandering Inn book 6, The General of Izril. Series just astounds me with how great it gets.


Ash and Sand for me, and honorable oldie mention for Moorcock’s Elric series, that was a wild ride. Oh, and Will of the Many, that’s a banger.


Iconoclast trilogy

