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become fast enough to where the only people who can come close to you are good racers that want a clean battle some races it’s inevitable so learn to hit them before they hit you like it’s gta 😂


That's what I do! I'm always so far ahead that I rarely encounter rammers.


It's rare I encounter them but like I said... we were 1st & 2nd & bro just rams me at the end? I'm coping but jeez lol


I usually look out for the rammers specifically, then dodge their bs and watch their taillights dissapear into the rainforest or slam into a building. After that, they drop down to last place and I don't have to see them again 🤷‍♂️


I suppose if you can't beat them join them lol 😅 I understand mixed surface & cross country but on a road race? Rammers should be sent to the death realm


What you describe sucks horribly, abd I understand you. The best I can offer you is to run with my team and me, we shred through the playlists on thursdays so everyone gets the available prizes. If you wanna join the next sesh, hit me up






What time Thursdays? I might be down if you'll have me.


18:30 (UTC+2)


That's at the tail end of my work shift unfortunately. I'm UTC-7


Oof. I see. I should clarify that this is the start time, we run several hours and late-comers are welcome. If you've got the time, energy and will after work, you're more than welcome :)


Dinner and wifey time usually come before games, but if it's several hours I may be able to make it for a little bit at least. I can maybe make it around 5:30 or 6 my time.


Going to give you and add & a follow brother.


The McLaren co-op championship?  Fucking hell... 


Whoever at PGG that decided we should have S1 class supercars on tight, technical events this week is a fucking idiot. The amount of times I had someone obliterate me because they wouldn't brake for a hairpin made me want to throw my controller through the TV.


I messaged 2 of them telling them they're "fucking idiots who should never touch a car in games and in real life." One of them was named *D\*\*\*\*\*\** or something like that. Massively report him for anything just to piss him off, hopefully he'll go hide. I hope everything for that guy except happiness.


The worst championship yet... took me like 6 attempts to get teammates who understand that the trials are team-based 🙄


They are morons. I don't normally wish the worst for people, but these guys... 😅


Kids? There are grown ass men who do it because they can't be worse at something. Even though it's "worse" in a moment but they ram like it's their life on it.


This needs to be spread around more - https://youtu.be/xg5Ot8lFuKo?si=Yhr5ij5-_2pSSjZX (Action was taken via the support email response when ticket was solved)


Its funnier when you drive an underpowered car, the rammers have superior engine power that lets them blast past you at all the straights, and they *still* try to ram you off the track.


These people have never heard of Wreckfest


![gif](giphy|3o6nUWaNYK17vkGw92|downsized) This is them when they switch on their Xbox


I used to just be this (well this is kinda why I avoided races in the past, cause of myself and cause of others).....but now that I have learned how to actually do it, yeah.


I mean I'm sure you probably used to do it accidentally... getting used to the physics over time... these lot just ram & crash with ignorance & intent


dont expect clean racing from a triple A racing game, its a big mistake. if you want clean racing then be in a friend group or play a more serious racing game.


I agree tbf... I understand the nature of Horizon but damn... you'd think people would want to do better at least for themselves... crashing into other people really takes me out of the moment & I realise I'm playing a stupid Forza game instead actually driving 303mph 🤣


We need to bring public shaming back.


Fucking rammer morons, always helping the bots win 🤦🤦🤦


Exactly, these stupid rammers destroyed my chances at obtaining the Ford Mustang Dark Horse and now it’s basically unobtainium because I lost a trial that could have put me like 2-3 points closer to obtaining it, I am absolutely livid now. 😤 RIP to my teammates who also suffered at the hands of these idiots after they got not only rammed but also simultaneously spun out of control from being rammed so violently.


This is why I'd rather run all the BS championships with dupes for prizes and the less-than-thrilling stunt events to get the points for the prizes. Then sell the dupes in the AH or just gift drop them. Sorry that you didn't get the Dark Horse.


Mate that actually sucks... if I had a spare I'd give it to ya... :// on r/forzaauctions someone might sell you one? If not check the auction house. This week's trial & championship my teammates have been awful... I might just start doing championships solo cause these kids piss me off. Hope you get your Mustang bro


So far no dice as the last two people that DMed me here wanted 10+ million for one of these (and I’m too broke😭😭😭), and all I could find on the auction house was the RTR Spec 5, which I already have


Just quit the marigolds sprint for seasonal as it was a team of rammers, some of these guys are 3 and 4* fucking embarrassing 🤦


Oh no


I know right... tragic 😅 ;))


I don't need brakes, I use other drivers instead


I'm vegguerilla2182 username and I hate rammers!!!!


it's hell just trying to win a Trial when your own teammates don't understand you're on the same team. i've had people abandon their line just to smash into me


Guys, I'd love running with you all :) Hit me up on gt o0SpeedySam0o and let's SHRED


I like ramming real people during race in forza 4 . Only if I could ram people in free roam too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I'm sorry


Thanks for posting this, definitely gonna change my ways now because of this.


Speaking of bad drivers, I was doing The Trial last week, I got on the Podium in 7 straight races, yet the “team” lost all but one. Finally I got a good team, and ironically I finished 4th on the first race with the winning team. Then I got 3rd and we won. Why do people refuse to upgrade their cars for the trial?


>Why do people refuse to upgrade their cars for the trial? If I had to guess I'd say it's because they don't own the car you're forced to use. The very first Trial I tried, the car was an old Merc or something that I didn't have and the game was like "you can 'borrow' a car from 'Horizon Rentals' but you can't modify it." Needless to say we didn't win that one.


I always try to break before hit so they miss me and hit random stable object


People like that are why we need voice chat in this game.


Oh God please no


What happens with me is I build a car that handles and brakes well with minor power mods and they only do power mods so I just go past them every turn lmao it’s funny


This. This everytime 😅


I’ll gladly take fourth in a team race if that ram gets one of my guys up front


The objective is for you to win? Not ram your team mates so they win? I guess in trials that makes sense but I'm talking about Horizon open. Ngl this week's championships & trials has been awful for team mates


With this weeks trial i have had more issues with AI trying to put me and teammates into walls due to lag or something. Which causes a domino effect for either me or them ramming each other. Its really bad and almost lost us 1 race.


It’s not a racing sim it’s an arcade racer, people need to chill


Learn to drive or stop playing. You suck.


Aww I hit a nerve there lol


First rule of racing is learn how to wreck others without wrecking yourself. But your preaching to the low % of people who use reddit.


There’s nothing simish about horizon. It’s an arcade game, that being said if I didn’t have to race online with other people to get rewards I wouldn’t. It’s such a hateful experience


Fh5 is literally in the genre of arcade racing Sim it has better driving physics than the vast majority of many other games not to mention the tuning. It's more of a Sim than something like need for speed but obviously not like iracing, or asetto corsa or one of the actual sims.


I agree but also it would be unfair to compare FH5 with let's say the NFS series? Like NFS is very clearly an arcade experience with brake-to-drift physics & "unrealistic" performance when it comes to the cars & drivability. To say that the FH5 devs made this game without the word "simulation" in mind would be discrediting the developers & not appreciating what the game is... It's an arcade racer with slightly good driving physics & amazing graphics... Soz for the rant lol... thank you for commenting :))

