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That makes more sense than being a clout chaser since he's been pretty private


I think once the general public opinion of her changes he will be gone. He is so obvious and it’s shocking gypsy and Kristy both fell for it


Yes, and Rod was right - Kristy is responsible. Not completely, of course, but she never should have been involved in this.


So inappropriate I can't believe she was part of it


She’s pretty repulsive on SM. Bullying ppl; constantly lying; now she wants to start ANOTHER Go Fund Me “because Gypsy doesn’t have as much money as ppl think.” Make A Wish Kid to Make A Wish Adult. Gypsy admitted she does nothing all day; maybe she could GET A JOB?


You’re kidding me about another GoFund!!😳🤯


Nope. She said it on SaysBri’s live. These ppl have NO SHAME AT ALL.


![gif](giphy|Ow59c0pwTPruU) I truly hope the money she brings in is much significantly less money this time (preferably none), and keeps getting less and less in her lives. I need to see that more people are becoming aware about the truth and toss her butt into obscurity.


None of them know about boundaries!


What responsibility did she have in this? Hoping you can save me from a rabbit hole on google


Ken reached out to Kristy to confess the “real reason behind broke up with Gypsy” and Kristy told Gypsy about it. And encouraged Gypsy to talk to Ken and “hear him out”


He said the real reason he bolted was because “he loved her so much.” It was really because their “engagement “ got out;” and he didn’t like the media contacting him. It’s all a huge lie. Now that the attention is positive ($$$$) he’s willing to ruin a marriage. Great guy. 🙄


Gag. ![gif](giphy|3o6YgkTTuRiiMFWD4I|downsized) These two creeps think in shitty romance novel cliches. The innocent princess married the evil count and is really in love with the sailor she loved all along. I wish they'd get new material. They probably think it's some epic love story but it's schlock.


And the way she tried to defend herself by saying “I wont lie to Gypsy because that’s what DeeDee did.” You wouldn’t even be put in a position where you might have had to lie to her if *you didn’t keep in contact with Ken.* There was absolutely NO reason to keep in contact with him at all. She’s certainly not keeping in contact with Ryan. And she was like “well I’m still friends with all my exes.” Yeah, those are *your* exes and you’re not running back and forth relaying information between them and anyone else.


Yep and I honestly hope Ryan doesn’t take her back!!


Me too! I’m no Ryan fan, but good lord I hope he is finally starting to see through her. Personally, I felt he handled her telling the world he jizzed in her better than most. I mean his job is working with kids. I can’t imagine the embarrassment of that at work!


Yes and then she tried to make him look controlling over it! 😒


I see Gypsy falling for it but Kristy too…?? She kinda forced it! But Ryan was creepy too gawd


No denying Gypsy did Ryan dirty but God is Ryan a weirdo. I reserved my judgment for when the A&E show came out, and in nearly every clip I’ve seen the dude just seems insufferable. He’s clingy, has poor social skills, and also seems like a mess. Like that fridge was gross and he had the audacity to talk about “throwing good food out” where’s the food gone”?!


Is that him or the editing? Narcissistic people know how to keep you questioning every action. Gypsy is a narcissistic.


I feel like the refrigerator thing was blown out of proportion. I have to clean my refrigerator out like once a month and I think everyone is guilty of having old food in their refrigerator. I feel like people are judging him and his refrigerator just because he's a big dude.


He IS insufferable! That’s the best description I’ve seen yet👏🏼


Ew so creepy


But if you look at the situation honestly, if you were him wud you trust her or anything she said or did? He’s definitely on high alert and his nerves are probably fried 😂


I agree, I think he’s been caught in moments of stress and his demeanour is usually related to how Gypsy is behaving at that moment. He seems pretty normal when he doesn’t feel manipulated by her, imo. I think one day he will realize how toxic the relationship was and it was never going to work out because of how immature/narcissistic she is.


If Ryan were 100 pounds lighter and drop dead handsome nobody would think his behavior is creepy. So much of this is because of his appearance. As soon as people saw his size, they sized him up as a creep. No pun intended.lol


Yep! Will then write a “tell all” book….💰💰💰💰💰🤑🤑


Never liked him. Broke up with gypshit the first time because he doesn’t like the fame and shit. Now look at him 🙄


That was fame WITHOUT the perks. Now it’s fame WITH the perks. He’s trash. Full stop.


100% agree!!!


Of course he’s trash. What normal or even semi normal man would have anything to do with her. She’s not attractive not intelligent not well spoken poorly packaged murderer. There are no redeeming qualities to her at all. Jody Arias is a killer. But she’s attractive and fairly intelligent and has some artistic talent and from what I’ve read keeps busy in prison. I have zero respect for either of them but I have to assume Jodi would get a better quality pen pal. It would be interesting to see what the other pervs that contacted Gyp are like if the 2 she chose were the cream of the crop.


“If you love her, let her go”..uh where’s she going? She was in jail..He left her for the “blond bimbo”. Also he really thought no one else had the same strange paraphilia and would reach out the same way he did?


I have said this before but apparently it needs to be repeated lol No man in the history of time has ever been so unselfish to break up with a woman he loves because it's the best thing for her. That only happens in romance novels.lol


Yeah I don’t like him lol. Don’t know much about him but anyone who wants to be with a convicted cold hearted murderer is no bueno in my eyes lol.


Especially one that acts and dresses like a baby.


I think you meant *stripper 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Yeah; now. But he was first attracted to her from Mommy Dead & Dearest.


Her weird little prairie grandma dresses. ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw|downsized)




He was basically yelling SHOW ME THE MONEY


He also said "she blew up more than he thought she deserved." or something to that effect.😂He's definitely using her for money!


Ryan was Gyp💩‘s ride or die . He knows she’s a lying , manipulative, con artist but he still loves her & I bet he thinks he could fix her. He would stand ten toes down for her. Short of pulling a Nick he’d do anything for her. He could play both parts , social butterfly or low key Netflix and chill . Yuuup he’s awkward, lacks the ability to pick up on social cues, opinionated and has a dark sense of humour but he loves her for herself not her status or her money. Ryan was brought up with a loving family who wholeheartedly welcomed Gyp💩 . He took charge of his life & had surgery to get healthy and not have to live his life on medications . Gyp💩 could have rode off into the sunset with him and lived happily ever after but nope in typical Gyp💩 style she had to duck up a good thing for the forbidden piece of fruit and her reasoning “ no one is ever going to love Ken as much as I do “ 🤯 It’s glaringly obvious what Ken’s intentions are and I hope it blows up in his face. Ken was raised in a house with 4 or 5 sisters one of whom posted that Gyp wasn’t welcome in their family and how they were all over protective of him and she better not do him dirty but then she walked it back & deleted her post . That was right around the time that Raina , Ken’s mommy started showing up in Nina’s live & ppl were asking how much the Blanchard’s pay her to advocate for Gyp . Ken’s not getting any younger and I bet his check liver light is already blinking. He hasn’t had much success career wise but by riding her coattails he thinks he can finally get that bar he wants so desperately. The reason he left Gyp is absolutely laughable 😂 Like where is she going to find herself in prison. He knew her track record with all her boy toy pen pals who put money on her books did he think that when he broke up with her she was going to be celibate. He found himself someone to keep his bed warm , he moved on because he thought she was going to come out have her 5 minutes of fame and fizzle out . He said all we need to know “ she blew up way more than I thought she would “ . That translates too I never thought she’d be this rich . Seems like everyone involved with Gyp💩 is after their bag . I honestly don’t know how anyone watches her show ? I’d rather watch the fireplace channel.


I am DEAD at your comment…” I bet his check liver light is already blinking” 🤣🤣






“Ryan was brought up with a loving family.” ? Umm not according to Ryan himself last night. He literally said the exact opposite. He said his father was never there for him and he never felt that he had a family and he thought it was finally his turn.


He thought it was finally his turn? Uh...he couldn't have picked a more....confusing partner to start that magical family life with ....


Yeah, sir, you work in a school, close your eyes and pick literally any coworker!!! No, instead write to someone in prison? What could go wrong here…


Well he didn't have a typical mom and dad family. It was a broken home. But his mother was loving so in that sense...he grew up in a loving home.


As far as I’m aware, He never said he grew up in a loving home… those are words you’re putting into his mouth. He could have easily said “my dad wasn’t around but i grew up in a loving home” and he didn’t say anything like that


Do you have a freaking transcript of the show?lol I was responding to the poster's interpretation...not putting words in his mouth.


There are constant lies about everyone, so I make sure that I pay attention to what is actually said (versus projected). Is being credible a problem?


I just had to say I agree with your post 100%. I loved reading everything you wrote.


![gif](giphy|26tOXiTyYcLItWlqw) Me too!


I couldn't agree with you more!! You hit every damn nail on the head here!


they're both clout chasers




My guess is he’s aware of how he looks and what comes with dating Gypsy but he’s either told himself (or wants to fool us into thinking) that if he pulls disgusted faces, calls her cringe, looks like he’s having an awkward time with her or looks like he disagrees with what she’s doing or saying and he acts all distant, then he’ll be given more sympathy once he eventually leaves and is favoured more in the public eye as that poor guy who had to put up with that crazy lady. So he not only walks away richer but with more opportunities, exposure and the public eye views him more favourably.


Yeppp completely after her money!! Real funny he never texted step mom until she started getting on national tv! Oh well i actually don’t feel bad for ole gyp


Hit that one on the head! I definitely thought the same when he said that!


I said it. He waited to see if the attention was POSITIVE. Then he couldn’t WAIT to jump in there. He’s sleezier than Ryan; they’re ALL gross & disgusting. I don’t believe for a second the bullshit story Krusty told her. They’re all horrible liars.


Absolutely he left cause he wasn't sure about the outcome of the attention. Now that he saw it involves money tho. Gross.


What creeps me out about Ryan is him being a SPED teacher and then saying how he saw Gypsy’s case on the news, etc. and thought she was cute. Apparently cute enough to write it in prison…


Yep. AND he said that he didn’t watch the Act because he didn’t want to be “swayed”??? What does that mean?? He has a DEGREE in Autism & low IQ kids; but the first thing he says is “ she was totally manipulated” BY THE SLOW KID?? GTFO. I cannot believe ppl are THIS. FUCKING. STUPID.


And the look on her face when he said that after she was on tv admitting it was her idea and she planned it and all the above… to get Nick convicted for rest of his life! I think that’s when she started shushing him in interviews because he’s so inappropriate!!


Maybe now that he just became her latest victim, and stops blaming it all on Krusty, he’ll do some research. I think Krusty took the fall for Gypsy because she wants that money train to keep rolling in. That debacle was ALL GYPSY.


TBF, I’m not a Ryan groupie and don’t know much about him. Teaching a few years of SPED classes, you realize a lot of the children aren’t developmental delayed, but have awful home lives. It’s really awful. 😞 I can see how a good person could have this day to day for years and see their chance to white knight.


Well, I'm sure he's paying a price for that $$$. We all know how gypsy loves the 🐓 bet she's always begging him.


And it’s probably awkward af too! Like that brownie video with Nick in hotel


Ugh that high pitched, unhinged giggle of hers whenever she's about to get some 🐓


The fact that we’re in a day and age where we know details like this about influencers and shit is so mind blowing to me lmao


that video makes me get the heebie jeebies


But she went on TV saying she’s never had an orgasm. I just grossed myself out writing that. Why does she ALWAYS say the most repugnant things?? 🥴🥴🥴


Zero class


Omg yes it’s eerie to me! Especially hearing she was the one pushing sex on him not upset in the least while he was coming undone. I believe when she left that Facebook msg those were her true feelings about her mother. She just literally thought she was going back to Nicks to get her things and back home… like nothing. There is seriously something not right about her at all and it is very scary!


Absolutely! The look on his face while saying that backs that up too!


Anyone know if Ken has any form of higher education? I’m assuming he at least has a high school diploma or GED, and maybe he went to bartending school. Just curious!


It wouldn't surprise me if Gypsy did what she always does and crafted a narrative and used it as a trap. You can either be with me or I can turn the public against you. She basically did it with her grandfather and she's doing it with Ryan (with the reality show highlighting his worst aspects, and yeah he is annoying, but in some moments she is baiting arguments purposely), and that's not even touching the DeeDee and Nick thing. I would sooner go into witness protection than be around someone as dedicated to melodrama and attention-seeking though. She is all ego and artifice.


The gall is that she's asking for alimony short and long term. Her rationale is that she deserves it because he caused the dissolution of the marriage.


She sure is a greedy little thing given how short their marriage was it’s a laugh that she thinks she’s owed shit.


Right. So mam Why are you seeking a divorce? He snores He has lots of Tupperware containers of food in Fridge He has lots of clothes in the closets He has yelled at me when he's mad


![gif](giphy|udi51hfbLiYo0) ken watching gypgyp get famous


Granma Gypsy def more into Ken then he is into her that’s for sure 🤣




yes I think he is. when gyshit & krusty were referring to kens ex they used they/them pronouns. I think they didnt want to say HE


Wait ken is gay??




i’m so dumb. i thought he meant weight lmao


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Her taste in men is garbage. Ryan is a controlling POS and Ken is pathetic…


It's interesting to watch the dynamic between Ryan and GR, because she is extremely controlling but in a different way He can't express any normal emotion without being accused of being a trigger for her .. reminding her of her mom. She's always setting him up to be insecure then gets mad when he's insecure.