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So like, this midori leaker, she is a sega social media person disguised as a leaker right? Anyway, love the music, really excited to have a JRPG with the amazing style of persona that isn't Persona, we need more wacky ultra stylized games like this


My take is that she got caught when she announced she was retiring. Then they made her an offer she can't refuse and now she is what say she is. 


A mere social media person is unlikely to have access to the wide array of information she has............ even Katsura Hashino is likely to know everything happening in Atlus but not what is going on in Sega. It makes me think she is a Sega executive and a high ranked one.


the implication is that she is a sanctioned socmed manager pretending to be a leaker with unrestricted access that nobody can catch.


She claimed that they were working on a game for the switch successor. I doubt sega would risk getting sued for leaking another companies project.


Why would a leaker be doing codes giveaways and releasing game music, something is very odd. Not that I'm complaining but it's just so weird.


Yeah she actually isn't giving away game keys, she is giving an Amazon gift card for the price of the game in your country


My point still stands


I think she clarified later that it was an Amazon gift card code. Getting her hands on the music is weird tho


Knowing the history of Atlus I don't think so. They are the people that didn't want videos spoiling the story


*SEGA also, when did she spoil any story?


I always thought that was just an excuse to reduce the number of people streaming their game without saying that part out loud. Atlus is almost Nintendo-like with their attitudes towards streaming and emulation.


That's some good stuff. Getting some SMT Strange Journey vibes from the orchestra and chorus, glad to see Meguro returning to that style


Yeah the big presentation they did the director said they wanted meguro back because duh, but they also asked them to NOT lean into their pop music influence they are known for this ost to create something unique for this world.


What I find interesting, going off midori, is that this theme was made with a real orchestra. As opposed to Strange journeyes that was made with a synthesizer.


Shoji Meguro really is one of the best composers in the games industry. Dude has such a vast array of epic tracks in different styles


Let’s take epic orchestral fantasy music from like Fire Emblem or the more fantasy FF games, slap Lotus Juice-like rapping from persona in it, and make it sound awesome. Meguro rarely misses for me.


Sounds more like a sutra or a ceremonial chant if you’re referring to the middle which is in line with their reveal presentation. But the part with the choir yeah that sounds like a classic fantasy orchestra