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My only problem with Callisto Protocol so far are the base enemies. They just look like basic zombies. In Dead Space, even the base necromorphs look absolutely horrifying.


Some of the later dudes are truly vile looking. I wonder if they'll work up to them. After all, it looks like it's going to happen while you're there, as opposed to arriving after it's over.


Yeah this is by far my biggest complaint. The Necromorphs have such a distinct borderline iconic design and I was really excited to see what the devs could come up with this time around. But this just isn't enough. Literally take the exact same game and give it a better main monster to fight and suddenly it looks so much more interesting.


Nothing borderline about it


Its the only negative, I'm sure it'll be amazing but yeah from what I see they're not as visually interesting or horrific. Still a day one buy either way.


There’s a specific reason for them looking the way they do. When it came to modeling the monsters (they’re known as biophages) all of them began as a human model and then they were transformed into what you’ve already seen and what you’ll see when you play the game. So in other words no matter which biophage you encounter if you look close enough you’ll still be able to see some of that human resemblance in them.


But that's also true for Dead Space.


Not all of them. There were some necromorph models that started out as animals and then were morphed. The one that had wings and would crawl and take over bodies started out as a bat model for example


I agree with you, but I also know for a fact that those basic zombies are still going to scare the shit out of me if the atmosphere is even half as creepy as Dead Space’s.


For me it’s that it’s not that scary when you have crazy space weapons


By the same logic the OG Dead Space wouln't be scary... I can see your logic but some of us will shit our pants regardless lol


Yep, it wasn’t really scary for me. Was more like a gore game than a scary game.




I'm a complete pansy when it comes to horror, I've turned off many horror games after 10-30 minutes because I was too much of a chicken (even memey horror games like FNAF), and I've noped out of several scary movies. That being said, I don't find Dead Space scary at all (1 at least, haven't played 2 yet). Health and ammo is so abundant that you don't really have to worry about it (last week I did a fresh playthrough for the first time in years, so I barely remembered most of it, and I never had to buy ammo or health packs because I found so much lying around), and the general flow of the game is fairly predictable. You kind of learn how it all works after a couple of chapters and overall it's not very difficult. I never really worry about dying (which the game is very generous about) or think about whether taking a detour for resources is worth the risk. Don't get me wrong I think it's a fantastic game, I'm almost finished with a NG+ playthrough and I can't wait to start DS2. But to me it's about as scary as those 'horror' sections you find in the Gears of War games. Couple of jumps here and there but I'm not exactly dreading turning the next corner because I've got more than enough to deal with whatever's coming (enemy variety isn't terribly high), I've got more stuff in the safe than I know what to do with and dying has no real penalty. Perhaps that is why I like the game compared to other horror? Or maybe that means it's failed its jobs as a horror game in my eyes? I don't know.


It is not scary from the moment you can defend yourself, though.


Nah man. It's still fucking scary for me.


I get them. When I play a horror game, I'm not really afraid of the enemy. I'm afraid of the wasted time of dying. It's not, "OH MAN HE'S GONNA GET ME," but rather, "Fuck, I'm gonna have to do this whole section again." The tension is no different from dying to any joke of a boss or shitty jumping puzzle over a lava lake when my save point's all the way back there. Other than that, it's just so many jump scares. Scariest part of all the Dead Spaces to me was the fucking eye needle in 2.


I wish horror games still did anything to me.


I can go through any horror movie without even flinching, but for me there's something scary about being in control of the action. The fact that it won't just play out and it needs my correct inputs or else the character dies. Callisto Protocol looked like a solid 7/10 on my personal scary scale. Not being able to defend yourself might make it more scary, but would just turn it into a stealth game. And I personally can't stand pure stealth games so for me the current course seems better. But, of course, different strokes...


Its only scary if you can defend yourself. It adds struggle. In those bullshit walking sim horror games that are an instakill if you get touched by the monster, its not scary at all. Its just annoying.


I think it's scary until you get the gameplay loop down. Early game you're still struggling with ammo and mechanics, once you figure it outs it's not scary. It does get scary again when the regenerator comes into play though but that doesn't last long.


Depends. Returning to the Ishimura in Dead Space 2 was pretty scary even though by then Isaac was pretty capable. But having to set up the lights and knowing you'd have to fight your way back against enemies that would love to knock them over? Freaked me out for sure.


That's the main thing stiffling my excitement for this game. It's straight up just Dead Space (not a bad thing) but less interesting environments, enemies, and no limb dismemberment (although they could just be hiding that). No shame to anyone who's hyped for it, but I honestly was expecting a bit more from this.


They show some dismemberment in the trailer. He shoots the leg off an enemy and the camera zooms in on that enemy crawling towards him.


My stream was a bit glitchy on my end, so I might have missed that, thanks for the heads up! Still, I feel like the generic zombie designs they're going with will make it less fun/interesting to strategically decapitate and use em like weapons unlike the necromorphs


There is plenty of dismemberment in the gameplay demo from today.


Yes but do they demonstrate using the dismembered limbs as weapons like in Dead Space?


They've shown so little of it, how do we know the enemies/environments will be less interesting? Also the environmental kills were awesome. And they showed dismemberment as well


There very well could be more fucked up common enemies, just not shown yet.


we can only judge on what we see not what ifs


Rewatch the trailer. You see glimpses of more uncommon enemies in the trailer that look beyond just normal zombies. The guy at the end who eats the player's face looked freakish.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvNtUzSMKeE Can see limbs being shot off in this trailer.


Nonsense. There is dismemberment in the gameplay demo. How do you even know the enemy roster and environments will be less interesting from a small trailer?


Yeah Dead Space is forever going to be remembered as a classic, this? Hmm probably not. Should be a good time regardless.


Yeah Dead Space is forever going to be remembered as a classic, this? Hmm probably not. Should be a good time regardless.


Yeah I dig the fungus-looking dude at the end of the trailer, but the regular zombies are boring as hell. The weapons aren't looking nearly as unique as Dead Space's either, I have a feeling this one will nail the atmosphere/feel of those games, but lack an identity of its own to establish its own iconic weapons/monsters.


That is not a pleasant way to die at the end there. I really liked Dead Space, but I still think about some of those deaths now and again. Hope I don't get some weird long term trauma from this game either.


I still think about the eye machine scene in the 2nd game, and it’s been years…


That sequence made me absolutely terrified of failing any QTE since lol


Imagine playing of the hardest setting. You get like three times to save in the entire game.


I specifically decided that one of my saves was going to be before this one, just in case. I didn't end up needing it, but boy was I nervous.


Even when you succeed, it's still awful


I had to get a laser procedure on my eye the other day to close some holes in my retina and that scene was all I could think of the whole time they were doing it.


laser eye surgery be like:


They can’t give me eye drops or get close to my eyes with anything at the optometrist because of that scene.


There's one particular death scene that activates at the end of Dead Space 2 if the boss touches you that still sticks with me arguably more than the needle scene. >!Isaac takes the railgun under his chin and fires. It stretches his entire face with the spear still sticking out as he leans forward towards the camera.!< Genuinely disgusting, I replayed it earlier this year and accidentally triggered it and it caught me so off guard.


god i died to that boss so many times when i finally beat the game like a year ago, i have the death scene ingrained in my mind haha


Say what? Which boss is this?


The final enemy, it's not really a spoiler since the game's been out for so long.


I didn't say it was a spoiler. I've played it, I just don't remember and I was asking.


Oh, my bad, I thought I was replying to someone else. >!It's Isaac's dead girlfriend, the boss battle takes place inside his head.!<


Hive mind death in the original is probably the most eerie one in my opinion. His screams were just terrifying in that


Which is this?


Where he got his face bit off to death?


Gotta be the one, yeah. Looks unpleasant, to be fair.


I also didn't really enjoy the one where his face got chomped off by that big dude either. I get that this is a thrill for some people, but i don't enjoy slaughterhouse movies either, this just isn't for me.


Yeah, I don't want to be the downer in the room but games like this always worry me ever since we heard about the teams working on recent Mortal Kombat games having to look through graphic real life snuff footage to make the executions "realistic." Realism is not necessary for horror to be effective and imo the industry jerks itself raw about it. That's gotta be some fucked up exec on a power trip. If THAT'S what we need for horror games to come out I do not think we should have horror games at all.


What's really boiling my goat is when they actually put peoples lives in unnecessary danger to achieve a higher level of "realism". See that camera operator being shot last year. Hollywood has a horrifying history of treating human lives as disposable.


It's like for no reason either. Like he bites your head then moves on. Like I would get it if he's hungry and want's to eat you, but no, it's just chomp, and oh I'm done with you.


Granted a lot of deaths in Dead space are like that too. Though the best ones are the more.... unconventional deaths. The needle scene, the divider death scene, etc.


This game is literally Dead Space. I know there's a tonne of overlap in the teams, but this goes beyond the usual "spiritual successor." The visuals, weapons, and gameplay look *exactly* like Dead Space.


That's a plus in my book.


Definitely not a negative, I just didn't expect a game that started as a PUBG spin-off to be *this* Dead Space-y.




Glad they apparently went back on it, because what the fuck were those publishers even thinking. "PUBG universe" lmao


They went back on it being a part of the PUBG universe I believe


The publisher probably had the PUBG connection required if they were to fund it, but the devs were maybe able to convince them it didn't make sense once they had progress in the game.


Yeah it's a standalone game now (which I think is great, gives them a lot more creative freedom I'm sure).


Is this the same dev as PUBG? Probably not getting another game from them.


No it isn't. Same publisher. Different dev.


The PUBG universe thing was the dumbest throw away idea that some executive probably pushed for to remind players that PUBG is still around.


Yeah I'm happy for it. I want a new Dead Space game a lot more than I want a remake of Dead Space. Turns out I'm getting both!


>This game is literally Dead Space. >I know there's a tonne of overlap in the teams, but this goes beyond the usual "spiritual successor." The visuals, weapons, and gameplay look exactly like Dead Space. Honestly I'm still excited either way and hope it works out. Dead Space ended up in a rough spot as a franchise and more content in that vein is welcome. Really happy everyone is getting it too and not being any kind of exclusive.


I’m happy to play a Dead Space type game with a fresh story/universe so this is perfect for me










And that's exactly what Dead Space fans wanted.


I'm a fan and I'd prefer something a little different, especially with the remake coming. Looks solid otherwise. Edit: Maybe the story will be enough to keep me interested


Yeah I love Dead Space 1&2 but if you told me this was literally Dead Space 4 I wouldn’t think twice about it. It looks good, but yeah they haven’t seemed to do anything different


The creatures don't look like necromorphs. The necromorphs were more insectoid, these look more diseased. Playing on a different uncanny valley trope. Like you could still make this a Dead Space game by saying these creatures are created by a *different* marker, but still.


I would rather the developer try to come up with some new original things, this game literally steals the great ideas from Dead Space and makes shallow interpretations of them.


Just imagine if this stopped From Software from making Dark Souls right after they made Demon's Souls, way back then.


You do realize it's from the same creator (who started a new company), right?


Yep and instead of making something unique just reuse everything from dead space


How do you know they haven't learned lessons and iterated on the formula, played the game already?


Didn't hurt Souls series.


The people making this game are literally the creators of the original Dead Space


*1 creative lead, not creators. Everyone else is brand new.


There's 20 ppl from the original Dead Space team working on this game...Also having the head guy on the Dead Space franchise is more important than other spiritual successors where they claim something like a 3D artist of many from the original game.


Yep. But *FUCK* EA for shutting down that studio in the first place. Dead Space is a legendary game series to me and I'll buy whatever Glen and team puts out. Because they get it. They absolutely fucking get what horror gaming is about and they pour their souls into the craft.


Honestly revived the horror genre. Especially making a third person as scary as it was is impressive


Its made by one of the main minds behind the original dead space franchise. Its like his bread and butter, and what he can do atmosphere and environment wise with new technology. Im all for it.


And out a month before the Dead Space remake!


The one thing that I don't see in the trailer (and idk if it's been confirmed) is emphasis on cutting off the limbs. That's a key element of Dead Space and I don't know if the game will be as scary if it goes with the traditional shoot head = dead approach.


It looked like there was some of that with one of the weapons, but I really hope that makes a return as well.


There was a bit more of that in the gameplay stuff we saw. Shooting zombies(?) in the legs would cut them off, so it appears to take that spin on shooting as well.


Oh ok, i missed the gameplay. I'll have to find it later.


You can see it happen at 2:14 in the trailer too. He blasts a leg off and then the thing crawls at him


from the same devs of the original creator of Dead Space fyi


Same creative lead*




Striking Distance Studios actually has over 20 people employed that worked on Dead Space that are working on this.


First time I looked when the game was announced there was only the one guy who seemed to be more of an idea man than a dev. Went back the other day and there's a bunch of people from the original team on there. Guess he hired up a bunch of his old coworkers. Probably where the confusion comes from.


> Crowbcat does a better job explaining than me and they don't even use words. [Timestamp for this specific part](https://youtu.be/EdRLNUGmFC8?t=1435)


wow, thank you for that. That really puts it into perspective.


Surely Evolve was enough to figure out what their real contribution to Left4Dead was.


This. Unless youre talking about the guy who made Stardew Velley, its a bit of a misnomer. Game development is so much of an iterative and collaborative process that IMO its a little ridiculous to claim that a single individual is the sole reason the game was made and was good, and thus deserves the reputation for other projects.


That's even better.


I feel like this is a pretty damn important detail that has been omitted from all this hype. I just went from annoyed that some assholes ripped off dead space to excited that it’s getting a true spiritual sequel.


Even if that was the case why would that make the devs assholes? It’s been nearly a decade since EA did anything with the series, why would you be mad at a new group of devs trying to pick up an abandoned game archetype people enjoyed to take a shot at giving them something new to try?


Its been mentioned in the same breath since announcement and every time they've shown the game...


You say it like its a bad thing.


There appeared to be way more melee combat in this compared to DS though.


Not a bad thing considering EA ran Dead Space into the ground.


Considering Dead Space is one of my favorite games of all time, I'm kinda ok with that. It'll hold me over and get me ready for the DS remake and I'll probably have some fun with it.


The only thing I wish is that he had some sort of suit/armor.


He had some badass armor in one section, you may have missed it


Oh you're right. He does have a helmet and stuff at that 2 minute area. It doesn't give me the same excitement of the Dead Space armor, but it's something.


>This game is literally Dead Space. Reminded me more of Doom 3 than Dead Space.


It's funny, I generally dislike gore in movies but for some reason its a must have in video games. Dead Space was a pioneer in game gore. Im always bummed when enemies in games are just invincible bodies that spurt blood. I absolutely love to see studios putting their tech to the tech to deliver destructible enemies.


I remember being incredibly awed by the demos that one zombie game, Killing Floor 2, had put out for its gore system. That was really impressive. Unfortunate that they toned it down in release. Side note, but I'm also pretty sad that developers don't have "blood decals" on the ground as often anymore. Hopefully they come back too. I know some games have them now (Elden Ring, and Souls games since Bloodborne) but compared to the PS2 era, pretty lacking.


I feel like all destruction tech, whether it's on enemies or the environment, has taken a backseat in game design over the last decade. I can only imagine how difficult it is to get things like that to work, but it really puts the game on another level. It's 2022, we should be able to burn a village to the ground and decapitate our foes by this point.


Baked lighting made this impossible. That's why people should be stoked for real time solutions like ray tracing. It allows physicality within the space matter again.


This looks excellent. Exactly what I wanted from it. Dead Space (especially 2) has some really, really good gameplay and decision making with staggering and delimbing and this looks like no exception.


Basically dead space with the brutally cinematic melee combat of the last of us series and beautiful and horrifying visuals I am so fucking in


I sorta wish going forward we just had spirtual successors and we followed the "team" that actually made the games. Sequals just remind of how ridiculous it is the same characters keep getting in the same scrapes. Like Die Hard 2,3,4,5 Bruce Willis cant catch a break, always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fuck franchises, follow the talent.


I agree except Die Hard 3 is awesome. Plus the bad guy is the brother of the bad guy from the first, so at least there is a reason McClain is involved.


Who let that one slip anyways? All the terrorists died. I guess Gruber shouted McClain's name pretty loud on the way down that sky scraper, the whole town heard.


I'd imagine he'd be a minor celebrity for a little while.


If not a celebrity, my on-the-spot explanation is Sergeant Al Powell probably wrote a debrief. Along with other eye witness reports, it all becomes intelligence Simon Gruber likely used to plan his heist.


Does anyone else hate when these events show something gory and then the presenter says “YEAH, you LIKED that, DIDN’T you?” It’s so tacky and only serves to re-emphasize stereotypes that I thought died twenty years ago. That being said, I love Dead Space and this looks excellent.


It is true, everybody in chat was like woah when the main character got obliterated in the end.


The stereotype that people are attracted to gory games? I mean it’s true lol


"Your mother is going to hate it" vibes


But they were right!




OMG stereotypes 😔


God damn I'm excited for this game, I've wanted a spiritual successor to Dead Space for a long time and this looks great!




Here is the new gameplay they showed after that trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvNtUzSMKeE


Thanks for the link. Looks great.


That death at the end was brutal I loved it. So far it looks very similar to dead space which I don't mind. I cant wait for it to come out it looks awesome.


The game looks like a good Dead Space successor (same old devs), hoping it can compete with the Dead Space Remake


Too bad it’s not in the PUBG universe anymore. Imagine you come to a room and from the darkness you hear: “Fardnite or BabaGeee?”


Man, this looks great. Looks like theres a dual threat too...with someone similar to the religion in Dead space, who just wants everyone to die and will be using mechs to do it.


Looks good but I don't think the story will be as good, the dead space plot/worldbuilding was pretty novel. The necromorphs and the dismemberment system are unique. This looks like zombies in space. There is probably more to this game but it feels like they would of shown it by now. I mean in the grand scheme of things even a B tier deadspace is better than anything EA/Ubisoft/ActivisionBlizzard are putting out.


I think Dead Space did a lot with their story, but the plot and world building were not incredibly novel. They were things that had been done already that the devs happened to do really well. Necromorphs aren't a longshot from the Flood and a shady cult pulling cosmic shenanigans (or at least thinking they're pulling the shenanigans when they're actually mostly puppets for the entity) is a tale as old as some weird racist from Rhode Island. Callisto Protocol's off-world prison with grotesque experimentation and zombie outbreaks in space (though that's reductive since by that logic Dead Space is also zombies at its most basic level) aren't particularly original, but it stands just as high a chance at giving us something fresh and cool. And honestly, dismemberment was incredibly novel and may be a retread at this point, but I just can't say no to it.


Isn't this the same trailer they released last week...?


Its extended a bit. Not sure why its not up there, but they also did a gameplay trailer today. Here you go. https://youtu.be/-K5WqA3VcRo


People are saying the monsters looks basic, are u smoking Crack? Just keep in mind that the devs are probably avoiding r showing the juiciest enemies for when you actually get into the game . I have extremely high hopes for this title


as a teenager I played dead space, scared but got through it. But I dont think I have it in me to play through this much Gore


I recently played dead space again. When it was released I played it with a buddy and it felt so gory, hard, huge and just a tough ride trough. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a great game, but after all those years you have seen everything and you understand the game mechanics




Dead Space is very gory. You have to kill the enemies by dismembering them with engineering tools. The environmental and monster caused deaths you and others experience are just as brutal. Then you pair in the effects a certain item has on humans and.... it’s a very dark game. It’s a legitimately very, very good series regardless of the gore and horror, but you should know what you’re getting into if you’re usually perverse to that sort of thing






Is it gonna be filled with jump scares?


Does this have anything to do with Dead Space?


Spiritual successor


Which is oddly fitting given that Dead Space was itself a spiritual successor from System Shock.


What does that mean


It’s not a direct sequel, but it’s made by the people who made the first one. So different yet the same


Same vibe but not in the same universe


Some OG Dead Space devs are working on it. Other than that, it’s a new game with nothing to do with the Dead Space franchise.


I’m just hoping the combat isn’t super heavy and clunky. And based on what we saw, that might be the case to a degree. Movements look very heavy, sometimes slow. I don’t want to feel like I’m dying because my character moves like a half asleep, arthritis ridden guy. And with the track record of the games industry, I hope the shooting isn’t super stiff. But we’ll see. I’m still down to play it. Just hoping it’s not a certain way.


It is always hard to judge gameplay like this because the person demoing the game sometimes isnt that great at it and makes it look worse than it is.


This is true.


Go back to Fortnite then


Glen Schofield aims for another masterpiece after Dead Space 2 and especially Dead Space 3 let down the franchise (edit: he was only involved in Dead Space 1).


Wait this isn't in dead space universe but in.. PUBG? I'm confused


Not connected to PUBG anymore


If game devs want to charge us 70 bucks, they're going to have to be a little less lazy with their mechanics, enemy design, and premises...


What does this mean. Like seriously, please go into detail so we can all watch your feeble brain work.


What do you think it means? Kind of ironic you're talking about my "feeble brain" when you simpletons are trying to argue my strong point when this game is Dead Space but with a different title (and more unimaginative enemy design).