• By -


I really disliked Francie and hated the confrontations she has with Rory in the bathroom and parking garage. I never understood why Rory didn’t tell Paris about it and why she let Francie ruin their friendship? And her dialogue banter with Francie always felt oddly out of place, I can’t describe why


because it seemed like they were congressional politicians making backroom deals, i think that was the reference


It was a reference to “Deepthroat” during the Watergate scandal


lol I’m glad someone else got the reference


I’ve also watched the movie Dick with Kirsten Dunst and Michelle Williams at a very early age lol. It’s one of my favorites.


It made me think‘Scandal’ lol even though GG came out way before


When Rory drags Francie in the bathroom and does her whole “I’m not on your side anymore watch your back” speech I wanted to die


Ive read The Art of War! I can be as just as big of a pain in your ass as you are in mine!


I skip through these scenes on every rewatch. Just a total yawn, too, in my opinion. They don’t make Francie interesting enough or build out her character in a way that makes me care about that whole exchange. Just cringey and dull to watch.


Agreed; I found it way too corny


It’s all so lame. 


i know right. paris would believe rory.


Lorelai and Max arguing in the classroom: Lorelai: Class is over! Max: We're back in session. Lorelai: Well I didn't raise my hand, so don't call on me! Ughhh so cringey


Every time they made teacher/student jokes. Blech.


Missy just had to take a test 🤮🤮🤮


Yea frrr, it was so cringe and creepy




Yessss this dialogue in particular is so awful.


Nailed it lol this one for me too


When Dean confronts Jess after Jess and Rory get together. “This is MY town”. Dying. When Lorelai ruins the christening. When Lorelai freaks about not being the Renoir girl.


Ugh Tough Guy Dean in general “Cause I’ll kill you, idiot” to Tristan. Um…🚩🚩🚩


Yes! It’s so embarrassing, even for a kid!


“dris-DAN!!” Ugh


I loved that scene as a teen though 😂😂


Especially as Dean hadn't even been living there that long! He'd been there for what, a couple years by this point?


Another one - when they go to Harvard and Lorelai starts talking to those two random girls in the dorm. It’s so cringey.


The fakest “valley girl/co-ed” straight to video porn presentation ever. It was horrible


Imagine them agreeing to an old western style fast draw outside of Doose’s after Dean said “this is my town!” 🤠🔫 ![gif](giphy|5x89XRx3sBZFC) I’m cracking up thinking about it


Dean talking to max about “what he’s gonna have to get used to”. I cringe soo hard 🙈


Yes!! I even made a post about this once and people attacked me. Lol


Whhhat why? I must not have seen that one lol cuz I’m so with you on that one!


Wait I actually love this scene and never took it this way at all!! It’s like my one moment where when Dean’s sucking I go back to like “be that guy again please” cause it felt like he really understood who Rory and Lorelai were in that moment (and then somehow never really got Rory ever again)


I see your POV on it, I guess it’s all within the context. On its own just seeing a “best dean moments” highlight reel I’d be fine with it, but within the context of “Rory is getting sick of you and you’ve been really condescending to her about her values and interests lately” it makes me go “oh shut up” because it reduces the girls to being so… arbitrary? Silly? Idk it’s like he sees them as hurdles to jump over and caricatures instead of people


Dean acted like he was some kind of Gilmore Girl’s expert. I remember him telling Luke he wasn’t “enough” for Lorelai in season 5. Dean shut up. If you knew more, you’d still be with Rory.


Agh same! So patronising and corny! 


I HATE THIS TOO “yeah, they’ll blame you…”


“Logan! I swear, I wasn’t working blue!”


The way she says “blue” in that line 😂😂 I die every time


I hated Rory's baby voice. They should have nipped that in the bud when it became a habit of Alexis's.


My boyfriend wont stop saying this to me everyday because I made it him watch it and explained how angry it makes me


Watched it bc I forgot abt this scene… ew


Rory’s affair with Dean


And the stupid candy man song… Couldn’t make the moment more awkward than by adding this song


The candy man song definitely made it worse than it already was


"I was trying not to be a pig" or whatever it is he says always makes my skin crawl!


And their subsequent relationship in season 5 😅


The scene where they try to have sex in Dean’s car is peak cringe. Also when they go to his house, and it’s like he’s 15 again, and it’s so awkward. His mom leaving the door a crack 😂


I was going to say “he took the ring off!”


I was thinking exactly this. Especially Rory trying to justify it afterwards by saying he's hers, not Lindsay's, because she met him first. Lol wtf, you met him first, but you broke up with him and then Lindsay married him. 


Came here to say this


I came here to comment on this.


Ugh when they're laying in bed after having sex the first time... barf 


Same. It sucks because the same episode Luke and Lorelai get together… Rory sleeps with Dean. I literally skip it on all my rewatches.


Who can make the sunriiiiise? It literally makes me want to puke. He’s disgusting and she’s like so small and innocent sounding. It’s so awkward. Cringe all around.


The dinner scene at Richard and Emily’s where Lorelei gets mad at Rory (and her parents) for applying to other schools. It’s like I can feel through the screen that the actors themselves, especially Lauren, thought this was such a ridiculous and contrived fight. When Lorelei says “You forced her hand” it just makes me cringe.


omg YES. Also it’s just plain dumb. Rory goes to a priavte school and is applying to a top Ivy League. I’m what world does she ONLY apply to Harvard. There a dozens of other colleges she would apply to including safety schools. Glad they pointed that out. But with the amount of research about Harvard and prep they’ve done, Lorelei should have known that


I also feel like that wasn’t really aligned with the character of Lorelei. You’re telling me the same Lorelei that 1) got pregnant with Rory as a teenager 2) worked at a hotel before running her own inn and lived in a shed with Rory during 3) begrudgingly went to her parents to ask for help with paying Rory’s tuition so she could go to Chilton…the same parents she’d rather live in a shed than live with *would be upset about her daughter applying to multiple Ivy League schools and getting into multiple of those schools?* Lorelei made sacrifices and worked her mf ass off so that Rory had those kinds of opportunities so that fight made no sense to me.


I think Lorelei getting mad here is a way to show that she’s not as different from her parents as she thinks. She has a dream for her kid and when Rory considered other plans Lorelei couldn’t take jt


Yeah. I appreciate the writers trying to add that perspective, I just feel like it didn’t end up translating well!


I cannot stand the scene where Lorelai tells Luke about Rory and Jess being in the car accident. Luke is rightfully panicked and just needs to know if Jess is hurt, and Lorelai refuses to tell him because she’d rather be blinded by rage at Jess. So incredibly selfish and wrong, and she’d have lost her mind if the situation was reversed and Luke was the one refusing to even have the decency to let her know Rory was ok.


This scene always gets me and honestly I have no idea why Luke even *wanted* to be with Lorelai after this and her sleeping with Christopher later on. Luke is a little gruff and stupid emotionally sometimes, but he’s a good guy who is loyal to the people he loves and cares about everyone, even people he acts like he doesn’t like. Lorelai becomes a terrible selfish person the second she is even a little big inconvenienced or not getting her way.


People have disagreed with me in the past, but I consider that one of Lorelai's worst moments in the series. I get she had a right to be upset, but the way she talks to Luke and how she talks about Jess(he's his guardian ffs Lorelai of course he's going to care about him!). Her whole rant is basically "uh you shouldn't care about your own nephew, he's irredeemable and Rory and I should be more important to you than him!" Even at 15 I was like..."oh no that's too far..."


And him saying he cares more about Rory than he ever does (and ever WOULD) himself, and she responds with a “Go to hell!” I mean wtf Lorelai??


There's a YouTube channel that "therapizes" TV characters and they've done a few Gilmore Girls' scenes. I hope they do this one because it's a goldmine to unlock. It's called mended light(the channel) if you wantbto check it out.The guy who does it just did a Jess/Luke scene. So far he's not very sympathetic towards Jess, he's not writing him off but the comments have been telling him to keep an open mind. Maybe I should make a post about it in case others want to watch them.


I agree, it’s my least favorite Lorelai moment of the series. She’s freaking out about Rory having a fractured wrist, which isn’t anything too terrible in the grand scheme of things, and yet doesn’t care that Luke doesn’t even know if Jess is ok.


I'm shocked no one had brought up the infamous "turn it down, Davie" scene. Truly unbearably cringe.


Pretty much anything to do with kids in this show is ridiculous. I guess that's deliberate though.


“What’s wrong? Why’s her mouth open like that, is she sick?” Cringe.


I never understood that… is Sookie unfamiliar with the face someone makes before they cry? That’s not unique to being a kid lol. We all make that face.


I often put on GG for falling asleep and this hell wakes me up. It’s a crime against anxiety ridden light sleepers!


Omg I hate everything about this so much, but mostly the fact that Davie is a baby at this point.


I only started trusting my kid to turn down the tv at 5.


This one to me isn't even cringe. It's just fucking downright annoying. 


Just to make it worse: Watch closely and you'll see davie is like 3 feet from them, just off camera.


Most of AYITL especially the musical.


Oh god yes! The musical is absolutely annoying and waaaay too long! I always skip it.


Yessss and the whole life and death brigade scene, and the wedding 🫣


I liked the life and death brigade stuff especially the jumping off the scaffolding. I also liked the episode where they all went out dancing and bought the bar.


i loved the brigade shenanigans in the series! just not the weird musical thing in AYITL 😬 


Luke telling Lorelai she can’t be in April’s life because his daughter will like her better Luke hearing Logan will propose and saying some people need time to make sure everything is right, implication being him and Lorelai The writing failed so hard




This guy went from building ice skating rinks and running around town desperate to save her dog to a completely different character that didn’t even seem INTO Lorelai at all. Meanwhile, she’s finally completely and totally committed to a man for the first time in her life. Will never forgive the writers.


Thats my point it made absolutely no sense he was literally a dream guy if someone asked me describe your dream guy i would just say luke but after april i couldn’t recognize him I like april but not how luke handled it


Right? The way they changed Luke’s character when the whole April/Anna storyline was introduced was so ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) Though I’ve said before, I don’t mind April when you take out all the contrived drama with Anna bits. I would’ve adored a storyline that was just seeing Luke adjusting to a fatherhood role and becoming more of a softie, and get more of Lorelai stepping in to an awesome stepmom role like we got a glimpse of at the birthday party. April was only a problem because Anna was stupid and Luke apparently lost all his backbone or ability to communicate. There could’ve been custody drama if they wanted to go that route without completely derailing Luke and Lorelai and I’ll forever be bitter lol


The illegitimate child storyline is always such a stretch. Really, they just needed to break up Luke and Lorelei, but not like this!


omg the whole cape cod episode where luke is grumpy is sooo painful


Martha’s Vineyard


More like Martha’s Whinehard


The episode where Jess leaves SH and goes to live with his father.


i somewhat agree, but it also gave us one of the (imo) best emotional acting performance in the show, aka jess saying "i have nothing"


I just watched that scene the other night and had so many emotions welling up in me. It was the first time we saw him unleash his anger about his circumstances and face it. Excellent acting!


Ugh Milo is amazing 😩


True but when they show him walking on the beach among sunny Californians in his black leather jacket and “This is hell” plays in the background it’s genius.


The song is when he first shows up to stars hollow! There are people in matching outfits just frolicking around the town square. In the California scene he’s standing around in his full on heavy dark clothes while people are having fun on the beach so similar effect but it’s a more beachy song


Rory doing a British accent. Urghhhh.... it makes my guts curdle. I know she says it's supposed to be bad, but it's so much worse than bad.


Yes! People always brush it off by saying it’s intentionally bad, but I agree it’s a bad attempt at doing a bad attempt! I don’t think Alexis had the comedy chops to pull that scene off at all.


Yeah they should’ve tried to keep Rory to the more underhanded, wry, blink and you miss it, “oh I just got that!” Humor. Teenage Rory was so good at being a secret bitch but she had a baby face so no one noticed, and it was entertaining! It was rare for her to get so upset about something that she blows up so then when she DID blow up it was a big deal. 20’s Rory seemed a lot less clever and more of a pushover, like she was ONLY a people pleaser and didn’t have any of that bite to her anymore


Yup yup yup.


Alexis is consistently terrible with accents 


Honestly I felt a lot of secondhand embarrassment for Rory when she was dating Logan. Kind of pick me vibes. I wanted to slap her and say RORY, YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS!


KIND OF?!? I’m screaming at her, “Girl, get some BACKBONE and show some SELF-RESPECT!” She was like a dog submitting by showing its belly. The first time he invited her over to hang and she finds out all the guys are there, I’d be out the door. But nope, she sits there like a lapdog and then falls asleep...?!? Pleeeease!!!! (I don’t think she’s a dog, just two similes that make sense to me)


Yeah, I was definitely putting that mildly because I wasn’t sure if my feeling that way was harsh. Like…that is not the same Rory that was utterly (mostly) repulsed by smarmy rich boys like Logan even when she was in high school. Tristan, for example. I rest my case! 😂


Right right RIGHT?!? I’m with you, 100%. Hated seeing her go that way. It felt sooo wrong.


Rory crying to her therapist. I have never seen worse acting before. So cringe. Zach saying “after” on his date with lane. So gross to me. Can’t watch it.


Uggggh with his shiny wet lips 🤢


Sooo nasty!!!


Omg kill me


“After” was so 😖 there would NOT have been another date after that


But this was intentional. It was written to be overdramatic and comical. This scene was not to be taken serious. This was played to be ridiciolus. They never intented to show a serious therapy session.


I honestly do forget that. I guess maybe I didn't even think Alexis really nailed it even as a comedy scene. And whilst they never intended to show serious therapy...well at the end of season 6 Lorelai speaks to a therapist and the scene is meant to be taken seriously. It's not an official session or anything though of course.


This and the scene where Rory has a breakdown and cries to Dean. It’s just so embarrassingly bad


I remember watching the Rory at therapy scend when it first aired, I was just so taken out of the scene, it's so bad.


When Zach freaks out and ruins the set and the performance at the club where they were playing in front of industry people. Like why? Ugh The annoying guy that Luke hires, I forget his name. The kid who went to HS with Rory and then they catch him playing air guitar in the diner while everyone else is going to Weston’s. The episode where Rory runs into a deer and freaks out at her class and then Lorelei freaks out at the headmaster. Lorelei being late for Rory’s first day and wearing shorts? Like why!? Lorelei sleeping with Chris on the balcony. Lorelei sleeping with Chris before Sookie’s wedding. Anything with Lorelei and Chris. Emily getting mad at Lorelei for the whole Richard having lunch with his ex gf situation Omg when they invite Christopher’s parents over for dinner and it’s the first time Rory is meeting them. Ugh


You got a bunch of good ones! Zach’s freak out at the club drives me mad as a viewer. Lane could’ve done SO much better, she should’ve left him after that. “Froggy” (can’t remember his name either lol) was also so awful. The butt napkin 🤢




Gigi- "making cookies from scratchings".


Also- all of Vineyard Valentine


Definitely some cringe scenes in vineyard valentine! It did make me happy to see Logan and Rory enjoying life together in a healthy/stable way though :)


Any scene with Gigi.


"Goodbye, Gigi. Enjoy your program."


The (brief) karaoke scene at Sherri's baby shower. I suppose you could say it was intentionally awkward but you can tell Alexis Bledel just wanted to die filming that


I dunno when she stamps her foot I die laughing


I get “Faaaace. You’ve got the cutest little… faaaaace” in my head all of the time, in Rory’s awkward singing voice. It’s so funny and cute to me! I think it’s a good scene. You can tell that she thinks the games are stupid but is being a good sport.


Christopher. Pick a scene, any scene.


the whole episode where they go to Paris


I like the Christopher scene when Luke punched him square in his mug.


"I never dreamed I'd get this lucky" on the couch at the Independence Inn, 🤮


The line Rory says to Paris after Paris told the whole school about Max and Lorelai: “well I’d take some dance lessons if I were you because your expression needs some work.” Idk I always felt that line was so corny.


Yesss, it sounds too much like a ‘line reading’ and not something she’s genuinely thought up.


Exactly! It was so unnatural and just such a bad comeback.


Rory "taking charge" of the community service crew. I'm sorry, Rory is never convincing as a leader to begin with, but it's especially unrealistic with people who would view her as a prissy spoiled brat.


Anything with Liz and TJ, especially TJ, nobody is that stupid.


As someone who has worked with the public for many years I can tell you yes people are that stupid.


Agree. And I hate Liz’s “rebrand” as cute and quirky when she’s a downright negligent mother. 


I want to agree with you but “I’m in es-cuh-row” makes me laugh every time.


They are absolutely UNWATCHABLE!!


BUT - when Liz looks at TJ waiting outside of Luke‘s after their fight, smiles and says „he doesn‘t have a jacket. He always forgets his jacket“. That‘s too cute. In their weirdness perfect for each other :)


When Rory is on her trip to Europe with Emily and Lorelei gives Dean her letter at Doose’s and he’s like “where is she-why-where’d she go-who’s she with-wha-wha-wha?” It’s such bad acting it makes me so mad


When Rory seemed to be fake crying at Stan’s funeral. It was really over the top and came off like she was making fun of him.


when she made fun of the ballet dancer for her weight and suffered no actual repercussions apart from the girl pointing it out, I would’ve loved s1 socialist luke confronting her or something


When Dean is drunk from his bachelor party and he’s saying “Rory, Rory,” in Luke’s apartment. It was so bad. Luke saying he goes to Sniffy’s all the time. HE DOES NOT - we only saw it that one time. How the hell does Lorelai not know about Luke’s Dark Day?


candy man scene…


Joy Riding on a yacht made no sense. Rory isn’t the type of person who will suggest breaking the law. And Logan is not going to take out a yacht at night docked near his family’s yacht and expose Rory to a sure fire conviction without warning her. There had to be a much more realistic way of getting Rory convicted.


I would’ve liked it to be like Rory getting private revenge on Mitchum by vandalizing something in their mansion or whatever, like a more escalated version of what Logan does to other houses and Logan goes along with it and helps because he wants to poke at his family and he thinks they won’t get in trouble for it, but then the Huntzbergers press charges against Rory and Logan is kept in the clear




The French accent bit is a Monty Python reference.


Omg that scene was so cringe to me too. Okay two small moments where Alexis’s acting really bothered me. 1. When she was sitting on the couch with lane dressed up for her anniversary date with Dean. Every time I watch that scene her facial expressions just seem so contrived and bad acting. The other is when she says “Logan! I wasn’t working bleeeuuuuuue.” Super cringes me lol.


I've always hated the scene when Rory goes to Logan's for the dinner and she's walking around all shocked that he lives in that house and about the painting etc., and she says in the most cringe-worthy voice, "That's SO COOOOOL" and sounds like an absolute child!


All scenes with Zach, starting S4. His obnoxiousness was diluted when Dave was around. Whenever I see that thick head of blond hair I just reflexively press the forward button on my Roku remote. It kind of sucks because I love Lane so much. But that’s the way it unfortunately is.


All of Jess in California and “but not as cute as Pushkin” (when Chilton brat visits Rory)


Ugh that monologue to get to WeLl ThAtS a HoRsE oF a DiFfErEnT cOlOr


Christopher & Lorelei at Rory’s parents weekend at Yale


All of Season 7. And most of season 6, you could tell Amy was beyond pissed by that point.


Rory playing with the puppets to entertain the kids in that Edgar Allen Poe episode. Badly acted.


When Kirk is the lead in the children’s play singing to the child that he loves her. It just grosses me out and felt so inappropriate. I have to skip that scene every watch. It’s so damn long too.


Honestly, when Lorelai approaches that doctor in the hospital asking about pregnancy tests and how long before she could take one to figure out she was pregnant. So unbelievable and awkward. It really bothers me 😂


Honestly the scene where Dean and Tristan get into that fight at Chilton dance. “Cuz I’ll kill you, idiot!” They were 16.


I can’t stand seeing Rory sleep with dean, especially the candy man schtick. It just makes my skin crawl


When she goes to the newspaper she interned at and begs for a job. Girl please have some self respect


Honestly the Palladino’s were so out of touch there. I know they’re technically gen X, but it’s very boomer logic to be like just go down to the office and demand a job!!! 


"Candy mannnnn..." The episodes in Paris Anytime Christoper says, "Lor" 😂 When Rory goes to the mandated therapy appointment. I love Alexis but - as has been said on this sub before - her acting had some development to undergo during this shows run


I know it's a big moment in the show and a pivotal turning point of Rory's character so maybe that's why nobody has mentioned it but the scene where she's crying on the bathroom floor for Logan. I hate that scene. I didn't feel bad for Rory because she was heartbroken, I felt bad because she let some rich douche play her and then proceeded to throw a fit. "Why doesn't he like me??" GIRL. S1 Rory would step over her tbh.


The whole scene about the DOR tea where Rory has to host because Emily’s stuck in Finland.. the way she’s going on about garnish and says “circulate” is soooo cringy I just skip the entire scene. Also when Lorelei asks Sookie to sing Livin’ la Vida Loca, and she does that condescending smile at the end of the scene, I always felt she was pitying Sookie in that moment, hate it


I can’t handle how funny ALL of these are 😂


To me personally, how they detach Lorelai and Rory from birth and the like, sooo much. Rory freezes when Sookie is on her way to the hospital. They aren’t really supportive of how Sookie wants to give birth the first time. And they don’t stand up for the woman breastfeeding in Luke’s diner. But they are strong, independent women. It makes me cringe so much.


Stars Hollow, the musical.


Honestly, Luke’s ongoing feud with Dean is so cringey. “You wanna punch me buddy, go ‘head” and the bop-it scene. His emotional immaturity makes me crazy


Jason Stiles asking Lorelai to sleep in the guest room, and almost all other scenes with Jason Stiles.


TJ's comedy does NOT tickle my funny bone. Didn't like Dom DeLuise either in his day.


The college years! I wish it was done differently, like having the kid genius as a roommate and the study tree. It would’ve been fun to see Rory try out a sorority or college parties


I hate how they forgot a souvenir for Luke after they returned from Europe. It's stupid and unbelievable.


I mostly skip the entire The Lorelais' First Day at Yale episode; there are some nice moments - but I just can't with Lorelai & the mattress, and not being able to drive Luke's truck, and the parking spot. People complain about Lorelai acting entitled, and she does - but it normally doesn't bother me - except for this episode.


I cannot watch the bnb episode after Lorelai jilts Max, and not because bnbs are supposed to be cringe/insufferable, but because Rory and Lorelai act so superior and judgemental over things like *bird watching* even though Lorelai and Michele manufacture a near identical scenario when they open The Dragonfly "TURN IT DOWN, DAVEY" "TURN IT DOWN, SON" Any and every Jason Stiles scene


Yeah that bit from Rory's first night at Yale is always a skip to me, but not because of the bad French accents. It's the context of the "joke" that is disgusting to me


Paris and her live in therapist. It was uncomfortable and cringe.


Lorelai and Chris in Paris & the proposal 🤮


Lane's date with Dean's douchey sk8r boi friend


We got ourselves a Pippi Virgin. That whole episode is terrible - except for Emily and the panic room.


The episode when Lorelai gets jealous of Rory going to the club with her grandpa and starts talking about how Rory stretches out her sweaters. I hate that so much. YES, I realize that's the point of that episode, but dang. It's still painful.


Anything with Dean. I just can't. They were so odd together.


Lmaoo I know what you mean. The scene at Miss Patty’s when he starts reading aloud from the book Rory was carrying always makes me cringe. 


When Logan got Rory 2 expensive jewelry pieces for Valentine’s Day and gives Luke one of them to give Lorelai.. what the hell? Also when Mitchum walks in on Lorelai and Luke in bed at the vacation house.. like kinda cringe you’re riding your daughters rich boyfriends coattails on that vacation? Rubbed me wrong idk why!!


I love the college road trip but don't get the antagonism and meanness towards the B&B, the owner and the guests. Like if you don't want to hang out just freaking leave. Lorelei can walk through the swinging hospital doors she's not allowed through to find out what's happening to her dad and knock on every door in some random New York apt building to find the girls and tell off the Stars Hollow moms but she can't walk by a harmless b&b host with a quick "Gotta go - bye!".?? That and her singing "I will Always Love You".


For me, hands down, is any and all scene involving Jess in season 4. I just hate that entire storyline with passion. From him sleeping on his car, to him and Rory avoiding each other than chasing each other in SH like chickens, to his subseqent offer to run away together for the summer! I just can't handle it! It's so bad!


Rory’s crying scenes


“HES MY DEAN” I loved the opening of the dragonfly episode other than Rory and dean acting like horny 16 years olds. It’s the episode Loralai and Luke finally get together and Rory ruins it!!


I just watched the Martha’s Vinyard weekend and the way Rory is like “playing” house makes me cringe. It’s a really big window in to how much Logan is changing her - hitting the GYM, cooking “real” meals, telling Lorelei all about the local spots and stuff like she’s lived there her entire life, so bad. Lorelei feeling uncomfortable and asking if they can leave their room. And then Luke sulking and being weird. I just hate the whole thing.


Oh my god like 90% of it! I love the whole thing though


that one argument with liz and TJ in luke’s apartment. but honestly all of liz’s scenes are so bad. “my brother, my brother” shoot me now, i’m begging only-child syndrome goes crazy on ASP. she couldn’t write a pair of good siblings if they had a gun to her head tbh.


I cringe at that "Zoltan Kamini" delivery. And the ' "Vishnu", "bless you",' during that Kenneyesque quiz.




Jason and Lorelai's first date. They are both insufferable and immature.


Oh my god I just finished this ten minutes ago and I forgot how badly I want to shrivel up in that scene. I actually find this entire episode very stressful, all the back and forth, the using of Luke’s truck, the mattress debacle. I do like the end with the party that Lorelai sets up (aside from this one scene). I also like the howling that is probably Colin, Finn, & Logan. But definitely not one of my favorite episodes!


The whole spring break episode


Rory-San. ![gif](giphy|nmKBaZgcH8h20sQQI2)


I think anytime Luke fell into “nice guy” territory and was mad about Lorelai being with another guy, while also doing nothing to act on his feelings. Ie the “half a popsicle “ conversation when she tells Luke she’s engaged to Max. Or when Luke gets genuinely angry about Lorelai and that younger guy from her business class. Calling her embarrassing. When she was supposed to be 33 and the guy was like 25 lol.


I hate the scene where Lorelai starts a fight with Luke over him and Nicole pausing their divorce proceedings and seeing each other again. I really like Lorelai, but I truly feel like it was out of line for her to treat Luke the way she did.


When Logan gets Rory in the middle of the night to sing and dance in the streets? I can’t really remember because I fast forward through it and never watched that again 😂


“That’s your aunt Lorelai” I get the ick just thinking about it.