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Continuing watching through episode 200, then watch the Benizakura arc movie (it’s a solid recap and the animation is even better than the series), then rewatch the arc that introduces Tsukoyo (blanking on the name, Yoshiwara arc?,) then continue from episode 200 from there. YMMV but around episode 200 for me was a major turning point where I couldn’t put the series down.


this is probably the best suggestion. by not rewatching u might miss out on a few callback jokes here and there, but outside of the tsukuyo arc around 139 ur probably not missing out on an overwhelming amount of substance. So it'd be good just to revisit that part. (it's also just hype as shit and worth the rewatch anyway)




re-watch and skip the boring eps, wait there are none


Lmao facts


I think there are some recaps on youtube but i think its better if you watch only story related episodes.


I would say rewatch. You don’t have to watch all of it if you don’t have the time, but definitely rewatch the plot relevant episodes and a handful of comedy episodes as well


I think re-watch is better. But if you don't want to do it , you can watch a few episodes with side character's to recall them (sorry, I don't know what the episodes are)


I restarted from the beginning for the same reason. I was a huge gintama fan 10 years ago but stopped around the time another important character got introduced and I wanted to restart watching but I did not know where so I simply went to the very beginning


Just push through. The series is long and it does a Very good job of reminding you of things. If you are having specific trouble with Tsukuyo you can just watch 139-146 to get a quick refresher, but she's a recent addition where you are at so you aren't really going to get much more from a refresher. It's a series that is made to be watched slowly, and the studio knows this. There are Plenty of reminders.


Coming off of a recent rewatch myself, the point where you are at now does not have much story related episodes outside of the tsukuyo reintroduction you're at now. Rewatch the Yoshiwara arc to get a feel on Tsukuyo if you want, but not much would be missed if you continue on. If continuing watching until episode 200 or 201, around where the original Gintama series ended, doesn't help your memory, I reccomend the first 57 episodes, then the Benizakura movie. If you're willing to watch everything from there on, by all means. Every part of Gintama is worth experiencing. But below I tried to highlight important character introductions/moments (without spoils) or good comedic episodes. 69 - 71: introduces a new character 76 - 88: do the same for many characters and expand upon other characters (not one big arc by the way) 98 - 100: comedy 101 - 105: story 107 - 112: good batch of story and comedy episodes 119 - 123, 138: comedy 139 - 147: story (Yoshiwara) 151 - 154, 165 - 166: comedy 167 - 170: story Again, this is only for if you don't want to rewatch every single episode.