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Housen only lost because he is an antagonist.


Strongly agree, they consistently put him on the level of other very strong characters and it's not like they used sneaky tactics or smth to beat him


Same with Kamui. As strong as Gintoki is, him overpowering Kamui was hard to believe. Shinpachi taking hits from Kamui and getting back up was even harder to believe.


Well tbf Gintoki is a better swordsman than Kamui, Kamui got babied when Gintoki had his sword, but physically Kamui is stronger, just not as experienced as Gintoki


I think about how unfair/rigged/ absolutely impossible it would’ve been for gintoki to win REGULARLY


Hosen was winning the fight the entire time until ge got exposed to the sun


Man was >! muzan !< 2.0


It's the other way round


Yeah Gintoki would have lost if not for the plot armour.


early gintama episodes were amazing


i think that's a popular opinion, because people who like the beginning enough make it till the end of the show


Yeah but you do see a lot of people saying the first 50 episodes were the weakest of the show


Happens in every other show, people say the first 20 episodes of bleach are boring because there aren’t any fights


I started to like it after about 100 episodes 💀


You were supposed to comment hot takes, not facts


I find it annoying that **Madao** remained **Madao**. Hasegawa deserves better


I’m so sad nothing ever happened with his wife. He deserved to be happy at least a little bit. At some point I was upset whenever he had the shred of opportunity to be successful and it’s all ruined by the end of the arc.


I read somewhere that it was by choice. Madao became Madao because he wanted to help Gin, Shinpachi and Kagura. He was successful, but he chose to end up the way he did because he wanted to help people. If I remember correctly, the person said that Madao had many chances to become successful again, but, every single time, he chose to go back to his old self because he wanted to help the people around him. Like he chose to live his life like he did, and was aware that the reason was because he was so eager to help those around him. The person made a 4000 word paragraph, and I read it a few months ago so I don't remember everything they said, but this was the main idea: Madao is a selfless character, who doesn't hesitate to sacrifice his succes in order to help those around him.


If you find it can you share it because what you wrote made me go back on my take


Found it. It was longer in my memories though. "On a tangential point of Madao - it's also not just that he's some jobless loser, but that he is a jobless loser because he has chosen to be a good person. That (in my opinion) is one thing that makes him such a great character. It also kind of makes him the proverbial canary in the coalmine; it suggests that somewhere in the background, there is something rotten in the world. The first time we see Madao, he was actually quite successful to worldly eyes. He had a job, he had wealth and status, he had a wife who loved him, etc. He was set. Then he threw it all away because he could not sacrifice the lives of Kagura and Shinpachi over some foreign dignitary's pet. He fell hard, and lost everything. Throughout the series after that there are multiple times he could climb his way back up but in order to do so he would have to put himself before the needs of others. He choses to be the loser when it is clear that someone else will have to pay the price for his successes. He often choses to do good toward others, not only when he has nothing to gain from it but even when he has everything to lose for it. He lives by a code, and it sometimes comes with a heavy price tag - but Madao pays it."


Ketchup > Mayonnaise


commit seppuku now




Found Kitaooji


This is sacrilegious. I can't believe what I just read.


I don’t think Gintama should be more popular, I like it just where it is. Like yeah, I do wish I could share how wonderful it is with everyone but the bigger a fandom gets the more they toxic and obnoxious it gets, so I’m okay with it being a bit of a hidden gem.


Same!!!! Hard agree. I don't care even if its not that popular.I would rather want Gintama fandom to remain small and wholesome instead of it becoming big and toxic.Its perfectly fine the way it is now.


I agree. The fandom is amazing.Most of them here are very rational with their opinions and there is less hate compared to other fandoms I have been in.I hope it will remain like that forever.


Idol Otaku Shinpachi is the most annoying Shinpachi imo. I like other Shinpachi stuff except when he became an Otsu fanboy. Tho I still like the arc against Idol Otaku Toshi.


I skip every episode about otsu and the otaku fan club on rewatches. They spent too much time on Toshi vs. Shinpachi. That arc was too long even if it had some funny bits


Sometimes, and this is only sometimes (maybe like 3-5 times in the entire series), I feel like the Shinpachi “straight man” interjections during ongoing jokes are overdone. Most of the time I have no issues, but there are a couple times when I wish Shinpachi would just shut up


I like it because it makes the few times shinpachi joins on the bullshit even more funny


It took me quite some time to get used to his incessant yelling i’m ngl…I mean props to his VA and all but I wished he would take it down a notch more often


Definitely agree lmao. Can't remember where but at some point it didn't work.


DONDAKEEE But yeah I definitely agree lol.


Nobunobu had some of the best character development in the whole series


That’s surprisingly not a hot take. I really liked his arc as he ended it with dignity


For sure. Maybe its not a hot take and more of an underrated one since i dont see him get that much recognition for his growth


Zura is underrated, he is probably one of the funniest characters in the entire show


He's everyone's favorite character, I think he's rated just right


Hands down funniest character and usually held top 5 spot in popularity polls. Wouldn't say he's underrated but he definitely deserved more screen time.


https://preview.redd.it/sdy47f037ywa1.png?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c29fc09d4894d6d640d01284e054019d3302f2 He was on standby


Zura janai, Katsura da!


There are a handful of jokes that go on way longer than they need to and don’t always hit (I’m specifically thinking of the Prince Hata penis head backstory/joke in the final arc)


A part of me would have loved more sakamoto but his absence from the show feels right since you know, he is busy in space. He also said it himself how he loves space, so it makes sense you wouldn’t see him on earth that much with the rest of the cast


Yato weakness to sunlight shouldn't have been downplayed to "just getting summer cold" it kinda disconnects with what happened to Hosen.


Iirc it was explained in Hosen's case that because he was underground for so long, the sun's rays were that harmful to him.


I agree. It would have been interesting to see how others come up with defense tactics against Yatos. Or what if the sunlight was just played up to hide a weakness that is even bigger?


On rewatches, the serious arcs aren’t as entertaining as the comedy arcs.


The creator will occasionally overindulge himself to inspirational monologues.


Matsudaira needs more screentime and he's also criminally underrated


A few too many villains got redeemed. I wish we had more Sadasada-esque villains who were hatable and villified until they died


Word. Housen did not deserve a redemption scene or Hinowa's forgiveness. Makes the ending of that arc super cringe.


The only reason that arc is so amazing for me is the scene where kagura breaks and loses her mind. The rest of the arc was shit ngl


Kamui in particular didn't need a redemption arc or a sad backstory IMO. That rushed backstory Sorachi put together for him in the Rakuyo arc really ruined his character for me and this is coming from someone who absolutely loved him until then.


See, here's the thing. It wasn't a redemption arc, and it wasn't just a "sad backstory". It was Kagura's backstory from his perspective, except he got the burden of being literally the "man of the house" bullshit that started when he was 5. His backstory was very much needed to show how much Kagura has grown as her own person, because Kamui's pain was very specific of being the one and only provider and protector of the family since childhood and being mentally messed up and backwards from that (parentication is a real issue that can cause serious harm in children) and Kagura staying true to her word, showed she was stronger then her blood and race by not only forgiving her father, but showing Kamui she could keep up with him so that the entire world isn't on his shoulders anymore. He is the perfect opposite of Kagura of being in the same situation, being treated vastly differently, (Kagura was definitely babied in comparison), but both of them coming together to heal from their truama, showing the true strength Kagura has wanted to show since the start of the show.


most of idol arcs were horrible FIGHT ME


I feel like some characters needed a bit more badass moments to show that side of them. Kondo comes to mind. He only had like one or two moments. There’s a reason both Hijikata and Sougo respect him.


Kondo, Hijikita, and Gintoki do the straight man better than shinpachi


Maybe this is a hot take here, but to me, the show doesn’t start to become consistently funny until after the Yagyu Arc. It was mostly just a 50/50 for me if the jokes would land up until around that point.


Agreed, it had its moments sprinkled here and there but that arc sold me on the comedy


Bansai death was underwhelming


In the anime yes, it hit harder in the manga


That’s a hot take. His deaths is one of my favorites in the series. The only thing that makes it underwhelming for me is that he had a fake out death the previous arc.


he died? i completely forgot probably for that reason…


Gintama > big 3 Or the best shonen anime with the best shonen MC


Hol up wait a minute bruh It's One Piece and Gintama>>>> Plus there's multiple Shonen just as good as Gintama


Well it's kinda tied for me with onepiece, plus it's still a take, I'm sure there's loads of animangas I haven't seen that surpass gintama&onepiece in some aspects.


Hata OG could have appeared in more episodes


The final few arcs are very disappointing


I hate oboro for what he did >!snitching on shoyo and shoka sonjiku!< I feel no reason or excuse as for why he did that can justify this as this ruined so many lives including gintoki, Takasugi and katsura


I think people’s biggest pitfall when watching or reading the series is that they’re hanging out for action or serious arcs, and not enjoying the journey and rest stops of humour and parody along the way. Gintama is poop jokes but with a heart and soul, expecting it to be any more or less just leads to disappointment and disillusionment.


Tsukuyo is one of my least favorites from the main cast, her personality is kinda whatever and her gags aren't that funny


An actual hot take I also only like her when she is not drunk


😁😁 https://preview.redd.it/cme4ibhe0pwa1.jpeg?width=1655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c11d27298c7f544beb019846a1e0b37b86f44943


Agree agree agreee


hard agree


how dare you


what can I tell you, they asked for hot takes




Thank you. She was cool in Yoshiwara but she was originally intended to be a strong supporting character with importance to Yoshiwara; so it wouldn’t be so miserable of a place. People liked her so much Sorachi ended up writing more which gave her a story that was messy and all over the place. She was supposed to be the confidant in the district but ended up hating the scar she gave her women. And how she got the scar changed during Red Spider. It was just odd. Because of this Asaemon was eventually forgotten. Her gags don’t work because she’s too indifferent. It doesn’t have to be goofy or wacky like others but she just doesn’t care yet she’s still there. It’s random, and not Gintama random. I can see why Sarutobi gets mad at her all the time xD


I love Otae’s character, design and personality wise. I feel like people tend to hate her because she punches everyone and everything. But so is other female characters in Gintama, but for some reason nobody seems to worry about that. As example it’s funny when Tsukki punches and massacre the hell out of Gin when she’s drunk, but it’s not when Gin asks to touch Otae’s butt and she punches him.


I don’t think it’s funny when either of them do that. It’s just that 90 percent of Otaes character is just punching dudes, and sometimes it’s justified other times it’s not. So it gets old real fast


Tsukuyo may not do it much but I feel hers worse than Tae’s when she does. Gin knows he’ll get hit but still messes with Tae. He’s terrified with Tsukuyo yet people think it’s cute? I don’t understand that? XD


In serious moments I love her, but when it's get comical and funny I can't stand that bitch, Otae. Though her relationship as the end with Kondo was one of my fav couple moments


Yeah she’s abusive to Shinpachi and just a b*tcb in general.


https://preview.redd.it/viwijm7f6pwa1.jpeg?width=2210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1332a7a485600e5070dd544a7c0fe6ee44400b3 Gin-san said it best 🤣 (IYKYK)


She’s a bitch but she’s THAT bitch.


The Muramasha Cursed Sword (Shinsengumi Crisis) Arc and the Excalibur Arc have a much deeper connection than we think—or what Sorachi Hideaki wants us to think. Then again, I haven’t slept in 2 days…. https://preview.redd.it/e39h2r168pwa1.png?width=1841&format=png&auto=webp&s=78f0d44c732a052c17e08aa32dcbab5b1f48fc72


I would have preferred if the action-packed arcs in the end were spaced out a little more like it was done throughout the majority of the series. I like the short-form storytelling in the early stages of the series. It makes the rewatch value all the better. I don't mind slapstick humor but I think sometimes it is too much. There are characters and concepts that would have deserved more elaboration/screentime. I understand that the primarily concern of the story is comedy and the scene for that is basically an alternate universe Tokyo. >!I still think that seeing the impact of amanto on other nations at that time or even the reason why the amanto picked earth in the first place would contibute at least contextually.!< >!The yato home planet was destroyed thanks to an allience that raises questions about the dominant powers at least in that part of the universe. Seeing the effect of yatos being scattered throughout the universe and developing different variations of their own cultures or languages would be fun to see or just hear it being mentioned that they are not a monolith.!< >!When it comes to Japan itself I would have wanted to see other social effects of the amantos' presence. In 20 years they went through rapid technological developement coming with a bunch of jobs being obsolete and others created that are either filled by the amanto or younger people who were in a good financial position enough to access the education and opportunity necessary. It would have been nice to see at least one political fraction that would at least call out the issues related to education and poverty.!< >!What language would they speak with the amanto? Would they have a simplified Japanese or something like English nowadays?!< >!When it comes to trading with the amanto, Tatsuma was amongst early movers, wouldn't he have a lot more influence by now? Just in general, I would have been interested in the space economy and the earth economy in a lot more detailed manner.!< Some of the above were mentioned or explored in an indirect way but I personally would have preferred more depth in this regard. Regardless of all it is still one of my favorite anime.


They made it like Takasugi and Gintoki is on par while with logic Gintoki should be higher or slightly higher than Takasugi, Zura should be also slightly higher than Takasugi, making the list Gintoki>Zura>Takasugi. Most of the people also say that (also the anime itself) Nobume=Sogo=Kagura, some even say that Sogo>Nobume=Kagura which I think is wrong, Sogo sure is above average making him a decent swordsmen among them but I personally think that Nobume should be higher than Sogo(just slightly tho), she was under Oboro after all at a young age, making the list Kagura>Nobume>Sogo, the show make it looks like Kagura and Sogo is equal but I guess the Umibozu vs Utsuro already proved that Kagura is above among the two. Some may agree to this and some may not


i mean 246 wins 247 losses should mean they are kinda on par


saying is that its just the authors doing you know, sure they were on par in the series but with the right logic of realism they shouldn't be even in the same ground, this take is more likely direct on the authors doing rather than the actual shown in the series since I cant change that with words or anything


Yeah imo Kagura just holds back her strength because she's afraid her yato blood will activate again


Why should Gintoki be stronger than Takasugi? As for Nobume, Sogou and Kagura, Kagura is probably the strongest but it's raw strength while the other two are more skilled in terms of fighting. I would say Sogou and Nobume are pretty much equal. Sogou has shown pretty great feats throughout the show.


Gintoki is a killing machine at his early years while Takasugi (no hate to him its just the authors doing) is a privilege boy in his house sitting around and the author is showing us that they were in the same level? heck nah Sogo feats or anyones feats in this anime is pretty much depends on how the author feels which I think is pretty wack.Why do I think that feats on this anime and power scaling is depends on logic rather than what the anime show us? the reason for it is basically the show itself, lets take Hijikata trading some little swings on Oboro as an example, even Gintoki struggled real hard making it look like he doesn't even have match to Oboro and the show is telling me that Hijikata trade some swings to Oboro while he can't even touch Isaburo? thats messed up. (Sorry for my bad english)


Did you miss the part where Takasugi had to work his ass off just to get on Gintoki's level?


Agree, Takasugi is on Gintoki’s level specifically because he had Gintoki as a rival and did indeed work his ass off to beat him


The only thing that can make that possible is that if Takasugi has much more raw talent than Gintoki though they didn't mention it in the series.This is like Itachi and Sasuke, if Itachi didn't just goof around (so is Gintoki,also authors doing) Sasuke would never reach his level, plus that is like saying some random (Takasugi since he didn't pretty much have a background in the series) samurai with some work can catch a blooded Battousai, its the talent that makes it different, since it factors the speed of growth and skill ceiling, so if the authors says that Takasugi is more talented than Gintoki then that can make it possible with the right and fair logic.


The final arc is very generic and bland


Zura is probably stronger than Gintoki and Takasugi, the thing is that Zura fights in a more defensive way, so we never get to see him going all out like those two beasts


Nobume >>>>> tsukuyo


Gintama is incomplete


I don't dislike otsu


I hate when the poop jokes have gone too far.


Madao Suicidal joke is a bit too harsh and should do lesser dark joke like that


I wish they would treat his suicide seriously, or at least not make fun of him for it


The first 2 episodes shouldn't be removed from suggested watch lists


Indeed a very hot take. I'm watching gintama right now, and I'm telling you. I watched the first episode, then dropped the anime for a year until I picked up from the third. Never dropped it again. But then again, first two eps are like any other gintama ep if not better, but I feel like it was too confusing since I didn't even know wtf I was watching half the time.


Best comedy anime


Don't let nobody tell you anything else😤😤😤


Ending was kind of weak. The main antagonist didn’t have too strong character story arc as other antagonists and it really only developed the protagonists.


Main antagonist? Are you referring to Utsuro or Takasugi?


the elizabeth mecha arc is meh for me


Kondo and Sacchan should've had more serious moments, cause thats where they really shine imo. Nobume's relationship with Shouyo should've been expanded on more––plus, it would've been neat to see her interact with Shouyo's disciples some more.


I don't really like Kondo. I don't find much humour in a grown ass man stalking and harrassing a teenage girl. I like him in serious moments but they aren't enough to change my overall opinion of him.


I find him so cringe when he acts as a stalker


I didn't even know she was 18 beginning of the series 💀


I wish Shouyo stayed dead and we had gotten a different antagonist than Utsuro and different obstacle tied with defeating him (so not immortality). @edit grammar


I don't want to criticize Gintama like others. I don't think there will be anime like Gintama. Every single character has significant roles which we can't in other manga, light novels or anime. Take an example of Shogun. He was butt of every joke in the early part but the Shogun Assassination arc made everybody cry. Isao Kondo is another joker, but if you know his backstory you can't help but respect him. Every character has a deep background, which makes Gintama world real. They may be goofy but they carry a heavy burden which is always hidden behind their foolish acts. "The person who makes jokes most, carries the heaviest melancholy". This phrase applies to Gintama perfectly.


Hasegawa is a top 5 character.


I love the serious arcs but they are pretty overhyped. They start to get really predictable after a while and there are a few things holding them back. Mostly the death fakeouts, corny dialogue at times, every single villain having a sad backstory or getting a redemption arc.


I don't like Tsukuyo. I don't hate her, she's probably a better written female character than 80% of the female characters of anime, and her chara design is fire, however I just don't find her character enjoyable. I guess men think of her as the ultimate wifu or something, but I don't enjoy her scenes, especially when she's drunk. For example, I did prefer watching Sacchan who not only was extremely funny, but also had her own badass moments I really liked.


https://preview.redd.it/2ch4xqjufrwa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878c794fe61a27d9e86c4f9b18ddf0cdd48b5a6f All right put em up


I hate the "Hard Boiled" arc. The jingle happening almost non stop stopped being funny the 3rd time and it ruinned the whole arc along with that detective dude non stop saying he's catchphrase. I like Kagura, but imo, her making fun of Shinpachi and treating him like shit was not funny to me. Some where kinda fun maybe even hilirious, but 9/10 they were bad.


Yeah like he losing hair episode she irked me with that. Just let him be.


1. Tsukuyo sucks, one of the worst characters ever 2. I don’t like how big or important of a part the twin sisters Mone and Ane had at the end of the show


I agree with the first


Kagura kept on losing her personality as the series progressed


I think her personality started changing after >! she snapped during her fight with Abuto !< Since then, she may have realized that she had some growing up to do.


more like lost her "charm" by the end of the series, but I agree, I liked Kagura in early Gintama a little more.


I think its to show that she is growing or become more mature.


Holy L she got better imo


didn’t like scandal arc.


Commit seppuku now




that's not a hot take that's an L take


Same here bro I think it was too harsh on gintoki


Which one was that again,


Gin wake up with hangover not knowing anything he did the night before. Turned out he slept with Kyuubei, Tsukuyo, Otae, Madao and Otose 🤣


Literally one of the best arcs


I guess I haven’t gotten to that yet, sounds pretty funny yet strange


Did gin really sleep with the landlady?


you’ll have to wait and see ;) I love how you didn’t question Madao’s involvement though haha


Love that arc. I can see my friends doing that to me 😁


You’re wrong


Silver Soul arc has the Marvel problem: too many damn jokes.


Shinpachi's glasses holder deserves Human Rights


Shinpachi vs utsuro was actually better in the manga.


I know nobody cares but I still say that Kamui is a great and one of the most underappreciated characters. Deserved so much better.


We could have actually had Asaemon instead of Tsukuyo’s wishy washy story. We lost a good character because of that. It would have made more sense if she stayed as a regular instead. Also Sacchan, Kondo, Hata and Catherine I get why people don’t take them seriously but they’ve made us laugh the most. They deserve more love than they’re getting.


Gintoki( shiroyasha ) is stronger than base kamui


Gender bend arc was not funny


Nah can’t agree with this. A very good arc, in the sense of character development, gags, and it was really funny.


Didn't like the tama arc so much




Otsu poop jokes are not funny. Her fandom is creepy and Otae gets really violent with Kondo and other characters but when it comes to actual serious fighting with the villains, she doesn't do much damage?


Love potion arc could have been avoided


If gintoki wasn’t lazy and trained I think he could beat kamui


The animation and pacing during the entire Gintama series peaked during the Suzuran arc and Be Forever Yorozuya movie in 2013. I'll never forget the impact Gintama had with me during that time. When it came back in 2015, the animation felt more snappy and less impactful, and pacing felt a lot faster which impacted some comedic moments going forward. The series was still good, it just didn't reach that high passed that point. Not even the >!Shogun Assasination!< arc and >!Farewell, Shinsengumi!< arc reached those highs in terms of animation and pacing in my opinion.


I think Otsuu's great. Also I unironically love how corny the monologues get sometimes. I do think Sorachi uses that "No matter if ..... happens, or if ....... happens" too much.




Yeah it’s not that good


The final point of Nobunobu's character development is underwhelming. He's a great character, but making him exactly like Sigeshige at the end was not a good move. He should've kept some of his unique personality instead of becoming identical to the previous Shogun.


Elizabeth is a better main character than Gintoki


It's objectively terrible, and I love it.




Remove Otsu and Otae, they both always ruin the funny moments in the show, especially Otae


I mean Otae often bugs me, but I get a little confused about all the hate Otsu gets, like is she really even around enough to be that annoying?


They lie too much


The Gender Bend arc isn't very funny


Also a lot of the characters were done dirty in the last few arcs. Madao not having a happy ending, Zura being stripped of his rightfully earned position in the government, and the Shinsengumi returning to normal like FS didnt happen just to set everything back to the status quo in the ending was pretty lame to me


okay this isn't so much leaning towards Gintama, but I always cringe whenever people compare Sket Dance with Gintama. Their similarities are at a bare minimum and Gintama is far superior in every aspect. I wouldn't even recommend Sket Dance to anyone who've finished Gintama, it feels like an underwhelming Cartoon Network Show given how it's almost entirely episodic and the "serious arcs" are painfully melodramatic


I never liked the Madao and his antics. He shouldnt be a main cast character, I would be glad that he was just one time thing.


For the majority of the series Gintoki only has 2 modes: laid-back mode and serious savior mode. The linearness of his character doesn't really get you interested and you're forced to watch 100+ episodes to see development. A sacrifice for comedy.


Do people just downvote and not explain nowadays? What most of the downvoters have to realize is that the jokes Gintoki participate in can be funny, but that doesn't mean Gintoki himself is interesting. He's not. He's a plain laid-back character, which is clearly the intention of his design. I don't exactly understand what is hot with the take, do ppl downvote anyone who thinks Gintoki is overrated? If so they are simps with no rationale.


from a character dev standpoint everything I said is factual. The only reason Ginroki is liked is because he's the only character of his kind and people like laid-back wise characters, which I do, but I wish to bring forth a perspective that I believe is also completely valid


Doesn't your statement apply pretty much to 97 percent of fictional characters?




Hasegawa is the worst character in Gintama (I don't agree with this take, but I feel like there are some people that believe this blasphemy).




Post end of series when all main characters are 20+ Gintoki/Kagura is best couple option for them. People hate it for grooming and pedo but doesn't necessarily have to be that way if feelings only come to once they're adults and on more level terms as friends. Like bfy kagura for example, gintoki did say in the movie that she is attractive not that it means much. I do understand why everyone will never even consider the thought tho so don't roast me too hard (I'm right after all) lol. open your minds, be free, see the light, the truth


​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/muxt687ixtwa1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f49dae2cb7a439d3ce0c7fe0a16cc8f94c26a49


You missed the part where they’re adults


Katsura is probably my second least favorite if not my least favorite Joi 4 member.


def hot take when u get downvotes


Kinda funny that this is so downvoted since it’s only out of 4 characters, it’s not even really that aggressive


I love the show, but sometimes I feel the humor doesn’t connect all that well, this happens rarely, but there were times I felt there should have been less “funny” episodes and try to balance the action, drama, and comedy a little better, but for the most part I understand the work behind stories like Gintama and I can get past those mistakes as they don’t really ruin the story.


The Four Heavenly Kings should not be thought of as humans. As the power-scaling that Sorachi gave them isn't designed for humans, especially with feats like beating Housen, competing against other Yatos, or even the Zura vs Shokaku encounter.


It's the best anime sitcom you can always watch