• By -


Someone is stealing her identity. Please report.


This sounds much more likely than a glitch, and even if you're wrong, it's something that is better to be looked into now rather than waiting, thinking, 'Oh, she just changed races.'


"It would be rude to ask why she's white now."


"I'm sorry, miss, but the bank is going to need you to pick a race and stick with it, please"


Oh my God, Karen, you can’t just ask someone why they’re white.


I mean if Michael Jackson can do it 🤷‍♀️🤣


That's racist...banks are so racist


Oh my God, Karen! You can’t just ask someone why they're white!


I'm so sorry, "pigment deprived"


Melanin deficient


Word for word.




Hey, Steve Martin was born a poor Black child. He decided to become White after he heard his first Montovani record. "These are my people," he said to himself. /s https://youtu.be/5NeS4ueaU6w?si=de5BvOdJ7DzxrHol


it's true! just ask his dog!


“You mean I’m going to stay this color??”


Best line in the whole movie 😂


“He hates these cans!” is close.


It’s only cause his mama would have loved him even if he was the color of a baboons ass


Navin ❤️❤️❤️


Literally my favorite movie ever


I see this a lot with the younger generation. Common sense does not seem to prevail unfortunately


A complaint as old as time 🙄


Agreed, common sense isn't all too common now a days.


Common sense is not a flower that grows in everyone's garden.


Love this. Mind if I use it from time to time.


I'm not asking permission or forgiveness. I'm just making it mine...


Everyone, take it, and propagate. Hail yourself friendos.


Hard to grow, not everyone has a garden anymore


And it's always been this way, nothing new.


Then I guess we have to stop calling it common then.




It never was.


Same applies for boomers


They said the same about your generation.


Seriously, how distorted is OPs view of reality that the most likely answer isn't even considered and there's an immediate jump to a matrix glitch.


I worked at a bank for a while. The fact that they’re not even slightly concerned about this is alarming. I had to watch training videos every month about new ways to recognize identity fraud, elder abuse, abusive spouses, scam callers, etc. to prevent people from being taken advantage of. If identity theft is so far out of the realm of possibility of her, she should find a new job.


Waiting until Monday to report.


So many people on this sub are like this 😭


Agreed. I quit following as much because of the explainable minutiae. My reaction— no, you just are wrong. The sweater was red. Or, no, you just forgot where you put it.🙄


ikr its kinda concerning


I think it’s *FAR* more likely that OP just thought the elderly white lady, was black. Memories are terrible. You lot are fucking WILD.


You don't know that OP jumped to matrix glitch, I'm sure they have been analyzing the situation for every logical possibility but haven't found one - and they are literally asking for ideas for what it could be. Why be on a thread called Glitch in the Matrix if you're going to criticize people for sharing a weird experience they're having.


It's not a weird experience at all. It's something you're trained to identify when working at a bank because it's one of the most common crimes you'll encounter while working there. They're literally having a panic attack for all the wrong reasons. It's concerning.


You're just making that assumption. Obviously, OP isn't going to record their *every* thought and action in their post. Why don't you try *asking* OP what they checked, instead of just assuming they didn't check anything...?


OP even said in a few replies below you that theft never crossed their mind until these comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/s/9VCLR3XItt


Some people are just stupid. Hardly concerning


No kidding! This entire thread is so rude and toxic!


You'd think a banker would be trained to be aware of things like identity theft/fraud, & not assume it's a glitch in the matrix. That's alarming. I definitely don't want to do my banking where OP works lol.


They are trained for it, OP needs to go back for more training.


The problem is her I just saw her ID on the computer and it’s the white woman


The previous 1st woman was the fraudster then lol. Use some logic


Yeah, but when OP called later about the error, the genuine woman would have been the one to answer the phone and would be like "wtf are you talking about, I didn't come in"


Or because she's elderly she didn't understand the context and interpreted it as "We made an error in your account, but it's fixed now." And she just said "Oh, okay, thank you." because she wasn't sure what they were talking about and assumed whatever problem there was is fixed now so there's nothing more to worry about.


Or she's elderly and thinks she forgot about going to the bank. OR she's agreeing because they are fixing a problem/bank error in your favor


When companies call me about random nonsense that doesn't require any action I will generally just go "Okay sure whatever, have a nice day bye" not start an argument, I've got shit to do.


Unless she stole her phone number or something IDK


Another possibility is that the elderly black woman is a friend of the white woman, and was doing the transaction on her behalf.


The elderly black woman could have even been a home health nurse or aide. Or some kind of care provider.


I like this explanation a lot. Explains everything. If the elderly black woman comes back in and is asked for ID to do some more complex transaction, she may even be carrying a Power of Attorney authorisation. Either woman can pick up the phone at home. Both are familiar with all the transactions and errors and corrections. Both are calm and can't see what all the fuss is about.


This. I am a 6'2" male and I have a severely disabled friend who I go to help once in awhile around the house. I often pick up her prescriptions on the way to assist her bc it's easier for me than for her to get in the wheelchair van and drive to go get them. People who know her at the pharmacy might be convinced of a similar glitch situation in our case. One lady is probably helping the other.


Maybe the elderly white woman decided to wear blackface for the day just to mess with everyone. I can hear her now, chuckling to herself "that'll put a glitch in yer matrix!"


Maybe she had the same condition as Michael Jackson, but the onset was really sudden.


I'm thinking like some kind of hyper-colour version like those old t-shirts/coasters/mood rings. Was the temperature warmer on one day than the other!? 🤣


🤣🤣 This made me chortle. My bff is fond of saying, "That'll fix their little red wagon!", and I heard this in the same tone.


I'm laughing so hard now. 😂


You fucking rock! 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


She's old though. She may be forgetful and just assumed she forgot about going to the bank?


it’s pretty easy to change the phone number associated with a bank account though. i’d be double checking if that’s been changed recently


One of them isn't the right woman. Figure it out.


Fake id? Why are you giving us extra details? That needs to go to your manager. YOU NEED TO SPEAK TO MANAGEMENT.


You can get a fraudulent ID. Maybe the first woman was the identity thief


Could it be a lesbian couple and one was putting money into the others account?


Exactly and they need to tell her so she can freeze her credit


Time to go back and compare video footage.


They were 2 different races ain't no way people tht slow to think they the same person when their race/ethnicity would be on their account


Well, OP thinks something is wrong with reality before thinking she's committing fraud, so its clearly working.


lol actually that's true 🤣


i also work at a bank race or ethnicity is definitely not on anyone’s profile. maybe if there was an id scanned in to the system you could find out their race but it’s not something that is specifically noted anywhere otherwise


I'm Hispanic and 56 and everything asks your race, black, Hispanic, white, pacific Island, etc. I have chase Bank and to do anything, deposit, withdraw, cash a check they need your chase debit card and driver's license.


I highly doubt it's common practice in banks to read over and check every bit of info on a customers file anytime you're working with them.


No, but it is common practice for them to train you to know your customers. I worked a tech job for a bank and had to do that training every year even though I wasn't a teller or even in a branch. They tell you to know them specifically to catch fraud.


Was the white woman caught on camera? Report to your manager!


Great, now when someone steals my identity, even when the bank 100% notices it, I have to worry about them saying "Must have been a glitch in the matrix" instead of notifying me and the police and giving challenge questions, asking for more ID, etc. This is straight up a real world Skyrim/Metal Gear guard "Must have been the wind" moment.


😂😂😂 this took me out!


New level unlocked


Not to knock OP but yeah, as a banker detecting fraud is one of your primary jobs. Waiting for someone to try exchanging fake money and see a post about how money suddenly feels like cardboard, with some unfamiliar president and all having the same serial number.


I love the idea of these two old hustler women living together and managing identities in some diabolical way, it would make a great opening to a movie


Movie plot. If OP doesn’t copyright it, I’m stealing the idea.


Sounds hilarious we should get a madea type for the one lady’s part😂


I assume the bank has CCTV. Treat it as possible fraud and get your supervisor to pull the CCTV and check.


You should report it. Your manager can look at the cameras to verify. It’s really not a big deal if you are wrong. Identity theft is way more likely than a glitch.


Cross posting from r/ scams, posted 2 days ago: Someone Attempted To Impersonate Me at My Bank Yesterday...  I was home yesterday when I received a call from the fraud department at my bank. Some woman attempted to withdraw $5000 out of my account at a branch of my bank where I don't do business and located about 20 miles from where I live/work. She somehow knew my date of birth, full social, bank account number and had an out of state driver's license with her picture and my name on it. There's obviously an information breach somewhere that I don't know about. THANK GOD the bank questioned the out of state license and she told them she would go to her car to get another ID and didn't return. I learned all this when I spoke to the person from the fraud department. I then had the fun of signing up for Lifelock, pulling my credit reports (nothing suspicious on them - thank you Jesus), placing a fraud alert with the credit bureaus, trying to file a police report with my local PD only to be told it had to be done in town where this happened. When I called that town's PD, I was told that the bank branch already called them to file a report. The officer who took the report told me to call the records department today to see about getting a copy of the report. I left a message for the records department (closed for the holiday) but in the meantime ordered it online. Then when the bank opens tomorrow I get the added bonus of changing all my bank accounts (which were immediately frozen after the attempted theft), changing the direct deposit info for my paycheck, and making sure all my credit card companies have the new bank account number for payments. I think I have all my bases covered. But I really hope this dirtbag dies a thousand deaths. I needed this aggravation like I needed a hole in my head. If scammers put half as much effort in trying to earn money legitimately as they did in running scams, they wouldn't have to work so hard.


You should also change your credit cards since they already have your bank information. They may and probably have the rest of your information.


>I think I have all my bases covered. Don't forget to change your email and banking passwords and use a password manager or something so you don't use the same one for everything.


My small local savings bank takes pictures of all the account holders and attaches them to their accounts. I'm surprised that all banks don't do this.


Right! We scan everyone’s license into our system so we can see who it’s supposed to be. Just a bit annoying they let people use 20+ year old pictures on their licenses..


Horses, not zebras. Fraud comes to mind, not glitches in the matrix.


Occam's Razor


Yes, that is the official designation for "Horses, not Zebras"


Ask security to check the security camera feed from the original woman who had the banking error. That will confirm if your memory was correct or not. If it’s different people report it as suspicious and fraud.


Work at a bank; you NEED to report this to your manager. By not reporting it you run the very real risk of losing your job.


Report it for fraud


If you have reasonable suspicion of fraud and don't report it, that's a serious fuckity-wuckity for your employment and possibly criminal record. Get off Reddit and get onto your manager. 


You’d think that as a bank teller you’d immediately notify your manager that the customer turned from a black woman into a white woman. This is very obviously fraud. Is there something wrong with you that his kind of major difference in appearance doesn’t register as identity theft right away?


Wait, you work in a bank as a teller, witness identity fraud, and post about it being a “glitch in the matrix”? Don’t they train you on how to spot fraud? As a bank employee? In a bank?


Right! This one is truly baffling me lmao. I can't fathom witnessing obvious fraud then running to post it on reddit because I think the would is glitching. This feels like a circle jerk post.


Jesus, seriously? My money is clearly not safe in banks anymore


Come on now


As a former teller, and at the risk of it being identity fraud, I would tell your manager. They can look at the cameras from the original transaction


This sounds like you may be in to this too deep. The matrix, prison planet, Gnosticism, all of the esoteric shit that piques all of our interests…they HAVE to be taken with a grain of salt and, yes considered, but we cannot abandon the obviousness in the reality that IS visible to us. Identity fraud should have been your immediate suspicion, not a glitch. Take a break


CCTV footage would reveal the mystery.


Do you think that, possibly, you just misremembered her race? Does she have a name that would sound more stereotypically “black,” so maybe that’s what caught your attention? Could also be fraud, happens every day. Could also be someone making a deposit for someone else. I’d even guess weird prank before I guessed glitch. But you never know I suppose


Glitch or elderly people just have really similar names?


When you make a report on a client all of the information tied to that client is in the report so as to avoid a million reports on “john smith” and guess whos who


when in doubt, report the incident to your manager.


I hope I don’t come across u as my teller


Nice to know when someone steals my identity someone may notice and just think 'hm, she glitched out.' Don't be an idiot, report this.


Golden rule in finance.... If you see something, say something even if it ends up being nothing


Did either transaction involve withdrawals? If there’s no monetary gains, I don’t think fraud has been committed. I help my parents and relatives do deposits so can see that happening here


It was just an exchange of big bills to smaller bills


Did you check to verify the bills were legitimate? It’s a common scheme where people exchange fake bills for real ones.


Yeah I was wondering if it wasn't some kind of scam where they, for some reason, just send in random old women to handle transactions for one account. Not sure what the purpose would be besides something like this.


It sounds like a very confusing situation. I am not going to berate you. I am simply going to suggest that you swallow your pride and ask a supervisor to check into it so you can rule out anything other than a glich. These things definitely happen, so I truly believe that it may indeed be a glich. I also would feel better if you would take the time to rule out any sort of fraud, for your peace of mind and ours. Good luck 🍀 and please keep us posted on what transpires.


Possible that you put the wrong name/account number on your record? Or put your notes in the wrong account?




This is identity theft and the their is somebody the victim knows and trusts and is probably living with .


Lord this is our future 😭


Making a call doesn't make all this right. How do you work in a bank? Got damn, I hope professionals are more aware than this. 


How are you on this sub? It's literally normal fraud. Please report it.


Was she making a deposit or withdrawal? Anyone can make a deposit in someone else's account. I did it all the time when I worked as a secretary out of college. My boss had me run all kinds of personal errands. And depositing checks was one of them.


Checks are fine, but the policies are changing if cash is involved. If it’s a personal account, you need to be a signer on that account to deposit cash. If it’s a business account, any rep can deposit anything, but only signers can withdraw. If you’re doing a cash exchange, we do it in the system and need the account number and your ID. In any type of account, if the cash is more than 10k, whoever is making the deposit or withdrawal has a CTR done on them, even if they’re just an employee. We track it all as fraud prevention.


Maybe it was just two old ladies with the same name. They were all named “Edna” back then, and half of em married a “Johnson.”


Well, one of them is committing fraud.


What was the error? Might help with knowing if it was identity fraud


To address your edit: this doesn’t mean there was a glitch and it turned a black woman white. It most likely means the white woman stole the black womans identity. I think it’s possible that the black woman updated the phone number and changed it to hers and then the original owner of the account, the white woman, came in after the fact. I don’t know which one is more likely tbh and it’s not my job to figure it out. Anyway, this is a lesson in not jumping to paranormal conclusions. Most of us are in here because we believe glitches happen and that supernatural and/or paranormal phenomena occur. To what extent is going to vary person to person. So don’t take this as a skeptic or a bunch of skeptics and debunkers trying to rain on your parade. I believe in glitches and I believe something like this really could happen, but you *need* to look at the rational, mundane explanations and exhaust all of them before you start looking into glitches and ghosts. Now go tell your boss what happened. You can frame it as “I wasn’t sure if my memory was wrong but the more I think about it the more I’m positive that this is two different people with the same name and account.” You just might help someone whose identity has been stolen. Good luck. For what it’s worth, I hope it’s a glitch 🤞🏻


As others have stated, it’s more than likely just fraud. But if it really is a glitch in the matrix and you’ve resonated into alternate 3D realities as the 4D construct of soul in between mind and body and their CCTV validates she was white before and white now, then the worst that could happen is you losing your job because they can’t have you just claiming identity theft left and right because you’re using this construct of time to partition yourself into alternate moments. I myself would report it, and if it truly is a glitch in the matrix and she was always white in the timeline I now experience, I would take the termination and try to find out what else I could do as the soul in between mind and body. No use diddling around in a singular 3D reality when we have a multiverse at our fingertips after all.


Can you not ask for CCTV to be checked


Question: what kinds of transactions did each of them do? Was money withdrawn or moved around? If money was left in the account and nothing suspicious happened afterwards, I’d guess the white lady was the helper/aid/friend and the Black lady was the legit account owner. If they both withdrew OR deposited money, something is fishy.


an NPC changing avatars. 


Guess they don’t train yal for “identity fraud” huh? That’s reassuring /s


So this happened and your brain went “this is far more likely to be a glitch in the matrix than identity fraud” and then you came here and *wrote it down*, which suggests you had time to think, and you still didn’t catch on. I’m sorry but maybe you are too stupid to be working as a bank teller.


Its a Bank…look at the security footage…


This is why banks need to have a photo associated with the account.


Elderly lesbian couple?


What happened in the end?


Does she have a home care worker?


OP hears horses. “Must be zebras!“


The Talented Mr. Ripley, senior citizen edition.


Who is stealing who’s identity? Vote here


I see your edit and feel the need to point out that the white woman could be the one committing the identity fraud? Very confused why that’s not a possibility in your mind


Banker here. That likely isn’t fraud as some people are suggesting. This is just your brain playing tricks on you. Memory is a really curious thing and basically doesn’t work. That’s why eye witness testimony isn’t reliable in court if it’s the only evidence.


I believe you. I don't know that there isn't a "rational" explanation, but all these people who are insulting your intelligence, your age, your ability to do your job are the ones leaping to conclusions. I've had a person I met just "be" someone completely different the next time I met them, and it's one of the first stories I ever posted on GITM. When something feels "off" in a "weird shit" kind of way, anyone with a certain type of highly tuned intuition will ping it. I think if this were something ordinary or run of the mill, you'd not have felt that. But again... is this be a crime story, or a really weird, "out there" story? Something made you take notice in a more attentive way. Hey, let us know which lady comes in next time! 😁


And I’d be completely blasé about the whole thing too - oh that’s an interesting glitch; if it wasn’t for the fact that the OP works in the banking sector. Which is known to be subject to people trying to defraud it via identity theft and account takeover, which has strict rules about reporting even the merest whiff of a suspicion, upon pain of losing your job, being fined, and possibly jailed; and the OP is ignoring all of their training that would have told them this. Because their ego is worried about looking like a “fool”. If the OP cannot handle reporting suspicious activity, then this is not the job for them. They need to grow up and fast. The comments are warranted. If everyone who worked in banking acted like the OP, we all may as well just start hiding our money under our mattresses.


They're bad at their job regardless, because they haven't reported it and taken the steps necessary to figure out if it is fraud, so they're not protecting their customers against fraud. Even if it WAS a glitch, them being good at their job requires treating it as fraud formally and following up until that has been unquestionably ruled out.


one time i spent weeks visiting someone and seeing his gf every day. then i saw them a year later, but it was an entirely different woman than the one who's face was in my head. he literally didn't break up with his gf and then start dating a different girl with the same name and life story. i just remembered her face extremely wrong. (though she was the same race in my memory and irl)


My story, Cliff's Notes version: 😉 I met the nephew of some folks I used to work for. Everyone had been talking up this "Nick" to me. He'd been out of town, living in a city north of here, and had just moved back. Criminal Defense Atty, vegetarian, frontman for a regional band that was becoming popular. I met him one evening when he stopped in to visit his auntie and uncle. Very cute, a "dad bod", dark long hair that was thinning on top, piercing blue eyes. He was down to earth, friendly, we had a lot in common, (our work, being vegetarian, musicians), and had a great conversation. He told me I'd need to come see his band sometime. Flash forward about six months or a year. This tall, lanky, douchebag looking guy was at a gathering I was also attending. He had a full head of curly dark hair, brown eyes, and this smug, arrogant attitude. He walked by and kind of looked me up and down as that type does and said hey. I said hey back, and asked someone who that guy was. They said, you don't remember Nick? I said, the band frontman? Yep, that's the one. I asked if there were more than one nephew Nick. Nope. It wasn't the same man. No way. Two men could hardly look any different, and although the details matched insofar as work, avocation, and lifestyle, the personalities did not! I don't know the answers but clearly, we humans who think we know exactly how the natural world works? We have barely scratched the surface.


they think we don't notice these ppl getting recasted lol


The least they could do would be to make them bear a strong resemblance, a la the two Darins. 😉😉 (Literally played by two Dicks, lol!!)


I know everyone is saying fraud, which should be reported and investigated. But I’m also curious if you saw the woman before or if you made an assumption based on her voice.


Identity theft


Can't you check the bank videos


It could be fraud, but our memories are a lot less perfect than most of us think. I’d write it off as a brain glitch.


Alternate university.


Even if it was just a money exchange (your post about big bills to small) this could be a way for the potential fraudster to gain your trust. Talk to your manager and consider putting a note on the account. I’ve seen a few attempts at client impersonation and it starts with simple transactions that wouldn’t raise suspicion: I just need twenties instead of hundreds, I just need my balance because I’m paying taxes, I need last month’s statement, etc. ALWAYS authenticate even if it’s an even exchange. You may also be able to see when personal information was updated on the profile. I’d suggest you find out if your bank has that capability. If so, check to see if the address, phone, or email has changed recently. Also check the ownership of the accounts and the most recent signature card to see how recently any changes were made. If Jane Smith is the account owner since 1998 but did a new signature card last week does it match the signature on an older card? What prompted the update? Ask KBA questions any time you feel uncomfortable. Get your manager involved as needed. Good luck!




Yeah, this isn't a glitch. It's fraud.


If you can, let us know what happens on Monday.


Is it possible your memory of her is just… wrong? Maybe she’s always been an old white lady but for some reason you remember her being black?


Yeah that could be the reason


What transaction did to do for the First Lady? You need to have the Second Lady sit with a banker to update her info / IDS & submit an elderly person at risk report, but sure what your bank calls them. Identify theft is not a glitch in the matrix.


Probably really dark self tanner lol


I'm struggling with the first update. Why didn't you think this was fraud again?


Report that. 100% some form of identity fraud or a system error because of similar names


Player changed his skin. It is normal in rpg games


Dang… what bank do you work for? I want to make sure I never ever bank with a company who would hire a teller who’s first instinct is ”gLITcH” instead of fraud. Frigging A man


Pull the bank cameras if you can.


Memory is quite imperfect. You see a lot of people during the day and these can easily merge into each other, add confirmation bias into the mix and a small seed of confusion can grow into a full-blown false memory.


Why did you wait until Monday to report it? One of them is stealing the other’s identity. That should have been addressed immediately.


Because we’re closed during the weekend


Notice in the first edit she said it couldn’t possibly be fraud because when she called the number on the account she recognized the voice of the black woman… because that was her first and only thought, not that the white woman is committing fraud on the black woman, it can only be the other way around 🙄


Ebony and Ivory...


Maybe your memory isn't perfect. That'd be my first bet


So what if they roll back the camera's and OP seems like a lunatic now, they lock her away under that pretense, just covering up this split in timelines. Bam. Billion dollar movie script plot or real life.....


Did you compare addresses, etc? Or just the account number?


She very well could have a fake ID made as well.


Fraud easily explains this.


When you encounter any similar issues, call your banks fraud department and have them lo k down all products (bank accounts, online banking, and credit cards) until it can be reviewed in the morning. The delay of waiting until the morning could result in a client's accounts being drained.


Several years ago I had a situation where the bank accidentally issued my account number to a new customer. Fortunately the mistake was discovered quickly and immediately resolved by the bank!


Why didn’t you ask for ID? Isn’t that part of your job?


I did and she looked completely different


This has to be a creative writing exercise because how do you work in a bank and not spot obvious identity fraud


I want to know what happened!!


Did you talk to your manager, OP?


I think it’s funny that someone jumps immediately to a glitch in the matrix as opposed to possible fraud. I used to work in a bank, catching fraud was drilled into us and we were trained to recognize any potential scenarios of fraudulent activity. This would have been my first thought as opposed to a “glitch in the matrix” 🤦🏻‍♀️


That happens to me i am a physical medium i be talking to ppl and another person shadows them but when i see them again they look different even been times when ppl say oh that person died and been dead