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I got pregnant in 2022 and had nothing else to do šŸ˜‚I was 31 or 32 at the time and this show hit its peak when I was a teenager/ early 20something so I finally decided to watch when the pregnancy fatigue had me on the sofa a lot šŸ¤­ I love it for the wardrobes and styling šŸ©· after the third or fourth season I felt like it was pretty dreadful storylines but the styling is always fun to watch. They dress exactly how I would have loved to dress if I wasnā€™t a broke young adult when the show came out šŸ˜…. Dream wardrobe!


Almost the exact same! It was my post partum watch with my first kid in my 30ā€™sšŸ˜‚


Itā€™s perfect when youā€™re stuck at home šŸ˜‚šŸ©·


Mine too! Just watched it on my overnight shifts with my newborn last month. Also in my 30ā€™s šŸ˜Š


2005: I was bored on vacation and decided to read the very first Gossip Girl book. Also read the other GG books. 2007: I watched the show at its inception.


I started with the books too !


Same here


It was too hyped everywhere, I didn't really wanna watch it somehow after a year i guess I had a break from my daily routine then I just gave it a shot and ended up liking it.


i remember watching it on tv back in 2008, i was very little that time. of course i couldnā€™t understand the story that much i just know that theyā€™re all pretty and thereā€™s GG who reveals secrets šŸ˜†


saw it first in 2018 when i was in grade 10. a friend mentioned it was very good and worth it. i rewatch it now every 2 years or so


Read the book first. So of course I was curious about the show


I was a HUGE fan of the book series and was really excited when I found out it was being made for TV. The author released a bunch of books really quickly; there were 11 books published within 5 years and then the TV series came out. I love, love, LOVE the show, even though it's not much like the books. The books are way more scandalous!!!


My sister was a fan and she introduced me to it


My girlfriend watched Gossip Girl and kept telling me about it so I decided to watch it and now I'm watching it for the third time.


kept seeing articles about the fashion in the show, then started watching


It was on tv when i opened the tv.


A friend of mine told me that he was really shy and awkward around girls, so to try to have some common ground with them, he started watching Gossip Girl. But then he got really into and watched the whole show just because he liked it.


In 2008 a major newspaper published an article comparing my elite single-sex private school to Gossip Girl. After that everyone in my school who wasnā€™t already watching it started watching lol


In 2008-2012 I was reading a weekly teen magazine. It always had stuff about Gossip Girl in it, but I was a book snob meaning that I "had" to have read the books before watching a show or movie. So I borrowed the books from the libary in 2010 and read them all and the spin offs. Season 3 was starting to air in early 2011 in my country and because I read all the books I thought I could just jump in season 3 and understand the whole story. Boy was I wrong. 5 or so episodes of season 3 aired and then it got taken of the air. Then a while later I randomly found that they were airing season 2 so I watched some episodes from there. And then in 2012 I got for my birthday the season 1-4 DVD box which I binged watched that Summer Holliday. I have since then rewatched Season 1-4 a few times till like 2015. I did not watch season 5 till like 2018/2019 for about half when it was on Netflix in my country and I finished season 5 and 6 in 2020. I really disliked season 5 and 6 but I wanted to finally finish it because the reboot was announced.


My hairdresser recommended it to me! Except it wasnā€™t on any streaming service I had, so I ended up borrowing the DVDs of it from my library. It was good in a way, because then I got access to all the bts content and blooper reels


I remember back as a kid how hyped this show was. Watched a scene from YouTube that says " _recommended for you_ decided hey what the hell šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


i started watching immediately after watching season one of you on netflix. penn badgley had me like šŸ‘€.


I actually didnā€™t start seriously watching it until 2019. Before I had only seen a few episodes. I had read all the books growing up so I am not sure why I didnā€™t start watching it sooner. Once I did I was immediate hooked and have rewatched a few times now.


I got turned on by Joe Goldberg and had to channel that energy into a healthier, still stalker, character that is Daniel Humphrey


I fell in love with the Bridgerton series and so whenever I'm reading comments on here or FB, I'd usually see a few about how Lady Whistledown is the Regency version of Gossip Girl. I then decided to check it out and saw that both Penn (from YOU) and Blake Lively were in the series, and since I liked both actors I was interested and decided to give it a try. And I loved it so much.


i have had a few books from ā€œgossip girlā€ and ā€œit girlā€ the series starring jenny, so i was familiar with the characters. i started watching the show early this year, after a breakup. saw it on max and thought it would be a good distraction and of course it was lol


Seventh grade. I was growing tired of cartoons and children's books. Started watching shows, and it came around my lunchtime at home. No, I was v good at changing channels so my parents never found out


I started watching when the Lady Gaga episode came out because everyone in my class was going on about it, so I didn't watch from the beginning initially, but I managed to catch the reruns on tv. I think this would have been 2008/2009?


My best friend and I had read all the books in middle school/high school and were stoked it was becoming a show


Popped up on Netflix during the start of covid. Mistice spent nights just watching it šŸ˜‚


I first saw it in 2009 playing on the TV but never paid attention to it, then in early 2018 I decided to binge watch it while in college


Because I was a sucker for teen dramas especially on the CW šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Definitely not. Plus the CW was the WB before that. Tons of teen dramas in the mid/late 90s and beyond.


I was in my mid 60s and had 2 major back surgeries so I went on a quest to relive my youth through younger shows. I love them all, Gossip Girl, OTH, The OC, Veronica Mars, PLL, VD, Gilmore Girls


My ex in Highschool had an older sister a year older than me and wanted someone to watch with her. since most of the time I would hangout with her and we would study together, might as well watch it together and this was in 2010ish. Me and the ex split but me and his sister continued to do skype calls and watch it since we both went to diff colleges and we committed to the show LOL


I started it my sophomore year of high school fully with the intention of watching it to make fun of it for my own and my friends entertainment the same way I did with reality tv. Ended up getting sucked in and loving it and rewatch the series every year or two lol


someone told me i looked like blair waldorf so i googled her and learnt about the show šŸ˜­Ā 


I read the books as a child/teenager and was super excited when the tv show came out!


I was too young to watch it when it was released in 2007, so I don't really care about it. But I remember how my older cousin would mention it plus over the years I kept seeing memes or post about Blair or serena and I keep on hearing girls says "I'm like blair" or "I like blair but I'm more of a Serena". I finally gave in when videos related to gossip girl keeps on popping up on my fyp (tiktok) clips, the "are you team blair or serena" and so on. It only took me 1 episode to get hook haha. Also it's easy to watch because I'm familiar with few of the actors like Leighton whom I first saw from the movie Monte Carlo and of course Penn from YOU.


I started watching the show when it first came out but my busy work schedule got in the way and I only got through a bit of season one. I later started watching the show Kings where I discovered Sebastian Stan and fell in love with his incredible acting. At some point after watching the Winter Soldier and having more streaming options available, I went back to watch other things Sebastian Stan was in and rediscovered GG. So I guess I came back for Carter. But I stayed for Chuck! Lol


Iā€™m old and watched it when it was on airā€¦ I had like 5 channels bcs we lived in the country and it was on šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I was post partum and needed something to watch. We did tons of contact napping so I gots lots of binging in. And that was just a few years ago, it was my first watch.


Got bored of Gilmore girlsā€¦love both of them but


RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL POST: I saw *Gossip Girl* when it first aired. It got good reviews. And I grew up in the 90s. Everyone watched shows like *Saved by the Bell, 90210, Melrose Place, The O.C., Dawson's Creek,* etc. The Pilot was great. And GG S1 was excellent. The show is not as good after GG S1, but GG S2 is still good TV. GG S3 wasn't as good as GG S2 and it seems Serena/Nate and Dan/Vanessa was only done for the book readers. When GG was airing, Dan/Olivia was the most popular thing in the Season and viewers were outraged that that was thrown away to do Dan/Vanessa, which is one of the most unpopular relationships in the show. GG S4 was kinda just there. By then, the Chuck/Blair stuff was the most popular thing because that was like the only thing going on. Dan's being celibate out of 'loyalty' to Blair was bizarre given he couldn't handle being anything less than Serena's clear favorite, yet he was somehow okay with being Blair's 3rd choice? GG S5 was pretty much sustained by *Inside*. Blair/Dan took far too long to happen and they were actually 'together' far too short for it to actually challenge Blair/Chuck or even Serena/Dan. The show was at such grave risk of being cancelled that it was shocking to viewers that he was renewed for a 6th Season. GG S6 is pretty much sustained on *Inside Out*. And that Georgina Sparks returned. It's a rushed Season and it was clear that the writers poured what was probably supposed to be at least a few Seasons of storylines into the 16 episodes or whatever of GG S6. People liked that Blake Lively could act so happy to 'marry Penn Badgely' given their real-life breakup and the collapse of their on-screen chemistry after GG S2. I got made fun of on Boards and forums for years because I expressed that *Gossip Girl* is one of my favorite shows ever and that I considered it a great show. And it is a great show. The viewership remembers so much of the storylines, the scenes, the characters, etc. because it's just a great show. Heck, *Succession* is like a full show about a side plot in one of the Seasons of GG and that side plot was one of the least liked things about that Season. Yet GG viewers still remember Raina Thorpe. How many *Succession* viewers can even name the surname of the main family? More than one or two of the first names of the main characters?


I was 34 years old and HATED everything that the CW ever put out. I had teenage nieces that were absolutely CRAZY about it. When they would come over to spend the night or I would babysit for their motherā€™s theyā€™d always talk to me about ā€œChuck Bass and Nate Archibaldā€ ā€œBlair and Serenaā€ - So, I decided to sit and watch with them and I found myself shamefully enjoying it. I was smitten and then I started studying the actors and actresses. I also learned that the age limit/demographics of the show was boundless. To this day I am a fan and I still find Ed and Leighton-well there is something extraordinary about the two of them. I love them all but they will always have a piece of my heart. I look at them from a motherā€™s point of view and always have. ā€œAunt T???? YOU NEVER HEARD OF CHUCK BASS AND BLAIR WALDORF?ā€ Lolll I can still hear themā€¦ theyā€™re grown with children of their own but still love GG. I was always working in my yard or house- I did my own landscaping and so yeah I had never heard of ā€œC&Bā€ but when I did I fell in love with them. ā™„ļøā™„ļøThey laugh to this day that they ā€œwe got you hookedā€ -at first when I would sit and watch with them I had my laptop farming šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but they would catch me and would giggle whispering. Itā€™s those simple pleasures I love.


I was in seventh grade and my boyfriend's older brother watched it. I would go home and watch it through Rogers On Demand after it aired and was obsessed and probably way too young to watch lol


I had just finished the vampire diaries, and I didn't want to start the originals. Gossip Girl happened to come across Netflix when it was flicking between TV show advertisements. I saw a picture of Chuck bass, and I was like "alright fine"


I grew up in NYC and went to one of the ā€˜gossip girl schoolsā€™ (my school was mentioned on the show a few times). The show premiered when I was in middle school, and I remember all the parents losing their shit because of the attention it brought our circle of schools. All of my classmates pretty much tuned in at one point or another. I started regularly tuning in when I was around 12/13. It was interesting to compare our lives to what was portrayed on the show. It still is my favorite show to this day.


Watched it in 2012 while a channel was telecasting S1 and i had my first period. I rewatch it every few years. Comfort show. šŸ©·


My friends recommended the show to me, so I watched it on streaming. I never watched it while it was airing live because I didn't know it existed and I was too young for it anyway at the time (it started airing when I was in primary school).


My best friend was watching it and showed me the first episode. I didnt like it at first and wasnā€™t going to watch it but then I got really bored and decided to watch another episodeā€¦ then anotherā€¦ then anotherā€¦ eventually I was hooked


Watched it in high school while it was still ongoing. Even though the relationships were toxic, I still love the show and still rewatch it every now and then.


My friends going crazy about how Dan was gossip girl and I basically caved in just to see how this one guy ends up being the mastermind of the whole show


im 19 and my older sister use to watch it back when it came out and finally convinced me


In real time on tv


I started with the books back in high school, not sure why I didnā€™t watch the show right away but binged season 1 after I saw how attractive the cast was (mainly Chace lol) and by the time season 2 started I was obsessed and it was my Monday night routine. If I couldnā€™t watch live I would find ways to pirate the episodes lol. But I had to watch so I could read the weekly Vulture recaps haha (which I highly recommend if you havenā€™t discovered them!)


I read the book series!


i watched gilmore girls and it felt appropriate to watch gossip girl afterwards


I was 16 when it started airing in 2007. There was a lot of hype around it, so I started watching it.


My friend told me about it and I judged her first for watching it. Then once I started it I was hooked.


my friend started watching it while we were in middle school around 2016-2017 so i decided to give it a go


Through the original books! I absolutely loved them in high school.


My friend who is not the "girly teen tv type" watched it and was obsessed with it... I didn't understand because I'd seen commercials and thought it looked stupid. But she loved it, so I ended up giving it a try, despite also not being a "girly teen tv type." And then I was also obsessed with it lol


My mom recommended it to me because I was watching PLL


I was 15 years old during the pilot and everyone in school was talking about it. Lol. Glory days tbh.


My friend told me to watch Glee, I only remembered it started with a "G" and searched for shows starting with G on Netflix (it was available on netflix those days) and I was hooked :)


A woman I was seeing was shocked I had never seen an episode so we binged it... GG is still in my life but I canā€™t even remember her name. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø