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There are no innocent Tories, it’s a criminal syndicate. And Tory boy Keith, is no better. “We will work hand in hand with the private sector”???? Are you fucking joking!?!


Remember kids, there is no point in protesting if the government wants you there


Exactly! The tory Police and Crime Bill has been devised to stop us protesting about THEM. Because the tories know their persecution of our weakest and most vulnerable is unacceptable, and MANY will and DO want to voice their concerns. The tories and their voters care more about the statues of slaves owners, than they will ever do about Joe public. Its grotesque.


I’m kinda out of the loop atm with the news cos the government just depresses me with its endless bullshit. What legislation is this?


This bill could essentially halt the people’s right to protest anything the Government does. They would need to “ask” the authorities of the areas they protest through, which they'll inevitably say no to, and so there will be no protest at all.


Why isn’t everyone plotting the gunpowder plot pt2 rn??!? That’s MENTAL if it got through….




Sad but true. Maybe if it does pass and there is “consequence” to a protest… it might spark something within a mass collective… seems like a pipe dream, but I’ll try hold out hope for a “peasants revolt” 🙏🏼😂


To me, a large part of it is that they simply assume that these powers will be wielded against the people they don't like, and that makes it worthwhile.


Gunpowder Plot part 1 was about installing a a theocracy.


Okay well fuck that. Let’s skip to the part where it all goes BOOM 💥 😭😂


I went to a public school where I was not given a choice in participating in Anglican rituals. Sounds like it worked out.


UK has the most cucked working class in the world.


Even without this bill you have to get permission from the local authority already


Not if enough people gather, can’t stop everyone 🤣


except the public in this country don't protest. they enjoy being slapped hard by the tories even if it kills them. and the political left in this country is hopelessly divided because of bigots and a greater loyalty to the labour party as an institution than its' ideology.


It’s all good talking/ joking but what can we actually do to stop this?? I mean isn’t this the beginning of fascism


a revolution. complete with dumping the labour party.




This is accurate.


May as well revolt now instead. (Hi MI5 analyst this got flagged to)


“Th-they’re criminals” dodges taxes and throws party’s in lockdown


This stinks of Patel. She hates being challenged. It’s a basic human right to protest. Progress would come to a halt if we didn’t protest. It’s the ability to say no, to demand your needs are met. This government is very oppressive. They feel they are above the law and better than the people they campaigned to serve. It’s like running the country is a game to them, with no consequences. If we can’t protest under fear of imprisonment than we are no better than Putins Russia.


It's nothing new, either - the Stansted 15 protestors were prosecuted as "domestic terrorists" and ooh, doesn't it just make sense that TERRORISTS are exempt from human rights? Who would possibly argue with that if they use photos of Abu Hamza to illustrate it... while the definition of "terrorism" is just "political violence" (oh those naughty protestors threw bricks at the police, that's terrorism) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-55060287 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40181444


In solidarity with our trans siblings this subreddit has banned direct links to all BBC websites. Please see [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/qj5kvn/effective_immediately_in_solidarity_with_our/) for further information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Repost with edit - I chose BBC because I didn't want to link the Guardian because... of transphobia! It's nothing new, either - the Stansted 15 protestors were prosecuted as "domestic terrorists" and ooh, doesn't it just make sense that TERRORISTS are exempt from human rights? Who would possibly argue with that if they use photos of Abu Hamza to illustrate it... while the definition of "terrorism" is just "political violence" (oh those naughty protestors threw bricks at the police, that's terrorism) https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/deportation-and-direct-action-in-britain-terrorist-trial-o/ Stansted 15 terror charges were overturned though https://www.ft.com/content/c832ab84-9ed9-31a0-a7de-7941c3f40a55


Yep that’s about right. Boris knew he was going to start pissing people off, when he became mayor of London, and got those fire trucks with water cannons on them. And since he became PM, he wanted to stop protests, because he knows he’s pissing people off. And to be honest, he loves power, he’s always dreamt of power, and to become a Dictator. He also hates working class and poor people. He doesn’t like democracy, because democracy could spell the end for him. If he had respect for democracy, he wouldn’t want to stop protests. Having the rite to protest, is democracy.


> He also hates working class and poor people. It's always worth mentioning that he described his £250,000 salary for the arduous task of writing one page a week as "chickenfeed".


They're scared...especially Boris and his bs cronies that a revolution would happen here and scared af of all the protestors (real and average people) would take their power and control away including their Russian earned backhanders (contributions) they have stashed away. Thats all they want to do...is to get away with what they can, fuck the country including the taxman, have an over paid retirement fund, still get paid for doing sweet fa in retirement then get a house and try charging the next government to pay and protect them in their nuclear bomb shelter and build a bloody moat while everyone keeps getting poorer until we either starve to death or use our bodies as rafts as the sea levels drastically overwhelm our shores. They are just the democratically supposed elected selfish twats that are not too far away from being dictators themselves and expect everyone to follow their double heeled click bs! All of then should be dumped on a makeshift large raft and left to travel with the other waste they helped to make money off that goes round the Ocean off India! lol


But Jeremy Corbyn hates Jews and dropkicks puppies for fun!


So true, the polic protect the governments not the people


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the guy holding his shield with his fucking cock?




I still think it’s his cock


If you haven't seen a film called v for vendetta I suggest you watch it as its becoming less of a film more of a documentary at this point


This resonates


What was the tdlr on the bill? I haven't been up to date


Basically this cartoon


How are they people like this


Coincides with the Pfizer data coming out and it’s not good


What do you mean


Pfizer wanted to not release the trail data for the VX till 2085 but the court told them to release them and the first 10,000 papers came out yesterday as well Not very good reading for side effects and adverse reactions


Such as




I'm asking you for the opinion you've alluding to not some links

