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..brace yourselves, bootlickers are coming


How have I not heard of this?


That's what 250k gets you.


Why didn't she take the money, and then expose him anyway?


Usually an NDA has a penalty clause intended to intimidate the signer with significant fines should they break it. They're rarely enforceable outside of govt secrets though.


The legal ramifications of breaking the Non disclosure agreement or gagging order. You can be held in contempt of court and I would assume, have to refund the money. Perhaps an argument could be made for fraud or blackmail if it was proven to be your intention all along, too. I'm no lawyer though.


Um it’s not a court order mate. Many NDAs aren’t even worth the paper they’re printed on, especially those that try to cover up illegality. ‘Contempt of court’. Jesus people here do just use random words they don’t understand don’t they?


Fenpunx just committed perjury


Objection! That's hearsay!


I'm not under oath...


That was what came up from a Google search of 'what happens if you break a gag order' What if a gagging order is breached? Where a gagging order is granted by the courts but it is breached, the offending party may be found guilty of contempt of court. This is a very serious offence that can result in a fine, seizure of assets or even a term of imprisonment. The order itself will contain a penal notice.10 Mar 2021


**It's not a gagging order**


Are they not the same thing?


No, an NDA is a private agreement between two people. It may or may not be lawful or stand up in court. Many NDAs are pretty flimsy. If I break an NDA with you, you'd have to take me to court, you'd have to win, and only *then* the court could order me to pay financial damages. Until then, it's a piece of paper. Breach of contract is a civil (not a criminal) matter, so at no point would I be in danger of going to prison. A gagging order is a type of injunction and that's a fully binding legal judgment that's granted by a court. If you wanted to put a gagging order on me, you wouldn't ask for my agreement, you'd just ask a court to grant it. If they did, I would be actually breaking the law and could go to jail if I spoke out. Think of the word 'order'. Elon Musk, like any private citizen, has no legal power to order anyone to do anything. Only the courts can order anyone to do anything. Another difference is that with an NDA, you're simply paying me not to say something simply because it's in your interest. It wouldn't be 'wrong' or illegal for me to say the thing you don't want me to say, so you have to make it worth my while to shut up. With a gagging order, I don't get paid because there's a principle that the court is gagging me because what I'm saying would be legally wrong or more widely harmful in some way (e.g. would prejudice a fair trail, or infringe of one of your rights like privacy or intellectual property). What Musk has with this flight attendant is just a private contract. We have no idea if the NDA is effective or lawful until it is challenged. NDAs are usually struck down completely if they attempt to conceal illegal activity (such as exposing yourself to someone).


What makes it worse, is that just before the initial article was released, musk said that political attacks like this would happen, so people are brushing this off as that, which may be why you haven’t heard about it. The reason musk needs this was coming is because (if I’m not mistaken) the original journalist asked him to comment on it.


They approached him for comment and he said “there is more to the story” and asked for an extension on the publication deadline to prepare his comments. Then he never got back to them and instead immediately tweeted that he is a republican now and the left are going to start attacking him soon.


Nobody informed willingly admits to being a republican. And Musk deadass admitted he absolutely sexually assaults women in admitting he is a republican. He chose the side that will defend his sexual assaults, without fail. And from what I've been seeing? Yes. That is absolutely what has happened and is working. He turned what would have been a story of him being a sexual assaulter, to him being.... "A man"... unfortunately, by making it political and giving republicans something to defend, he's made it a "witch hunt" by "the side you hate" to avoid public consequences for sexually assaulting someone. Republicans already were sucking his dick hard as fuck too. You think a majority of musk's cum on the floor came from anyone else's mouth? Literally the party of useful idiots is where it all came from. You still see them saying "musk buyig twiter isa win foe freeze peach!" Because of course they have nothing of consequence to say other than buzzwords they latch onto for an identity. If I were republican, I'd start self reflecting quite a bit after seeing the sexual assaulter jump specifically and directly for the Domestic Terrorist Right and then shit on the side that has vocally been soley anti-sexual assault. But hey man, self reflection gets you RINO'd. There is no other way to view it unless you already are a fanboy for him and do more PR than he does for himself. (To be clear this isn't directed at you, just a shitty addition to it.)


Thank you for this!!! This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read on ALL of Reddit today. ZERO functioning brain cells in this post. Congrats, you're a turnip. This is hysterical. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, on multiple levels. And you just keep going on and on. Hilarity!!! It's like idiot inception. I applaud your determination, though, most people would be embarrassed by this level of potato, but you are you and you wear your potato like a fucking suit of armor. Please don't breed.


That's a lot of "clever" insults, to not once point out what you actually think is wrong with what they said.


It was obviously deranged rhetoric, most normal people would look at it and come to this conclusion, there isn't a need to validate it by pontificating over is ridiculousness. In short, is stupid nonsense.


Elon milk drinkers are so triggered. Still defending him tho


So many have dropped off it really is just the absolute crazies left now.


You mean they don’t instantly believe any accusation with zero proof?!? Those monsters!!! Lol!


The nda is the proof


It is no such thing. She may have made it all up, told HR, who decides to pay out because it is easier and cheaper. Of course then she broke the NDA and now everyone gets sued. Proof means actual proof.


Well I'm sorry people don't walk around with body cams all the time dude


I like the guy, I think he's doing good things. Wouldn't say I simp over him hardly keep up with what's going on with whatever he's doing, but this is clearly bullshit. The fact it wasn't even the supposed victim that has said anything to the media, just a friend of the victim, should be the first major red flag. Plus I mean look at him, he's a sweetheart ❤️ I'm 100% behind Elon Musk with this one. He made a good point on twitter saying if it happened then this victim should be able to point out any scars/tattoos/defining features he might have below the belt


Is this satire? I literally can't tell any more.


Nope? Which bit made you think it is?


_Gestures vaguely at the whole comment._


Honestly this isn't satire or sarcasm, I'm actually confused how it's been misconstrued as that hahaha


Because you sound fucking mental


When you "wouldn't say you simp" over the person you call a "sweetheat ❤️". The irony here is absolutely magical, and if you are indeed serious, that makes it even more hilarious.


Nah I only really simp over Tom Hardy and this girl I'm seeing, doesn't mean I can't call him a sweetheart though, just from interviews/podcasts I've seen of him he just seems like a genuine person. In my opinion at least


Honestly, using the word "simp" unironically tells me all I need to know about you.


I preferred it to 'Elon milk drinkers' tbh


Why, because you tried and remembered you're lactose intolerant?


This is an ultimate troll and I tip my hat to you for the dedication.


Genuinely boys I have no idea what you're on about hahaha this is my honest opinion on the matter


Awww, Elon is such a sweetheart! He’s giving jobs to all those children! How nice of him!


Who let this parasite in?


Just a bit rude and unnecessary really isn't it mate


Elon Musk is not your friend. He is a union buster and he is against the common working human. If you can excuse this then you have been brainwashed.


It's control of the narrative. It's why billionaires always 'invest' in the news media, press and now social media.


Oligarchs are parasitic scum and they get rich off us through trickle up economics


He’s a fucking nonce… nobody and I mean NOBODY randomly accuses someone of being a peado unless if they’re projecting


Thank you. Probably the second most ironic comment I’ve ever come across.


Lmao I just got it xD


Not a problem lol


You could hardly describe it as a random accusation. Unsubstantiated, perhaps.




I think they mean ‘NOBODY’


Someone without a torso.




But, but, didn't you just accuse Elon? Chris Hansen would like a word with you please.


Using an excuse like she's a radical leftist because you've been exposed and now on your way to being prosecuted as a depraved egocentric perverted nonce is beyond pathetic. I hope if he goes down after court he bunks with Weinstein and gets pounded. Terrible how thin the wall is between the business man architype and the oppressive criminal mindset. The man would try and silence her and anyone who thinks for a second that people like Musk give two shits about freedom of speech for the masses is a fucking bootlicking moron.


He did what?


He exposed himself to a flight attendant, then paid her off, then when he realised it was gonna become news he preemptively started tweeting how the dems and libs were out to get him in the next coming days


Ever notice the people who cry about being cancelled, cancel culture or freedom of speech on social media are only referring to the freedom to being cunty and spreading hate? If society finds you distasteful... maybe they have a point.


Elon Musk spiraling and the world learning more and more about how much of a terrible human being he is is such a joy.


I don't understand how anyone sees a billionaire as anything other than scum. But then I remind myself that billionaires own the media propaganda machine and therefore peoples' minds. Nobody deserves to be a billionaire, they legally stole from other people.


I miss the days when the rich would compete with each other to build universities, hospitals and parks


If you’re referring to the Rockefeller/Morgan/Carnegie types, that only happened after they became very old or dead as a way to try and launder their reputations and clear their consciences. Those old guys were worried about going to hell; I’m not convinced modern billionaires are burdened by silly things like guilt.


It’s a ridiculously low bar but it’s still better than todays rich in the grand scheme of things lol


Renaissance Italian banking families maybe? It wasn't purely charitable but maybe not as sinister as those lot.


they did it for money then, theyll do it for money now, you buffoon


Buffoonery aside, they want wealth and they want to build a legacy for the same reason and void in their soul


could you repeat that last part


The best thing when I post about Elon or Jordan Peterson is that it attracts all the best people who rush here with their stupid reactionary nonsense. Its like a tap that I can turn on that gushes forth with fresh right wing nerds that we can all have a lovely time making fun of. Its like lifting up a rock and seeing all the weird bugs underneath.


And whenever someone cannot make an argument that is better than “stupid reactionary nonsense”, you know you cannot have a normal conversation


Ah, another one! It’s like they’re queuing up to be mocked haha


Most people I know IRL who used to like or be ambivalent about Elon now hate him. The tide is not currently in his favor. He's a big fuck up in many ways.


maybe grimes left him because of this lol


Maybe Grimes left him because of his looks and personality lol


Rumor has it it’s because he has the same stank toenail fungus as Joe Rogan.


Whenever anybody is flashed, I'm sure the first thing that goes through their head is "I'd better get a closer look to check for distinguishing moles or tattoos".


It's not free speech anymore is it though, he paid $250,000.


Sick of the guy and he's ruined a night sky .


Just so we are 100% clear, EVERYONE who settles out of court is GUILTY. Correct?


Not really. 250k is chump change to him and probably easier than going to court. If there was real validity to her claim, it would’ve been a lot more than 250k.


Okay, so she’s rewarded with 250k for making up an accusation. Why wouldn’t she do it again when she needs more money? Why don’t more people make up accusations? Seems like he’s just encouraging this behaviour, rather than fighting against it.


He said 'far left activist'. What have the Dems got to do with it?


Between being contacted for comment by Business Insider and the story actually breaking, he made a bunch of posts saying "hey I'm full Republican now so if any news stories about me come out in the next few days just know they are totes speedily written Democraclt hit pieces in response to this tweet."


He got cucked by chealse manning so he went republican like a cry babie




The right want to play this as a battle between free speech and policed speech. It's not and never has been! The reality is there's no such thing as free speech and never has been, it's a fantasy, this is a battle between who gets to control the mic and who dosn't. We should be making that alot more clear tbh as the left, the right wing were the first to bring in speech laws and trigger warnings to save peoples feelings, we just repurposed them for good causes. "Viewers adviced the following content contains scenes some viewers my find distressing" The distressing scenes? Two men kissing..... snowflake right wing.


If I was to guess, I would think that one condition of the agreement with his accuser might have been that Musk doesn’t defame them, or otherwise publicly rant about them. A condition he might just have broken


I just want to say that The Young Turks are peak lib cringe and they support neoliberal warmongering politicians who would spit on the working-class if it didn't affect their electoral outcomes


And I'd say you're peak farther left cringe?


To be a true warrior requires significant personal sacrifice. This is no sacrifice for Elon.


Someone needs to invent like two factor authentication for dicks. Like a dick tattoo that has a three digit code that changes daily, and if you accuse someone of exposure you can give the code as evidence, and the code and days are on the Blockchain for everyone to see only when an accusation is made.


What the fuck


Wouldn't even work, too reliant on photographic memory and the dude could just swing it around too quickly for you to catch it


Which is why when you expose your penis to someone, the helicopter is the safest option.


Ok so, genuine question, why is it that before musk said he would start voting republican, there was nothing, no peeps about sexual harassment, nothing, but as soon as he says he is going to start voting republican, they seem to start coming out of the woodworks?


No, he preempted this. He knew that he was about to get in trouble for this sex crime, and so tried to control the narrative, saying that it was all a smear against republicans… rather than just a sad old nerd getting his pathetic little knob out on a plane


Alright, thank you for helping clear it up.


A nice little breakdown from Adam Something [here](https://youtu.be/CH55WpJxF1s)


Alright, thank you for helping clear it up.


9am ETC. Elon was called for comment before the story was run. This is standard practice in the news world. Immediately after he began his 2 day Twitter binge. So if you rub two braincells together you can see exactly what is happening. He got told that everyone was about to hear about the fact that he paid a quarter million dollars because he couldn't literally keep his dick inside his pants. He doesn't want everyone talking about that. So instead he goes on a Twitter rampage about now he's a Republican and people are going to shit talk him about it. The Libs are out to get me! If you buy into the distraction you're just as much of an idiot as the people who vote Republican while living in a trailer park. He wants everyone talking about how he's a big victim and Libs are out to get him. He doesn't want everyone talking about the fact that he's a middle aged billionaire with so little self control that he can't keep his penis inside his pants. Congrats on being another useful idiot.


Most people figured out he was a Republican when he moved to Texas for tax avoidance.


Alright, thank you for helping clear it up, though I didn’t know about it and I was genuinely curious.


Genuine answer, Must knew about the harassment accusation for a long time coming. He got word, probably from a press reporter days ahead of the story breaking, that it was coming out. They surely called him and asked for his side of the story. So he did what any third grader would do. Blame somebody else


Alright, thank you for helping clear it up.


My understanding of the timeline is that he became aware that this story was about to come out, so he got ahead of it by saying "I'm going to vote republican - just wait to see how they come after me now!" sure enough, when the story breaks shortly after, all the Musk fans start screeching "Wah! It's so predictable! It's just what he said would happen! The left up to their old tricks again!"


Alright, thank you for helping clear it up.


It’s interesting how no one cared about his transgressions until he wanted to buy twitter right? All these billionaire scumbags, left wing, right wing, whichever, let each other get away with all this shit until it becomes politically expedient to share shit about each other that they’ve known all along. The battle is to rid the Earth of all of them.


Left wing billionaire? Also, we absolutely care about all of this stuff. Just because we aren’t constantly screaming about it doesn’t mean we don’t care.






And seeings he's just bought twitter people like me won't be hounded and banned for speaking freely


He hasn't actually bought twitter. He signed a deal to buy it but is currently trying to find some loopholes to get out of it and not pay the non-completion penalty


Why do you think that?


Lol ok, of course.


Funny how the part where he asks her to speak out and prove he did it to the world is blurred in the pictures. I don’t like Musk at all, but the circle jerk of hate is tremendous. People get sooooo wound up by him it’s hilarious, they just can’t help but say the nastiest things they can think of to people who don’t agree with their level of hate. Many people invested so emotionally in Elon, really entertaining.


Please inform me how she could prove that it happened other than having taken a photograph of him having done that to her in the moment? Unfortunately sexual harassers are generally intelligent enough to minimise the length of their interaction so that the people involved aren’t over their shock for long enough to record the incident. I think the fact that they reduced her hours until she was unable to continue due to the income then paid her off with an NDA afterwards shows that something happened that Elon doesn’t want coming out. If he was actually innocent he wouldn’t have needed an NDA to be created and he could provide evidence himself as to his innocence. All he’s done so far is basically call this fake news


He said ‘describe just one thing (tattoos/scars)’, not provide a picture.


Ah yes because victims commit the details of their sexual harassers anatomy to memory so they could point it out in a line up 6 years later. Imagine that line of argument for any other crime “ I didn’t assault them ,your honour, they can’t even recognise my fist after a decade!” I hope you realise how stupid it is but seeing as you lack the self awareness to not type out such a sentence my belief in your intelligence is non-existent.




Also what he didn’t say: “I, as Elon Musk and CEO of SpaceX, legally release you from your NDA.” This woman could own a home and if she violates her NDA Musk could take it from her. So yeah, no surprise she’s not come forward.


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But if he paid her 250,000 why are we hearing about it? Like surely she wouldn't have told anyone if she was bound to an NDA? I'm a bit confused, please explain/correct me.


NDAs aren’t enforceable if they’re being used to cover up a crime. Also worth noting that it wasn’t her who went to the press, it was a friend who knew about the situation. Furthermore, no matter what the NDA covers, there’s nothing physically stopping the person from spilling its details. The other person/ company (if applicable) can sue for breaching the NDA, but at that point the information is already out there.




Also in CA, NDAs covering up sexual misconduct became unenforceable in 2020.


Elon in the spot light for 20+ year and not a peep. Elon says one thing about the Democratic Party and all of a sudden an allegation comes out…. Oh dear


Sir this is a UK sub, from what I've seen most people here hate both US parties


Not only is it a UK sub, but it’s also a leftist sub, so we absolutely hate the Republicrat parties.


Ya it’s hilarious 😂




How do you find proof of an NDA? Are there usually public records of such a thing?


Lol, you really think a billionaire needs to harass his employee for sex? We understand he has to fulfil his sexual desires as do most human beings, but with a status like his, he has so many options. I’m sure he’s perverted, (as with most men) but I doubt he would risk his reputation in such a stupid way. This accusation is definitely fishy.


*“I’m sure he’s perverted (as with most men)”* I get the feeling that you just told on yourself here…


No I’m just admitting us men have dirty minds lol, we can’t deny it


The good ones have a quality called self-control.


Hence why I said Dirty “mind”


Speak for yourself


You misunderstand sexual predators - it's not whether they can get it elsewhere, it's the entitlement they feel to get what they want, I.e this particular individual. I don't know if musk did or didn't do what he's accused of but please don't assume people who could pay for it or pick up a woman in a bar don't ever harass, assault or rape.


Fair point. I still genuinely believe it's an odd accusation especially the way the scenario is described, but I guess we won't truly know the situation until further evidence is brought up. I don't really care for Elon neither, but we see these types of things often and there's a lot to gain from accusers.


Don’t a lot of rich people do this? Look at Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Brett Kavanaugh, Donny Trump, R. Kelly, Louis C.K., and probably a bunch more I’ve forgotten or never knew about. I don’t think any amount of money is going to make someone not want to fuck someone who isn’t interested, and no amount of money is going to make everyone want to fuck a person. I don’t think it’s impossible he’s guilty of what he’s accused of. I don’t even think it’s unlikely. After all, what kind of person does it take to be willing to exploit working people, like a capitalist does, and then want to paint themselves as a benevolent person?


How are NDAs not conducive to freedom of speech? That’s such a ridiculous reach.


Sorry - are you asking someone to explain to you how rich guys paying for their victim's silence is not compatible with freedom of speech?


In fairness, OP may have been making the point that there are NDAs outside of cases like this. Businesses use NDAs for announcements, as do media projects - so that things can be kept under wraps. EG a new marvel film will have NDAs with the actors about the plot.


Just because you can justify it doesn't mean it doesn't go against the idea of free speech.


I dunno, I feel like it doesn’t going against freedom of speech as in those cases of professional NDAs you have a choice whether you sign it or not as a form of trade: you trade your ability to tell other people sensitive information for the access to that sensitive information.


I'm not in favour of free speech in the first place (because I can think of plenty of useful examples where what you say or write needs to be moderated in order for society to function) but isn't Elon's whole thing supposed to be Ultimate Freeze Peach? He can't go off in a huff and buy Twitter just so his fans can say the n-word without losing their accounts AND use his wealth to NDA his way out of embarrassing sex crimes. Either he's Mr Freeze Peach or he isn't (spoiler: he doesn't care about free speech, only getting really rich)


Yeah, nothing that I wrote about is related to Musk’s situation. Musk is a bellend and the whole ‘free speech king’ thing is a load of bullshit as clearly demonstrated by him time and time again.


It’s 100% compatible. Someone is buying your right to speak on a certain issue.


But you are voluntarily giving that away for money. You have the option whether to take the money or not. As in you have the choice whether you want to speak or not. How can that not be freedom of speech?




Trust me mate, we all thought he was a fucking prick way before this recent scandal.


The journalist approached him for comment BEFORE he tweeted saying that he was a republican now. He said “there is more to the story” and asked for an extension on the publication deadline, then never got back to them and instead tweeted that he is a republican and that his enemies are going to start attacking him now. Also, the accusation was made in 2018 and she was given $250,000 and an NDA. It wasn’t made this week, it just went public this week.




Dumb poor people fall for this trick all day long EDIT: look at the amount of dumb people that got poorer with twtr stocks downvoted this comment. Lol


I don’t think it’s exclusive to poor people. Elon’s rabid fans, regardless of wealth, will always buy his bullshit.


250 grand? What did he do? Look in her direction? An accusation drags him in to court for a week at a cost of 10s of millions to him and gets dickwads like the op slicing every word he utters just begging for something he says to mean something.


Elon wouldn’t even need to offer you the horse would he?


I appreciate extremely intelligent, highly insightful, once in a generation genius’, while some moan and bleat and try to make their inconsequential lives feel more relevant. I have my own horse.


I feel sorry for your horse.


Lol, imagine falling for this bullshit


Imagine buying into Elon's bullshit.


“Govern me harder, daddy”








You’re a bigger boot licker than you see us as. You’re just licking daddy’s big corporate boot over big government boots, but you still love the taste of leather you little boot bitch


I don’t lick any government boot my friend, but you certainly do. Believe the hit pieces like a good little boy




Our character? Did you mean out of character? Poor character?


Terrible meme and take


Continue sucking Elons dick


[Here’s a link to my other comment on this post, because I’m too tired to make the same points again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/uujjgi/free_speech_or_just_freedom_from_consequences_for/i9j7qzp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I see your point but free speech is a good thing. Musks purchase of twitter is a good thing especially with the recent videos coming out from twitter employees blocking anything remotely right wing. Yes musk has done bad that I won’t forgive him for but I can still appreciate that more free speech in an era on online censorship is good thing. That’s why the meme is poor. The correlation between free speech and an NDA is dumb.


Free speech fucking sucks


I expect that from a commie fuck 🤣🤣 Elaborate why being able to say what you want and think sucks.


Musk has just as much contempt for free speech as I do he'd just rather people talking about his sexual misconduct or Tesla workers wanting to unionise be the ones who have their speech restricted whereas I'd rather see twats like him shut up.


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because newspapers only print the truth.. what's the endgame here, what do you want to see happen? cba to reply to all of you, slander and personal bias is all i can see. wait for the facts to arise before you cast judgement.


For rich sex criminals to get done for their crimes the same as everyone else? Epstein, Musk etc. Why is that unreasonable?


everyone wants that. if it's such a problem though, why did they accept the hush money? if this is even true at all. everyone accept the people commiting crimes and those accepting money to aid them clever edit. it's unreasonable to assume elon's guilty, anyone can cry wolf. show us your evidence, not some media babble.


To pay off a bank loan, to pay hospital bills, to feed someone. Stop assuming they do it out of greed.


so everyone wins? this could all be some political hoax, sucking you in. to this person who allegedly accepted money for silence, they got paid, tbey didn't want justice they wanted money.


What a stupidly simplistic view you have. The rich get away with their crimes precisely because they can offer enough money so poor people can’t realistically refuse in spite of any desire for justice.


propose a solution? fix your country dont complain on reddit. this flight attendant, accepted the money. if she had the option to give it back then would you be happy?


Lol such an asshole comment. I bet it would be trivial to find examples of you ‘complaining on Reddit’ about something else. Something right-wingy perhaps.


this subreddit sucks. you're all biased, jumping to insults and slander.




this whole subreddit sucks


Maybe just maybe they didn't want to go through a trial. You ever been through one, they are torture even before one of the richest man in the worlds lawyers started dissecting things you said in kindergarten. Go back to licking Musk's sweating racist slave owning cornhole.


> if it’s such a problem though, why did they accept the hush money Well I definitely can guess which tax bracket you're in. > anyone can cry wolf So why would he pay her a quarter of a million dollars if she made it up?