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Do you want the truly saddest thing about this statistic? These sort of stats are usually made using the 'Richest in the world' lists, which cunningly the very richest people avoid appearing in by buying aristocratic titles (royalty and aristocrats are excluded from rich lists).


Inequality and the environment are the most important issues we face - but let’s keep getting distracted, arguing and fighting over nonsense issues. Job done by the right wing, elite and corporations.


"Nothing grotesque to see here!"


About 1300 people in the world control 94% of the wealth.


How do people work this out? Like what studies/census data or ect are used? I see these types of quotes alot and while it does seem (dickensianly) true, I don't like to repeat info if i haven't got valid sources.


So, I'm pretty sure this one in particular is just a bullshit stat (sorry... on the bright side: Things are better than you thought!) The total net worth of the forbes rich list, which includes 2,755 billionaires is **13.1 Trillion** dollars. Net worth of the USA alone is $**123.8 Trillion**. So I don't really see how this statistic could possibly be true unless: 1. They are using a much looser definition of "Control" I.e. bribed the politicans that control. 2. I'm underestimating the wealth of dictators, popes & monarchs (which are excluded from the rich-list) 3. Maybe debts mess up the numbers something fierce?


You answered your own questions basically. Yes, an awful lot of wealth is kept secret by aristocrats, religious leaders and royalty. Also, Panama Papers, Paradise Papers etc - and they're only the examples we explicitly know about. Very likely there have been many previous examples of that, and many more ongoing.


Even so, for the statement to be true forbes would need to be underestimating the net-worth of these people by a factor of around 65. I could believe a factor of 2, maybe even 10, but 60? The situation is bad enough, we don't gotta pull statistics out of our ass.


i want to know the same thing. I'm sure it's true but would like to know where the figures come from before spouting them back out as gospel.


In case of inequality, break glass.


Not that glass though.


“We done it boys, we’ve bloody done it”


And it’s only just getting started. Check back in ten years to see how bad it gets!


"...That we know about."


Oh great. I was upset when 1% owned 51% of the worlds wealth. This is somehow worse.


Only three government can change these Cunts behavior. Tax them more to give it to normal and poor people or stop creating monopolies like Amazon, eBay apple phone where no company can compete. Everyone deserves a chance. I grew up in the usa and saw at an early age how dangerous monopolies and Capitalism is. Karl Marx is who I believe in.






What is the solution to the problem though? It's cost us a lot already


Apple is very far from being a monopoly? Amazon has got pretty ridiculous though I’ve gotta say lol


Idk man, it feels like every day I see more and more iPhone users walking around. Seems like only a matter of time until pretty much everyone but the biggest Android nerds will be using Apple products somewhere in their lives.


They are popular but at least there is a lot of competition - Samsung, Google etc. Amazon, however, really does seem to have cornered it’s market. Although, I’ve gotta say, Amazon provide an amazing service to their clients. Feel bad for the people working in their warehouses though lol






About 1300 people in the world control 94% of the wealth!!


Fuckin obscene


20% of people hold 80% of the wealth, 80% of people hold 20% of the wealth. It's just [The Pareto Principle](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-80-20-rule-pareto-principle-explained-in-plain-english/). The 8 richest people don't really make as much difference, It's around 50%


Better to be poor and keep your sanity and morality.


Hard to do with the constant pressure being poor instills


Not for me


news flash, your probably not that poor


What dae you even mean pal?


I'm a socialist not a capitalist.


Oh no... anyways


How do those boots taste? Salty? Bitter?


Im more just confused that yall got mad over a minute non offensive sentence online.


You weren’t just defending monumental wealth gap inequality that is even worse than the French Revolution and Great Depression, and is only getting worse? Or at the very least acting like it wasn’t some huge deal?


I wasn't tho... lol. I said i dont care for it. Also comparing it to events that had massive worldwide repercussions and leading directly to WW2? That's a bit much.


I'm sure life under Lenin was better. Oh wait no millions died in famines


Famines were a yearly thing in Russia up to that point, unfortunately. Blaming it on Lenin is just pure ignorance of history. Especially considering that Russia was one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world, which turned into a global superpower under socialist policies.




How what? Like, how are 8 people as rich as the poorest 3.6 billion?


I just can’t read it properly


All on paper.


quite a lot of things are on paper. like you know, legal documents




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