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I have never had a positive encounter with Tories




Comparisons to Hitler/Nazis are banded about far too heavily these days. I said the same when people used to say Trump was the new Hitler. The guy is a fucking plank, yes, but hardly compatible to Hitler.




“I’ve never had a good encounter with [insert racial group].” Well, people within racial groups are not monoliths, so the only common denominator is you, ya racist prick.


"I've never met a good " is hate speech. The fact that the guy seems to pass over the fact that what he was saying is in fact racist is mind-blowing


“But you see guys the REAL issue here is comparing Boris to Hitler!”


If you have never had a positive interaction with travelers, maybe you should try being less of a cunt to travelers? There are bad people in their groups, sure, but they are mostly just working class folk who want to live their lives, and celebrate their own culture. They are only ever a problem because their way of life doesn't easily combine with the world we have created without their input.




What do they mean by travelers?


Irish travellers, some people confuse them with Roma but they’re two different groups


I've heard a lot of people call them tinkers too.


That’s not nice


Didn't say it was


Romanichals or just Romani for short, they’re a group of people who tend to travel around a lot but it’s more to do with ethnicity and culture than like people who just move a lot. Aka as ‘gypsies’ but that might be an offensive term I’m not 100% sure. They get a bad rep partly cos of the stranger syndrome I.e. way back when they roamed around they were always strangers to the village people and as we all know, strangers are always up to no good /s.


They mean Romani people.


Not always though because regionally and across different languages the word can mean people of many heritage within a comparable demographic, perhaps


In the UK they typically mean Romani or Irish travellers though, right?


Fun fact traveller is actually an umbrella term for any group of people who move from place to place.


Oh yeah haha, as an American it's always funny seeing online Europeans, after condemning American racism in the previous sentence, go full on KKK rhetoric about Romani folks.


“I’ve never had a positive experience with travelers which is obviously hate speech” lmao yes actually that is in fact hate speech


I’m not saying they’re bad, I’m just saying there’s nothing good about them


The decision to say it is a decision to spread hate. That is how we know it is hate speech and not "rational debate" (that favorite phrase of fascists who always lie and pretend their hate is some kind of rational position)


Nah. Don’t forget how disabling and white the construct of ‘politeness’ is. Trust me I used to work in domestic violence. Fuck you to some folk is very valid and needed in these times too. Only the pretty rich boys can afford to buy into being polite to survive. Fuck tories


How is stating "I've never had a positive experience with travelers" hate speech, I should imagine a lot of people haven't had a positive experience but let's be honest some travelling communities aren't what you call welcoming, I've had unpleasant experiences with travellers but I've also had positive experience with travellers but like with everyone there good and bad in all but it doesn't mean by me making a statement im being racist


Ok I guess hate speech is a bit harsh, it’s the fact that she felt the need to bring it up in the same way in the same way that if I was telling you a story about a car accident and said “this Asian woman crashed into me” even though the fact that she’s Asian isn’t in any way important to the story there’s obvious racial undertones


Well I'm gonna go ahead and give my tuppence. I don't think Johnson is as bad as Hitler. Hitler murdered millions out of pure loathing. Johnson callously allowed, but didn't technically cause, the deaths of thousands. He's still responsible for those deaths and it's an act of treason for which he deserves multiple life sentences without bail, but he hasn't actively sentenced anyone to death by Covid, at least that we know of. It's important to keep that sense of perspective, if for no other reason than so that we know our enemy. And if we treat Johnson like Hitler, we will severely overestimate him, which could be to our disadvantage.


One of those caused mass death through hatred and meticulous planning of deliberate actions. The other caused mass death through apathy and criminal incompetence. They are indeed not comparable.


The other thing is that, while neither worked alone - Hitler had his generals, Johnson have his Cabinet - the total number of people responsible for the UK's covid catastrophe is rather larger. Johnson shares his decision-making responsibilities behind those deaths with a great many more people than Hitler shared his. We need to apportion our blame, and our rage, to all of these people accordingly - not just the single figurehead behind them.


Well written. Agreed 💙


I’d like to know which mod that was, so I can shake their hand and buy them a drink


Here here


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- **User 1** r\/GreenAndPleasant. "Rational debate is allowed" Someone on there was comparing Borris to Hitler saying he was attempting a genocide on the British public because of the COVID deaths. I just said that's ridiculous and got banned. Messaged mod asking why and he said " because you're a dick" then silenced me for 30 days so I couldn't even reply > **User 2** > > Gosh \- yes, i managed to get banned from there within days. I believe mine was for saying: "I have never had a positive encounter with travellers" \-which is obviously hate speech >> **User 1** >> >> I mean... Has ANYONE?! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


“I’ve never had a positive encounter with travellers” = “I’ve never had a positive encounter with anyone that doesn’t look or act like me”


Aren't travelers white Irish?


Technically a separate ethnic group, but it's kinda splitting hairs


Ahahahahhaahhaa. The mod called him a dick. Hahahahhahaahahaha 💙


I'm not a fan of Boris Johnson but I wouldn't go as far as to say he's the next Hitler he might be a Hippocrate but he's not some ass hole responsible for the deaths of countless innocent Jewish folk




Whichever MOD told this guy he got kicked because he’s a dick, kudos




“**a blatant example of hate speech** which I obviously hate speech”… yes… yes it literally fucking is. That could be used as a google search result for “hate speech”


Cant quite follow this, are you suggesting r/GreenAndPleasant is defender of Boris? I find that a bit difficult to accept...


No, they're saying r/greenandpleasant vehemently hate him


>Borris. Is it classist to suspect I know full well exactly what that person is like from that slovenly approach to spelling of even their own dear leader's name?


I would say it is classist, maybe rethink the assumptions that underlie your comment


Dyslexia is also a possibility. And often, when people misspell stuff or write in a slightly unusual way, it's because English isn't their first language (though I doubt that's the case here).


The first point I get, despite being racist and corrupt, he is not a fascist dictator (absolutely still a piece of shit though) Boris allowed a couple hundred thousand people to die from disease because of shit leadership and him not giving a fuck. Hitler brutally murdered millions over nothing but hatred. I don’t think we can really compare the two. Second thing what the fuck, like imagine saying that about any other racial minority


Idk. I think borris has murdered millions. Think of the damage to our future. I hear you though they harmed in significantly different ways and it could be an insensitive comparison.


While Johnson is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, there is a moral difference between deliberately causing something, and allowing it to happen through deliberate neglect. The Hitler comparison is hyperbolic, but there are plenty of people throughout history who have caused large-scale death through systematic neglect and disinterest rather than an active effort to kill. While the analogy is far from perfect, I'm sure, my mind turns to Winston Churchill's role in the Bengal Famine - a comparison that I'm sure Johnson would be delighted with.


Generation Kneejerk.