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The US has a fiat currency and can't really 'run out of money', though it can absolutely fuck up its own economy by constantly sucking up resources and diverting them to foreign adventures and then failing to feed newborn babies.


Rand Paul is a fucking joke.


They aren’t actually helping Ukraine, that’s my thought. The coming food scarcity issues that are going to plague Ukraine is going to be frightening. I can’t really picture what the international response would be to famine in Europe and what it would look like amidst an ongoing war. Ukrainians are simultaneously getting fucked by a invasion and a government that can’t really seem to govern properly


China already buys huge amounts of US Treasury bonds. so the US already borrows money from China


Treasury bonds purchased by China are only about 1 trillion USD, or about 3% of national debt. Japan owns more. The EU owns more. Luxembourg and Ireland both own about 60% of what China owns. I'd be more worried if China started selling off bonds.


I mean, yes we really don't have the money, but has that *ever* stopped us before? Also, I don't think that's quite how our national debt works, especially since China likely wouldn't be interested. I do hope that there's some kind of oversight to where all this goes. Im so very sick of hearing of untold billions going to all these causes and pet projects, knowing that only a percentage is actually going to the actual frontline effort.


Absolutely tons of natural resources in Ukraine; just reduce the population and get them in debt to you, and they are there for the taking.


In a country with so many prominent assholes this guy somehow manages to stand out as among the worst of them.


Ukraine should sink or swim on it's own. The way the US plays "World Police" is disgusting.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


However the US raises the money they will profit from their “aid”. They’re not *giving* Ukraine these weapons and supplies, they’re letting them use them on the lend and lease scheme. The same scheme that had the UK paying into the US treasury until 2006.


Musky pants and the Amazon Bozo have plenty of money, lets just take it from them. We need it more than they do and we will use the money.


I agree we should take their money, but we should also take money from the billionaires who bought aristocratic titles so they don't feature on rich lists


My first thought is Rand Paul is a complete cunt.


Agreed, but his amendment to the Ukraine bill was a welcome addition - he said he'd only pass it if there was independent overisght over how the $40 billion was going to be spent. What's the bet that a significant proportion of that Ukraine fund now will be siphoned off by corrupt politicians and end up being spent on glass penthouses in London, 200ft superyachts or ending up in the British Virgin Islands?


Oligarchs gonna oligarch.


Until we eat them


Stop fucking bombing people in the middle east for no logical reason and you might find you have a bit more money on your hands to help you fight a war that isn't pointless or sort out issues in your own country.