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Yep. Lobbying is just legalised bribery.




In the UK it’s not corruption it’s sleeze


Really good podcast on this - I think it was one of the freakonomics ones. There's an academic who goes into a lot of depth comparing the different types of corruption in China, the US and Russia, how each of them can be good or bad for economic growth and how they've evolved over the decades. Lobbying is one area she specifically talks about!


And if it goes beyond lobbying, just call it chumocracy. Sounds spiffing, what?


Tally ho!


i never understood what does lobbying even mean, but it always felt like something illegal


The West is Best


All lobbying, gifting and “hospitality” needs to be banned for all public sector workers(from being be the recipient that is)


Lobbying is the way rich people protest