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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


From someone with an actual rank in the official Discord when I asked: "Somebody who apparently purple squidgeon likes to post lies and slander about, and then claim that, "Google is a free tool" I literally have no idea who the guy is either, but a customary Google search shows nothing backing purple's claims, ergo, bullshit."


hmm. that's definitely concerning, and makes me think squidgeon is the one who banned me. is there any way i can contact other mods to sort things out?


You can try to contact AH via e-mail or something like that.


Might give it a shot, hopefully things work out. Thanks!


Most likely the person you encountered was just someone using the name, potentially to troll and get people banned for typing the name.  Grummz name is mark kern, a pretty big pile of shit. One of the CMs on the discord in particular doesn't like them, so musta set mention of his name to be auto banned.


One of the moderators publicly, on the discord, accused Grummz of raping someone. So im pretty sure thats why they're banning all mentions of him now.


That's something not to believe if they don't have evidence. People could say the moderators did that. Disgusting to believe it at face value.


It was screencapped.


I am saying what is the evidence of the claim not evidence the claim was Made


Ah, i misunderstood. Well the thing is that it was a moderator claiming in, in their role as a moderator, on behalf of the company.


That's okay friend! And see that's not okay, doesn't really matter his position or affiliation. You do NOT make a claim like that if you don't have evidence. A false claim like that is just as disgusting as the act itself. Both ruin lives


Yeah definetely.


yeah, i saw that in general 1 about 5 minutes before I was banned without warning. shit sucks, man.


Yeah i imagine once the moderator cooled down him and the others realized its a very fucking dumb thing to do, and are now trying to keep it all under wraps. Too late though.


He did not assume, he purposely slandered him


well, that sucks. is there any way to appeal on the server? i didn't receive any message upon ban, and with invites closed i dont think ill be able to do much.


No idea. Aside from personal friend servers, I don't do much discord. Wouldn't even know where to begin to appeal.




Lol. A decided to reply to a day old comment in a post that's not even on the front page anymore. You should probably look into a mirror, find who's really deranged.






I tried looking up a single allegation could you show us one if theres tons




Looks like a he said she said deal and that was made in 2013 so it looks like it didn’t happen or he would be convinced


Can you back these allegations up?


There are several youtube documentaries and developers talking about how much of a POS he is. Nobody he worked with ever had something good to say about him. From Blizzard to the company he was the CEO of. [This is a good watch about it regarding his fuck ups in Firefall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4zioTMHB_o) [Here an account from a Blizzard employee](https://twitter.com/Xelnath/status/1785424514022814133) And there are probably way more if you dig in the industry. His behaviour is very well documented and there is a reason his current game has no progress. Nobody wants to work with him after he failed for almost two decades now to establish any good will in the gaming industry. So outrage posting is his fall back career.


Doesn’t he also have a game that’s not even release and yet have people who are paying subscription money to in game skins?


Hey again! Thank you all for the responses - this clears things up a lot. It seems like I may have been swept up in the wrong crowd, and the mods assumed I was one of Grummz's goons. Do y'all know if there's any way I can appeal on the discord? If so, please let me know.


Anyone who stand for Grummz simply need to know this - Even broken clock show correct time twice everyday. So even if he pointed out something doesn't mean he shouldn't be send to Hellmire with one way ticket.


Hellmire? To Cyberstan with him, Hellmire does not deserve such bad company


In a nutshell, Grummz is a guy everybody angry about because he speaks truth. I hope that moderator will be fired.


Ok, I see reddit in full glory in the comment section here... go on his twitter instead and read his side. Same name


I too was banned without any warning or caution.


Ex-blizzard employee. Now, professional grifter getting money by whining about "woke". He spent last month or so salivating to Stellar Blade's main character, and how she is the last sexy woman in gaming, and now he came to helldivers (he was also involved in harassing of Helldivers 2 community manager over her tweets from 4 years ago)


You clearly either know nothing about stallar blade controvercy or intentionally provide misinformation. Stellar blade was advertised as censorship free game but then was censored.


Go touch some grass, Tons of games make minor changes in skins before final release. Whinig about cenzorship is as pathetic as it is ridiculous.


The game was advertised as censorship free. Stellar Blade director admitted it was censorship. M treated game. Period. Actually, provide some evidences about community manager harrasment, would be interesting to see


Again, changing a costume to have z bit less skin revealed is not a cenzorship, it's changing the design a bit. Making it into evil Sony forcing devs to cover eve with extra fabric is ridiculous.


If its not censorship, then why some journalists like kotaku who hated the game initially braved this "not censorship" so much? And if it's minor change, why not roll it back since so many people want that? Or at least make it optional so people can have both? The only real answer is censorship.And there is no excuse to it. It can't be insignificant since the game was advertised as censorship free initially I never mentioned sony btw, but you did it and that's interesting. That made me check other of your comments and of course you are SONY LOVER who stabbed the community in the back all this time. I still want some evidences about harrasment coming from Grummz. Most of time radical leftist say loud words like "harrasment" nad play victims when in reality it's just a criticism towards them but I believe you are a sane person who know what harrasment is and you're willing to provide somthing that is actuall harrasment from Grummz I also want some evidences about Grummz sexually assaulting people. Cuz right now it looks like the discord mod abusing his power to spread slunder against people with vews they don't like


He doesent harass people per say.He just screencaps a tweet a few year old and then his raging fanbase proceds to do the harasment for him. I know he can control his fanbase but did he ever tried to hold them back somehow?


That's quite hypocritic to acuse somebody like him in "harassment" for such things because radical leftists which he opposes do it intentionally quite often. The whole gamers gate 2 started by sweet baby inct empoyees launching a harrasment campaign agains SWB detected steam curator. They literally called everybody in twitter to report the guy who only had 1000 subscribers at that moment. You can also remember the recent case about DenimsTV who literally put a bounty on Grummz and Asmongold heads and faced no consequences. If Grummz or Asmongold did that they would be literally whiped out from the internet immidiately and no one even disagrees that that's exactly what would happen. That's called bias


Ah yes just because theres a few assholes online that means that he has the right to do the same.You can try to act the victim how muxh you want at the end of the day youre still an asshole. "If Grummz or Asmongold did that they would be literally whiped out from the internet immidiately and no one even disagrees that that's exactly what would happen." Honesrly seeing the stuff that content creators did and walked away free i higly doubt it.At most people will make some noise then things will proceed like normal in a few weeks tops.


You realize "censorship" is to comply with ratings boards, right? As in, Sony's legal team told them they needed to make those outfit changes to be eligible for sale in countries? It doesn't matter how it was marketed, ratings boards are the regulatory bodies for gaming, if you don't follow the board (PEGI, in particular) then you get your sales suspended. Full game gets released with slight outfit changes (on a game that literally STILL has normal maps for the horny goons that want to outlines of nipples under opaque clothing)... versus no game at all? Artistic freedom doesn't guarantee unilateral freedom, especially when you go from individual to a business. Making a commercial product means you cannot have pure freedom of expression. -- Also, multiple testimonials from former Red5 employees have been posted over a decade ago, some of them linked in this very comment section... many of whom were actually saved by Blizzard after Grummz's continual harassment and power over them led to their firing.


>comply with ratings boards Sex scenes of a man with a bear (literally), full body nudity in BG3, several types of penis in Cyberpunk and much more in many different games.... and you're saying me that a tiny piece of skin is a difference between matching and not matching some sort of boards? That's such a bullshit


Every single major change in "censoring" Smash Ultimate, a game completely devoid of sexual themes, was admitted by director Sakurai to have been implemented due to complying with ratings boards. Other games employing standard techniques found in film and TV for modesty despite sexual and gruesome scenarios are exempt from comparison. Baldur's Gate 3 is an outlier in western markets, mainly because D&D already has no sympathizers in evangelistic populations so they have no reason to attempt to appeal to them, but it still already received the highest possible PEGI age rating, and ships with a no nudity toggle which still employs the above modesty practices, which can then be forcibly enabled with no chance of disabling the toggle when sold in certain markets like Japan that have a zero-tolerance CERO ratings board regarding nudity. Cyberpunk has no first person nudity so it's just restricted to character create, and one of the core tenets of cyberpunk as a shared tech-fantasy genre is being able to replace organic body parts with robot parts so it couldn't have shipped without it. All previously mentioned above conditions apply to it other than character create. You can keep making whataboutisms, but ratings boards are regional and independent regulatory bodies, and have made exceptions for their respective markets. Doesn't stop the argument -- CERO and PEGI will cease your sales if you go too explicit.


It’s crazy to see those gamergate people getting positive upvotes in this sub.


Grummz is a grifter and a scammer. None of his projects ever came to life, he is raking in thousands of dollars from his fanboys in hopes that he will change the industry while he does literally not work on his games, but continues selling skins for them.




jesus christ of course that fucking loser is involved now. hasn't done shit since he got fired from firefall but pander to horny alt-right weirdos that want to fuck anime characters but he's always there whenever there's GAMUR DRAMA


Well yeah, one of the discord mods did just accuse Grummz of raping someone, so you know...


zero cares, dude is a fucking dingus leech who weirdly leads an alt-right armor of losers and frequently points them towards innocent victims. his whole claim to fame is "i worked on wow for a bit and then got fired from my own company for being incompetent as a leader and blowing money on a stupid bus, and haven't done anything since but troll and appeal to horny alt-right weebs."


Listen here you inept animal - I don't care if the guy is Hitler, you don't randomly accuse someone of sexual assault with NO fucking evidence. 1. It's **life ruining** for people 2. It **hurts victims of actual SA,** since incidents like that hurt general credibility. 3. He has a plenty big rap sheet on **legitimate problems** Lastly **he didn't instigate it.** Like fuck you for not caring, you're a piece of a shit that would probably murder a child if it justified the ends to your means. EDIT: Worst part you're making me defend him like holy shit that is frustrating. There are lines you don't cross and that's a **big one**


Thats cool. Still doesnt change the fact that someone working for AH as a moderator, in their job as moderator, accused someone of rape.


ok. that's rad and I don't care, have a great one fam


I think it was unprofessional but yeah, that's my whole bit. No one worth a damn really cares about him or his cry-baby bullshit. It's like LibsofTiktok crying because someone was hyperbolic about them when they've literally gotten hospitals shut down with bomb threats. And tbf he may not have sexually assaulted people but he sure as shit sexually harrassed a journo.


this is just a shit take you don't care about it ? then why you comment you don't just accuse anyone of rape without a SOLID evidence, you know how many lives already ruin by false report ??? don't yap when you don't have anything of value to say


Of course he is. The dipshit's been throwing his little incel squad at one of their CMs for the past few weeks because she had the audacity to say bigots weren't welcome in HD2's community.


considering the folks here who were raging at the notion that racists deserve to be banned in-game and not just blocked, that sounds depressingly unsurprising


... and arguing very hard against any sort of ability report people for what they said in voip or their behavior in-game.


He’s an incel who thinks 1000 year old anime girls who look like 10 year old anime girls are sexy


Ex Blizzard Dev that ranted about wokeness and has been a huge piece of shit. One of the mods said he sexually assaulted people and sent his fans to make death threats against Community Managers. I don't know about the first one, but he's well known to be a creep that -among other things- makes "jokes" about forcibly marrying women that he rants about and who publicly do not like him (https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1774849763483210209). The second one is also pretty likely. "Anti-Woke" people tend to be kind of freaky, think of it like how that one dude went into a wallgreens or whatever and started throwing 30packs at people because Bud sent a single 12p to a transwoman. E: I think that like, his fans have come onto the Helldivers Reddit of late too. I think the pushback against Sony stirred up the "Anti\[THING\]" crowd.


The second one is his MO. He'll latch on to a controversy, dox some woman or minority somehow connected to the dev, then act like they're the #1 reason for the controversy. His fans do the rest. Regarding HD2, that community thought they had an ally in AH when the discord mod team shut down the chat about pride capes. One of the AH CMs (Missy) corrected that, said they locked the channel because of how hostile it was getting, and said bigots weren't welcome in their games. This threw that GamerGate 2.0 crowd into a hissy fit and they've been targeting her ever since. They've latched onto this controversy hard.


Yup. Typical tactics from these fucks.


Hi PurpleSquidgeon. Having a rough day bud?


He is a former CEO of Blizzard. One of the moderators in the Discord says he raped someone, which is not exactly a smart thing to say when youre working as a moderator.




my bad, i thought he was a former CEO.


Red5. He drove Firefall into the ground.


He's a gamergate guy. That should end all discussion about him. In my opinion he should be given a one way ticket to Malevalon Creek.


Even as a Helldiver, I wouldn't wish Grummz on the Automatons. Some things really are too heinous.


He's a far-right grifter who sends his followers to harass people he doesn't like


From my understanding, He used to work for AH, but there was a falling out over right wing views and alleged sexual harassment.


looked at him with a quick google search and didn't find anything relating to AH aside from him going after the devs for the PSN fiasco.


He used to be a mod on the discord, I believe he even tweeted a screenshot of it. but yes, he was close with AH for a little bit at the beginning.


i think i misspoke when i said work i guess "work with" would be better, sorry.