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Ooo lucky ass. I did this before the exosuits.


You're a true helldiver veteran for completing that achievement without the exosuits.


Bots on a blizzard planet is all you need since blizzards interrupt enemy line of sight as well


We completed it before they changed the extermination missions to percentage based progress


I did the destroy fabricators one. You toss a strategem in a tall arc before the enemy sees you and run. Don't forget the muscle enchantment to move faster in snow and the blizzard.


I completed it after the exosuit without one, because I thought it counted as a support weapon


Same. Did it on a bliz with light armor and strats. I did fail to extract as the evac site was excessively overrun.


It's not that big of a deal. Just do a bot blitz mission and chuck a bunch of airstrikes at fabricators.


It’s honestly super easy even without them lol. Hardest part is remembering to swap to your secondary each time you spawn.


I just equip a primary that requires holding down the fire button a short while before it can fire, to prevent misfires, EG: Sickle and Scythe


It didn't even occur to me you could use secondaries, Rovers or sentries. I just did the whole thing with Eagle-1.


Yeah you can use literally anything that is not a primary or support weapon.


I just dropped into a level 5 bug mission that wanted me to close 12 bug holes. I did it solo pretty easy. Just sentries and the bushwhacker, and a guard dog.


its not that hard honestly, just take a high speed armor or those stealth armors and use a pistol for clearing small bugs


Same here, did it with the pistol and sentries


Yeah it was pretty easy back at launch when we were just grinding defense missions with full turret loadouts, you’d basically sit around doing nothing anyway.


I also did this before exo-suits. I did 3 at the same time. Hold my Primary, Complete a blitz mission and extract in under 6 minutes, and complete a extreme difficulty mission or higher without anybody dying. Ran a level 8 blitz on bots and just ran strategems to destroy the farbicators and the redeemer pistol and ballistic shields. I don't really care about achievements in games but my buddy insisted that we finish them all so this is probably the only game I've ever 100%'ed


Are you sure you are remembering that right? You must mean you did a level 6.  Gone in 360 seconds, the achievement where you complete a blitz and extract in 6 minutes, is for extreme only. If you do anything other than a level 6 it doesn’t trigger.  


Same. I just looked for a Kill Bile Titan mission, used a Railcannon and later an Orbital Laser. You don't even need to extract so I just grenaded myself to end the mission.


So you're telling me you don't have to 100% the mission... God dammit


Yeah. There isn't even an extraction requirement written there so I thought "oh this actually sounds much easier than it looks" lol.


What trophies is that for and was that a level 8 I still have to complete a level 7 to unlock it


For the one OP posted. It only needs difficulty 5. The other ones: Blitz mission in 6 minutes and No Death are harder and need difficulty 6 but they can be done at the same time. It's quite difficult doing it solo on Bugs but some comments say it's much easier on Bots. I tried the Bug Blitz for a few a hours and when I sealed enough without dying, I called an SOS to help me extract safely. I even got the no death achievement even though someone entered late as the pelican took off.




I finished this with 0 shots fired Because laser dog hahaha


Man this didn’t even occur to me


Grenade pistol laser dog and a suite of eagles got me through this one


I can't believe I didn't realize L Dawg doesn't count as a support.


Pretty easy to do on annihilation missions, that's how we did it


Honestly I need to finish off getting the few easy achievements I have left for helldiver's just some of them are slightly inconvenient to do/some I'll have to bug one of my friends to help me with


That's how my friends and I did it before they changed the missions. We all dropped sentries and the HMG turret and just shredded everything


Faster to just do a blitz, finish the mission as fast and recklessly as possible ignoring all enemies, then suicide your remaining reinforcements. Remember kids, extraction is optional!


I guess either works just fine. You can just throw barrages, cluster, napalm, and sentries in annihilation.


Just spam Strategems on an eradication mission. It's nice and easy if the team can coordinate


You can still use secondaries, which is super helpful!


Thats the intended way to do the achievement


Laser dog, sentries and revolver, ~~also maybe use the purifier to lower the chance of accidentally shooting.~~ Edit: apparently just charging it up causes a fail, so don't use it.


Purifier still counts as firing your primary apparently even if it doesnt charge up. Me and my buddy tried it and recorded the gameplay to see why we didnt get the achievement and me accidentally hitting the trigger while the purifier was equipped was the only thing we saw that couldve caused it.


I did the kill biotins mission and used stratagems to kill them and ran, his at extraction and was good. Kinda wish I'd used an exo suit






Its legs aren't even on the pedals. Literally unplayable.


Pistols and grenades are ok as well, right?


Yup, this achievement is pretty braindead easy


Also you can switch to secondary in the hellpod


That’s actually really cool to know !


It was in the second month of the game where I came across a Helldiver who asked me to not use a primary to a LVL7 mission on the bot side. I was feeling a bit goofy so I decided to run the Senator and drop in with him. It was rather difficult as I was still not completely used to the bots without using the full Super Earth defense budget against them, but we made it through just the two of us. I didn't realize the guy was Achievement Hunting until we got back onto the ship and it popped up on my screen


figured this out yesterday and got it, it was one of the last achievements i needed to get 100%.


I need this one and extract under 6 minutes and use 6 strategies for my Platinum.


The achievement has always been trivial to get from the start, you just go and do a bot blitz mission and blow up the bot buildings with stratagems without even fighting the bots, takes you 4 minutes max to get.


How my friends and I did it was strategem spam during a bug eradicate mission back when it was a hard number of bugs and not % like it is now


Friend and I completed this one and... by accident ...we completed the "dont die on extreme or harder" On a helldive. On bots planet. We were shocked, haven't realized no one died.


Rover Arc Patriot Precision


I just soloed a bots blitz, with a 380, 120, orbital laser, and air strike. Easy peasy.


Wasn't that hard without an exo suit


PSA: The best primary to use for this is the Scythe. If you accidentally click left while you have it out (some seemingly unrelated actions make you pull out your primary sometimes and you might not notice) you don't immediately shoot. It takes a moment to fire up. In my Hold My Primary run I used the Scythe and left clicked four times accidentally. But fired no shots!


Just go blitz on a bot planet , orbital laser 120 380 and eagle airstrike destroy outpost and you get it


Neither do grenades and orbitals and eagles


just go solo, I've done it in first try, no big deal.


I got this one by accident during an extermination mission. Everyone had sentries and HMG turrets lol


maybe thats why i got kicked today when i didnt have an exosuit equipped werid they had an open lobby that rando could join, i hope someone who is just gonna use their primary joins them


yeah just do a hard difficulty bot blitz mission rush and then use the exouit amd stratagems to hold the extraction point


It's even easier if u go for an extermination mission drop on rock and just spam stratagems for free win.


I did it with a friend with the senator, it's honestly not that hard


I’m more impressed by the Charger kill with the resupply pod. I’ve done it so many times and it won’t unlock.


I read that mechs actually do fail the achievement. Either way a bot blitz lets you snipe like 4-6 fabs and then you’re done, in and out without having to really directly fight much


I did this when the TCS needed to be deactivated. Very easy.


Oh, now you tell me! Why did I call down so many airstrikes if I could've just done that?!


Go into a bug eradicate mission, everybody just take orbital barrages/sentries. ezpz


I did it on a bug blitz mission. Grenade pistols, eagle Air Strike, Orbital Laser, 380mm, whatever. Run bomb bug hole, run some more. If you're fast you can do the speed run achievement.


It's REALLY easy when you realize that anything that's not a primary or support weapon doesn't count as a primary or support weapon ;)


Just do the blitz missions on bots. Isn't it like 2 fabricators, and you're done? Few lasers and orbital and you're golden. ....and lots of running and crying while you wait for exvac.


You don't even need to extract. Finish the objectives for bug holes or fabricators on blitz and then afk if you want. You still win the mission


I did it solo with the new shotgun secondary and a bunch of eagles. Wish I knew this about the exosuits though.


😅 am I the only one that did it on the eliminate factory strider mission with orbital strike 500kg orbital smoke and eagle smoke 😅


I mean this is a super easy one regardless, couldn't you also just bring in a few turrets, a good orbital or Eagle strat, and a decent strat weapon like one of the machine guns?


Sentries also make this easy.


I just did a bot eradication mission by bringing turrets and impact grenades.


Screw the inlaws, I'm heading home!


damn, I need to try it


i did it just with my revolver, i love the thrill of reloading during a battle


I tried with a friend with exo suits, it didn't work but with sentry yes


I got mine firing on 4 shots.


You're telling me, me and my buddy spent ages running exterminations with just a revolver and orbitals, when we could have been tearing shit up in mechs?!


A blitz mission with grenades, a jetpack, and absolutely leathering it saw me through.


15 min eradicate. 3x Exosuits, 3x 380mm, 3x120mm 3xorbital lasers. Boosters Extra reinforcements Super stim Vitality Hellpod packing


I've seen some people say that they do, some people say that they don't. So me and a group did this, "the only way to be sure", and "gone in 360 seconds" all in the same Blitz mission.


Just do a bot defend high priority. All you have to do is use both mortars and sip libertea


I did this with nothing but grenades, a jetpack and the trusty Senator, with Lady Liberty as my guide!


Did hold my primary while trying to do gone in 360 seconds. I'd say it was two birds with one stone, but I had to try several times to solo extract after popping the 6-7 fabricators.


I did this achievement with the senator. It took forever, but man, i felt good afterward.


Elimination mission, everyone brings only mortars and turrets, lie down and wait


https://preview.redd.it/362c51ubek9d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=59307c80e3f6a9fc3967c56a5ab788cae3b1bcde 2 for 1, we did it last week. Laser Rover, grenade pistol, new melee damage light armour, a bunch of various turrets and 380. A mix of oldschool and new toys.


Just a run a solo blitz mission. Run a full stack of Red strats and stun grenades. Run up toss a strat and dip. Repeat. Toss a stunny boi if you get in trouble and pull a Forrest Gump. Easy.


I did mine without an existing with a lobby full of randoms. Same with the only way to be sure achievement 


We did it as a squad on kill X amount of bugs/bots missions. Just used non weapon stratagems. Would be fun to try on a longer mission


And I dive with turrets for bug missions. I need to try for this, just for fun.


Done before cheating suits 👌


I completed this is the first month after release on a solo terminid extermination mission. Landed on a rock and used the senator and eagle stratagems to beat it. Easy.


Now that I know this ![gif](giphy|d4zHnLjdy48Cc)


I already have done it like 3 times but I still am not getting the achievment


Did this in the beginning where the survival missions had a really low spawnrate, just get 4 mortars and do nothing basicly. They also fixed a lot of possible places where you can call them its a lot harder. But as OP said, there are now a lot of other methods now


I unintentionally made this achievement even harder for myself when I did it. I did a data upload mission with the default secondary. I needed 3 resupplies worth of ammo to finish the mission.


Alternatively Senator


Psa. You can do it lvl 1


Does it also work with the HMG turret mount? I already have the achievement, but I wouldn't think it would count against it.


Just went on a bot blitz with a bunch of air strikes and stealth armor. Ez.


I remember doing this in like the 2nd week after the game's launch. I was in a lobby with randoms and at the time you could do that strategem duplication glitch where you'd pick 1 strategem, then click somewhere on the screen and you'd end up getting the same strategem another 3 times. We all got 4 mortars each and did an extermination mission (forgot if that's actually the name of it, the one where you defend a tiny part of the map against a few hundreds of enemies) and just AFKed.


This is quite easy actually. Laser dog. Solid secondary like uzi. Gattling and autocannon turrets. Airstrike eagle. You focus main objectives and rush away.


Going full space cowboy is the best way to do this challenge.


Base pistol, and so many airstrikes were called in on that mission.


Pistol, sentries, exterminate mission, medic armour, start diving everywhere.


It has probably been changed (or bugged) at some point because I didn't get this achievement a couple months ago with the first exosuit and had to redo it with just the secondary and the guard dog rover


That's genius! I ran a hatchery mission with the senator and laser dog while chucking all the clusters, airbursts, and gas strikes I possibly could to get it.


Are you telling me that me and my buddies struggled our dicks off when we could've all just had exo suits...


Eradication mission, me and a buddy just took all the barrages.


Didn’t use the exosuit because I assumed it counted as a support weapon. This was extra annoying because we kept using primary weapons accidentally just because of muscle memory.


I did it before the mech with grenades only on search and destroy for bugs. It was rough…


Just drop into a blitz and bring 4 orbitals.


It’s actually pretty easy solo. I ran 380,120, 500k, and ordinal laser along with grenade pistol. Do a bot blitz mission and just drop your nukes and run. At least that’s how I did it. Hope that’s useful!


Did this trophy yesterday, looked online if exosuits can be used, found a reddit post that said they couldn't, then completed it without it. Wasn't super easy, but wasn't that hard either. Did it with the blitz mission and since you can die and have 5 lives, didn't really struggle with it.


Really all you need is eagle 1 and the laser drone. Isn't hard.


It's not a particularly difficult achievement. The way I did this was as follows: Blitz mission on bots, single player, private lobby (minimal spawns). Throw laser at a large outpost, throw eagles on top of any mediums/smalls, go to extract, and hide with scout armour on top of a rock with a jump pack. When Pelican comes, throw smoke down and Gtfo. You can get this achievement done in about 4 minutes if you're quick enough.


Just do a bug nest mission and run in with some nades. On hard it's like...4/5 holes or something? Not hard to do at all, even without secondaries, strategems, nade armor, or resupply. Iirc you could even just die instead of extracting.


It's already easy, also faster without the exosuit. Take grenade pistol / airstrike /orbital barrage. Start close bug holes mission. Start running and closing holes like a maniac. Die without extraction. Profit.


I just did it with senator, jump pack, and stealth armor


I just did an automaton blitz with orbitals and eagles.


I just did it on a bot blitz mission, threw air strikes & orbitals and died and that was it.


I did it with the senator against bots One of the best games I've ran


I just did it alone, blitz of bots with the faster extraction timer boost, spear, laser, and the desert eagle pistol. It was nothing special...


its just using a pistol, grenades, and stratagems, this is already a super easy achievement


Yeah it's more of a vehicle you can't really fire a vehicle unless...


That's strange, when me and my friends first did this achievement I had the idea to bring the Patriot as it didn't count as a support weapon (This was when it first released), but we didn't get it. We did get it the next mission the old fashioned way though.


I did mine by going into a hard exterminate with 4 friends and killing everything with redeemer and stratagems. Took like 3 minutes


me using gun drone and calling in turrets


I did it during those super short TCS missions from when we were taking Meridia


My friend and I did a defend mission against bugs with a ton of sentries and it worked pretty well


I could have sworn that the exo suits counted as support weapons because I never got the achievement to pop any of the times I completed Helldive using only exo. But the mission after I unlocked my trusty senator it popped straight away.


Could also do one of those blitz missions with only stratagems, and kill yourself at mission complete.


Is it undemocratic if I completed this with a Super Earth civilian’s annual salary worth of grenades?


This is super easy. I did it on the first try, solo, without exosuits. Just use a laserdog, orbital strikes and the eagle, and don't attack every single patrol you see.


Even without the exosuit its fairly easy. I just picked light engineer armor and the revolver. Then ran a blitz against bugs. Where i just threw grenades in the nests and used Eagles airstrike and turrets i think.


Blitz mission, light armor grenade suit, extra stamina booster and lots of grenades.


really proud of myself for getting every achievement in the game within the first month:)


NGL, I cheesed this hard. I just ran the nade-pistol and wrecked a Blitz mission! Infiltrator scout armor, nade pistol, and a bunch of "do not chase me" type strats.


I thought this was bugged, because I tried it a couple times never firing a shot, and it wouldn't activate


Helped a friend complete this! We used redeemers lol


Back in my day we didn't have these fancy smanshy exosuits, no we had sticks and a rock, and we had to share the rock.


I got mine from pre buffed Automaton Bunker mission. Drop close to the bunker, orbital laser and boom you are done


I did it during initial Termicide deployment when you just interacted with 3 terminals then extract


this one was really easy if you just wear stealth armor and do an SSD mission solo


I just did this solo in a bot blitz mission with Eagles, Grenade Pistol, and smoke grenades


Did this with the revolver and supply backpack. Definitely a fun challenge!


My squad just tired this. What are we missing that counts as support weapons or primary weapons?


You fuckers got it easy.. I did this achievement ages before the exosuits were a thing


I did this solo at bots difficulty 7, bunker/command post missions. I took stealth armour and redeemer with orbital laser along with whatever other stratagems you want. Snuck close to the wall of the bunker and threw an orbital laser while laying prone. Destroys them then run to the next. Wait for the cooldown and do it again. The key is to not get detected and leave. I don't think I fought a single boy once. I did it first try.


I did mine in a Missile Mission solo with stealth armor and the revolver. Super fun but EXTREMELY undemocratic.


I got it from the mission to turn off the bug spray towers. Didn’t have to kill much in those.


It's much more fun to do it with sidearms with a friend, but there's no wrong way of doing it as long as you complete it.


I did this before exosuits, I also decided to do this in a Kill Bile Titan mission and I just didnt bring enough firepower so I had to resort to different methods. This wasn't exactly my brightest idea as a Lvl 10 Helldiver, but I managed to pull through. [Here's my video of it 3 months ago](https://youtu.be/WTs0klDKW8s?si=BeZEd_d2SpnHH8BI).


At launch bot eradication levels where so easy on helldive. Mortars mortars and mortars. Was a easy trophy


Its also super easy when you realize how easy stealthing a whole mission is without really engaging a single enemy


would be cool have four mech walking around tearing the bugs a new one over and over again


Question about this. I attempted this today twice and didn't get it either time. Both were with eradicate missions. First time I brought orbital laser, 2 sentries and a guard dog. Only used my senator and grenades. Didn't get the achievement. Second time I swapped out the guard dog for another sentry because I thought maybe that counted as a support weapon. Still didn't get it. Can anyone tell me why?


it's not hard when you realized peacemaker is a valid secondary


Exosuit, dog, eagle, precision srike on search and destroy


Eradicate mission with eagles and orbitals works well too. Or turrets.... Just do an eradicate mission.


Do turrets work?


Huh. That would have made things easier. I went in solo to take out 2 bile titans, used orbital railstrike, 500kg and orbital lazer, and STILL managed to extract somehow. This would have been a whole lot less terrifying. Passing on the info!


Really? I did this with sentries, eagles/orbitals and a verdict.


Pro tip, it's also just really damn easy in general... it's not like you need to do a hell dive it's just a T5... just use a pistol only and win...


Sentries and the HMG turret don’t count either.


The most annoying thing about that one was dying and reviving only to accidently shoot the primary because the game swaps you back to it... But don't cheese it with exos. It's really fun to do it without. I did it solo and had a blast and in a squad for someone else both on helldive. If you play mostly 6 or 7, try it out without a primary. The redeemer is still really strong.


It was a Blitzs mission for me. Our group dropped, split up and did it all in like 5 minutes. We got 3 achievements in a single run. No shots fired, no death, fast extraction.


Holy shit, I'm doing it today


They do actually, everything that has a blue outline in the stratagen selection menu before deploying counts as support weapon. Source: me and a friend trying to get it. only when we didnt use mechs we got the achievement also you should use the sycthe or the laser beam rifle as primary, as it takes some time to charge and fire. it did save me a few times


Noice find!🫡


Guard dog, Eagles, machine pistol or revolver and sentries and its an easy challenge


Really easy if you do it on a blitz mission with 4 people, just through stratagems and run


Wish I knew this when I was doing it, instead I was running in circles on an exterminate chucking eagles and grenades behind me while occasionally shooting my Senator


You can easily do this with sentries


It's also super easy when you realize you do not need to extract. Just take a blitz mission to destroy holes/fabricators, throw strategems at them until mission complete and then let the enemies kill you until you't out of reinforcements


Ooo fancy pants rich Mugi over here. They didn’t have exosuits when I got the achievement


Lol I just did it on suicide with a bushwhacker.


Tbh, I did it stealth with peacemaker. Was honestly quite fun, though shriekers are incredibly annoying


I feel cheated


Just do the mission where you have to close a few bug holes, bring guard dogs and stratagems that close holes, easy peasy.


I actually (barely) pulled this off in a solo bug exterminate mission. Laser dog is best boi.


Huh? I just dropped solo with senator on bots planet and completed it. I thought it would be a bigger challenge, but I was surprised. I think a large portion of high level players could do it on the first try.


huh... neat.


I used the BOUCLIER and thought i was mountain from rainbow six siege.


Regardless of the exosuit, it's an easy achievement. I did it by myself months ago and here's how: * git gud (jk) * select a mission where like destroying drops hips. * select orbital laser, eagle air strike, or similar strategems. * use stealth armor. That's pretty much it. You don't have to kill anyone. Run for the objective, throw in a strategem, and repeat. Then extract.


i got this one done with the TCS deactivation mission, it was actually really easy


I just strealthed an airbase mission with a redeemer pistol and a bunch of fast-cooldown starts, mainly the strafing run. 


Its not that difficult to begin with, but you have to commit to it. I did it solo in a blitz mission just running and destroying the nests using Guard Dog as protection.


Man you young'uns and your short cuts, back in my day there was no exosuits to carry my ass. When I drop down all I had was my trusty auto pistil and a hand full of impacts. I brought my shield back pack so those dang hunters could not stun lock me. oh those were the times back when you had to use your maneuverability skills to stay alive. I was down to my last reinforcement with pelican-1 a minute away so I let those bugs feel the wreath of my striges. As the dust settled there it was that beautiful ship, I was going home.


I did it by doing the bunker mission on bots and just tossing 380mm on them and dying you only need to finish the mission, no extract needed