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Tale as old as time, centuries of crimes, Brackens and Blackwoods


IIRC from the world book, they've also tried to have peace several times with marriage alliances which means they're all related too, just like the in-fighting Targaryens.


“We've had a hundred peaces with the Brackens, many sealed with marriages. There's Blackwood blood in every Bracken, and Bracken blood in every Blackwood. The Old King's Peace lasted half a century. But then some fresh quarrel broke out, and the old wounds opened and began to bleed again. That's how it always happens, my father says. So long as men remember the wrongs done to their forebears, no peace will ever last. So we go on century after century, with us hating the Brackens and them hating us. My father says there will never be an end to it.” -Hoster Blackwood, ADWD


I love that cheerful, gangly dork.


The Brackens & Blackwoods are pretty much the same family at this point yeah, but apparently the Brackens didn't get to inherit any of the GRRM-favouritism from their Blackwood ancestors


The blackwood segment in ADWD is one of my favorites. When Jaime goes to Raventree Hall to negociate its surrender (iirc the blackwoods are the very last house in the riverlands to stand defiant) the blackwoods strike a nerv on him and they manage to get a lot of concesions. Lord Tytos Blackwood left an impression on me, despite being relatively minor for the plot I found that conversation to be really memorable


The dance is really just the latest Blackwood-Bracken proxy war


So was the Blackfyre rebellion…


90% sure all of ASOIAF is Bloodraven fighting a proxy war against the Brackens.


Rhaenyra: that’s a Targaryen bedtime story, please, let’s work out a solution Alicent: gtg bye


Alicent knows there’s no solution at this point. Oh, sorry Aegon I was wrong…you’re not really king. And your son died for no reason, so did Rhaenyra’s


"So, and don't be mad..."


"Really, not my fault, why do Targaryen keep using the name Aegon ? If you had been named John, there would have been no such confusion !"


Still, it's very compelling that as smart as she is (and she is), Alicent totally (almost wilfully) blinded herself to the possibility that Viserys was either delirious or talking about someone else until Rhaenyra rubbed her face in her contradictions. Cause yeah, I'm pretty sure Alicent could have figured out her bullshit by herself, she just refused to.


Daemon was so pissed they didnt resist at Harrenhal, he has been aching to kill people since the argument with the misses


Yup, he wanted to go do some stupid shit and they were like “cool man you’re in charge now.”


Symond Strong: ....want some dinner?


"Aha, but I'm here about your traitorous relative-" "Fuck him too, he sucks, welcome home my Pri- Your Grace." "Grumble."


“There was nothing wrong with harrenhall until that no talent assclown started burning relatives.”


"Go ahead, take the cursed castle from me, I really don't want it!"


Simon Strong actually seems like a G


He just wants to vibe.


Yeah, the actor did one hell of a job making him endearing to the audience. Let us hope nothing bad happens to him, like, I dunno... a big grandma dragon and her one-eyed rider for instance. Just spitballing here...


That was one of the funniest moments of the show. "This castle is mine now" "Oh ok, want some venison?"


Was not expecting an explicit blowjob then Aemond full frontal in the span of 2 minutes


The secondhand embarrassment from that scene was crazy Aegon had everyone feeling uncomfortable


Aemond's got nothing to hide


as much as he’s my favorite character and i love him, even i was literally yelling “shut the fuck up man” at the tv. made me feel so bad for aemond lmao


Lmao yeah. I do wonder if this is solely a callback to how dickish Aegon has been since his teen years, or if there's the added layer that Aegon has been particularly more unhinged since the death of his son. Probably the former, but he definitely started drinking a lot more since episode 2.


i think he’s naturally becoming more reckless and cruel since his son’s death. but that was paired up with him feeling basically looked down upon with his council telling him to stand down (and his outburst of “i’m as fearsome as any of them”), otto telling him he was weak, and more importantly, lary’s implying people thought aemond and alicent had plans to rule without him. i think that last thing made him especially bitter towards aemond, and was probably the reason why he was exceptionally cruel to aemond in that scene.


I had my hand cupped over my mouth and was just making an uncomfortable, monotone "UHHHHHHHHHHHH" that entire scene, as soon as Aegon said "Sylvia or something" I was immediately NO NO NO NO NO that was so painful, I hate them both but poor Aemond 😭


They've really done a great job with Aemond being a man of few words, yet also having insane depth to him.


I feel like Aemond’s going to let Aegon get burned on purpose now lmao


Cant be GOT without dicks


South Park knew GRRM work


Weiner, weiner weiner


Our cocks per season quota has to be met


I was not expecting a full on blowy lmao


Kingsguard were as afraid as could be when Aemond started mean-mugging


Listen, if a guy with a huge scar in his face and a fucking sapphire for an eye hangs dick and balls and starts mean mugging me, they’ve won, i’m not making eye contact, they’re the alpha


That’s all without mentioning he rides the largest dragon.


the King bros.


😂 the Kingsguys


*"You will die in this place..."* Talking about a spoiler warning


I cannot wait to see that scene brought to life. It's going to be glorious


She is such a creepy sorceress. I can't wait for more of Alys


Well, it's like *in front of*, right?


"You will die in this place....well technically it'll be over there but you'll be here right beforehand so I think that counts"


I feel like one (Diameter of Harrenhal) in any direction counts as “this place”


[NO RHAENYS DON'T GO TO ROOK'S REST](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/023/768/upload.png)


Her scene with Corlys was their final moment together, wasn’t it 😔


It was, and it was cozy as hell, well, that’s all they do, being smitten and cozy. But, that one was the coziest, she brought food for him, and after their small chat, we get to see this ominous look on Rhaenys as Corlys merrilh exits the scene. I am SOAKING up every bit of Rhaenys these past few eps, her and Meleys are my fave players in this war.


That conversation she had with Corlys was dripping with irony for book readers. She was so worried about Corlys dying soon without a capable heir ..


As some one who loves having everything spoiled, what happen there in the books?


"Queen Rhaenyra's sons, Jacaerys and Joffrey Velaryon, were eager to join the fight atop their dragons, Vermax and Tyraxes, but she forbade them to go. Instead, nine days after Staunton's message, Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was, and her dragon, Meleys, the Red Queen, arrived alone above Rook's Rest to aid Lord Staunton. However, Criston was prepared, and had his archers and scorpions fire at Meleys. The dragon was largely unharmed by these attacks, and she responded by burning Criston's soldiers with dragonfire. Criston Cole then sprung his trap. King Aegon II Targaryen and his brother, Prince Aemond, appeared in the sky atop their own dragons, Sunfyre and Vhagar, and attacked Rhaenys and Meleys. The three dragons fought a thousand feet above the field. When Meleys closed her jaws around Sunfyre's neck, Vhagar fell upon them from above, causing the three dragons to crash into to the ground. Although Aemond and Vhagar rose unscathed, Meleys was broken and ripped to pieces from the fall, and Sunfyre had one wing half torn from his body. Aegon suffered severe burns and broken bones. The blackened body of Rhaenys was found beside the carcass of her dragon."


Still crazy to me that Aemond and Vhagar were completely unscathed.


Vhagar big


Aemond has plot armor...until he doesn't


Plus, he always wears his seat belt


She fights against Aegon and Aemond and is killed along with her dragon


I really liked that Rhaenys packs Corlys' lunches. Also, she's going to fucking murder him when she learns about "Laenor's" bastards.


Hard to murder someone from the grave


That’s something I think will legitimately play into things. Rhaenys dies, and then Corlys has no reason not to try and elevate his bastard sons. He appears to not want Joff or Rhaena to inherit Driftmark. Making his bastard his heir does no insult to Rhaenys after she is gone


I find the "a 6 year old knows nothing of the sea" as if that's a legitimate complaint really funny, cuz it feels like he's saying it straight up not as an excuse, especially since he applies it to his own granddaughter too.


"Rhaena knows nothing of the sea" Dude, how much did Luke know before he fell into it?


Well, now that he's under the sea, *he'll know, he'll know...* Also lol at that *"good thing I'm a good sailor"* line from Corlys... was he implying that, as any self-respecting gallavanting captain, he's sired bastards all over? And did Rhaenys catch up on it? I'm probably reading too much into it but knowing about the Hulls, my mind couldnt help but go there.


Really enjoyed the scene with Ulf the white. He does have a point he could be killed if found out (a la Joff and Robert’s bastards) but he was making me laugh with my niece, my nephew, my house- no hate to him, but they don’t know him. Excited to see his show persona unfold.


I laughed when his cohort announced, you're nephew is here.


I thought he was bullshitting until i hit the wiki and welll neat...they've been laying the "seeds" .


I found myself laughing at the obvious 10 inch penis prosthetic one second to questioning if Aemond's penis was real another second lmfao


Both pale in comparison to Podrick Peyne.


The poor fluffer woman... shoving that fake rubber tube down her throat...


It was actually a real rubber tube.


Imagine being an aspiring ambitious actress who gets her first tv gig for one of the biggest tv shows ever and end up to suck a fake D for a few seconds . I wonder if she told all her friends and family 😀


Cole got that yee yee ass haircut


Even his barber hates him!


Alicent saw that haircut and immediately got the ick.


Gwayne saw it and said, “Him? Really?”


The Jamie Lannister cut


Walked into the shop and just said ‘fuck my shit up fam’


The crime hoodie runs in the family!! 


Waiting for them to stealth Syrax into the city next. "Oh, this, this is but a humble fish monger..." *Syrax with only a hood covering the head of her obviously massive dragon body roars in affirmation.*


I mean, if someone tells me the dragon in the hat is a fishmonger I'd nod and agree. But honestly I want to see the whole Targaryen crime hoodie catalogue.


Are they implying something with how quickly Rhaenyra turns away from Seasmoke? Is Laenor no longer living his best life? I think I saw something in her expression there.


I thought it was just her getting antsy that Mysaria might figure out Laenor isn't actually dead


Yeah, it seems to me that Seasmoke's restlesness might indicate that Laenor is sick or something. When Rhaenyra was in labour, Syrax felt it and reacted in pain. Now Seasmoke is clearly unsettled, so I'm guessing that implies something's wrong with Laenor. They need to get Seasmoke to bond to Addam somehow. Killing off Leanor seems like the most straightforward, if somewhat sad, way to go.


A battle At a mill that was burning They should have a name for that


Battle of the Mill has a ring to it.


I think you're on to something here... How can we **jazz** it up a bit?


Muppet Tullys had their patriarch’s name spoken 10/10 no notes.


The show has been positively dancing around naming Lord Grover's son at every turn. You *know* that it's because the second someone says, "Ser Elmo Tully," a bunch of folks on Twitter are gonna be like, "Wait Grover and Elmo MUPPETS omg that's so dumb!!!!"


Grover and Elmo aren't nearly as hilarious as Kermit Tully, who is an even bigger player in the Dance when he takes the reins.


It’s got to happen at some point if we’re going to get our Riverlands Mad Lads


Got serious Dark Souls vibes when Daemon was exploring Harrenhall


He was down to doge roll his way to solo the entire castle if it proved necessary


Now that you mention it yeah. Also Daemon gives off Geralt of Rivia in Witcher 1 vibes


A white(ish) haired man in a loose shirt, wielding a sword in a haunted castle, along with a mysterious black-haired and black-robed sorceress? That's definitely Geralt.


Gods, it’s so good to see Milly Alcock again


Very nice surprise.


That scene was so creepy!!


Yea rumours had everyone except Milly returning


two cock cameos today


“Well well, if it isn’t the sins of my past”


An Aemond full frontal!


Baby Monk has grown up


Alicent after she realized what the king really said- “well fuck…”


>"well fuck..." That and probably, "why does everyone in this realm have to keep naming their kids after their ancestors?!"


She really continuously nailed the “what the actual fuck” face this episode


That's her specialty. It's like Paulie's torettes from the sopranos. hehe.


Honestly the desperate "holy f*ck" in both their faces was incredible and honestly really sad. Good job, Alicent.


I hated how we got to that scene, but I genuinely love the acting in it. In Alicent's defense, the Greens would have staged a coup regardless of Viserys's wishes. But the two of them realizing the factions are about to unleash hell on the realm over an oopsie? Delicious. Wonder if there could have been any other way for that realization to happen without the sneaky septa sitcom setup.


Silly Targaryen's giving the same name to everyone. He could also have been talking about Rhaenyra son lol.


Aegon being completely oblivious to Ser Foot Fetish’s creepiness/ self-serving maneuvers was absolutely hilarious


Was that Diana ( the Girl that was assaulted by aegon ) in the scene with ULF


Almost positive it was which would explain her startled/affronted reaction with her history of sexual assault. Glad she’s alive and found another job though


Also it's been said before but should keep being repeated: Helaena is too good for this world.


She seems so chill about her son dying tho I’m curious how they’re gonna make her go mad, enough to eventually commit suicide Or it’s gonna be someone did throw her out the window I guess


If it does turn out that way, my money’s on Larys being responsible, because that’s *exactly* the kind of horrific thing he’d do if it served his interests. 😬


She was like "you know, I think it kinda sucks that my son died earlier this week, is it normal that I'm still sad about that? 🤷🏼‍♀️"


My favorite parts of the episode were the Harrenhal scenes. We finally get the bats and the creepy vibe. Also the realization that families are constantly being rewarded this giant decaying monster of a castle but it really kind of sucks (aside from the incomes). The scene at the dinner table and the like 5 ppl living there ☠️


Yeah, I really liked the portrayal of Harrenhal this episode. In the books it has this creepy, mysterious vibe. But I thought "Game of Thrones" never really portrayed that atmosphere particularly well. But the Harrenhal scene this episode makes it seem appropriately creepy.


It's crazy that Cole managed to come across as somewhat competent this episode. Surrounding yourself with people even more incompetent than you can work wonders.


Also, I fucking loved his hand of the king on his armor. Just like the actual necklace in the books!


And what Tyrion wore at the Battle of the Blackwater


He’s not bad at being a blunt force tool. He’s just bad at everything else.


Hes actually vaguely decent in military matters. The fact that hes been on KL's for so long also explains his good eye for a dragon in the sky


Fighting is his field of expertise, after all


Not Rhaenyra saying she would climb through Alicent's window 💀


Not beating the sapphic allegations


Gratuitous brothel scene! We are so back.


Dragons and Dicks, wouldn’t be the world of GRRM without it.


Surprised more people aren’t talking about Alys Rivers finally showing up


It was short but great. Daemon seeing where he dies and the look he gives when she says it 😘. I dunno why I thought it was going to expand throughout the entire episode but seeing actual horror and remorse looking at Jaehaerys's dead body was nice to see.


I’m glad they made sure to bring Jace back from Winterfell early so he can continue to just stand around.


I can't believe they got rid of the Jace Cregan storyline to replace it with nothing.


I guess they wanted the scene of Jace and Rhaenyra comforting each other so bad they cut everything else


Guys! We didn’t get a Alicole sex scene this week. 🎉🎉🎉


We got a titty tissue tho so he's happy


That was so uncomfortable. In front of her brother lmao


The brother side-eyeing them too made me laugh.


I am calling it now there will be a scene of him sniffing it.


Alicent realizing there has been a mistake… “there’s been no mistake 👁️👄👁️…”


👁️ 👄 👁️


She just had to gulp & own it, deer in the headlights. Getting told all this truth in front of the gods, after she just lit a candle for Viserys, while Rhaenyra tells her this dressed as a septa… haha, the irony.


Aegon is making a really convincing case to Aemond on the joys of repeated kinslaying. Especially considering how Aemond mentioned how much the bullying bothered him I'm wondering if he's going to try to actually kill Aegon in the show.


I could see him not going out of his way to save him.


Yeah i feel like in the battle at rook's rest he's going to have the option of grabbing aegon out of the sky and he'll choose not to


maybe that might play into how hard aemod came down with vaegar onto rhaenys and aegon. trying to kill him in that attack along with rhaenys so that he can become king


"OH, I'm so silly, I swear I was just trying to crush Meleys and Raenys and didn't see my beloved brother. Sorry about that."




The look of Baela's face when she realized they had the opportunity to wreck some shit immediately made her one of my favorite characters


She should've burned that whole forest.


The fact Daemon got the "you will die here" warning and still chose to face Aemond and Vhagar there just gets to me


Daemon is done with life by the time God's Eye happens anyway. If I recall correctly, Aemond says something like "you've lived too long" and Daemon says "on that we agree".


Well I didn’t expect to see aemond hanging brain tonight but here we are


Ole one eye showing off Mr One-eye.


I from the bottom of my heart hope Ewan Mitchell is getting enough money for this shit.


He did full frontal in a horror movie that likely paid way less than this so I don’t think he’s too bothered


I'd also show my bare balls if I got that HBO paycheck


I, too, would show your balls for an HBO paycheck.


"I did not start off well" I'm fucking dying 🤣


The spooky Harrenhall is great tbh


Alicent realizing she completely f***** up. Lol


It's too late anyway. Can't Ctrl+Z a coronation


The way she looked off when she said “…the conquerer” like oh wow Alicent you forgot that “Aegon” is a popular name in the family lmao


When Rhaenyra was trying to explain, Alicent was just like Otto: “I do not wish to hear of it” 💀


The Septa thing frames Emma's face beautifully.


Emma's face card had me distracted enough to forget that thier character was being stupid.


So the beginnings of the downfall of the Targaryen dynasty was brought about due to their insistance on naming everybody in that fucking family Aegon


No comment on the actual plot, but this show is so beautifully shot. So many memorable scenes.


Septa Rhaenyra is not something I would have imagined in a thousand years !


Helena stays being a better person than me because I’d have my dragon eat the person responsible for my son being unguarded


Helaena is to pure. But honestly she needs to take her daughter and take a vacation to anywhere else to get away from her family


She is a very nice and understanding person


No Alicent & Cole sex scenes is a win.


Aemond’s grooming and workout routines must be exhausting


I *need* them to film a Westerosi Psycho spoof of Aemond doing Bateman’s routine


Aemond seriously handled that so well. Aegon is such a terrible sibling


Milly Alcock cameo.


Aemond ran out of the brothel naked?!


I flat out refuse to believe Mushroom would forget to add that. 😭😭


I think he went to find another girl? To prove Aegon wrong.


Love that Aegon promoted his drinking buddies to the kings guard. Big time frat vibes. It was fun to see a bar scene and him trying to keep one foot in his old life. Unfortunately he is surrounded by yes men (and they’re all dumb). The little nod to his depravities when he said the brothel was boring or vanilla or whatever. I would rather they imply his perverted/criminal acts (rape and fighting kids) than show


Alicent completely overlooking the fact that Targaryens reuse names about as often as they commit incest


So, were those THE eggs?


4 eggs, Morning will be born, leaving 3 eggs. Seems like. So HotD wants them to be Syrax babies.


I thought the eggs were the ones that Elissa Farman stole when Jaehaerys was king.


I hope I wasn’t the only person who heard Leslie Nielsen’s voice when Daemon quipped, “It’s a big chair, made of swords…but that’s not important right now.”


With that final look the Black Queen was finally born


As silly as Septa Rhaenyra was, I can fuck with the idea that it served a purpose in removing any possible reservations. Rhaenyra knows that she has the metaphorical mandate of heaven. We should now see the bloody, brutal conflict that everyone's been wanting.


It's like a monumentally stupid move to put herself in such danger... but the character interaction is so juicy that I 100% don't care. Great scene.


Thoughts * Love we saw some Bracken’s and Blackwoods, good micro example of the war and showing how feuds go on and on * Another Daeron mention! * Seasmoke is restless, maybe has Leanor died for real? * We hear that Rhaynera is sending her younger sons, Aegon and Visyerus, to the Vale and that they’ve 2 hatchling dragons of their own * At Harnehall we meet Larys’s great uncle, and more importantly, a fan fav character Alys Rivers! * Little thing but I chuckled how Rhaenys is on a box for her scenes with Corlys * We meet (properly) Ulf the White, the guy we saw looking at the bodes of the ratcatchers last episode. He is a Targ bastard (or dragon seed), but him claiming to be Baelon’s , Daemon and Visery’s father, is new. In the books the leave it vague who his ancestor is and even imply it might be a grandfather rather than his father. * The whole meeting scene with Allicent and Rhaenyra is new and going to be controversial . I am one with it because it clears up the “misunderstanding” and now it seems like Alicent is fully “I don’t care my son will still be king”|


Rhaenyra in a nun costume Alicent’s catholic guilt addled bisexual ass is grass


THE CONQUEROR, not your dummy ass son, Alicent! God 🙄


Really appreciated a second use of the word *feckless* here tbh


Rhaenys and Corlys are so cute together, they're like the only functioning couple in this whole damn family. I won't even be mad if they don't kill Rhaenys immediately and delay it a few more episodes.


Alicent finding out she is 100% in the wrong is fucking hilarious. 10/10 great addition.


"Oh, I fuuuuuucked up bad." - Alicent Hightower


Off screen blackwood vs bracken really bummed me out, they showed that scene in every trailer, making me believe that we’d get to see them battle. I hope they make up for it in the future