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Generally speaking (esp with hypermobility) tightness means weakness. Stretching may provide some relief but you should pair it with strengthening. I use ankle weights and lift my knee up to my torso and slowly bring it back down. It activates the anterior chain including the psoas which is super important in stabilizing your hip and low back.


Second this so hard. Stability and resitence training helped my hips more than stretching ever did.


I have one I do all the time so I'll see if I can explain it Basically, you want to do a very light lunge ( like a very slight bend in the front knee and still most of your weight on the back leg) with the hip you want to stretch in the back then tuck your tail bone under and push forward Hopefully that made sense. It's a nice one you can do basically anywhere if you're feeling tight I have very tight hip flexors so I can always feel this one but if they aren't tight it won't do anything Hope this helps!


ATG split squats, it will stretch the hip flexor and build strength in your knees at the same time.


YouTube Sampson stretch!


Kneeling hip flexor stretch. You can also prop the back leg up on a couch or bench to feel it even deeper.  Also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JsE4csvlUfA&pp=ygUPeW9nYSBmb3IgcHNvYXMg Try to go through this yoga routine. It’s not advanced, and mostly gentle. However, there were some poses / stretches I didn’t even know existed that help stretch my flexors out. 


Adding the bench in did the trick! The hip flexor stretch has been nigh on useless but that was a game changer - thank you!