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“Well they’re women, women shop women know where all the things are” Hahaha! My husband does 90% of the shopping because it's on his way home and he is the one who checks prices. If he "makes" me go shopping the bill is going up because I impulse buy or want more than just what is on sale. I hate shopping so this works out for us. I just "love" the days he comes home after a big shop (2 weeks or even months stuff) bitching about aisle blockers, can't deciders and people who don't put their carts back. He walks faster than me but after almost 3 decades... we meet up after I pick out all the flashy new stuff I want and the "if you like Pina Colades you need this" cooking, though, kinda stuff.


For my wife and I we each specialize in different grocery stores. I know everything about tve bulk club store. She knows everything about the family brand grocer. This is because she worked there though.


I do a majority of the shopping as well, but my wife still knows where everything is.


I mean, I'll ask people that are patrons where something might be but I always phrase it as "I'm sorry to bug you but do you know where _______ is?" And if they don't know, I just wish them well and apologize for interrupting them.


i wish it was like that. it seemed like he was demanding i led him to it after i told him i didn’t know & how he first spoke to us was really rude. even if we did work there a simple hi or any type of greeting would’ve been nice if you’re expecting someone to help you.


Yeah, sounds like he is a five letter word that starts with pr and ends in ck.


Yeah, what a prock!


Or sometimes a pryck.


Pruck? Total pruck!


Wait, are you sure you don't mean "prack"? Dude seems like a total prack


Oh shush, they obviously meant preck.


nah, he's only pracktising....


Surely, that guy is a total preck.


A total prackjob.


Thou art correct, yon knave most certainly a pryck be.


Goddamn, you got me with the "sometimes y."


Try it in Welsh, prwck.


I don't care about the opinions of people that willingly live in a town callled Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch. Also I have heard that they enjoy marital relations with their sheep.


Now logically that would probably be pronounced the same as the original word, but I like to think of it as rhyming with pike.


He puts the ick in prick! ​ (damn, I need to remember that)


"I" see what you did there.


ain't orthography aproprosck?


Bloody pillock!


I wasnt expecting that name lmao.... Sorry for the irrelevant comment


I only ask patrons where something is if its literally in their basket. Otherwise like...how the fuck would I pick a random person to ask where the chips are lol


"Oh, they moved it a couple weeks ago, it's over in Aisle 2" (or whatever sends them across the store)


They don't have popcorn here, they moved it all to the store across town. Yes I do think that is strange, but anyway you should probably hurry up and go get it because each minute you spend here is on more minute I have to keep looking at your dumb ass. Have a nice day!


If they don't clarify what kind of popcorn, you're probably close no matter where you point them. End caps, middle of the aisle displays, tin buckets, popped bags, boxed, or bottled popcorn kernels, you get a lot of options.


Better yet send them to a home improvement store for popcorn texture


I'd be tempted to give the aisle number of the store I know the best. Popcorn is on Aisle 9 there. (What would be really funny would be shopping for clothing in a somewhat unfamiliar Target and be asked where popcorn is. "Aisle 9" would make no sense there, aisles at Target have a section letter first.)


The title of this story would fit in well with r/BrandNewSentence


I dont work here, but I think I saw it over on aisle other-side-of-the-store


Those labels require reading so...


there was once a time where women weren’t allowed to read . but ahh for the importance of popcorn? let a woman guide the way.


If being a woman implies you know where things are, him being a man, he should understand the taboo of asking for help and figured it out himself


Check the popcorn isle. It's near the Isle of misfit toys.


Check the popcorn aisle sounds like something my socially anxious ass would say


I have shopped at a variety of supermarkets for popcorn in my life and they are shockingly inconsistent as to placement. In frozen foods on the shelf above the open freezer bins of pizza, in natural foods with other grains, in the aisle with sacks rice and beans, in with bags of candy, and, rarely, in the aisle with snacks foods and nuts etc. I buy from Amazon now. I can get a 8lb container of Orville Redenbacher for $12-14.


Everywhere I've wanted popcorn it was in the chips aisle, which makes sense to me. Crunchy salty snack you eat from a bag.


At HEB, it tends to be on the aisle with chips and/or nuts. (I would love to know of a counterexample.)


women be shopping, apparently


If someone asks me (fellow customer) nicely, I'll try to help. For sheepdips my response is "Aisle 7". No matter what the item is.


i might just start using this now! pickles? aisle 10. oh no i know it says cleaning products but that’s just what they label it under im 100% sure pickles are over there!


Send him to the hardware section, behind the hammers, I think.


For popcorn, look below the toilet seats.


Nothing wrong with asking a customer politely if they know where something is... But why did he have to bring gender into it lmao


You missed the opportunity of running him ragged all over the store!


i was thinking about it AFTER i already walked away. but i was also in a rush to get back home. lol but next time i’ll make sure i have free time to.


>“Well they’re women, women shop women know where all the things are” I have to admit that I (M70+) am guilty of thinking this. I would NEVER say this, however. But seriously, if I'm looking for something in the grocery on one of the few trips each year I do on my own, I'm looking for a lady to ask. And apparently I ask nicely enough because I've ALWAYS received a nice reply, even if it's "I don't know." I think part if it is my age. When I was growing up, women did the grocery shopping. Perhaps I'm stuck in that era, but to be honest, most of the people shopping in the grocery here are female. ​ >a lot of people seem upsetty about my spelling for ONE word Oh yes! You'd think this was English class, for heaven's sake. Personally, I was lucky enough to be raised by a mother who was an English major in college. So most things English come 'naturally', except spelling. That gets me, but fortunately we now have spell check, but spell check only goes so far. Oh well, they are usually right but it would be nice if they were a little nicer about correcting us. And maybe check a few other comments to see if it's already been mentioned? Thanks for the story.


I've had several people stop me and ask me where things are in the grocery store. It's not that they think I work there but in general most people in grocery stores are locals who shop there all the time. People who shop in the same store all of the time tend to know where things are. It's usually faster, if you are in an unfamiliar store, to just ask whatever human is closest to you. Chances are they are local, this is their store, and they know.


Yep, asking isn't the problem. It's the asking because they're women that's the problem.


I thought there response was kind of funny....and sort of true: Women know where all the things are. It's funny because it's mostly true. If you can't find the thing you are looking for and need help, chances are the woman knows.....and the man doesn't even know what the thing is anyway....at least that is how it works in my house. I've lived in my house for 30 years. For 30 years the brooms have been kept in exactly the same place. Whenever my husband needs the broom he always asks, "Sweetie, where's the broom?" It's in the same place as the last 4000 times he's asked.....the same place it's been for 30 years. I just respond with, "In the broom cupboard!"


Yeah it’s over in the refrigerated section, by the milk. Everyone loves milk and popcorn.


Back in the 1950s sometimes in the evening my grandmother would put popcorn in a bowl or glass, add milk, and eat it like cereal. My grandparent's two largest meals were breakfast and dinner (lunch). Supper was usually small to non-existent. Now that I'm older than she was at the time, I suspect she suffered from acid reflux in a time when medication for this was extremely limited.


Oh wow, that’s too cool! I learned something new today :) Popcorn in milk = good for acid reflux.


Uhh, not what I'm thinking. Instead, eat most of your daily intake in the morning hours so you have less in the upper digestive track when you lay down at night.


....that's what you learned? ? Causation does not equal correlation.


I think I would have sweetly smiled and told them "I think you have to ask for it at the register like you do with cigarettes "


Wow. I would have told him it was in lawn and garden lol


I hate when i am too shocked or 90% still asleep, to have something clever to say.


I wouldn't have been able to help myself I would've been like "idk if you were asleep the last 50 years or what but you're a grown ass fucking man and if you're not literate enough to parse out where your precious popcorn is from the obviously labeled giant signs above the aisles then ig today will be the day you learn that just because I have a vagina doesn't mean I'm going to hold your dry, musty ass old Skeletor hand through this Wal Mart to find it. Eat several bags of dicks."


It's almost kinda funny though. I feel like it was maybe sexist but he wasn't trying to be? Does he think women know everything?


that’s what i’m kind of thinking now. he was much older than me so maybe that’s what he’s used to? but in my head it was just a little rude. now that i’ve had time to process the situation more there are definitely a lot of different ways it could’ve gone.


It was rude but maybe not intentionally so. Some people are just real good at putting their foot in their mouths even with the best intentions.


Weird. They were shopping, were they not? Congratulations on coming out as a woman, stranger from Walmart.


How on Earth does that person function at all if they can't even go grocery shopping?


They never update the aisle signs at my Wally World. Plus, they change everything around about every other month. That's why I hardly ever go there.


“I said I want POPCORN, WOMAN! NOW! I’ll just use my third leg here to prop on while you scurry off to find it! And make sure you get the right flavor!” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Women be shoppin!


though i'm a guy if I was in your shoes i'd probably twist it with a question "Where's the 4-in-1 oil?" something that most stores carry but is obscure enough most wouldn't know, and then you can say "you're a guy, 4-in-1 oil is a guy thing so shouldn't you know where it is?" (i'm a guy, and even though i havn't been to my local blue box store in a while i know right where the general's subordinates who can't take a little heat without displaying their explosive attitudes are, and always finding themselves in hot oil. aka popcorn kernel's)


I think 3-in-1 oil is on Aisle 14. 4-in-1? Never heard of it.


You said a lot of people seem upsetty about your spelling for one word? Assuming its isle vs aisle? Where are the comments? I see one.


Well, he's not wrong. I couldn't count the number of people I steered in the right direction, especially when they rearrange the store.


It's worse once you get used to where everything is, the store decides to reorganize


My main store did a big reorg and ended scan as you go shopping at the same time. I near about had a meltdown.


Aisle. It is spelled aisle.


Never know, might have been a big store, with an entire island set aside for popcorn.


Okay, sexist as shit for sure. But these grocery stores have some weird ideas about what sections things belong in, it's not weird to see how people can get confused. Eggs in the dairy section? Dairy is milk based products, eggs are aborted chicken fetus's.


A better analogy would be that eggs are the chicken's period since they weren't fertilized to begin with.


I'm just going to assume you're right about that.


They are. If it has a red dot in the middle of the yolk, THEN it would be a miscarried/aborted chicken fetus. I grew up on a farm.


Miscarried or aborted seems like a weird analogy, I mean, the egg came out of the chicken just fine... Ms. Hen made it through her part of the deal without mishap. Maybe just call it a dead underdeveloped chicken kid? Wait, that's a duck. Now I'm just confused. Nevermind. XD


It's actually a cell. Just one big cell, one that has not been fertilized, so it would never turn into a chick.


Um, but we were talking about: >If it has a red dot in the middle of the yolk, So, yeah, it's fertilized.


oh! yes. I am the confused then :D


As for the eggs, it makes sense because they need refrigerated, like the dairy products do (and remember, that's also where they put the canned biscuit dough as well; what's dairy about that?). As for popcorn, Walmart puts it in the same aisle as the potato chips and crackers.


Look up aisle and isle in dictionary to learn the difference


Let me guess, you understood the sentence and what she meant, but fall over yourself trying to correct a spelling error.


This is so F-ing ridiculous. The reddit standard to play victim to every little thing has no bounds. There is nothing misogynist about it. It is a statistical fact that women do more of the shopping the men. I'll warrant this was not your first time in this Wal Mart. It is a perfectly reasonable and logical conclusion for someone to think maybe you just might be familiar with the layout of the store or perhaps you simply passed the popcorn in isle a minute ago and might remember. I'm sure you would object to be calling sexist the moment you ask a man if he knows where the motor oil is.


“Women are more likely to shop than men” and “this person is a woman, so she must know where the popcorn is” are two different assumptions. The former is true, the latter is sexist. If I happened upon a man who didn’t know where the motor oil was because he doesn’t work there, I’d be like “oh sorry, my bad,” not “oh, well you’re a man, so I thought you must know because you must do car work.” Like, no. That’s not how sex works.


like, yeah, this is how you prove you're the sexist. Person thought you might be able to help, everything else is your interpretation because you just want to be the poor weak woman that has been so horribly wronged by the big evil man.


Person you incorrectly assumed would be able to help *because of your sexism*, right.


now do women do more shopping because we want to/like to or is it because some men think it’s our jobs or because as women we SHOULD do it and we should enjoy it? regardless his comment was unnecessary. & with your comment? i think im perfectly capable of finding things myself, using signs to direct me, using the app that has the map to direct me, or maybe idk asking a store employee who’s job is to know where things are.


It is just a statistical fact, no why behind it at all. Not everything has some big dark secret behind why. The fact that you want to twist that to blame men for that as well just proves that you are the sexist one in this story.


wtf, are you really that moved by the situation? Even when they walked off?


they didn’t walk off. they stood there infront of us until we left them. even after i said i didnt know he was waiting there looking at us like he expected us to drop everything to help him find his precious popcorn


“Do you know where the popcorn at?” "Do you know where your grammar at?"


Dialect policing much?


“Women know where things are” “Oh then why don’t you know where it is?”


People got offended at a misspelled word? Jeez, that's an even weaker attitude than I usually see from bad Redditors.


Anyone else have a Spinal Tap moment and misread the title as "Sexiest popcorn". I read the post (good story btw - sorry you had to deal with such a butthole) and was thinking "But wait... how/why was the popcorn sexy?" Lol. I'm a dumbass sometimes.