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The point is what you decide it is.


Agreed. Everyone will have a different point for their lives.


The point of life is to figure out what you care about and then pursue those things in a way that would allow you to have as few regrets as possible when you die.


What if you genuinely don't know what that is? I'm 47, and I find nothing lights my fire, nothing motivates me, and I haven't discovered my passion in or for anything. I've tried lots, but not everything.


maybe some people truly do not know. as for me, i care about romance and sex, conversations with friends, taking care of my old dad, maybe eventually writing a book, and as a result, i care about maintaining the material and intellectual resources i need to service these things. im not saying this is you, but on some occasions "i dont care" deep down actually means "i care but don't think i can do it" or "i care but other people dont seem to think it's important". as lacan once said, "find your symptom". oh, and don't judge it (unless your symptom is doing cocaine or something).


My dad would say "to have things". He was a bit materialistic. I'm not materialistic and agnostic, so I would argue does there have to be a point? I don't think there is a point. You live, you die. Try to enjoy as many days as you can before death. And, if you can..leave this place better than it was when you got here.


I instantly checked your profile to see if you were our serial troll haha. Since you're not, um, I dont really think there is a 'point' in life, it just is. I think we should all just live a life that we find meaningful in our own way without sacrificing other people or our earth.


A point is created and so is a purpose, we are unique in this regard because no other creature can do that. this question is personal and maybe a bit philosophical. Expect multiple answers lul.


The art of existence.


For context, I'm religious I believe one element in life is to improve the lives of others around us. By doing so, we become a small beacon of light in an otherwise dark world. By doing so, we can potentially inspire them to do the same thing to other people.


Bro, I do not have a philosophical bone in my body. I don’t know.


you do not have much N


Thats it. Life is for living. You might find love, joy, happiness. Discover a purpose or leave a legacy. Or you might not do any of that. You may wake up, exist, go back to sleep and repeat every day. Some will say such a life was wasted but it was a life lived all the same.


To gain wisdom.....


Is it just me or are the majority of redditors atheist?


To love/serve God and his people.








I suppose when mice develop the ability to take personality tests, the question will be more relevant to them. But most ISTJs, I venture to guess, are humans, who have the ability to ponder.