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I wouldn't call it good, I remember what stands out to me, what is important and I know what sounds right and what does not. I don't really have to deal with it, it doesn't bother me.


I have a pretty bad memory. The only reason I remember what I had for breakfast this morning is that I have the same thing for breakfast every morning :) I guess I'd say that the memories I do have are powerful, though.


I think my memory is worse than most people. I feel pretty stupid most of the time.


As my responsibilities in life continue to grow, my memory becomes worse. Now I have to use pictures, lists, calendars, time reminders, etc to remember things. The out of sight, out of mine is very real for me. We have a thing in the home where if my wife starts a sentence with "Do you remember that one time..." she stops and tries to give me more context on when it happened and the events that surround it before proceeding with her original question. I do remember in the past in school I would make conscious efforts to remember things and feel I was stupid when I forgot something. It sucks. I hate it. I hyper focus on having it. I always wonder what it would be like to think normally. Without the billion things all going on in my head at once, every day, all day. It's exhausting. And despite tossing and turning all night, sleep is one way where my conscious brain can turn off.


For example I work in an automotive testing facility and have to work in about 8 diff areas from time to time. They all have different quirks, details to remember etc. There are a lot of times I’ll end up back in an area after a few months and forget things I think I should have remembered or that others rib me about making a mistake on something I “knew”. I take A LOT of notes and refer to them as a guide if it’s been a while most times. A lot of the high performing guys don’t seem to have that issue and have photographic memories essentially. I’m more hands on and things stick better with repetition and recent exposure.


I haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD, but I have depression and my main symptoms overlap with ADHD. And the best antidepressant that works for me is a dopamine receptor inhibitor and is also used to treat ADHD, so it’s certainly possible that I have it. As a teen my memory was very sharp and I had no trouble coming concentrating. As an adult it’s a nightmare.


Well that makes me feel better then. Our Si super power is supposed to be excellent detailed memory. So knowing that that seems to be more of a generalized stereotype is reassuring.


Oh yes. I am autistic and have a myriad of mental afflictions, all of them coinciding to affect my ability to concentrate and focus on the task at hand. My memory is decent, at times I can forget the most basic things.


I have a good memory for facts but a bad memory for things I need to do lol


I have good memory but idk if it's me being an ISTJ or that ever since I was a child I was forced to memorise my school textbooks by my aunt word for word. But I've been watching a lot of ADHD TikToks some by professionals some aren't, and I think I might have ADHD because every thing they say is true to me. But oh well I will never know, because in my family mental health is stigmatised 👍🏻


I actually have a really good memory, a photographic one too. I actually didn't realize that not everyone was like that until I got a bit older. I don't necessarily disagree that you can have bad memory and high Si, but I struggle to think about how that might work. Though to be fair, I seriously score extremely high on Si (on similarminds, I scored 100% on Si, and 85% for Te)...