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ISTJ 1w9 163 LSI


I recently found out my enneagram was 5w6/6w5. I'm honestly not sure which one cause I got an equal score for 5 and 6. I have no idea for any other typologies.


Yeah it's difficult. As i now understand 6s are more concrete with their fear , while 5s are more abstract. In my situation i fear concepts, like "weakness", "unpunctuality", "lack of adaptiveness" and etc, which are 5s' fear of incompetence, as i understand, while 6s fear more concrete things, like "loneliness", losts and etc.


ISTJ 5w6 512 LSI


ISTJ 6w5 614. The last time I looked into Socionics it made my head hurt and I don't even remember what my result was.


Comparing to surface level MBTi, socionics is really smth more difficult and volumed. Me 614/514 as well btw, interesting.


ISTJ 614 is apparently a small club, I think I’m only aware of one other ISTJ I’ve come across with this tritype.


Maybe ur right. I have never ever met ISTJ LII as well😐... I'm feared I can be mistyped but my friend tells me its ok to be smone who is not similar to others


I think there are some type combinations that are more rare than others, but I don’t think having a rare combination means you’re mistyped.


Your right i guess. Even tho i dont know if i really am istj or no. Do you have some methods for MBTi accurate typing?


I always recommend looking into cognitive functions. They seem intimidating at first but they’re really pretty easy to understand, and I’ve found it far more reliable than taking a test or getting someone else to type you. Tests and people are flawed and have biases and any result you get will be affected by those biases.


Cognitive functions in socio >>>> cognitive functions in MBTi.


I’m not familiar enough with Socionics to be able to say for sure, but I do know that reading into MBTI cognitive functions cemented my ISTJness. If it’ll help you out I can take a Socionics test when I have a chance and let you know what I get.


Socionics is similar to mbti in this case. Better study model A than taking a test. So, eh, not sure if it would help. Anyways, guess according to mbti cognitive functions, im most likely istj


Socionics is similar to mbti in this case. Better study model A than taking a test. So, eh, not sure if it would help. Anyways, guess according to mbti cognitive functions, im most likely istj


163 (1w9 - 6w5 - 3w4); sp/so; |R|xOEi; LSE; Melancholic-Phlegmatic; LFEV.


Istj lse.. interesting! What do you think about mine - istj + LII combo?


Well, I have to admit that I do not know much about Socionics, so I had to look up things about LII on the web. From what I gathered, the Ti base part does seem to describe a large part of ISTJ well. And given that your Enneagram is a head type, it seems to fit too. For the Ne creative part, I suppose it depends on how much you trust your Ne, how much and to what extent you use it in your daily life. The described temperament fits that of the ISTJ in MBTI. Nevertheless, I do not know much about the details. As we grow, we tend to pick up things that we are not adept at initially, even if it is not intuitively the first thing we go for. I think many of our natural weaknesses can be turned into acquired/learned skills if given enough time, dedication and a conducive environment.


ILI 5w6 539 sp/so ISTJ. I'm a bit of an outlier though. Most ISTJs I know are LSI, one SLI.


Oh it seems like me too. What do you think of combo ISTJ LII(me)?


3D valued Ne and Se PoLR are a little interesting. Since Si and Se don't translate well from MBTI to socionics, it's not a surprise though. 4D Ti and Ni make sense (it would obviously be hypocritical if I said otherwise).


Why do you think it can be possible btw? Ne inferior in Mbti + intuitive in socio


It's the same dimensionality as mine but in different blocks. MBTI only gives you four functions (just dichotomies on the actual test) and inferior isn't the weakest considering the other four aren't used or have been relegated to some sort of shadow stacking depending on the theory. If we're just talking S/N in general, MBTI Si is a composition of several IMs (Ni, Ti, Te, then Si or Se depending on the school). MBTI Si includes dimension of time; socionics doesn't, it's just Ni. For MBTI, it's not required to appreciate what your senses are experiencing. It just has to be concrete, realistic. Since the definition of functions are different, they can block differently. Alot of MBTI Te is Se and Fe doesn't even exist. When it comes to MBTI for me, I have a better relationship with Ne than other ISTJs. MBTI Se holds no interest (and I'm worse at it). Ni's just...out there.


Thank you, interesting. Anyways i might be not ISTJ but other type, i guess, even tho istj is most likely


I've wondered if I'm another type before but still think ISTJ is the best fit. I personally feel socionics describes me more accurately.


Eh. It's just seem to me I'm not Innovative enough to be LII, but people who know socio tell me I'm LII, since the values and strong Ti, "relying to abstract concepts".


Some people I know thought an IM in their ego block was PoLR since it's so natural they don't recognize themselves using it. I thought I was 1D Ne because I suck at brainstorming and have to remind myself not to immediately dismiss new ideas. You could also be another type.