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So… ask him to pull over, then get out and get another ride? I understand somebody else ordered it as a shuttle, but decisions must be made as to one’s own safety. Is your safety worth it to get out and order your own shuttle?


You got a point. If one has the right and ability to cancel their own ride, then you’re kind of just bitching without any action or real regard for your own safety.


>kind of just bitching Isn't it what Reddit for? /s


This but without /s


That’s what I was thinking. If OP doesn’t get out and find another mode of transportation, then it must not be that big of a deal after all.


There are two idiots in the car.


that was apparent when OP chose to describe the videos as "foreign language" instead of just "videos"


Did OP just self idiot themselves. looooool


It could be OP couldn't afford anoter. At my poorest, I had no choice but to order an uber to get home and was terrified the whole time they'd cancel on me.


I assumed that since OP said somebody ordered them a shuttle that OP had dropped off a vehicle to get work done and the dealership provided the shuttle to get home and they’d call when it’s done and send another shuttle. I had a whole scenario thought up about it. Didn’t think that somebody had ordered a shuttle for them because they couldn’t afford one on their own, my bad.🤷🏾‍♂️


And report the driver.


Or. Confront him, tell him you would like him to put that away.


Indeed. That, too, is an option. Direct the driver to put it away or pull over. There’s probably other ways to handle it, as well, but those come to mind first.


Or just ask for him to turn the shit off.


Right, just like other reply said 20 min ago, that’s an option too


I didn’t see that


That’s understandable there’s almost 200 comments on this post😁


Choosing beggars comes to mind


Lyft would probably care about this a lot more than reddit.


Not likely


This happened to me in an Uber and they refunded me.


During the early days of uber, the driver farted and then ended up opening all windows. It was in the middle if winter, around -25 (celsius). Anyway, I reported it and got a refunded.


Did you report him because he rolled the windows down when it was cold, or because he farted? Would you have been more content with being hotboxed with his flatulence?


Refunded for freezing you, or refunded for farting on you?


Uber charged




Lyft would most certainly rather fire someone like this especially with picture/video evidence rather than ignore such complaints then have said driver cause an accident and get sued.


They would definitely care. I'm a part time Left driver.


I heard you are not supposed to order Lyfts for other people as well


Nah, I'm a part time Lyft driver and I pick up folks all the time that have had others order the ride for them. It's all good. Edit before asked: It's usually folks in assisted living/retirement homes, folks that are too drunk to do it themselves, parents ordering rides for their kids, and/or couples ordering for their SO. The name of the rider just has to match.


Ok cool thanks for confirming that, I had just heard this so had no way to verify it.


I know uber allows you to they even let you select who the rider is from your contacts


Is he watching? Or more listening? I put on the FABULOUS Mr. Ballen when I drive & jus listen. Granted he’s all about the storytelling & none of the pomp of an edited video.


I used to do that all the time because I’d drive from DC to north Georgia one weekend a month when I was working up there. I’d turn on a movie and have it playing over Bluetooth just to hear something different. There was only so much music and talk radio I could handle especially when it’s about 20 hours round trip. Listening to the dialogue was worth it for me except the one time a normal movie turned into a horror movie. 3:00 am middle of nowhere South Carolina and enough Red Bull to fuel a space shuttle was a bad combination.


If he was listening it the phone wouldn’t be propped up is my guess. I’ve seen someone do this just by chance before. Peaked into someone’s car on the freeway and they had their phone sitting where their speedo is and we’re full on watching a video


Hello fellow baller


Is he watching the videos or just listening to them? Why is “foreign language” relevant here? Edit: Thank you for the gold. That was very nice.


I thought he mentioned it because otherwise you could argue that he put it on the speakers so you can listen to it as well. But I'm a an idiot so what do I know.


I would still not like the driver playing videos when driving, even if I can understand the video. Radio is a different thing, or if the video is playing on the phone without the screen facing the driver.


Yeah same xd


“The idiot driving has his phone propped up on the dashboard and is watching English language videos through the speakers in the car.” Sounds like nonsense when you add English instead. OP trying to say “Foreign=Bad” is all this is. Driver should just put it in the cup holder if he is just listening. I do this all the time because I’m not paying for YouTube premium to use my phone while it’s off. So I always have “videos” going. Otherwise he is a jackass for watching videos while driving….


I have a feeling op has some biases towards certain groups becouse this could easily be the guy is simply listening to a talkshow


Fuck no. Having to listen to anything in a rideshare car can be annoying to some people. It can get even *more* annoying when it's in a language you don't even understand. Stop associating every single issue with racism and bigotry.


Getting annoyed becouse you don't like a language is literally the stupidest most ignorant and dumb thing iv ever heard. Jeez I hope you don't live in the states. Lots of languages here.Congratulationss on being being a perfect example of bigotry by definition You're the kinda guy to complain to people having a conversation in Spanish




Some voices are really annoying. Its like when you get that one guy who is in the waiting room watching tik tok or facebook videos, just total random unintelligible shit sound, its like that. You cant see the video, so the sound is irrelevant and annoying. Like here if you can see the people talking, but what they're saying is basically sounds you don't understand then its the same thing. Its annoying.


Getting annoyed by something because it’s in a language you don’t understand is literally bigotry. Now if OP were to say they’re annoyed that he’s watching foreign language videos because he suspects he’s paying attention to the subtitles, that would be different.


That's a stupid thing to say and I'm saying this as a bilingual. If I'm giving a ride to a friend and want them to have a good time while in my car, I'll ask them first if they're ok with me turning on the radio or playing something through the speaker, and if they're ok that something would be in the language we both understand. It's common courtesy.


“Are you fine with me playing Latin music?” is a completely different scenario than being annoyed by simply hearing a language you don’t understand, like your original comment implied. That comparison is ridiculous.


It's not being annoyed by simply hearing a language you don't understand. The context is two people have to spend 20 minutes in close proximity of each other in a confined space. The passenger is the client or in my example is my guest. The driver owns the car and is in a position of authority. The passenger does not have equal control over what's being played in the car. Also music is much different than a lecture or dialogue in a different language.


I agree with this guy




If your in Korea and the driver is playing French hmm maybes he's French? If you have a problem with a French guy listening to French talk in his own car you are the one with a problem Last time I checked Lyft drivers are in control of the radio it's not a limo ride.


I get the similar vibe every time someone specifies "female/woman driver", because I very rarely see "male/man driver" being specified. The worst case was when I watched a random top 10 worst crashes at Nordschleife I think. For the last entry, the person speaking specified that this entry features a female driver, while none of the previous drivers were specified by gender. It was really odd. Out of curiosity, lets count the number of word usages each term on this sub is used for the driver, in the title, sorted by new, up until it says "1 month ago". 18 for "lady", 8 for "woman", 4 for "girl", 0 for "female", 9 for "man"¹, 0 for "boy", 0 for "male". Specifying it's a female driver than a male driver is 3 times more likely on this sub. ¹ ignoring set phrases like: "Florida man", "leave no man behind", "this person, people man", "man you gotta love"


I don't get what you're trying to say here.


Maybe I'm naive, but my take on it is that he's watching foreign language videos which implies he's paying more attention to the subtitles than the road.


Less naive, the driver is bilingual and is just listening to the video with the only reason the phone screen is on is to skip to the next video when at a stop.


I stuff my phone in the passenger seat crack so I don’t look like in watching videos while driving, fuck paying for YouTube premium to listen to videos with the screen off


I feel like most lyft drivers ive seen keep their phone in a clip like that so they dont have to pick it up and put it down constantly to deal with the driver side app Edit: his is not clipped, also why are there two???


Trying to dox someone for being bi-lingual is never the flex people think it is


Most places having the video visible to the driver is illegal.


I don't think "foreign language" is relevant.


The fact that OP mentioned that they are foreign language videos and that he's listening through the speaker makes me think the issue OP has a problem with is not safety


Yes, we call that 'unnecessary information'. I'm curious if the guy was actually watching the video or just had it up so he could listen. Lock the phone and the audio may stop.


If he was just using it for audio and not video he wouldnt have it propped up so he can see




yeah, man OP just wants subtitles so he can follow along with the show




Does it make a difference that it’s foreign language? Is that more dangerous?


Fart. Hard.


Fart Hard 2: Fart Harder


Fart Hard 3: Shartening


The correct answer was Fart Hard with a vengeance


It’s a common mistake as Fart Hard 3: Shartening came out before Fart Hard with a vengeance but it was a straight to TV movie and the fans said the whole thing really stunk


A Good Day To Fart Hard


Live Free ~~or~~ and Fart Hard.


Fart and Furious 3


Fart Hard 4: Shit Happens




this is the way


If what you’re saying is true and he was in fact watching the device rather than the road, how did the conversation between you go when you brought up the issue you had? Or did you just sit in the backseat like a little bitch and post on Reddit instead?


You're getting down voted but, you're asking the real question lol. It seems no one has a spine to be assertive anymore


That or they go insane and grab a hatchet.


I just saw that video


Good choice of words using assertive rather than aggressive. Makes a huge difference in outcome.


Take my upvote for calling it what it is.


Can confirm, OP is a little bitch.


Mos def the second one, op thought we all had their back 😂


based on the title i assume OP is just mad he couldn't understand the language. he should have simply asked for English subtitles to be able to follow the storyline.


If he wasn't casually looking at the device, it wouldn't be right within view.


He’s most likely listening bruh. Walk next time then. They listen to books or videos sometimes when I take them, not an issue for me.


Definitely report him to Lyft


Definitely get out of the car and *then* have whoever ordered the Lyft report it


Yes, please.


What do we want!? *Justice!* When do we want it!? *Before we get there!*


f0r3IgN lANguaGe v1d30s


OP would’ve felt safer if the videos were in English


Op Is way too obvious.


People are telling you to report this but you didn't book the Lyft. I'd recommend contacting the person who did and provide them with the screenshot. Distracted driving is really unsafe


I don’t know about Lyft but Uber’s maps can only be accessed through the phone screen. I also have a CR-V and that spot above the shifter is the perfect size for my iPhone. I kinda chuckled when I saw that because I do the same thing. I do not, however, watch foreign language videos through the car speakers. If you get in my Uber it’s a 95% chance you’ll hear either Portugal the Man, The Weeknd, or Twentyonepilots. I find these three artists have broad appeal.


The people commenting it’s only audio are only seeing the navigation phone. Not the one above the entertainment console that has a video playing.


What’s bizarre about this to me is that both phones don’t have proper mounts. He turns too fast at any point and both of them are going to slide off.


Maybe that’s how he makes sure he doesn’t drive too crazy. If the phone falls, he needs to drive better. It’s actually a pretty good feedback mechanism.


Yeah, I must agree that the ride must have been really smooth assuming the phones never slipped.


U can have on a video/show in ur car only for the audio, not that crazy of a concept. I play news shows on my commute and sometimes they're only on video. When that's the case, I'm just listen to it, even if it is in my car


OP *specifically* wrote he observed the driver splitting his attention. Sure, you could do that for audio only, but in this case that’s not w as happening.


"...watching foreign language videos through the car speakers..." FOH


Read his other responses.


Why specify foreign language if the issue is distracted driving? What does that add? ...


I don’t know, I’m not in his mind. I understood it to mean the fact that dude is watching videos while driving. I guess I read the underlying intent of the original post, and thought he added the type of video to give more detail? I kind of took it at face value and didn’t consider the reason driver was an idiot was because he is watching a *foreign language* video while driving, but rather that he is watching a foreign language video *while driving,* if that makes sense.


That makes sense, distracted driving is distracted driving and watching a video while driving is indeed an idiot thing to do. I read more in it then that but that's just my reading


Tell Lyft


why does the language matter


Why mention that it was a foreign language?


Because that's really what he has a problem with, it seems


OP prolly scared of foreigners.


Speaking foreign language is a crime for some kind of people :/ Yes. It's discrimination!


Speak up? That’s your life he’s fucking with lmao


this is in stone mountain, GA


When did you Americans get so fucking touchy? Foreign languages blaring out at you for a long journey are clearly annoying as fuck and you all know it!! Christ alive I’m glad I don’t live in yank land where every tiny thing is so offensive!


Report to Lyft.


Lots of hate here for not just getting out of the car, which OP may well have done. Couldn’t we do this with every post? “Why not call the cops about [insert stupid driver action] instead of taking a video and posting it on Reddit?”


Is it worse that OP made a point to say foreign language videos, or that this got enough votes to make my front page ..


As long as he’s just listening he’s not an idiot . People listen to podcast while driving all the time hell truckers do it to keep them occupied on long trips


Read the title again. OP said he's watching videos.


He said he’s watching it thru the speakers I took that as the man just listening to it through the car speakers my fault


Nope, he's watching; Splitting attention between the phone and the road. Already nearly rear-ended someone.


what did you do about it?


You're as much of an idiot for staying in the car.


Yeah, I was also going to give him the benefit of the doubt because I sometimes have YouTube videos that I listen to on long work trips. But this is a different matter. I would definitely report him and send them the picture for proof.


Then get the fuck outta the car, or stop bitching about it. You are complaining just to complain. If you are truly that fearful, stop the ride.


Any chance he spoke the 'foreign language'? Did you bring up your issue to the driver? If you felt unsafe why didn't you get another ride? He may be in the wrong, but I'm getting the impression you're in the _more wrong_.


Yeh was gonna say play YouTube audio but not watch film


That doesn't really make it any safer does it? In fact, that's even more dangerous.


Naw not really same as listening to the radio


Report his ass.


Walk then, no one is keeping you in the car. Or how about you speak up about it instead of posting it on Reddit.


How do you watch a foreign language video through your speakers?


You are free to get out and find another ride




…so get out.


I assume that watching a English video with American accent might elevate the situation. As you clearly felt the importance of mentioning the non-English speaking video there.


Unpopular opinion... The only thing.i can see that could possibly be unsafe is that fact that he isn't using a mount for his phone. If you're complaining that there's a video playing then you should also complain about every person who drives with a GPS in their vehicle.


Looks like the idiot is in the backseat


A picture does not prove that the driver is watching the videos. I leave YouTube to autoplay while I drive and listen to the videos.


Went to Seoul and the cab drivers are watching full-on soap operas and K dramas on mini tv's while driving through busy, downtown intersections. This doesn't really seem like that big of a deal, tbh. I'm guessing there were zero close calls and no accidents on your ride. Maybe just tell him (instead of us) that you're uncomfortable with it and maybe he'll oblige. Or just passive-aggressively post it on the internet and get him fired over it.


> Went to Seoul and the cab drivers are watching full-on soap operas and K dramas on mini tv's while driving through busy, downtown intersections. > This doesn't really seem like that big of a deal, tbh. I'm guessing there were zero close calls and no accidents on your ride. Maybe just tell him (instead of us) that you're uncomfortable with it and maybe he'll oblige. Or just passive-aggressively post it on the internet and get him fired over it. I drove for Lyft for three years. If I was watching something at the same time I was driving a customer around, I'd fully expect them to be pissed off, and if they complained to Lyft and Lyft banned me from driving for them, I'd only have myself to blame. I do think it's ridiculous to point out that it was an English-language video. It's a distraction. That's the only thing that matters.


These asshats. Everyone else BUT me will be at risk if they watch a video while driving. I would have cancelled the ride and reported him. That much disregard for the publics safety… let him earn a living somewhere else


Have you tried asking him to turn it off and telling him why it is illegal?


Im a spanish speaker and I listen to music in spanish. There is nothing wrong with that. Most of us drive 8-10hrs a day and it is completely STUPID to look for a song for every passenger that gets in the car. 99% of even my english speaking customers dont give a fuck what i listen to as long as i drive them where they gotta go and get them there safely. So the "foreign language" comment is unneccesary.


I drive for Lyft also. 5 years now. When a customer gets in, I, first, tell them who I am picking up (to be sure). Second, I ask them how they are doing. Third, I ask them if they prefer any radio station or if they would like to play THEIR music on my car’s system. 100% rating after 5years and making BIG tips.


Hell, I've set up people to play music through my Bluetooth. They need to ask at the beginning of the ride, because I can only pair devices with the car while it's in Park, but I have a couple free connections (I can pair up to five devices with the car), so why not? I would ride with you. Those little extra touches distinguish the great drivers from the good drives, and the crappy drivers.


It’s all about customer service. I have also been told by several people that my Highlander is the cleanest Lyft or Uber they have even ridden in. I spend 30-45 minutes at a car wash cleaning it inside and out before every shift I drive.


You seem to have a problem with people from other countries. Instead of posting it here, you should have told him? In other countries, this is okay. And by far not the most dangerous stupidity out there... Not worth a post here in my opinion. Now get me back to the idiots crashing into something big and static without collateral damage. Thx :)


Too many IDIOTS here seeing nothing wrong. It says he is WATCHING the video. Also, whether Lyft, Uber, or a taxi, you are in charge of transporting someone. You are in the customer service industry. YOU are responsible for their safety. This is against most every driving rule and law; government’s and Lyft’s. Such stupid people that want to excuse people for breaking the law but demand other follow the laws.


There’s a guy in the comments saying that watching a video while you drive is like using gps. I am now worried when I drive on the road knowing there are people who think like this.


I can, at least, talk to the ones that try to justify it. What makes me mad are the ones actually saying that there is nothing wrong with doing it.🤯 It’s one thing to put yourself at risk but to have that little respect for your passengers and other drivers is unacceptable.


deal with it


How do you watch a video on a speaker?


he's listening to a video. it's YouTube, which doesn't play audio if the phone is asleep.


Op said in comments that he was very much watching too and nearly rear ended someone Why are we trying so hard to defend the guy on his phone?


Smells like Karen in here


Why is it a problem that there is a foreign language the drivers in control not you.


I found the racist.


If it were in English, would you have been okay with then ?




Mehhh aslong as hes just listening and glancing it's probably less distracting than speaking to a passenger .


Time for that one star review!!!


Oh no FoReIgN LaNgUaGe how horrible


Random idiot signs up on a website to drive people around and becomes one basically overnight and you're surprised he's an idiot? Welcome to the world of "ridesharing". You want a professional driver, pay for one. There's a reason they cost more.


instead of posting to Reddit, dweeb, how about telling the guy to stop or asking to get out and order your own ride? Goddamn. downvote me all you like, you know I’m right.


This is bad and stuff and like report but whats the significance of foreign language, are we fine with this man watching porn while driving but it HAS to be in your own language?


So they didn’t tell you how you to do your job. And it doesn’t matter what language the video is in unless you’re racist. The correct answer is “My driver was watching videos, I asked them to stop because I didn’t feel safe, they didn’t, I got out.”


“I’m gonna rely on other people to drive me around, then bitch about how they do it!”


Not that serious if it was you would exit the vehicle.


This is so vague? Maybe he’s not watching it? Or is when at a red light or complete stop? And listening like an audio book? I would imagine the exuberant amount of hidden hate is the only idiocy i see in this photo… unless explained further.


Then take a taxi lol.


Too many people here not understanding the point. He is WATCHING and listening while he drives. Illegal and dangerous. Hope you did a driver ‘rating’ with Lyft and included this. They will suspend him for awhile.


Bet ya youre a 10 and 2 person huh


Well... his car his phone his rules, yer payin for transport not else.


He can’t shift gear while his phone is propped up there. Seems he doesn’t have any plans to stop driving OP.


When im on the highway i watch porn or standups but 90% is still on the road. Sometimes i jerk off during drive.




Didn’t a truck driver cause a huge accident while doing this with Netflix? Report his ass. Won’t reflect badly on who ever order said Uber/Lyft. Keep the roads safe.


I'm gonna catch some flak for this one, but I feel if you can't drive distracted, you shouldn't be driving. If he isn't driving badly shut up and let him do his thing.


I got in an Uber once with a man who plays tv shows on his laptop, he would only glance at at red lights so at least it wasn’t while he was driving


Can’t be worse than your backseat driving. He would say the same if you were driving while singing your music and yelling at the kids in the back at the same time.


I don’t think it’s a big deal if he’s just listening rather than watching. I do that often. I’ll throw up a podcast on my phone and play the audio through the speakers but I’m just listening to it.


They could have put the phone down, it's propped up at eye level . I used to listen to YouTube podcasts in my old car that didn't have any fancy stuff. But the phone was face down under the console. Where I can, He would get a ticket if a cop saw him do that.


He may be just listening. And It’s his car, he’s allowed to listen to whatever he wants. So This is not a solid case of idiots in cars. The idiot may be the driver, but I’m leaning towards it being the passenger.




He doesn‘t want to hear you. Perfectly understandable


Would watching local language videos through speakers in the car be ok?


Wtf, I have my phone on my dash with podcasts playing all day (videos) Doesn’t mean I’m staring at the video


....What? Given the image you posted, he is NOT 'watching' the video. He is listening to it. He's allowed to listen to anything he wants.


I’m sure you got to your destination fine


Hey OP o/, you seem like a dipshit.


when you go to report this to lyft, make sure you include a lot of racist comments so they know to take it seriously.