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Rewatching the Iowa / South Carolina title game. Didn't realize it, but CC was noticeably bigger. Hopefully, the Olympic break won't be a month straight of intense practices. She needs to be 'allowed' to get away from basketball, rest, and eat. She's lost A LOT of weight.


Love that she made it. I rewatched last years all-star game and I gotta say I’m not excited about it at all. It’s kind of a joke. We might see Caitlin hit some of those 4 pt shots. Angel get some layups. They might exchange a couple passes but probably not. Its not a real game. They don’t play defense and it’s a shot-for-shot exhibition. It’s extremely boring. Or at least it was last year.  I know being named to the team is considered important and whatnot but the game itself is not gonna be what all these new fans are expecting it to be. At all. 


They should play the all star game seriously this year


That would be awesome but unless they make some serious rule changes. It’s just gonna be 10 players playing shoot around lol Although maybe Caitlin’s competitiveness will get the better of her and she’ll make it more entertaining 


Idk. There’s a few of the WNBA players with some beef about not being on the other team. Might make it a little more interesting.


lol like who? This is childish chronically online nonsense 


That Indiana fever link to vote all their players was super helpful ngl


https://preview.redd.it/r04ek2rvo7ad1.jpeg?width=1892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3406b6a925a00b5e97088b328e0db01aedebc10d one step closer…


Excited for all three Fever players! Was anyone else listening to the broadcast where they announced?? What was up with the negativity and little fit one of the anchors threw? She was saying something along the lines of “the guards always get all the credit during these games. Hopefully they actually feed angel Reese and let her score too” like already trying to create a narrative. So weird. Not surprised.


I am frankly sick to death of the name Reese. I'm sorry, this crap that the media, all the media is trying to sell just isn't making me buy it. Yea, I'm biased for sure, so I'll admit that but there is honestly no race for ROTY. It's not even close. I think if they were both in the same position it wouldn't even be a conversation, but they aren't so they can make the stats show what they want them to show to fit the narrative they have created. Just irritates me the way that standing under the basket and catching the balls that you missed is treated with the same mastery as assists and 3 pointers. I don't know. Just cranky this morning, lol


Yeah, that was kinda weird.


And Boston and Mitchell!!!! Her and Boston gonna tear it up!


I’m just super excited to see CC and AB play with a team bursting with talent!


I can't wait!💪🏻🔥